Concouisness and thought are put into the way these people present themselves, can bring a likewise magnetism as the square, but more subtle, more composed and put together. Passionate and trusting, not clouded in dark desire but tends to promote good intentions. Over-indulgence of money/food/leisure may cause all kinds of health and financial problems. Usually considered as the epitome of a beautiful/handsome figure/face. You understand the cycles of loss and return, and you know that the soul transcends these experiences and that love survives all rites of passage; transformation, separation, loss and initiation. My current lover my Venus conjunct Mars squares his pluto conjunct AC opposite Mars conjunct DC so my Venus conjunct Mars are the release point of our tsquare: he looked a little . It is difficult for you to stand alone. This aspect would have to learn to be patient and compromise their competitiveness of their own opinions, and accepting that sometimes losing in a debate or on differences is okay and to learn from it. Venus Conj. Astroscope - Venus opposition Ascendant - ASC Ascendant of either person must conjunct the Ascendant, the Descendant, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, or Pluto. . A focal point of cancer risings are their smiles and eyes, theyre very bright or charming and inviting - and their eyes are expressive along with their expression/emotion. When a trine forms between the two placements, the Venus person will see the Ascendant person as their ideal physical type, making the attraction sometimes superficial. Cancer rising people tend to be nurturing and shy/quiet. With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. You should not do that however, because if you drop an unsatisfactory affair, your natural inclination toward partnership will draw perhaps a better partner to you quite quickly. In addition you may spend a lot of time trying to eradicate or regenerate some negative character trait within you. People with uranus in 6th may have unexpected health problems relating to their stomach. Moon/Venus/Sun conjunct/square Saturn - Saturn person is VERY committed to the other person, they fight for them, they see their faults but refuse to give up in hope of change or just letting it go.They can't let go their faults though, but they are willing to go through it, because of that person. ^With the energy of Venus in sextile aspect to your Ascendant you may feel a greater sense of ease and self-acceptance. Need to learn how to let go of others opinions of them. In this synastry, there is a mutual attraction between Venus and Ascendant on both physical and emotional levels. A conjunction is also one of the 5 major aspects. He is of radical and extreme opinion but is rarely, if ever, bigoted or prejudiced. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as Trines, Sextiles and Conjunctions. He is impulsive and unpredictable. Juno - Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. 2.Lilith conjunct the ASC or MC. May need to work extra hard to be grounded in reality and understand that not everything revolves around them, i.e. Theres also the minor aspects but thats for another day. The Venus person also appreciates the way the Ascendant behaves and presents themselves. A good sense of self, and a relatively peaceful inner fortitude. If someone's Venus falls into your seventh house or if you have a Venus conjunct descendant synastry aspect, they embody the kind of partner you want to commit to. This could lead to scandals and such. Venus Conjunct Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - I hope youre having a nice day! Gemini venuses friendship to lover trope or having crushes on their friends at times, When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. Emotional people who feel empathic to others, lots of ppl may have a crush on cancer rising cuz their energy is so welcoming/inviting and warm. He always wants to try the new and fascinating. Just be careful not to let a partner take advantage of your good nature and generosity, making sure that he or she returns in kind. Eros/Moon There is a psychological connection here, a telepathic union as both parties bond emotionally and spiritually. However, he may also be outspoken, blunt and tactless. May even become friends with many influential/resourceful people. Other people will sit up and take notice when you are around. The residue follows them even after it all ends. Venus Conjunct Neptune Synastry - Romantic + Fantastical She rules over beauty and pleasure as well. Their style may make a statement or grab attention, they feel drawn to flashy or bold choices that make their own individuality stand out - They may also tend to wear jewelry. For ex: I have moon conjunct ascendant and sometimes people guess Im a cancer sun which is the sign that is ruled by the moon. What happens when we see Jupiter conjunct the ascendant of a partner. It's likely easy to feel comfortable to express your true self around these ppl. Social & Outgoing. They acquire information, and enjoy passing it on. Sag mars may have an athletic figure or fit figure, these people tend to take hobbies and interests that are related to movement, whether its playing sports or dancing etc. He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. Just be careful not to let a partner take advantage of your good nature and generosity, making sure that he or she returns in kind. Gif divider credit to: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, May not resonate to everyone, just take wut resonates and relates. The person is inspirational and exciting. Be selective in your generosity, and your love affairs will blossom fully and last longer. When they face and deal with their own insecurities and issues of self-worth, they may see how easily opportunities of all kinds flow towards them. If Juno in the first house is close to the ascendant (under 5-7 degrees), it can make marriage and partnership a major focus in your life. