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CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE ARGUMENT--THE GLORIOUS COMPLETENESS OF THEM THAT ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. Week 8: Romans 8:26-27 . He--rather, "He surely." And what can a worldly life present, worthy for a moment to be put against this noble prize of our high calling? and so far redemption is incomplete, but," &c.; that is, "If Christ be in you by His indwelling Spirit, though your 'bodies' have to pass through the stage of 'death' in consequence of the first Adam's 'sin,' your spirit is instinct with new and undying 'life,' brought in by the 'righteousness' of the second Adam" [THOLUCK, MEYER, and ALFORD in part, but only HODGE entirely]. FIRST: The Sanctification of Believers ( Romans 8:1-13 ). Try to gently remove as much of this as possible; scabs may form if it is allowed to dry on the skin's surface. though you abound with the possessions of this world, what vain things are they! 18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. But--"And." What strong consolation is here! (It is a pity to lose the emphatic particle of the original). None are thus justified but those that are effectually called. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed toward us. SLG shared a photo on Instagram: ““The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming. for it is not subject--"doth not submit itself." We all know that tattoos hurt, but here are 8 tips that will help make tattoos hurt less. Now hope means we are waiting for something we do not have. "Behold what manner of love is this?" Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh--"Once we were sold under sin ( Romans 7:14 ); but now that we have been set free from that hard master and become servants to Righteousness ( Romans 6:22 ), we owe nothing to the flesh, we disown its unrighteous claims and are deaf to its imperious demands." 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. This also heightens the feeling of pain from the tattoo needle. It denotes the first great step in personal salvation and answers to "conversion." Romans 8:18 (NAS) He Was Declared Legally Dead, But 20 Minutes Later, He Tells His Mom Why He’s Still Alive …. If you have pain and swelling behind your knee, see your doctor. There is an enmity of one creature to another. Find out what causes chronic pain and how it can affect your emotional health. B. As to man, not a tear has been shed, not a groan has been uttered, not a pang has been felt, in body or mind, that has not come from sin. "Those who He foreknew would repent and believe," say Pelagians of every age and every hue. ", Psalm 55:22 "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Pain is subjective, but here's how much a tattoo artist says it hurts to get a tattoo done, depending on which part of the body, length of the session, and more. Library. When that glory shall be revealed in us, then the sons of God will be revealed also. Romans 8:18 (TMB) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy [to be compared] with the glory that is about to be revealed to us. Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Believer! Romans 8:18 Parallel Commentaries. * [8:18–27] The glory that believers are destined to share with Christ far exceeds the sufferings of the present life. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. . Verses 26-27 Though the infirmities of Christians are many and great, so that they would be overpowered if left to themselves, yet the Holy Spirit supports them. the earnest expectation--(compare Philippians 1:20 ). No pain—no glory. And if Christ be in you--by His indwelling Spirit in virtue of which we have one life with him. Also it refers to that spirit of bondage, under which many saints were at their conversion. Ad choices. (3) As suffering with Christ is the ordained preparation for participating in this glory, so the insignificance of the one as compared with the other cannot fail to lighten the sense of it, however bitter and protracted ( Romans 8:17 Romans 8:18 ). Alas, poor sinners! The Spirit, as an enlightening Spirit, teaches us what to pray for; as a sanctifying Spirit, works and stirs up praying graces; as a comforting Spirit, silences our fears, and helps us over all discouragements. At last you must part, for you must die. Of this how fearfully regardless are the bulk of mankind! Why, what we now suffer I count as nothing in comparison with the glory which is soon to be manifested in us. (7) As prayer is the breath of the spiritual life, and the believer's only effectual relief under the "infirmity" which attaches to his whole condition here below, how cheering is it to be assured that the blessed Spirit, cognizant of it all, comes in aid of it all; and in particular, that when believers, unable to articulate their case before God, can at times do nothing but lie "groaning" before the Lord, these inarticulate groanings are the Spirit's own vehicle for conveying into "the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth" their whole case; and come up before the Hearer of prayer as the Spirit's own intercession in their behalf, and that they are recognized by Him that sitteth on the Throne, as embodying only what His own "will" determined before to bestow upon them ( Romans 8:26 Romans 8:27 )! Whom he called, them he also justified. might be fulfilled in us--or, as we say, "realized in us." For, &c.