MDPI has a name change policy for after publication. Thank you very much for answering my previous comment. You can find this information on MDPIs SuSy platform. If possible, could you help to reach editorial office on my behalf? Hello Katherine, I would like to know the status of our manuscript jtaer-2220409 It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still Under review. What does it mean. The papers got desk rejections and the same work is not accepted by IEEE Q1 journals. I am talking here about the case of Pending conversion. Is there any expedited process, this means extra charge. In most cases, the MDPI peer review process is single-blind, meaning that authors dont know who the reviewers are. This status means that our team of English editors are reviewing your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and MDPI house style. We are sure you will get better answers and possible solutions from her. Every manuscript is unique, and some may need additional reviews. Can you please guide us cz its almost 15 days. What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? We are assuming that MDPI is like a money machine nowadays and only or mostly accepted paper without the vouchers code. The Assistant Editor aims to find reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. Thats an easy mistake to make. Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. The reviewing stage is important to journal integrity. Around 12 business days. This stage usually takes 1-5 business days. How much time it takes in Pending editor decision? You can get in touch with the editor assigned to your manuscript for specific details. Sorry that this is taking a bit longer than expected. Is this status necessary after the pending conversion one ? Pending decision= Academic Editor (48) Pending major or minor revisions= Pending editor decision Academic Editor Paper accepted= English correction done (24: ) You can find their details by clicking Editorial Office on the left-hand column of the journal webpage. We have checked everything, spam or junk folders but no response has every been given (apart from the automatic emails from the journal). but There are some mistakes in manuscript. It is a comprehensive, web-based software that allows editors to handle all aspects of publication, from initial This form applies to manuscripts that have already been published. Some may have other commitments, meaning that the reviews are submitted late. Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office. It has is under the status of pending conversion and it waited for two weeks still now? Does it mean Rejection? Thank you for the comment. Please get in touch with the Economies Editorial Office. How can i do that, madam/sir. This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. You can their find contact information on the journals homepage. It will soon be published online! Hi Dear Ms. Bosworth, A professional Layout Editor is now working on the formatting. Hello Ms. Katherine! how long would it takes to review. As you have been waiting for over a week, we will investigate and prioritise this issue. Reviewers then have up to two weeks to return their comments, but reviewers may request more time. APC information is also available via the journal menu. We have reached out to the editorial office on your behalf. However, it can take slightly longer in some circumstances. It shows that status is pending review. This means that the journal might have requested a review that they . These things happen. Please do the needful. What exact time are the submission forms closed on the deadline day? Typically, abstracts are online 2-3 days after publication, with the article showing up shortly thereafter. As to reply back after paper submission by 2-3 days if accepted. So, based on your two rounds of revisions, the Associate Editor (AE) has made their decision on the manuscript and communicated it to the EIC, who will make the final decision. Could you please advise me how to deal with this situation? Most recent answer. Answer: When the status for a manuscript changes "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision", it means that the peer-review process is complete and only the editorial decision is pending. I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. If not why MDPI did not make publication free of charge as of elsevier and other reputable journals? You can also contact the team at one of our offices (, including MDPI Headquarters in Basel (Switzerland), by calling them on +41 61 683 77 34. Many reviewers of traditional journals agree to review but do not deliver ON TIME. The status Revised version review indicates that your paper has been sent for a second round of reviews. Hello, pending editors decision status from 9 days ago and no final decision yet. I was wondering if the status is not getting updated due to a technical error. What does it mean? Dear Ms. Bosworth, Can you please specify that on average how long does a Revised version review take for a paper after major revision? This is the second paper that I published in sustainability. MDPI provides waivers and discounts to scholars around the world. MDPI joined CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) early on in the initiatives launch. Is it ok for me to upload a preprint to Arxiv which uses MDPIs latex template? As an academic publisher, we rely on members of the research community to make important decisions about author submissions. If artice is accepted for the publlication the total Artice Publishing charges will be imposed to my co-author or it will be partially imposed to him/her? My article was in pending conversation but now status shows that conversation skipped what does it mean? Please reach out to