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Assistant Principal Pascack Valley Regional H.S. Fun fact: Mitovich once met a presidential candidate. At their two-hour virtual meeting on Monday night, the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education voted unanimously to remove the nickname of Pascack Hills… Content The painting depicts a chapel, that the interior seems to open up before the viewer. Their efforts began in January and were completed in March. “The cowboy is in no way free of bias as it excludes women and people of color” This is honestly so ridiculous. 22002 : Mrs. Charleen Schwartzman Assistant Principal. Eligibility for PFA Scholarships if you are a member for all four years of attendance at Pascack Hills High School. He also commended the success of virtual learning among both schools in the district, while Director of Curriculum Barry Bachenheimer reiterated there were no plans to implement pass-fail grading for students. Pascack Hills High School, which is located in Montvale, receives students from the towns of Montvale and Woodcliff Lake. Hawthorne High School, on Parmelee Avenue, enrolls 694 students and employs 57 teachers. The Board voted to remove the nickname along with Valley’s mascot, the Indian. Because Pascack Valley’s principal, Tom deMaio, had also retired, the district faced both schools lacking permanent principals and began a wide-ranging search for top candidates to fill the two positions. 719 likes. Principal's Secretary at Pascack Hills High School Montvale, New Jersey Education Management. DeMarrais, who requested to rescind his resignation after the superintendent requested he step in as Valley principal, originally planned to begin his retirement in July. Danielle Garretson and NorthJersey.com Pascack Hills High School principal Glenn deMarrais pictured left. Virtual High School; Working Papers; Special Services; Technology and Communication; Athletics. Pascack Valley Regional High School District » Human Resources » Employment Opportunities Administrative, Faculty, and Support Staff Positions are available through our online system. Now, the vote is official –– deMarrais’ principalship at Pascack Valley will begin on July 1, 2020. protest along with students and community members against the removal in Hills’ parking lot, wrote the names of African Americans killed by police, Bob Del Grande on You can follow him on Twitter at @jmitovich! June 22nd, 2020 11:21 PM, Scottbaioisdead on Pascack Hills High School located in Montvale, New Jersey - NJ. Principal’s Welcome. Pascack Valley Regional High School District » COVID-19 The pandemic has introduced tremendous challenges to our nation, but we will continue to do our part … Interscholastic athletics play an important role in the educational program of our student-athletes at PHHS and we encourage their success in the classroom as well as on the field. Support Pascack Hills Athletics and get great quality custom team and spirit wear. Please follow the instructions to sign up for updates through the notification subscription. ; PFA Newsletter with Hills community updates and links to important flyers & forms—never miss a deadline. Did anyone ask what the students want? Montvale NJ. The Pascack Valley Regional High School District stands against racism, fostering an environment where no one is persecuted or marginalized. It is a disgrace removing mascots which are not a political statement. “It just came as a shock to me,” Hills junior Jess Gudin commented, “because he seemed so focused on wanting to dedicate more time to his family.” Gudin admitted it “is a little upsetting, but I know he is doing what he feels is best, and I’m still glad he is part of the district, even if it’s not through Hills.”. “The Cowboy is in no way free of bias, as it excludes women and people of color. On Wednesday, December 8, 2020, Pascack Hills High School held the annual Celebrate Languages Ceremony at 7:00 PM virtually on Zoom to recognize students for earning the NJ DOE Seal of Biliteracy in one or more languages and/or being inducted into the Chinese, French, Italian, or Spanish National Honor Societies. The athletic programs at Pascack Hills High School enjoy a rich tradition of success dating back more than 50 years. Many emphasized the yet-to-be-determined cost of replacing the mascots, including Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali. Go to MyLocker.net *Use promo code BT445 at checkout and receive 50% off a custom designed t-shirt. At their virtual meeting on Monday, the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education voted to remove the nickname of Pascack Hills, the Cowboy, and the mascot of Pascack Valley, the Indian, and assign new names at a later date in a “thoughtful and expeditious manner.”. There should be a district wide vote. Jul 2012 – Jul 2020 8 years 1 month. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “Cowboys and Indians” is a “children’s game involving mock pursuits, gunfights, and killings as though between cowboys and American Indians.”. The school is ranked 222nd in Texas and 2,609th in the United States by U.S. News & World Report.. However, according to a member of the One Spirit Club at the Board meeting, only one Native American student was part of the school district in the past five years. John Puccio, Pascack Valley High School's assistant principal, said, "The comment section got out of hand, as many comments turned personal and hateful as opposed to engaging in … Pascack Hills High School principal Glenn deMarrais pictured left. Phil Paspalas Assistant Principal & Director of Athletics at Pascack Hills High School United States 185 connections Board member Arnold Scher made a motion to remove the mascots after a nearly unanimous show of support from the public during the meeting. However, he said that Pascack Valley’s search “didn’t go as planned.”, While the board had found and approved an outside candidate for Pascack Valley, Emerson Junior-Senior High School Principal Brian Hutchinson, the candidate recently withdrew his name from contention. Principal at Pascack Hills High School. 4 Responses to “Board of Education votes to remove Cowboy and Indian mascots at Hills and Valley”. View Roseann Heytink’s full profile. On June 23, Pascack Hills alumni held a protest along with students and community members against the removal in Hills’ parking lot; participants held signs calling for defunding the Board of Education, waved the American flag, and unfurled a banner in support of President Trump patched to say “Make Hills great again.”. It is the only fair way. This is now out of hand and disgusting. A larger student population, Pascack Valley High School is led by a principal, two assistant DeMarrais said this left “the school without a principal and the board in a difficult position. Many Hills students, as well as students from other schools, expressed disappointment in the decision, calling the district “soft.” One student started a Change.org petition in favor of reversing the decision; it has received more than 1,000 signatures. Jared Mitovich, Editor-in-Chief|June 22, 2020. AdministratorlBoard Secretary, and seven District wide curriculum supervisors. Find Pascack Hills High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. For coaching and custodial positions, please scroll to the bottom of this page. Right now, there are a number of items both in and around Pascack Hills High School that mention the "Home of the Cowboys". Our intent is to educate our district community on the mutual contributions of all races, genders, religions, and cultures accepting, respecting, and learning from one another. Teachers and administrators such as Charleen Schwartzman, Hills’ incoming assistant principal, and Dr. Mark Russo, the district’s mathematics supervisor, also commented. If you seriously think the majority of people in this district will vote to change the mascot names then put it to a vote. This includes how the new names will be chosen and how students’, teachers’, and community members’ feedback will be considered. The Pascack Valley Regional High School District is proud to unveil our latest video: "Students' Vision of Our Vision" via YouTube. Pascack Hills High School LibGuides Renaissance Top 48 Holy Trinity Search this Guide Search ... Italy embodies two principal Renaissance interests. He has for over 30 years successfully taught diverse group of students and is also perfect in involving, motivating and leading students to achieve classroom goals. One member of the public said he was indifferent either way and that students should vote on what the mascots should be changed to. In the coming year, we look forward to soliciting the input of students, staff, and community members as we work to identify new mascots that will promote the values of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. The Board is planning to outline its next steps in regards to the changes at its upcoming retreat this Thursday. [3] PHHS serves the residents of both Montvale, where the campus is located, and the neighboring community of Woodcliff Lake. 1 connection. District. I couldn’t be prouder of my school. Pascack Hills High School 2019 National Merit Commended Scholars Congratulations to Lillian Zou, John Giardina, Alex Moss and Zainah Alizade on their acceptance to 2018-19 Bergen County Choir. During the board meeting, which in adherence to social distancing rules was held on Zoom, Gundersen said the board had not considered “second” or “third” candidates for the Pascack Valley principalship after the approved candidate withdrew, saying they had not ranked the candidates in such a way. cschwartzman@pascack.org BOE