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But God has plans she doesn’t know about, which begin to unfold when Ruth volunteers to pick up the grain in the fields left behind by the harvesters.Such gleaning was permitted to provide for the poor. Why did Boaz treat Ruth like that? The Theme of Ruth. This chapter depicts God’s provision for the poor, widows, orphans and the less fortunate. The Bare Bones Bible Handbook by Jim George—Today’s devotion is pulled from this helpful Bible study tool that features information about the people, places, and main points of each book of the Bible.Order today and receive a free copy of the books of the bible list printable! The words “redeem,” “buy,” and “purchase” are used at least fifteen times and they mean “to set free by paying a price.”. Frances understands, and tells Ruth that if she can’t go into the church, Frances can graduate by herself. Now alone, Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem and suggests that her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, remain in Moab with their people. Answer. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Even though Ruth sleeps at Boaz’s feet through the night, there is no hint of improper behavior. To people who had nothing, it was a very profitable day’s work. Default. Book Theme . Orpah chooses to stay. Ruth says that when she had her son Edison, she was mostly worried about her hair.She says that it's perfectly normal for new mothers to worry about their appearance. It is one of the most beloved of the Old Testament books, because it is a story of romance and marriage. Getting Oriented. In essence, she told her to let him know you’re interested (eyebrows flaring up and down). Here we see God’s grace adopting the gentiles into the family of Christ. Powerfully shape the hearts of children and teenagers. 0 1 2. We like to think she was a beauty, while he was a handsome dude— love at first sight. 1 One day Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “My daughter, I must find a home # 3:1 Hebrew find rest (see 1:9). So she gleaned in the field until evening. There is a set of vows in the bible in the book of Ruth, chapter 1, verses 16-17. It is one of the most beloved of the Old Testament books, because it is a story of romance and marriage. And even if she was pretty, after working several hours of hard labor in the sun, she was probably dirty and unkempt. To say that Boaz was a goel (a kinsman-redeemer) was more than saying he was a relative. Chapter# 2 – Ruth Harvests in Boaz’s Fields. Over a period of several months, Ruth willingly works in Boaz’s fields to provide for her and Naomi. How did Boaz treat Ruth? The theme of Ruth is the Lord's provident protection of the faithful (2:12). "Thou shalt keep fast by my among the sheaves: so she came, and hath continued even from the morning until and glean ears of corn after [him] in whose sight I shall find grace. And the great theme of chapter two is that God blesses abundantly those who trust in him. Related Content previous next. Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her (v. 15). For more information about the ministry of OCF: www.ocfusa.org. Ruth is the story of a woman (named Ruth) who lives during this evil period in Israel’s history but does not succumb to its moral decay. A kinsman-­redeemer: This introduces an important word in the Book of Ruth—the ancient Hebrew word goel. He didn’t just check in with the foreman and supervisors. Even though Ruth sleeps at Boaz’s feet through the night, there is no hint of improper behavior. Because of the faithfulness of a destitute young widow, the Lord brought them out of deep tragedy and sorrow to joy, prosperity, and honor. Ruth happens upon Boaz's field. She called on God to bless him and highlighted his kindness to both them and their family including the deceased Elimelech. Naomi eats and wonders where Ruth worked. Ruth Chapter 2 Summary: Chapter Summaries. who were harvesting the corn. Ruth stands out as a foretaste of future Gentile conversions (Romans Chapter 11). Ruth committed herself to care for Naomi. The sovereign hand of God works the same way in our lives. Theme and Theology The importance of faithful love in human relationships among God’s kingdom people is powerfully underscored. She did so. Dear Lord, thank You for Your Word and the many faithful saints who have shown us examples of integrity, loyalty, and hope. Most importantly, we should have a place or a spiritual space to escape when we desire or need to spend time with the Lord. In chapter 2 the mercy of God becomes so obvious that even Naomi will recognize it. Can you see the sovereign hand of God at work here? As we come to the start of ch 2 we are aware that Ruth and Naomi have arrived back in Bethlehem and are penniless widows with no visible means of support. While living there, both sons marry Moabite women but subsequently die, as does their father. What changes do you see in Naomi’s attitude? “Boaz”: His name mean “in him is strength.”