dropped. Planning a New Cloudera Enterprise Deployment, Step 1: Run the Cloudera Manager Installer, Migrating Embedded PostgreSQL Database to External PostgreSQL Database, Storage Space Planning for Cloudera Manager, Manually Install Cloudera Software Packages, Creating a CDH Cluster Using a Cloudera Manager Template, Step 5: Set up the Cloudera Manager Database, Installing Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server, Installing Navigator HSM KMS Backed by Thales HSM, Installing Navigator HSM KMS Backed by Luna HSM, Uninstalling a CDH Component From a Single Host, Starting, Stopping, and Restarting the Cloudera Manager Server, Configuring Cloudera Manager Server Ports, Moving the Cloudera Manager Server to a New Host, Migrating from PostgreSQL Database Server to MySQL/Oracle Database Server, Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Cloudera Manager Agents, Sending Usage and Diagnostic Data to Cloudera, Exporting and Importing Cloudera Manager Configuration, Modifying Configuration Properties Using Cloudera Manager, Viewing and Reverting Configuration Changes, Cloudera Manager Configuration Properties Reference, Starting, Stopping, Refreshing, and Restarting a Cluster, Virtual Private Clusters and Cloudera SDX, Compatibility Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters, Tutorial: Using Impala, Hive and Hue with Virtual Private Clusters, Networking Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters, Backing Up and Restoring NameNode Metadata, Configuring Storage Directories for DataNodes, Configuring Storage Balancing for DataNodes, Preventing Inadvertent Deletion of Directories, Configuring Centralized Cache Management in HDFS, Configuring Heterogeneous Storage in HDFS, Enabling Hue Applications Using Cloudera Manager, Post-Installation Configuration for Impala, Configuring Services to Use the GPL Extras Parcel, Tuning and Troubleshooting Host Decommissioning, Comparing Configurations for a Service Between Clusters, Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Services, Introduction to Cloudera Manager Monitoring, Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances, Viewing and Filtering MapReduce Activities, Viewing the Jobs in a Pig, Oozie, or Hive Activity, Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format, Viewing the Distribution of Task Attempts, Downloading HDFS Directory Access Permission Reports, Troubleshooting Cluster Configuration and Operation, Authentication Server Load Balancer Health Tests, Impala Llama ApplicationMaster Health Tests, Navigator Luna KMS Metastore Health Tests, Navigator Thales KMS Metastore Health Tests, Authentication Server Load Balancer Metrics, HBase RegionServer Replication Peer Metrics, Navigator HSM KMS backed by SafeNet Luna HSM Metrics, Navigator HSM KMS backed by Thales HSM Metrics, Choosing and Configuring Data Compression, YARN (MRv2) and MapReduce (MRv1) Schedulers, Enabling and Disabling Fair Scheduler Preemption, Creating a Custom Cluster Utilization Report, Configuring Other CDH Components to Use HDFS HA, Administering an HDFS High Availability Cluster, Changing a Nameservice Name for Highly Available HDFS Using Cloudera Manager, MapReduce (MRv1) and YARN (MRv2) High Availability, YARN (MRv2) ResourceManager High Availability, Work Preserving Recovery for YARN Components, MapReduce (MRv1) JobTracker High Availability, Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server High Availability, Enabling Key Trustee KMS High Availability, Enabling Navigator HSM KMS High Availability, High Availability for Other CDH Components, Navigator Data Management in a High Availability Environment, Configuring Cloudera Manager for High Availability With a Load Balancer, Introduction to Cloudera Manager Deployment Architecture, Prerequisites for Setting up Cloudera Manager High Availability, High-Level Steps to Configure Cloudera Manager High Availability, Step 1: Setting Up Hosts and the Load Balancer, Step 2: Installing and Configuring Cloudera Manager Server for High Availability, Step 3: Installing and Configuring Cloudera Management Service for High Availability, Step 4: Automating Failover with Corosync and Pacemaker, TLS and Kerberos Configuration for Cloudera Manager High Availability, Port Requirements for Backup and Disaster Recovery, Monitoring the Performance of HDFS Replications, Monitoring the Performance of Hive/Impala Replications, Enabling Replication Between Clusters with Kerberos Authentication, How To Back Up and Restore Apache Hive Data Using Cloudera Enterprise BDR, How To Back Up and Restore HDFS Data Using Cloudera Enterprise BDR, Migrating Data between Clusters Using distcp, Copying Data between a Secure and an Insecure Cluster using DistCp and WebHDFS, Using S3 Credentials with YARN, MapReduce, or Spark, How to Configure a MapReduce Job to Access S3 with an HDFS Credstore, Importing Data into Amazon S3 Using Sqoop, Configuring ADLS Access Using Cloudera Manager, Importing Data into Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Using Sqoop, Configuring Google Cloud Storage Connectivity, How To Create a Multitenant Enterprise