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SwordSearcher The invasion is from the North (2:20), but locusts always come from the South (Pusey, Minor Prophets p. 150). Locusts are similar to grasshoppers and can congregate in swarms of millions of insects, stripping bare crops, trees, and grass in their path.Both in ancient times and today, there was no way to stop them when they hit. Similarly, Passover was fulfilled in the death of Christ. Joel invites the people and the priests to fast and humble themselves and seek God’s forgiveness. There are several views: 1. The absence of the mention of a king in Joel is not unusual since Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum and Habakkuk are pre- exilic and do not mention a king either. Lament over a great locust plague and a severe drought (1:1–2:17).. The locust plague was only a forerunner of much greater judgment in the coming day of Yahweh. Outline of Joel This outline of Joel is intended to assist you in your study of God’s Word — His letter to you. In this regard, the term translated "Northern" (NIV) is unsuitable to designate literal locusts (Freeman, Introd. Scripture linking and popups powered by VerseClick™. Christ in Joel - Christ can be seen in His relation to the coming messianic blessing. May you discover His character as you investigate the pages of Scripture. to the OT Prophets, p. 154), 2. outline of the book (1:1-2:27) a. the land is laid waste (1:1-12) 1. God promises to pour out His Spirit on all mankind (Joel 2:28–29) 2. Both are fulfilled. E.J. Outline of the Book of Joel. The "large and mighty army" (2:2) and "his army" (2:11) are in 2:25 identified with four kinds of literal locusts (Freeman, Introd. Locusts affect crops for one year; this army affects it for more than one year (2:25). The Joel passage found fulfillment in Acts 2. Desolation, 1:2-2:17 A. His name means “Yahweh is God.”. The warning concerning the day of Yahweh, III. The name Joel means "Yahweh is God." These were the Phoenicians, Philistines, Greeks and Sabeans (3:4-8). Elsewhere Ryrie has said that Peter used Joel 2 as a homiletical device to draw people's attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit, not drunkenness, explained what they had seen and to urge people to call on the name of the Lord (Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21) (Charles Ryrie, "The Significance of Pentecost," Bib. Content. Therefore, now is the time for repentance (2:12- 17). In this video I present a general summary of the book of Joel. 1) is the occasion for Joel's prophecy. Finally, it should be noted that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Joel will be fulfilled after Israel's national repentance. Different authors assign to his prophecy different dates, but the prevailing opinion is that he prophesied in the reign of Uzziah, nearly 800 B. C. This invasion of locusts destroys everything—the fields of grain, the vineyards, the gardens and the trees. The land was not productive (1:8-10); rather, drought conditions prevailed (1:11-12). The assault includes the city and its houses, whereas locusts attack only vegetation (2:9). This parallels Ezekiel 36:25-27, where the prophet prophesied the future ministry of the Spirit in promoting obedience to the decrees of God. Chapter 2: The Day of the Lord begins. This outline of Joel is intended to assist you in your study of God’s Word — His letter to you. God calls Judah to repent (Joel 2:12–17) 3. A severe insect plague. However, the law of double reference must here apply for Joel's main subject is to call the people to repentance in view of the impending "Day of Yahweh," in which Yahweh will sovereignly call His people to repentance during a time of unique astronomical signs (2:10, 30, 31). Expositional Outline of Joel: I. Joel's description fits the locust plague very well, 3. Website HTML, editorial descriptions, and images ©2020 StudyLamp Software LLC. It should be rejected because the context of Joel is millennial, and the Spirit simply was not poured out on all flesh as Young assumes (Freeman, Introd. They are not to be repeated. The Character of the Desolation, 1:2-12 B. This fulfillment of Joel 2, in its larger context, will take place at a later time at the end of the Tribulation and will usher in the millennium and be accompanied by the signs in the heavens as seen in the seven bowls of the wrath of God (Rev. 112 [October-December 1955]:334). Joel was written because of a locust plague (described in chap. The book is … Joel provides a framework for later prophetic development of the theme "day of Yahweh" (the LORD). Joash was in seclusion for those years and, even after 835 B.C., was ruling under the regency of the high priest (2 Chron. Joel 3:16 is quoted in Amos 1:2; Joel 3:18 is quoted in Amos 9:13; and Joel 1:15 is quoted word for word in Isaiah 13:6 (E. B. Pusey, The Minor Prophets, 2 vols., 1:143-46). We know almost nothing about the prophet Joel. He prescribes a solemn fast … Joel 3:16 is quoted in Amos 1:2; Joel 3:18 is quoted in Amos 9:13; and Joel 1:15 is quoted word for word in Isaiah 13:6 (E. B. Pusey, The Minor Prophets, 2 vols., 1:143-46). OUTLINE OF JOEL I. Further, the locusts are always driven in the direction of the wind, not in two different directions as this army will be (Pusey, Minor Prophets, p. 187). Sac. Peter quotes this passage (Acts 2), and the question concerns the relationship of Joel's passage to the day of Pentecost. A Teaching Outline for the Book of Joel A study of the book of Joel reveals that this prophet provides a foundational text not only for understanding future events, but also for understanding other passages of Scripture, since it is a text upon which even other … Nations (pl.) Joel means "Yahweh is God." This summary of the book of Joel provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Joel. This invading army from the North will be driven out, part into the Dead Sea and part into the Mediterranean Sea, resulting in their total destruction (2:20). Thus, it can be said that Peter used Joel to prove that the advent of the Spirit was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and that "this" day of Pentecost was the fulfillment of the predicted "day of Pentecost" (Acts 2:1; Lev. Looking to the day of the LORD (prelude), Chapters 1:15— Most scholars date the book after the exile to Babylon (586 b.c. God sends a plague of locusts on Judah (Joel 1:1–2:11) 2. The priests were urged to lead the nation (1:13) in fasting and calling the elders of the people to repentance and supplication to Yahweh (1:14). Peter also used the Joel passage to urge his hearers to repentance (Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, 38-41). Joel is referred to only once in the New Testament (Acts 2:16-21). The Joel passage is not fulfilled in Acts 2. The Spotlight on a Recent Locust Plague (vv. This view is correct as far as it goes but does not adequately explain the relationship between the day of Pentecost and Peter's use of Joel 2.

The genre of Joel is Narrative and Prophetic Oracle. Outline of Joel. II. After all the desolation of the foreign invader, Yahweh will respond on behalf of His people by sending His Spirit (2:28-29). If Israel did not repent, there would come a day in which Yahweh will deal very severely with His people (1:15- 20). The Character of the Desolation, 1:2 … This may also help explain the prominence of the priests. These anticipated blessings of this event are dealt with in Joel 3 (chap. Peter does not deal with the final fulfillment of Joel 2 in the coming day of national repentance following the signs in the heavens (Joel 2:30-31). Joel 1:19 "O LORD, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field." We know almost nothing about the prophet Joel.

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