the Assistant Editor or the Editorial Office for further guidance on this matter as it will largely depend on when in the publication process you are in. My sincere apologies that you have been waiting so long. Usually, I find that the rejected ones actually needed more work and the ones that were published were good. or Will there be any weightage with regard to the Review Report sent by Round-1 Reviewers? Once a manuscript has been submitted, it will go through different stages of progress on SuSy. I submitted my paper on Deecmber 19th and after one month of review , the status is showing as pending decions since more than 5 days after one round of review. From sharing the latest MDPI blog news, to showcasing our most popular articles, the newsletters will keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the science world. If you still have questions or require a more detailed explanation, you can reach out to the Sustainability Editorial Office: We have been waiting for over five days. We hope that this breakdown helped you to understand your manuscript status. You can find out more about the specifics by contacting the Editorial Office directly. At MDPI, we try to find 23 professional and efficient reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. The paper has been edited by a native English Editor. In general, social sciences journals have slightly more time-consuming publishing processes than natural sciences journals. Hello, I have selected a wrong journal while submitting my manuscript, how can I withdraw it and how long it will take to withdraw it. I guess it can take up to a month or even longer, depending on journal and field. However, there is no guarantee that your work will be accepted for publication. Authors can find out more about the publication time of a particular journal by locating that journals statistics via the journal menu. Pending editor decision = The Academic Editor is making a final decision. I Hope you are well. Mdpi . Authorship details are added during the initial submission, and all co-authors should double-check the initial manuscript. No, you will not pay if your manuscript is rejected. The APCs currently range from 1000 CHF to 2400 CHF (Swiss Francs). You can resubmit at any time. Not to worry. This is highly unusual. However, each paper is unique. We respectfully request the withdrawal of the dissertation. In 2022, the average Article Processing Charge (APC), based on list price, was approximately CHF 1935. I will keep in contact with you via email. Please provide the reason for your withdrawal request. I have attached the files in my email to her. Apologies that you have been waiting so long. All the editorial, production, and invoicing steps are managed using MDPIs SuSy and are performed by in-house employees, largely using software created and maintained by MDPI. My article is published in economies. What should I do to get the editor to take another look at this paper? Time is rather critical for this paper. I submitted my manuscript to the Economies on December 30th 20222. Hopefully, you will get a decision very soon. Moreover, it significantly contributes to knowledge and guides dentists to evidence based recommendations in the practice. Is not it be revised version revision status? how long of status Pending Review after submission day? . Ill post again after editing. Hi, one of my paper was submitted in Sustainability and its status is pending decision for last 4 days, although review reports are showing up. Thank you very much. MDPI has one of the most straightforward and efficient publication processes in the whole publishing landscape. Respected Madam, Its also important to remember that authors who have their manuscript rejected are refunded the APC. I have contacted you privately about this matter; please check your spam and junk folders. We have submitted on a special issue of Cells. I would greatly appreciate it if you can help us with this matter. I submitted the manuscipt on 30th May 2022 to Journal of Clinical Medicine, now more than 5 weeks passed but status in the system still under review. We published a paper in mdpi but after publication, we realized we inadvertently missed authors. However, we have not been receiving any response. Hi, I have a query. I would like to know the status of our manuscript Cells-2139714. I hope to find the solution from commenting in this blog. Here are the MDPI submission statuses that you might encounter on the SuSy platform. You could try submitting without style files. The Pending decision status usually takes 1-2 days. Status Associate Editor .Review process , 3 . Is the SI guest editor (SI GE) the one who decides to proceed with the evaluation of the paper with a peer review or it is a decision that is being made without the involvement of the GE (by the managing editor or the MDPI staff)? Youre right, our estimate for this stage is 1-2 working days. This process usually takes 1-2 working days. After major revisions, when replied to all the comments of the reviewers, and system says upload the manuscript.. after uploading it shows the status of Resubmitted. Please send it to the assistant editor assigned, she/he will guide you. The XML and HTML versions of your manuscript are still pending, and will be live in a few days. However, if your paper has already been published, it will have to remain in open review. Click Editorial Office in the left-hand navigation bar. They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process. 