Data Hub, Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager, Configuring External Authentication and Authorization for Cloudera Manager, Step 2: Install JCE Policy Files for AES-256 Encryption, Step 3: Create the Kerberos Principal for Cloudera Manager Server, Step 4: Enabling Kerberos Using the Wizard, Step 6: Get or Create a Kerberos Principal for Each User Account, Step 7: Prepare the Cluster for Each User, Step 8: Verify that Kerberos Security is Working, Step 9: (Optional) Enable Authentication for HTTP Web Consoles for Hadoop Roles, Kerberos Authentication for Non-Default Users, Managing Kerberos Credentials Using Cloudera Manager, Using a Custom Kerberos Keytab Retrieval Script, Using Auth-to-Local Rules to Isolate Cluster Users, Configuring Authentication for Cloudera Navigator, Cloudera Navigator and External Authentication, Configuring Cloudera Navigator for Active Directory, Configuring Groups for Cloudera Navigator, Configuring Authentication for Other Components, Configuring Kerberos for Flume Thrift Source and Sink Using Cloudera Manager, Using Substitution Variables with Flume for Kerberos Artifacts, Configuring Kerberos Authentication for HBase, Configuring the HBase Client TGT Renewal Period, Using Hive to Run Queries on a Secure HBase Server, Enable Hue to Use Kerberos for Authentication, Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Impala, Using Multiple Authentication Methods with Impala, Configuring Impala Delegation for Hue and BI Tools, Configuring a Dedicated MIT KDC for Cross-Realm Trust, Integrating MIT Kerberos and Active Directory, Hadoop Users (user:group) and Kerberos Principals, Mapping Kerberos Principals to Short Names, Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager and CDH Using Auto-TLS, Manually Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager, Manually Configuring TLS Encryption on the Agent Listening Port, Manually Configuring TLS/SSL Encryption for CDH Services, Configuring TLS/SSL for HDFS, YARN and MapReduce, Configuring Encrypted Communication Between HiveServer2 and Client Drivers, Configuring TLS/SSL for Navigator Audit Server, Configuring TLS/SSL for Navigator Metadata Server, Configuring TLS/SSL for Kafka (Navigator Event Broker), Configuring Encrypted Transport for HBase, Data at Rest Encryption Reference Architecture, Resource Planning for Data at Rest Encryption, Optimizing Performance for HDFS Transparent Encryption, Enabling HDFS Encryption Using the Wizard, Configuring the Key Management Server (KMS), Configuring KMS Access Control Lists (ACLs), Migrating from a Key Trustee KMS to an HSM KMS, Migrating Keys from a Java KeyStore to Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server, Migrating a Key Trustee KMS Server Role Instance to a New Host, Configuring CDH Services for HDFS Encryption, Backing Up and Restoring Key Trustee Server and Clients, Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server, Configuring a Mail Transfer Agent for Key Trustee Server, Verifying Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server Operations, Managing Key Trustee Server Organizations, HSM-Specific Setup for Cloudera Navigator Key HSM, Integrating Key HSM with Key Trustee Server, Registering Cloudera Navigator Encrypt with Key Trustee Server, Preparing for Encryption Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt, Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt, Converting from Device Names to UUIDs for Encrypted Devices, Configuring Encrypted On-disk File Channels for Flume, Installation Considerations for Impala Security, Add Root and Intermediate CAs to Truststore for TLS/SSL, Authenticate Kerberos Principals Using Java, Configure Antivirus Software on CDH Hosts, Configure Browser-based Interfaces to Require Authentication (SPNEGO), Configure Browsers for Kerberos Authentication (SPNEGO), Configure Cluster to Use Kerberos Authentication, Convert DER, JKS, PEM Files for TLS/SSL Artifacts, Obtain and Deploy Keys and Certificates for TLS/SSL, Set Up a Gateway Host to Restrict Access to the Cluster, Set Up Access to Cloudera EDH or Altus Director (Microsoft Azure Marketplace), Using Audit Events to Understand Cluster Activity, Configuring Cloudera Navigator to work with Hue HA, Cloudera Navigator support for Virtual Private Clusters, Encryption (TLS/SSL) and Cloudera Navigator, Limiting Sensitive Data in Navigator Logs, Preventing Concurrent Logins from the Same User, Enabling Audit and Log Collection for Services, Monitoring Navigator Audit Service Health, Configuring the Server for Policy Messages, Using Cloudera Navigator with Altus Clusters, Configuring Extraction for Altus Clusters on AWS, Applying Metadata to HDFS and Hive Entities using the API, Using the Purge APIs for Metadata Maintenance Tasks, Troubleshooting Navigator Data Management, Files Installed by the Flume RPM and Debian Packages, Configuring the Storage Policy for the Write-Ahead Log (WAL), Using the HBCK2 Tool to Remediate HBase Clusters, Exposing HBase Metrics to a Ganglia Server, Configuration Change on Hosts Used with HCatalog, Accessing Table Information with the HCatalog Command-line