discusses 8th period, honors students and departing members at final 2020 meeting, Pascack Hills Players adapt to pandemic challenges with “Face-Time Continuum: A Virtual Variety Show”, Health officials move Pascack Valley Regional to fully remote instruction until Dec. 14, Jay Uhl, Hills mathematics teacher, is awarded Teacher of the Year, Research in Genetics class mutates to unusual school year, Hills musical director forms writers’ room for virtual fall musical, Pascack Hills reports positive Covid-19 test, Introducing Hills’ new Culinary Arts teacher: Mrs. Downes, Hills senior Yemie Woo wins YoungArts’ National Competition, © 2020 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in, Pascack Valley’s search “didn’t go as planned.”. James Soltmann. At the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on June 22, the Board voted to remove the “Cowboy” and “Indian” as the Pascack Hills and Pascack Valley High Schools’ respective mascots. Pascack Hills’ athletic field, with “Cowboys” lettered on the right. As the news unfolded, the administrative changes began to reverberate throughout the Hills community. On Thursday, December 3, 2020, Pascack Valley High School held the annual Celebrate Languages Ceremony at 7:00 PM virtually on Zoom to recognize students for earning the NJ DOE Seal of Biliteracy in one or more languages and/or being inducted into the Chinese, French, Italian, or … Now in his final year of high school, Mitovich is looking forward to working with Mackenzie Blowers as Editor-in-Chief along with the entire Trailblazer staff. Kenneth Ralph, a Board member, argued in favor of changing both the Indian and the Cowboy mascot. Board member Arnold Scher proposed a motion to remove the mascots after the nearly unanimous show of support from the public. June 22nd, 2020 10:46 PM, Christine Lapinski on Pascack Hills High School » Athletics » Spirit Shop. Dave Bucco. “Each of these stories [I’ve heard are] truly heartbreaking, but they are all emblematic to see, value, and seek to learn from those that are different,” he continued. Pennant Hills High School is steeped in tradition and has a fine reputation as one of the leading comprehensive, coeducational government schools in New South Wales. It is time to change the mascot,” Schwartzman said, echoing previous comments made by other members of the public. R. L. Paschal High School is a secondary school in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.It is part of the Fort Worth Independent School District, and the oldest and largest high school in Fort Worth ISD.. Jul 2001 – Jun 2012 11 years. Schwartzman, like other administrators, did not have a say in the Board’s vote. Pascack Valley High School, located in Hillsdale, enrolls students from Hillsdale and River Vale." Jared Mitovich joined the Trailblazer his freshman year as a staff writer. It's free! The Project Paterson Toy Drive is a Pascack Hills Tradition. He has helped manage the Trailblazer's social media since his sophomore year, and in his junior year he edited the Opinion section. This school year, the Board established a district goal to “advance the work of inclusivity and equity throughout the district. Expand institutional awareness, establish stronger connections with marginalized groups, and engage students and regional partners.”, With the hard work of One Spirit and the Human Rights League, we are trying to make good on a promise that we would work towards inclusivity and equity.”, — Charleen Schwartzman, Hills' incoming assistant principal, Referencing this goal at the Board meeting, Schwartzman said “we have work to do to give voices to everyone at the table. Superintendent Erik Gundersen, who presided over the Board meeting, tweeted afterwards that he was “so proud of @PVOneSpirit, the students, staff, community members and Board members of @PVRHSD!”. Leah Jerome, who co-advises the One Spirit Club at Valley, said that the Indian mascot “teaches our community that stereotyping is acceptable.” Jerome took her students to a Native reservation in South Dakota last year, where one club member said they were too ashamed to bring any Valley gear. Jared Mitovich joined the Trailblazer his freshman year as a staff writer. Originally created to analyze data from a school-wide climate survey, the team of Hills and Valley students is now planning a protest march in coordination with Hills alumni in Woodcliff Lake this Saturday. At the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education meeting on June 22, the Board voted to remove the “Cowboy” and “Indian” as the Pascack Hills and Pascack Valley High Schools’ respective mascots. “There was a perception of rivalry… We shouldn’t have nicknames that are in contrast to each other; we should have something that unifies our district and that shares we have mutual goals between our two high schools,” he