4 5 . Katherine Bosworth 13 December 2022 Editorial Process Reviewing Your Manuscript Q&A Once you've submitted your manuscript, it will be pre-checked, and then sent for review. Unfortunately, they both have not yet answered. However, if this is related to an error in your formula, then take a look at this detailed policy regarding corrections and retractions. This situation makes me worry. This stage should take around two weeks, but may take longer depending on how easily we can find reviewers. Later my submission went to the Chief Editors Final Decision. The Academic Editor is currently reviewing the peer review findings. The rejection letter from the Editorial Office will contain important information and instructions for you to follow. Yes, I understand that the reviewers and editors are too busy during this time, but I appreciate a response as soon as possible so I can make a decision about my paper. Dear Shams, thank you for your comment. Still, I havent gotten any requests for minor or major changes. Moreover, We have asked such issues to Assistant Editor and IJERPH Editorial Office multiple times via email. You can find out more in our article on MDPIs name change policy. Hello, We submitted a manuscript to applied science but it we made a mistake by uploading the wrong version. This is my first publishing experience and the third submission (MDPI) for my article. The same reviewers from the first review will take another look at your manuscript. An abstract is a short summary of your research. If you still dont notice any updates, please get back in touch. I would like to know the status of our manuscript jcm-2211571 MDPIpending decisionunder reviewpending decision. The submission ID is scipharm-2152900. Hi Mubasharmubashar. mdpi publication . Now here are on 21 June and no final decision yet, Should I be concerned about it or it is normal procedure? This manuscript status usually lasts around 12 business days. Each manuscript is reviewed on an individual basis. Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? You can contact the journal editorial office or the Guest Editors of the Special Issue for specific information. It usually takes around 48 hours. Your paper has been published and is now being converted into PDF format. Pending major or minor revisions = Author revisions are in progress. I have a question related to IOAP institution Hi Islam. Please contact the Editorial Office if it has been five business days and an Assistant Editor has not yet been assigned to your submission. Its usually only a paragraph or two. Im going to chase this up on your behalf. Then we revised it and submitted it on 13th of November. I hope that you will be fine. Pending decision = A first assessment will be made by the Academic Editor. Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office, and they will update this for you. This manuscript status means that your manuscript has officially been accepted for publication. MDPI prides itself on the high speed and flexibility of its publication. Is it possible to make publication in MDPI with full waiver for least developed countries? To date, I have not received any notification regarding the status (first decision) of our manuscript. It usually takes around 48 hours. This should give you all the answers youre looking for and put you at ease if you find yourself worried about your paper. It would be great if you could let me know when I can expect the decision. We have reached out to the editorial office on your behalf and you should hear back from them soon. You can expect to receive information about changes soon. However, please note that this is dependent on the Academic Editors workload. You can find out about the journals scope in the Aims & Scope section, which can be accessed via the journal menu, or by searching for individual Special Issue webpages. Another query is sticking in researcher mind whether voucher based payments increase paper rejection or slows down editorial processing. Thus, we would be glad for any information concerning this manuscript. Please contact the journals Editorial Office immediately, letting them know of your situation. Our paper has a status Pending editor decision for 12 days now (which is quite unusuall for Agronomy) and assigned editor does not reply to our e-mails asking about the status of our paper. Any pending edits or misunderstandings will be addressed via email before the paper is published to avoid post-publication edits. Please could you take a look at the Under review section of this article? Reasons added to the comment section by the editor was that the paper isnt ready for publication. In addition, all papers are available online as soon as they are published. MDPI does not offer multi-language journals, despite the importance of international contributions. Your paper has been published online in PDF format. This status means that the Academic Editor is making a final decision about your manuscript. Hi, This is at the Academic Editor's discretion. Submissions to Special Issues undergo the same rigorous peer review process as regular submissions to the journal. You cannot add or remove authors once the paper has been accepted for publication (with rare exceptions), and please note that edits during the proofreading stage do not involve the scientific aspects of the paper. The editor really supports our effort as authors. I hope we can receive a detailed peer review report. The status changed from Pending review to Under review on December 15th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. Or should I wait for more time? Can you please explain the editorial process for papers submitted to special issues (SIs) before reaching the under-review stage? You can find the median publishing pipeline times for each journal in the section Rapid Publication on the journals webpage. As you know we cannot add/remove any author directly, so I have submit the authorship change form. on 30.12.22 my manuscript status was accepted , then it changed to pending english.