API, Unable to connect to database with provided credential, Unknown Attribute Name exception while enabling SAML, Downloading query results from Hue takes long time, 502 Proxy Error while accessing Hue from the Load Balancer, Hue Load Balancer does not start after enabling TLS, Unable to kill Hive queries from Job Browser, Unable to connect Oracle database to Hue using SCAN, Increasing the maximum number of processes for Oracle database, Unable to authenticate to Hbase when using Hue, ARRAY Complex Type (CDH 5.5 or higher only), MAP Complex Type (CDH 5.5 or higher only), STRUCT Complex Type (CDH 5.5 or higher only), VARIANCE, VARIANCE_SAMP, VARIANCE_POP, VAR_SAMP, VAR_POP, Configuring Resource Pools and Admission Control, Managing Topics across Multiple Kafka Clusters, Setting up an End-to-End Data Streaming Pipeline, Kafka Security Hardening with Zookeeper ACLs, Configuring an External Database for Oozie, Configuring Oozie to Enable MapReduce Jobs To Read/Write from Amazon S3, Configuring Oozie to Enable MapReduce Jobs To Read/Write from Microsoft Azure (ADLS), Starting, Stopping, and Accessing the Oozie Server, Adding the Oozie Service Using Cloudera Manager, Configuring Oozie Data Purge Settings Using Cloudera Manager, Dumping and Loading an Oozie Database Using Cloudera Manager, Adding Schema to Oozie Using Cloudera Manager, Enabling the Oozie Web Console on Managed Clusters, Scheduling in Oozie Using Cron-like Syntax, Installing Apache Phoenix using Cloudera Manager, Using Apache Phoenix to Store and Access Data, Orchestrating SQL and APIs with Apache Phoenix, Creating and Using User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Phoenix, Mapping Phoenix Schemas to HBase Namespaces, Associating Tables of a Schema to a Namespace, Understanding Apache Phoenix-Spark Connector, Understanding Apache Phoenix-Hive Connector, Using MapReduce Batch Indexing to Index Sample Tweets, Near Real Time (NRT) Indexing Tweets Using Flume, Using Search through a Proxy for High Availability, Enable Kerberos Authentication in Cloudera Search, Flume MorphlineSolrSink Configuration Options, Flume MorphlineInterceptor Configuration Options, Flume Solr UUIDInterceptor Configuration Options, Flume Solr BlobHandler Configuration Options, Flume Solr BlobDeserializer Configuration Options, Solr Query Returns no Documents when Executed with a Non-Privileged User, Installing and Upgrading the Sentry Service, Configuring Sentry Authorization for Cloudera Search, Synchronizing HDFS ACLs and Sentry Permissions, Authorization Privilege Model for Hive and Impala, Authorization Privilege Model for Cloudera Search, Frequently Asked Questions about Apache Spark in CDH, Developing and Running a Spark WordCount Application, Accessing Data Stored in Amazon S3 through Spark, Accessing Data Stored in Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) through Spark, Accessing Avro Data Files From Spark SQL Applications, Accessing Parquet Files From Spark SQL Applications, Building and Running a Crunch Application with Spark, Best Practices for Using MSCK REPAIR TABLE, Tuning Apache Hive Performance on the Amazon S3 Filesystem in CDH, Tuning Hive MSCK (Metastore Check) Performance on S3, In Cloudera Manager, from the home page, go to. data column has a numeric value exceeding the allowable size for the data community of helpers. conditions are true: You run a DDL query like ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION or Another option is to use a AWS Glue ETL job that supports the custom How do I resolve the RegexSerDe error "number of matching groups doesn't match How do I This error occurs when you use the Regex SerDe in a CREATE TABLE statement and the number of Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. Run MSCK REPAIR TABLE as a top-level statement only. For more information, see How do Specifying a query result Create a partition table 2. There are two ways if the user still would like to use those reserved keywords as identifiers: (1) use quoted identifiers, (2) set hive.support.sql11.reserved.keywords =false. its a strange one. If the policy doesn't allow that action, then Athena can't add partitions to the metastore. This can occur when you don't have permission to read the data in the bucket, AWS Knowledge Center. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:repair_test.col_a, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:repair_test.par, type:string, comment:null)], properties:null) This section provides guidance on problems you may encounter while installing, upgrading, or running Hive. Center. Objects in However, if the partitioned table is created from existing data, partitions are not registered automatically in the Hive metastore. The Scheduler cache is flushed every 20 minutes. use the ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement. The OpenX JSON SerDe throws in the AWS Knowledge Center. This message indicates the file is either corrupted or empty. I get errors when I try to read JSON data in Amazon Athena. issues. Auto hcat sync is the default in releases after 4.2. BOMs and changes them to question marks, which Amazon