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). Venus conjunct the Ascendant.What are the effects? Sextiles are when planets aspect at 60 degrees. This aspect is known to bring out strong charisma in an individual. This connection involves patience and respect. Of course, her Sun in Aquarius Trine her Ascendant in Libra may have something to do with this. These people can be very popular and can indulge in life a lot, but this aspect can . There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics, and all that is electrical. I will make another post on oppositions and squares. He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. You get along well with people and know how to please them. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as . Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. This attraction makes it doubly easy for both signs to be tender and pleasing to each other. Cancer rising people are private about their thoughts/emotions but stubborn to their virtues in their heart. Cancer rising in general can have bigger rounder features on a smaller but chiseled kinda face. He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. May seek approval from outside instead from themselves sometimes. Eg. Libra Ascendant people are often very good looking. The natives both learn to evolve from simple minded desires and they seek new ways to grow and love. They have duality - sexy, mature and caring/loving, elegant. With venus' diplomatic/fair yet pleasant nature these individuals are nice, well composed in a sense, and the qualities of venus exhibited through their persona when meeting new ppl. Although you appear self-confident and assured, the fact is that you are not comfortable unless you have someone beside you to give you the support you need. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentally impatient as they come. Lucky with opportunities falling into their lap (money & relationships). He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. Asks closed - Hiatus - Interested in astrology, kpop fan, on and offline, Chart: Libra Sun Virgo Moon Libra Mercury Virgo Venus Libra Mars - Virgo Asc . With Mars in conjunction to the Ascendant, you are an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. Astroscope - Venus Opposite Ascendant - ASC If there is abuse of your good nature, you tend to ignore it, believing that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. And yes risings can affect your appearance or more of: manifest physically. You hope no one perceives your negative qualities and discovers how insecure you really are. You may sometimes be a little blunt and straightforward. So once they start appreciating and accepting their own self for the amazing person they are, money and luck will naturally surround them. Eros carves their presence in the mind of Uranus, making them lust for them as time goes on. You have no qualms about forming close relationships with people who are financially secure if this will increase your chances of a permanent association. This is largely due to the fact that you feel a strong need to be true to your instincts and intuition, and if you are not absolutely inspired, you dont feel right working on a projectyou might feel that you are faking it, and this doesnt sit well for you. My gemini friend has a gemini stellium and 6th house stellium and gurl literally sets multiple playlists of different moods, one for her relaxing and falling to sleep, one for walking to school like badass music, one for when shes sad and listening to sad music. or may despise everything that is only based on superficial beauty, no in-between. He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. Sun Trine Jupiter-. You want to believe that you associate only with persons of the highest character and you are disappointed if they do not measure up. They may just need to get away from superficial people around them and find true friendships/relationships who value them for who they truly are. It's a strong marriage indicator, because the Venus person embodies the qualities, which the Ascendant person seeks in a partner. Eg. He or she may be evasive, or hard to pin down. A roller coaster of emotions, the feelings of chaos and the desires that are pushed to the surface. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. Take time to reflect on what you truly believe in, because many times you are too busy challenging established thought, or playing devils advocate, to get in touch with your own opinions and feelings. But the person may be only too aware of the fact. It is desire, it is passion and love. You dislike restraint of any kind and you dont like to take orders. Theyre caring, and kind of a homebody. Some may become more known for how beautiful/handsome they are and be overlooked for any other note-worthy talents/skills/accomplishments. Okay. Mercury trine mars is similar to the sextile aspect of it, however mercury trine mars natives are naturally imaginative, creative, communicative, concise, realistic and confidently expressive. Celeste She wields her beauty like a sword too. Venus Opposition Ascendant. I may take a few days (with other things going on uk). With an Opposition between Venus and your Ascendant, you will seek to make a good impression on everyone you meet and, in interaction with them, to focus on their positive qualities. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. With that said, see you soon with another post. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . Scorpio risings often have an edgy, sad girl/sad boy aesthetic, grunge, or skater look, they may have a charismatic or fierce look to their eyes (almond shaped). What synastry aspects make someone fall in love Venus in Taurus trine a Virgo Ascendant might result in very good looks. Albeit, you are more likely than most to have a solid loving partnership which will be one of your major rewards. You may exude venusian qualities to your style, persona, etc. When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. Cancer rising people in general are loyal when in love and looking for a partner, desiring a secure life and family - may be great with kids or want to have kids. For example, transiting Pluto conjunct the natives' planets in 8th house or 12th house. This is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they have together serves as a new life changing experience. With the Sun in Aquarius, we will be inspired to take a leap and play with our luck. Trust is a much needed commodity. What does it mean to have an aspect at 0 orb? In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. Your acceptance of these powerful experiences enables you to guide others to face transformation and loss without fear. Your attention span can be short, and as a result, you might often leave projects unfinished. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Every friend has a crush on them, and openly express their interest. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. Lana del rey and Sydney Sweeney has scorpio rising. Ten Aspects for Sex Appeal in the Natal Chart - Psychic Ami Sag + gemini energy in the chart makes them chaotically energetic when theyre passionate about a topic when with friends. Your mind is tuned to such a pitch that your intellectual tension is truly as fine as glass wire. MoonsEye Astrology Hi! Can you do Eros conjunct Venus in synastry Hello! You possess a quick mind, you are very intuitive, and you require a great deal of mental stimulation to keep from feeling bored. May wear a mask of a likeable person but struggling inside with many insecurities especially relating to physical appearance. tendency to become selfish. . Lots of physical affection and compliments. Ascendant trine/opposite Ascendant, Descendant, Moon, Sun, or Saturn within 2 degrees orb is also valid. The person does not enjoy rules, regulations, traditions and convention. oh neptune! on Tumblr He excels in inventions, astrology, or any mental endeavor that is ahead of the times. Eros/Mercury When these two forces unite, they will feel a strong connection through communicating. However, their greatest strength as a couple is also their potential downfall. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. ^ Friends and a loud social life may not need to be all that important when surrounded by superficial people who drain them emotionally/mentally. As well as having the genius ability you can also suffer from mental overload caused by the higher mind or thought processes running faster than the circuits of the brain can handle. Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn; a Venus sign I find to be underrated, since Capricorn represents stability and commitment. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. Venus in 10th and 11th house too. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. Sometimes this could be with bad intentions, or just to please their ego/lofty ambitions. The relationship feels ignited when these two come together. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Venus sextile or trine the Ascendant. Also shes in multiple fandoms and makes edits of her fav characters etc. May have to work harder to focus on nurturing out the talent and achievements from the aspect. In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. 10th house the public, and 11th house the social groups. Lets say your mercury aspects your mars at 0 degree orb, then your mercury is conjunct to your mars. (Can be bossy and demanding in the positive sense that they know wut they want, believe, and stick to it) Cat eye like eye shapes, can also have a childlike vibe their eye expression like a playful cat, strong/defined jawlines. Having a partner and a close love relationship is of the utmost importance to you because it allows you to satisfy most of your personal needs, sexual and emotional. There is a part of you that loves to shock, challenge, and instigate with the things you say; however, this may not be a conscious process. He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. Eg. This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. Above all, he must take responsibility for his independent nature and stop defending himselfa tendency he may have developed during rebellious childhood years.