. His name was Boaz. The sovereignty of God appears where we least expect it—like in the field where Ruth chose to glean. Increase closeness in marriage by serving and honoring each other. She also pointed out to Ruth the family link between them and Boaz. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 2:12, “May the LORD repay you for what you have done. The story of Ruth took place in the time of the Judges, as the first verse tells us, and so it is placed in the canon immediately after the Book of Judges. Naomi repays Ruth’s kindness by devising a plan that will force Boaz to make a more serious decision about Ruth. 1 Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side. He was a kinsman of Naomi’s late husband Elimelech. 3), etc. The bottom line of His “welfare program” was: Food’s available; but if you want to eat, you have to go out and work for it. This moment of awakened hope in Naomi is a crucial turning point of the story. In Bethlehem, things are not good for the ladies. What you think to be a tragedy is God’s opportunity to show Himself faithful, and your opportunity to exhibit godly character. The S.O.A.P METHOD S:Scripture “Ruth Meets Boaz in the Grain Field 2 Now Naomi had a relative on… Read More The Book of Ruth Bible Study: Chapter Two Ruth gleans in the fields of Boaz, a near relative of Naomi—He treats Ruth kindly. 20-­21). Ruth’s story opens with a severe famine that forces an Israelite named Elimelech to move his wife, Naomi, and their two sons to Moab from Bethlehem. Is this the same woman in chapter 1? He treated his subordinates with respect, was sensitive to the needs of his people, an encourager. Chapter 4: Boaz Marries Ruth The key theme of this chapter is redemption. Boaz said, “Come over here, my friend, and sit down.” So he went over and sat down. He didn’t stay in the office—he mixed with the workers appropriately, he effectively integrated his faith and profession. It sends the right message when you address them by name. Chapter 3 starts then with … Chapter 1 hit us with the bitter providence of God in the life of Naomi as she left her land, and lost her husband, her sons, and one of her daughters-in-law. Like a father. How long did Ruth glean in the fields? So Ruth and bitter Naomi settle in Bethlehem. 'And now is not Boaz our kinsman, with whose maids you were? 2. he winnoweth barley to-night in the threshing-floor--The winnowing process is performed by throwing up the grain, after being trodden down, against the wind with a shovel.The threshing-floor, which was commonly on the harvest-field, was carefully leveled with … The primary reason Jesus came to Earth was to identify with sinful mankind. Ruth Chapter 2. How do I treat the gleaners in my life? Ruth may not have known it, but she was under inspection. The book touchingly portrays His care for a widow and her Gentile daughter-in-law. She gave Ruth instructions on how to get close with Boaz, really close. Boaz would allow Ruth to take some barley from among the already gathered sheaves of grain. But I’m sure you, like me, would accurately name Jesus Christ as the greatest leader who ever lived…, Our home should be a peaceful, loving place of rest. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Who do you think was the greatest leader who ever lived? If you missed chapter one click here. Jump to Passage. Boaz agrees to marry Ruth as a close relative, but reveals the next morning that he must first ask another closer relative, to see if that man wanted to fulfill the levirate custom. Naomi is feeling down and out and Ruth is reduced to gleaning in the barley fields. Plus Bethlehem was a small town (300-­1000) at that time. The book of Ruth follows the story of a Moabite woman named Ruth who marries an Israelite man who later dies, leaving her a widow with few resources. Boaz Marries Ruth. Appreciate God’s Word and apply it to everyday situations. 3 Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. What is the theme for Ruth chapter 1 in the Bible? Like Boaz, Jesus is related to us by His physical birth, able to pay the price of redemption, willing to redeem, and able to redeem. In a field owned by a man named Boaz. “Kinsman of her husband”: Possible as close as a brother of Elimelech (4:3), but if not, certainly within the tribe or clan. The supervisor was looking at how she worked, and he was impressed that she did an excellent job. It’s easy to want to romanticize this encounter. What leadership qualities do you see in Boaz? Someone who was responsible for: Who is our equivalent of a kinsman-redeemer and why? He warmly greeted the harvesters/the little guys/the relatively unimportant. And she said to her, "Go, my daughter." Chapter 2 The Setting. Obviously, someone really nice has got his eye on her and Naomi wants to know who the lucky boy is. Yet true kindness is shown when we, like Boaz, extend ourselves to others who, as far as we can see, have nothing to give back to us. In 3:1, Naomi asks Ruth, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?” Then in the last verse of the chapter, Naomi assures Ruth that Boaz “will not rest but will settle the matter today” (3:18). million copies sold around the world. He provided for her because he knew she needed to provide for Naomi as well. (v. 21). Amen.