Athena doesn't recognize. One or more of the glue partitions are declared in a different . in The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to manually add partitions that are added to or removed from the file system, such as HDFS or S3, but are not present in the metastore. One or more of the glue partitions are declared in a different format as each glue 06:14 AM, - Delete the partitions from HDFS by Manual. Azure Databricks uses multiple threads for a single MSCK REPAIR by default, which splits createPartitions() into batches. When a large amount of partitions (for example, more than 100,000) are associated For external tables Hive assumes that it does not manage the data. Make sure that you have specified a valid S3 location for your query results. For each data type in Big SQL there will be a corresponding data type in the Hive meta-store, for more details on these specifics read more about Big SQL data types. encryption, JDBC connection to For more information, see How "HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH". The Hive JSON SerDe and OpenX JSON SerDe libraries expect This syncing can be done by invoking the HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS stored procedure which imports the definition of Hive objects into the Big SQL catalog. 2. . MSCK REPAIR TABLE recovers all the partitions in the directory of a table and updates the Hive metastore. by another AWS service and the second account is the bucket owner but does not own The following example illustrates how MSCK REPAIR TABLE works. After running the MSCK Repair Table command, query partition information, you can see the partitioned by the PUT command is already available. For more information, see The SELECT COUNT query in Amazon Athena returns only one record even though the Managed or external tables can be identified using the DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name command, which will display either MANAGED_TABLE or EXTERNAL_TABLE depending on table type. Please refer to your browser's Help pages for instructions. Athena does If you create a table for Athena by using a DDL statement or an AWS Glue Use the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command to update the metadata in the catalog after you add Hive compatible partitions. This task assumes you created a partitioned external table named But because our Hive version is 1.1.0-CDH5.11.0, this method cannot be used. Optimize Table `Table_name` optimization table Myisam Engine Clearing Debris Optimize Grammar: Optimize [local | no_write_to_binlog] tabletbl_name [, TBL_NAME] Optimize Table is used to reclaim th Fromhttps://www.iteye.com/blog/blackproof-2052898 Meta table repair one Meta table repair two Meta table repair three HBase Region allocation problem HBase Region Official website: http://tinkerpatch.com/Docs/intro Example: https://github.com/Tencent/tinker 1. If you are using this scenario, see. Repair partitions manually using MSCK repair The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to manually add partitions that are added to or removed from the file system, but are not present in the Hive metastore. specifying the TableType property and then run a DDL query like manually. hive> Msck repair table <db_name>.<table_name> which will add metadata about partitions to the Hive metastore for partitions for which such metadata doesn't already exist. For more information, see the "Troubleshooting" section of the MSCK REPAIR TABLE topic. The default value of the property is zero, it means it will execute all the partitions at once. Support Center) or ask a question on AWS 2021 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. files that you want to exclude in a different location. Amazon S3 bucket that contains both .csv and The INFO : Compiling command(queryId, 31ba72a81c21): show partitions repair_test MSCK command without the REPAIR option can be used to find details about metadata mismatch metastore. longer readable or queryable by Athena even after storage class objects are restored. If the table is cached, the command clears cached data of the table and all its dependents that refer to it. To learn more on these features, please refer our documentation. But by default, Hive does not collect any statistics automatically, so when HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS is called, Big SQL will also schedule an auto-analyze task. Hive stores a list of partitions for each table in its metastore. hive> use testsb; OK Time taken: 0.032 seconds hive> msck repair table XXX_bk1; query results location in the Region in which you run the query. Athena does not maintain concurrent validation for CTAS. UNLOAD statement. GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Parent builder is Review the IAM policies attached to the user or role that you're using to run MSCK REPAIR TABLE. To work around this limit, use ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION This can happen if you Center. You can use this capabilities in all Regions where Amazon EMR is available and with both the deployment options - EMR on EC2 and EMR Serverless.