--"The apostle, fired with the thought of the future glory of the saints, pours forth this splendid passage, in which he represents the whole creation groaning under its present degradation, and looking and longing for the revelation of this glory as the end and consummation of its existence" [HODGE]. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. [Daily Devotion Mar 5]THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS, I Love Jesus but Still Want the World to Accept Me, A Christian Couple Gives a Waitress a Tip That Changes Her Life Amazing, ​He Felt The Miracle Of God’s Warm Embrace In A Frozen Gulag, [February 6] The Cleansing Power of Christ. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him that loved us--not, "We are so far from being conquered by them, that they do us much good" [HODGE]; for though this be true, the word means simply, "We are pre-eminently conquerors." Physical activity may intensify the pain, but symptoms can vary from one person to another. . Notice the last phrase of Romans 8:28. There is an impurity, deformity, and infirmity, which has come upon the creature by the fall of man. It often gets worse when you cough, lie down or take a deep breath. and for sin--literally, "and about sin"; that is, "on the business of sin." Having the Spirit of Christ, means having a turn of mind in some degree like the mind that was in Christ Jesus, and is to be shown by a life and conversation suitable to his precepts and example. but to be spiritually minded--"the mind" or "minding of the spirit"; that is, the pursuit of spiritual objects. 18 I believe that the present suffering is nothing compared to the coming glory that is going to be revealed to us. (1-9) Their privileges as being the children of God. Here, it is said to proceed from our own hearts under the vitalizing energy of the Spirit, as the very element of the new life in believers (compare Matthew 10:19 Matthew 10:20 ; and "Abba" is the Syro-Chaldaic word for "Father"; and the Greek word for that is added, not surely to tell the reader that both mean the same thing, but for the same reason which drew both words from the lips of Christ Himself during his agony in the garden ( Mark 14:36 ). . That’s the deal. 8. The indefinite expressions are meant to denote all that can be thought of, and are only a rhetorical paraphrase of the conception of allness" [OLSHAUSEN]. He was made in the reality of our flesh, but only in the likeness of its sinful condition. Romans 8:18 (GNTA) groan within ourselves--under this "body of sin and death," and under the manifold "vanity and vexation of spirit" that are written upon every object and every pursuit and every enjoyment under the sun. shall also quicken--rather, "shall quicken even" your mortal bodies by--the true reading appears to be "by reason of." From hence we see how much it is our duty to walk, not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. of the children of God--that is, the creation itself shall, in a glorious sense, be delivered into that freedom from debility and decay in which the children of God, when raised up in glory, shall expatiate: into this freedom from corruptibility the creation itself shall, in a glorious sense, be delivered (So CALVIN, BEZA, BENGEL, THOLUCK, OLSHAUSEN, DE WETTE, MEYER, PHILIPPI, HODGE, ALFORD, &c.). By Christ we are thus secured. For I know with certainty that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the coming glory which shall be manifested in us. Again, don't get a tattoo that is misspelled or translates into something other than what you'd thought. Romans 8:18 (NLT) For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die--in the sense of Romans 6:21 . The apostle, personifying creation, represents it as only submitting to the vanity with which it was smitten, on man's account, in obedience to that superior power which had mysteriously linked its destinies with man's. Romans 8:18 (TMBA) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy [to be compared] with the coming glory to be revealed to us. Every time I just barely moved my jaw a millimeter, my joints would crackle and cause shooting pain. See how the lilies of the field grow. to the law of God, neither indeed can be--In such a state of mind there neither is nor can be the least subjection to the law of God. 2 For the law of the Spirit, which brings us life in union with Christ Jesus, has set me [] free from the law of sin and death. (8) If there could be any reasonable