said. The Official Facebook page for News, Updates & Alerts from the PFA of Pascack Hills High School. VIEW MORE About Pascack Hills Celebrate Languages Ceremony . Period. Several Valley alumni echoed similar thoughts, saying they were embarrassed to tell their friends about the mascot. He has helped manage the Trailblazer's social media since his sophomore year, and in his junior year he edited the Opinion section. Don’t be afraid of democracy. In a demonstration organized by the equity team, students and faculty wrote the names of African Americans killed by police in Hills’ and Valley’s parking lots in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. This statistic is supported by enrollment data from the New Jersey Department of Education. Principal Pascack Hills High School. Ms. Jerome started her tenure with Pascack Valley High School in the Fall of 2011, where she teaches both US History and World History at the Honors and Advanced Placement levels. It released the following statement on June 23: Members of Valley’s One Spirit Club, the Hills-Valley equity team, and Hills’ Human Rights League shared their thoughts in addition to alumni of both Hills and Valley. Let’s choose a mascot that we can all be proud of.”. “The point of a mascot is to promote inclusivity and belonging. Edit header links and footer links here. James Soltmann Master of Arts - MA at University of Phoenix. Pascack Hills High School PFA, Montvale, NJ. For more information about our administration, select from the topics to the right. The unanimous vote, which decided on both mascots at once, came after two hours of comments from the public, where dozens of members of the Hills and Valley community argued primarily against the use of the Indian as Valley’s mascot because of its racist connotations. DECA Team Members Continue Success RSS Feed Amid a global pandemic and an unfruitful search process, the Pascack Valley Regional High School District Board of Education voted Monday to approve current Pascack Hills principal Glenn deMarrais as principal of Pascack Valley for the 2020-21 school year. Superintendent Erik Gundersen pictured right. Dave Bucco Teacher / Coach at Pascack Hills High School. Pascack Hills High School's athletic facilities include a regulation size track, a turf football field named for long-time principal Bart DiPaola, four tennis courts, a combination softball and baseball field that can be utilized for soccer, and two gymnasiums, which house basketball and volleyball. The Pascack Valley Regional High School District is comprised of two high schools, Pascack Hills High School and Pascack Valley High School, in northern Bergen County New Jersey. Now in his final year of high school, Mitovich is looking forward to working with Mackenzie Blowers as Editor-in-Chief along with the entire Trailblazer staff. My guess is they would want to keep their mascots as they are. Pascack Hills High School (PHHS) is a four-year comprehensive public high school, one of two secondary schools serving students in ninth through twelfth grades as part of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States. We shouldn’t have nicknames that are in contrast to each other; we should have something that unifies our district and that shares we have mutual goals between our two high schools.”, — Kenneth Ralph, Board of Education member. twieland@pascack.org : 201-358-7020, ext. You can follow him on Twitter at @jmitovich! Incoming principal Tim Wieland and Schwartzman arrived on the scene, engaging with the protesters. The Pascack Valley Regional District High School Board of Education voted earlier in the week to drop the Cowboy mascot from Pascack Hills and drop the mascot of Pascack Valley High … Mr. Timothy Wieland Principal. It’s a fact that native Americans were settled in this area, and our town especially is being studied by academic scholars, making headlines and proving that Indian heritage is deeply rooted in this region.”, Ghassali stated on Facebook that he is “very disappointed” with the Board of Education, defending the use of the Indian as Valley’s mascot because “Indian heritage is deeply rooted in this region.”. ] The school is often noted for its 1:1 eLearning Initiative, in which the school provided a laptop to every student, teacher, and administrator for educational use. Amid a global pandemic, given the circumstances, redoing the entire process seemed unlikely.”, DeMarrais went on to explain that Gundersen “asked if I would consider postponing my retirement and stepping in and taking over at Pascack Valley for that year,” to which the Pascack Hills principal responded, “you’re crazy.” However, after giving it some thought and discussing it with his wife and Wieland, deMarrais said “things changed.”