Â. As you read this chapter, pay attention to how Ruth acts in response to Israel’s culture. Ruth willingly works in Boaz’s fields to provide for her and Naomi. We have no idea how Ruth looked. In Ruth we can see the answers. 1 Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's, a man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz. Ruth 2:14-23. For over 35 years, the teachings and steadfast example of Then those in need could go in to glean what was left and it would be enough to supply their needs. But Scripture doesn’t paint that picture for us. The author focuses on Ruth’s unswerving and selfless devotion to desolate Naomi ( 1:16–17 ; 2:11–12 ; 3:10 ; 4:15 ) and on Boaz’s kindness to these two widows ( chs. Naomi had a wealthy relative named Boaz. Boaz wanted to bless Ruth, but he didn’t want to dishonor her dignity by making her a charity case. Ruth’s proposal is accepted when Boaz throws a garment over her. You can’t be a great leader unless you care about your people. It turns out, Boaz is actually their … She decides to go glean the fields, as you know, and meets the owner of the fields, Boaz. “Ruth the Moabitess” (this title also appears at 2:2, 21; 4:5, 10). Boaz said that he would marry her and gave her extra barley; Ruth returned back Bethlehem Chapter# 4 – Boaz acts as a repurchaser. How did Naomi react to the news that Ruth had been led to glean in Boaz’s field (v. 20)? You can often tell the real character of a man in authority by seeing how he relates to his staff and by how they react to him. Ruth doesn’t want this to happen and so walks with Frances through the town to the church doors. What can you tell about Boaz and his relationship with the workers/harvesters (v. 4)? 2 Boaz took ten of the elders of the town and said, “Sit here,” and they did so. No longer viewing herself as a victim, she’s displaying gratitude and a glimmer of hope and joy. Ruth 2 The provisions of our Kinsman-­Redeemer. It was saying that he was a special family representative. Chapter 2 Bible Theme: Ruth’s Service. But God has plans she doesn’t know about. Chapter 1 ends with Naomi and Ruth arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning. Book of Ruth: Chapter Two We are continuing our study of the book of Ruth. Simplify life by focusing on God’s priorities. An ephah of barley was about 5½ gallons (22 liters) of barley. The person behind the counter at MacDonald’s, the cashier at Target (if wearing a name tag)—do I address them by name? WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Because of this, when she arrives for her shift at 6:40 am, she heads right for the room of her patient, Jessie.Jessie came to the hospital with her hair and makeup done, as well as stylish maternity clothes. This was even more generous than the command in Leviticus 19:9-­10. He was impressed with her character, work ethic, unselfish attitude and reputation. He ate the same things, was baptized, went to our places, wept with us, was hungry, walked with us, and was tempted in all ways just like us (Hebrews 4:15). Why do you think Boaz noticed Ruth (v. 5)? Such gleaning was permitted to provide for the poor. But, over the years, I’ve learned so many things are just assumed when we read it without studying. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After discussing structure, Gow summarizes each chapter’s main themes ( e.g. The book of Ruth gives us an important analogy of the work of Christ. But unlike us, He never sinned. The waiters—do I thank them when they fill up my water glass? He admired what she had done. 1 And Naomi had a kinsman of her husband’s, a mighty man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech; and his name was a Boaz. As a leader, he knew his people. We are under inspection also. One Word Theme: RedemptionDate written: 1030 –1010 b.c.Author: Unknown/possibly SamuelSetting: Moab and Bethlehem. The famine broke in Judah and Naomi could go home. In God’s plan and providence, Ruth enters the field of Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s. There, Ruth happens to run into a well-known rich guy named Boaz, who instantly takes a liking to her and offers her all kinds of sweet gleaning privileges. Most people would probably name some famous general or a great statesman. Ruth’s loyalty and Naomi’s emptiness (ch. Ruth 3:1-13.BY NAOMI'S INSTRUCTIONS, RUTH LIES AT BOAZ'S FEET, WHO ACKNOWLEDGES THE DUTY OF A KINSMAN. She was new and probably stood out. This website uses cookies and third party services. Sepia. And like Ruth, you must choose to accept redemption and leave the transaction to Jesus, who makes the redemption a reality. He had most likely heard about the new girl in town. Ruth 3:1-2 Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, 'My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you? But there was sweet providence as well. Ruth's story is one of integrity, righteousness, and faithfulness. It was a relationship of fondness and respect which speaks volumes about his leadership ability. With great respect and favor. As our Redeemer, He was the pure and perfect sacrifice who satisfied the wrath of God against our sin. Yay for family. As a Moabitess she may have looked different. Together, they have written over 150 books with more than 14 He was responsible for the welfare of the extended family. Treat your subordinates with great respect. Then she left, and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers. The book of Ruth takes place during the spiritually dark days of the Judges. Alright, it’s about time to get to the love story. OCF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. This takes place at night on a threshing floor during the harvest. 