doubt in what light the death of Christ is to be regarded in this Epistle, Romans 8:34 ought to set that doubt entirely at rest. The first promise Paul touches on is that of future glory: “I consider our present sufferings insignificant compared to the glory that will soon be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18, GW). For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory about to be revealed in us; Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise), Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. If when "my Beloved stands behind our wall, looking forth at the windows, showing Himself through the lattice" ( Solomon 2:9 )--that thin veil which parts the seen from the unseen--if He is even thus to me "Fairer than the children of men," what shall He be when He stands confessed before my undazzled vision, the Only-begotten of the Father in my own nature, and I shall be like Him, for I shall see Him as He is? 1. (So the best interpreters). Romans 8:18 (WEB) Romans 8:18 (WNT) The Spirit who searches the hearts, can perceive the mind and will of the spirit, the renewed mind, and advocates his cause. offer him for a burnt offering" ( Genesis 22:2 ); and only when Abraham had all but performed that loftiest act of self-sacrifice, the Lord interposed, saying, "Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou HAST NOT WITHHELD THY SON, THINE ONLY SON, from Me." Knee pain; Stiffness and inability to fully flex the knee; Your symptoms may be worse after you've been active or if you've been standing for a long time. The carnal mind is not only an enemy to God, but enmity itself. Schadenfreude (/ ˈ ʃ ɑː d ən f r ɔɪ d ə /; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də] (); lit. October 11. Sublime and affecting ideas, for which we are indebted to this passage alone! that spared not--"withheld not," "kept not back." I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. if so be that we suffer--"provided we be suffering with Him." 8. "If ye do not kill sin, it will kill you." You may even live to see and seek your parting. (4) It cannot but swell the heart of every intelligent Christian to think that if external nature has been mysteriously affected for evil by the fall of man, it only awaits his completed recovery, at the resurrection, to experience a corresponding emancipation from its blighted condition into undecaying life and unfading beauty ( Romans 8:19-23 ). For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy [to be compared] with the coming glory to be revealed to us. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. For I suppose that the affliccions of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed vpon vs. Romans 8:18 (WBT) Sitting up and leaning forward makes you feel better. 1. Our having received the first-fruits of the Spirit, quickens our desires, encourages our hopes, and raises our expectations. Which way do our thoughts move with most pleasure? (It thus appears that to be "in the spirit" means here to be under the dominion of our own renewed mind; because the indwelling of God's Spirit is given as the evidence that we are "in the spirit"). Verse Concepts. Verses 28-31 That is good for the saints which does their souls good. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you--This does not mean, "if the disposition or mind of God dwell in you"; but "if the Holy Ghost dwell in you" (see 1 Corinthians 6:11 1 Corinthians 6:19 , 3:16 , &c.). Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Though we may now seem to be losers for Christ, we shall not, we cannot, be losers by him in the end. does your soul say within you, Oh that he were mine! Romans 8:18 (ASV) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 21. The Apostle Paul says it like this in Romans 8:22-25: “We know that everything on the earth cries out with pain the same as a woman giving birth to a child. He that has prepared a crown and a kingdom for us, will give us what we need in the way to it. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. All other hazards signify nothing. that we may be also glorified together--with Him. 6. (32-39). It was last used in the 1970s. This expressive phrase, as well as the whole thought, is suggested by Genesis 22:12 , where Jehovah's touching commendation of Abraham's conduct regarding his son Isaac seems designed to furnish something like a glimpse into the spirit of His own act in surrendering His own Son. . Note, (1) There is a glorious consistency between the eternal purposes of God and the free agency of men, though the link of connection is beyond human, perhaps created, apprehension ( Romans 8:28 ). ", Romans 8:28 "And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. From this hope they cannot be turned by the vain expectation of finding satisfaction in the things of time and sense. And I deem, that the passions of this time be not worthy to the glory to coming [be not even worthy to the glory to come], that shall be showed in us. None can take Christ from the believer: none can take the believer from Him; and that is enough. For I reckon, that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 7And the peace of God which suprasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (8) What a view do these two verses ( Romans 8:26 Romans 8:27 ) give of the relations subsisting between the Divine Persons in the economy of redemption, and the harmony of their respective operations in the case of each of the redeemed! 2. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. In other words, "Who shall pronounce" or "hold them guilty?" I have been crucified with Christ. to be conformed to the image of his Son--that is, to be His sons after the pattern, model, or image of His Sonship in our nature. 2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that is far beyond comparison. The stranglehold of selfishness, greed, and lust has been broken. 35, 36. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?--This does not mean "our love to Christ," as if, Who shall hinder us from loving Christ? Migraines are pulsating headaches, often on one side of the head. I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us. My daughters recently put a large para-phrase of this verse on the wall of Ann’s bedroom. In this surpassing chapter the several streams of the preceding argument meet and flow in one "river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb," until it seems to lose itself in the ocean of a blissful eternity. Font Size. It is an effectual call, from self and earth to God, and Christ, and heaven, as our end; from sin and vanity to grace and holiness, as our way. Proverbs 3:25 Be not a afraid of sudden disaster or of the ruins of the wicked. The pain usually occurs behind the breastbone or in the left side of your chest. This necessity of conformity to Christ in suffering in order to participate in His glory, is taught alike by Christ Himself and by His apostles ( John 12:24-26 Matthew 16:24 Matthew 16:25 2 Timothy 2:12 ). 23. Because the creature itself also--"even the creation itself." This is the top of the climax. Now--"But." The favour of God, the welfare of the soul, the concerns of eternity, are the things of the Spirit, which those that are after the Spirit do mind. Glorious assurance! Terms under which this service is provided to you. shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption--its bondage to the principle of decay. Nay, but the great Pledge of all has already been given; for. Sep 11, 2019 - my favorite chapter in the Bible--encouraging words. That's why I don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. Verse 26 begins with a word that means “likewise” or “similarly” or “in the same manner.” For I suppose that the affliccions of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed vpon vs. For I reckon, that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. passage—in not to expect pain free living—but rather to expect the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the pain. By the Spirit the law of love is written upon the heart, and though the righteousness of the law is not fulfilled by us, yet, blessed be God, it is fulfilled in us; there is that in all true believers, which answers the intention of the law. Thus whom he did predestinate, them he also called--The word "called" (as HODGE and others truly observe) is never in the Epistles of the New Testament applied to those who have only the outward invitation of the Gospel (as in Matthew 20:16 , 22:14 ). we cry, Abba, Father--The word "cry" is emphatic, expressing the spontaneousness, the strength, and the exuberance of the final emotions. Introduction A. He, doubtless, loved to utter His Father's name in both the accustomed forms; beginning with His cherished mother tongue, and adding that of the learned. he that raised up Christ from the dead--Observe the change of name from Jesus, as the historical Individual whom God raised from the dead, to CHRIST, the same Individual, considered as the Lord and Head of all His members, or of redeemed Humanity [ALFORD]. Yea, rather that is risen again. 7. And--rather, "But," inarticulate though these groanings be. It cannot be taken to mean less than this: that the glorified Redeemer, conscious of His claims, expressly signifies His will that the efficacy of His death should be made good to the uttermost, and signifies it in some such royal style as we find Him employing in that wonderful Intercessory Prayer which He spoke as from within the veil "Father, I WILL that they also whom Thou hast given Me be with Me where I am" in what form this will is expressed is as undiscoverable as it is unimportant. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Noble climax, and so rhythmically expressed! Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. Let us then, by the Spirit, endeavour more and more to mortify the flesh. Proud member How that is accomplished comes now to be shown. (5) However difficult it may be for finite minds to comprehend the emotions of the Divine Mind, let us never for a moment doubt that in "not sparing His own Son, but delivering Him up for us all," God made a real sacrifice of all that was dearest to His heart, and that in so doing He meant for ever to assure His people that all other things which they need--inasmuch as they are nothing to this stupendous gift, and indeed but the necessary sequel of it--will in due time be forthcoming ( Romans 8:32 ). Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”, Matthew 6:25- 34 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Nor does this mean that He took our nature with all its properties save one; for sin is no property of humanity at all, but only the disordered state of our souls, as the fallen family of Adam; a disorder affecting, indeed, and overspreading our entire nature, but still purely our own. But it was not to perpetuate that wretched state that ye received the Spirit." Romans 8:18 (NRSA) Romans 8:18 The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming. Romans 8:18 (YLT) our infirmities--rather (according to the true reading), "our infirmity"; not merely the one infirmity here specified, but the general weakness of the spiritual life in its present state, of which one example is here given. But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it--that is, then, patient waiting for it is our fitting attitude. It causes severe chronic pain and prevented me from chewing solid food during moderate to extreme flares. So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' 17. I started With the Fire On High on a whim after seeing the cover flood my feed on Bookstagram. But any chest pain can be serious. Understand the meaning of Romans 8:18 using all available Bible versions and commentary. General symptoms. Those who stand out against the gospel call, abide under guilt and wrath. waiting for the--manifestation of our adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body--from the grave: "not (be it observed) the deliverance of ourselves from the body, but the redemption of the body itself from the grave" [BENGEL]. 15. the body--"the body indeed." This is the gospel call. condemned sin--"condemned it to lose its power over men" [BEZA, BENGEL, FRASER, MEYER, THOLUCK, PHILIPPI, ALFORD]. written by Women's Worth Conference. Compare Psalms 32:8 Psalms 32:9 : "I will . not after--that is, according to the dictates of the flesh, but after the spirit--From Romans 8:9 it would seem that what is more immediately intended by "the spirit" here is our own mind as renewed and actuated by the Holy Ghost. I'll Sing Your Praise,Even When it Hurts (Praise Song By Hillsong UNITED). 12, 13. Sharp, solemn statement this! What we are suffering now is nothing compared with the glory that will be shown in us. (Compare John 3:18 , 5:24 , Romans 5:18 Romans 5:19 ). and oh that I were his; that I could please him and live to him! Whatever emotion you are feeling, know that most people who've been laid off feel it too. He took our nature as it is in us, compassed with infirmities, with nothing to distinguish Him as man from sinful men, save that He was without sin. (2) How ennobling is the thought that the complicated movements of the divine government of the world are all arranged in expressed furtherance of the "good" of God's chosen ( Romans 8:28 )! In this life they are in part renewed, and walk in his steps. Are we most wise for the world, or for ( 1 Timothy. but the Spirit itself--rather, "Himself." Romans 8:18 (WYC) 14 The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. For I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come that shall be revealed in us. For which of these do we make provision, by which are we governed? When the saints act out of character, corrections will be employed to bring them back again. The righteousness of Christ imputed, secures the soul, the better part, from death. ", Proverbs 3:25 Be not a afraid of sudden disaster or of the ruins of the wicked, Romans 8:18 "The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming. 39. nor any other creature--rather, "created thing"--any other thing in the whole created universe of God shall be able to separate us, &c.--"All the terms here are to be taken in their most general sense, and need no closer definition. Feel more like a cramp, or before decreed, that answers...., l could not do, & c. -- or, `` the waits! These tips how careful then should they be not to expect pain free living—but rather to expect the presence the... Has outlined the some dates on the woes of earth ; it has kindled the of. They be not to expect the presence of the world before decreed, that is beyond! Live, but rather deepen, with the glory that will soon be revealed in.! It may spread to your left shoulder and neck as the way through you. Lord and will... 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