. This decision was in response to ongoing presentations and discussions with students, faculty, staff, and administration regarding how such mascots are not inline with the district goal of equity and inclusivity. June 25th, 2020 7:08 PM. The sports teams at Pascack Valley and Pascack Hills high schools will no longer be named the Indians and Cowboys. The Pascack Valley Regional High School District has been working to provide an efficient and engaging way to bring updates and important information to our community members. Exclusive for PFA members: a Phone Directory App for smartphones. Jared Mitovich, Editor-in-Chief|April 13, 2020. DeMaio retired in December as principal of Pascack Valley Regional High School in … BOE discusses 8th period, honors students and departing members at final 2020 meeting, Pascack Hills Players adapt to pandemic challenges with “Face-Time Continuum: A Virtual Variety Show”, Health officials move Pascack Valley Regional to fully remote instruction until Dec. 14, Jay Uhl, Hills mathematics teacher, is awarded Teacher of the Year, Research in Genetics class mutates to unusual school year, Hills musical director forms writers’ room for virtual fall musical, Pascack Hills reports positive Covid-19 test, Introducing Hills’ new Culinary Arts teacher: Mrs. Downes, Hills senior Yemie Woo wins YoungArts’ National Competition, © 2020 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in. Citing the decision to retire as “very difficult” and one he had wrestled with for “the last few months,” deMarrais planned to pursue personal passions such as kayaking, fishing, and hiking with his dog. Russo, who is a Woodcliff Lake resident, said that he has “heard about” the “pain that can be caused when individuals fail to understand, appreciate, and honor the experiences of those who are different from them.”. Superintendent Erik Gundersen pictured right. Do it. I graduated Pascack Valley in 1968. One alumni said her roommate audibly gasped upon seeing her Indian gear; others said they were ashamed to attend sports games during their time at Valley because of what they described as racially insensitive chants. Pascack Hills High School administration is comprised of a principal, assistant principal, and athletic director/assistant principal. We are always looking for ways to grow; we want to do what is in the best interests of our kids and those around us. We applaud the efforts of our entire district community in working to bring us closer to this goal and we are committed to continuing this work. This work is so much in the Brunelleschian manner that some historians have suggested that Brunelleschi may have collaborated with Masaccio. In a video explanation emailed to Pascack Hills students and parents, deMarrais said that Pascack Hills’ search was successful; Assistant Principal Tim Wieland emerged as a likely successor. He has been serving as the Principal of Hills High School – a Senior Secondary CBSE Affiliated School since June 2013. June 23rd, 2020 1:16 AM, Janet Cloud on Fun fact: Mitovich once met a presidential candidate. Membership Benefits. Alumni Transcript Release Form; College Acceptances - Class of 2020; College-Related Information; Counselor Contact Information; District Fall Counseling Newsletter Welcome to Pennant Hills High School where our school motto - Nil Nisi Bonum meaning Nothing but the Best reflects what we aim to deliver to our school community. Congratulations to Pascack Valley Social Studies teacher Ms. Leah Jerome on being recognized as the Bergen County Teacher of the Year! The vote came amid weeks of unrest in the wake of George Floyd, a Black man, being killed at the hands of white police officers. Our current programs have had great success and strive to continue that tradition. I guess these people didn’t actually go to school to learn that Cowboys were majority Hispanic or black with some Chinese and women. Pascack Hills High School . Ghassali also said that “now we have to pay to rebrand the school at a likely cost in the six figures.”, However, administrators emphasized that the mascot removal was only one step in meeting the district’s goals. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were zero Native Americans living in Montvale according to a 2019 estimate; Native Americans made up 0.6%, 0.2%, and 0.1% of the populations in River Vale, Hillsdale, and Woodcliff Lake, respectively. Teams; Coaches; Schedules; Eligibility; Sportsmanship; Public Access to Tennis Courts; Related Links; Directions; Community. The Trailblazer originally reported on this development upon the release of the board’s agenda for their Monday meeting. With the hard work of One Spirit and the Human Rights League, we are trying to make good on a promise that we would work towards inclusivity and equity.”. Replacing the mascots after a nearly unanimous show of support from the public the majority people. 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