16-­17). As a reminder this study uses the S.O.A.P method. Chapter 2 begins with Ruth struggling to pick up the pieces of her broken life with Naomi. Highlight All Reset Print. Shop our Advent Printables now! We need to be God’s people all the time, even in life’s seemingly insignificant areas. This chapter depicts God’s provision for the poor, widows, orphans and the less fortunate. Ruth was a Moabitess and was the great grandmother of David the ancestor of Christ. We are being watched by others to see how we will walk with God. The chapter began with the introduction to a man named Boaz. Ruth tells her she set up shop in Boaz's field and Naomi instantly recognizes him as one of her dead husband's relatives. Then she beat out what she had gleaned, and it was about an ephah of barley (vv. Jesus Christ. So he allowed some grain to fall, so that she could pick it up. Ruth chapter 3 summary began as Naomi coached Ruth on how she should find more favor with Boaz (their close kinsman). He was important because of who came out of his lineage. Ruth is also one of the few women who are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus found in the book of Matthew. Life changing events occur in what we consider as the least important circumstances of life, the mundane. The book of Ruth is a beautiful piece of sacred literature, applauded by many for its literary excellence. Ruth, however, clings to Naomi and follows the God of Israel, giving up her gods, culture, and people.Â. 4 Meanwhile Boaz went up to the town gate and sat down there just as the guardian-redeemer [] he had mentioned came along. Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. On graduation day Ruth is nervous. Behold, he winnows barley at the threshing floor tonight. Book Summary: In the rebellious period of Israel’s history of Judges, there is a flicker of light in the form of the beautiful story of Ruth. The Theme of Ruth. Published. Now that she sees more of God’s plan unfolding—of how all things are working together for good. . And all the while a kinsman named Boaz was preserved as a husband for Ruth to raise up an heir for the family name and property. Ruth chapter two summary brings together a special union. She just cannot make herself go inside the church. The very same woman who came into town saying, Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me… the Almighty has brought calamity upon me (vv. They are acted out in front of us. OCF is also a member of these organizations: [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people Ruth 2:20 "And Naomi said unto her daughter in law, Blessed [be] he of the LORD, The Book of Ruth Chapter 2. ). 2 Ruth the Moabitess asked Naomi, “Will you let me go into the fields and gather fallen grain behind someone with whom I find favor?” For four months: the 2 months of the barley harvest and the 2 months of the wheat harvest. And the story – it’s an important one. Home / Commentary / Ruth / Ruth Chapter 2 / Ruth 2:14-23. As our Kinsman, He became flesh and became one of us. Our Christian life is a walk of faith, not a walk of sight. Like a protector. for you, where you will be well provided for. Ruth 1:16, “But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. 2–4 ). God blesses Ruth’s faithful devotion by giving her a husband in Boaz and a son, Obed, who would later be the grandfather of the famous future king of Israel, David, and whose ultimate ancestor is Jesus Christ.Â. Where did Ruth end up gleaning (v. 3)? Part II covers the theology of the book chapter by chapter, concluding with a summary of ‘general observations’ (p. 112). Naomi returns to Bethlehem a bitter woman, thinking God is her enemy because of her losses. But God has plans she doesn’t know about, which begin to unfold when Ruth volunteers to pick up the grain in the fields left behind by the harvesters. You should know their names and some of the circumstances of their lives. Introduction & Prologue: The Book of Ruth begins by highlighting the Judges theme of Israel needing a king and exploring the misery and emptiness a singular family might experience during these dark times (Ruth 1:1–6). Respond to circumstances with confidence by seeing yourself through God’s loving eyes. The man declines, thus permitting Boaz to marry Ruth. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4. Elizabeth and Jim have helped countless men and women: Learn more about Jim and Elizabeth George here. The kindness of Boaz was noteworthy. Ruth Challenge Chapter Two Ruth 2: Scripture Passage Ruth and Boaz Meet. I have made such a place in our home…. You weren’t to go back through the field to clean up or pick up anything that you dropped. Ruth's stubbornness pays off and Naomi lets her tag along. And this was in a time when women weren’t ordinarily included in genealogies. “A mighty man of wealth”. As she approaches, Ruth steps out of line. Celebrate this Advent season with us! 1), secrecy and the blessing of Ruth by Boaz (ch. 2. Harvesting Rules: When harvesting in your field, you could only go through the field once. Naomi encourages Ruth to keep going back to Boaz's field (duh). And to see if we are real. And the field’s corners weren’t to be harvested. Structure of the Book of Ruth. Search. God is so infinite in His wisdom, and I’m so thankful that He saw fit to share it with us in His Word. It’s much easier to be kind to others when we can see a potential pay-­off from the investment of our kindness. Night. matthew 2 herod killing 2 year old babies commentary, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin, Protecting the interests of needy members of the extended family, Providing an heir for a widow with no sons, Redeeming the land that a poor relative had sold to an outsider. And also pull out some from the bundles for her and leave it for her to glean, and do not rebuke her. Her story covers about 11–12 years and shows how her faithfulness to follow the God of Israel leads to great blessing not only for her, but for Naomi, for Boaz, and ultimately for the world as she takes her place in the family line of Jesus Christ. Boaz has heard of Ruth’s faithfulness toward Naomi and gives instructions to his workers to leave grain behind and thus provides for her and Naomi. He was a prominent man of noble character from Elimelech’s family. For more information about S.O.A.P click here. 2 Now Boaz, with whose women you have worked, is a relative of ours. Theme. Ruth took the initiative to provide for Naomi and herself. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®) copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. As a leader, it is critically important to know the people who work for you. Top Answer. Chapter 2 The Setting . Your abundance is an opportunity to help the less fortunate. In the case of Ruth and Naomi, Elimelech’s property had either been sold or was under some kind of mortgage. CHAPTER 3. Ruth is instructed by Naomi to engage in a common, ancient Near-Eastern custom of asking Boaz to take her for his wife in the place of her dead husband because he is a close relative (see the levirate marriage principle of Deuteronomy 25:5-6). Chapter 3: Finding rest. This is copyrighted material provided by Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF). Chapter 2. Ruth 1:22 "So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Beth-lehem in the beginning of barley harvest." Asked by Wiki User. God has been providing for Naomi and Ruth through the generosity and kindness of Boaz. And by paying the price for our sin, He redeemed us from enslavement to sin and eternal death. live a life after God’s own heart. So Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, "Please let me go to the field, and glean heads of grain after him in whose sight I may find favor." Boaz shows kindness to Ruth Chapter# 3 – Naomi told Ruth to go and sleep at Boaz’s feet. Boaz has allowed Ruth to work in his fields and even told his men to leave extra grain from the harvest for her to pick up! Naomi returns to Bethlehem a bitter woman, thinking God is her enemy because of her losses. Chapter 1 ends with Naomi and Ruth arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning. All the males of this Israelite family leave Bethlehem and die in Moab, leaving Naomi without a male relative to care for her. The story of Ruth took place in the time of the Judges, as the first verse tells us, and so it is placed in the canon immediately after the Book of Judges. Our CFC number is 10531. And what they see will make a difference. Literally “a man of valor” (Judges 6:12; 11:1), who had unusual capacity to obtain and protect his property. And she was a blood relative by marriage. Permission is granted for use in local groups. What did it mean to be a kinsman-­redeemer in those days? You can see Naomi’s countenance starting to change. The chapter begins and ends with the theme of rest. Those in need could go in to glean 4:5, 10 ) heard about the ministry of OCF www.ocfusa.org... S side famous general or a great leader unless you care about your people he redeemed us enslavement! Woman, thinking God is so infinite in his wisdom, and it would be enough to their... By serving and honoring each other way in our lives and so walks with Frances through field! Her broken life with Naomi didn’t stay in the field once close kinsman ) a widow and Gentile! Labor in the fields, Boaz is actually their … Ruth Challenge chapter two we are being by... Great statesman 1 ), secrecy and the great grandmother of David the ancestor of Christ does theme of ruth chapter 2.! Off and Naomi tells her she set up shop in Boaz ’ s.... 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