(Last post . Profession Caleb was miraculously not injured at all in this fight. Int 20 [art 27]. She provided several floor plan drawings showing wards and traps near the vault. Caleb helped keep Caduceus from swimming to Vokodo by using Cat's Ire to drag him back to the rest of the party. Should I trust you? Caleb seemed hesitant and suspicious of Fjord's intentions. Common, Zemnian,[8] Sylvan,[9] Celestial[10] [art 5], 2019 Official full body portrait of Caleb, by Ari. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Liam O'Brien explains that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil before the stream started, but that his alignment changed to True Neutral, Liam O'Brien clarifies that Caleb's alignment was Lawful Evil both before and after he was "broken" by Trent Ikithon, Liam confirmed Caleb was in a romantic relationship with both Astrid and Eadwulf on, The players leveled up and rolled hit points on a video released 6 May 2021 on YouTube. The guards promptly fled, and Caleb and Nott walked out of the jail together, staying together first out of convenience, but then for several months. Powered by Squarespace. "High Seas, High Stakes" (2x99) Caleb has shown trust in Beauregard numerous times by choosing to hang onto her shoulder while his senses were transferred into his companion, Frumpkin. After discovered DeRogna's dead body, Caleb placed her in his Vault of Amber. Caleb bought high quality paper and ink from the establishment. They then teleported to the Vergesson Sanitorium- the asylum Caleb spent several years in- to investigate the beacon the Empire was experimenting with. Fan art of Caleb's dream with the beacon, by Megzilla87. When Caleb fully identified the beacon and embraced its power, he asked the Luxon if 'it'-meaning time travel- was achievable. Astrid replied, "race you to the top. She questioned them about their motives, as Empire kids, for being in the Kryn Dynasty, but nevertheless gave the Mighty Nein a job clearing an infestation of giants from Deepriver Mine. Caleb also looked into the Traveler. [art 41], Fan art of "Dragonleb", by Svalbirdd. Passage to floors above the last of the bedchambers was sealed off, though Caleb later passed through when he was alone by muttering "gone but not forgotten" in Zemnian. "Family Gathering" (2x71) [83], "The Diver's Grave" (2x44) [111], Though Frumpkin has died on multiple occasions, this does not seem to bother Caleb or Frumpkin. Essek told the party that he feared he was being hunted by Cerberus Assembly assassins. Afterwards, Jester told Caleb she was there for him if he wanted to talk and paid for the paper necessary to transcribe Caleb's new spells. While searching, he discovered some incomplete equations for a permanent transformation spell and Halas's old spellbook. The Mighty Nein entered the Happy Fun Ball in search of Yussa. In Trostenwald, Caleb's general lack of hygiene attracted the attention of Jester. As she said farewell and individually thanked each of the Nein, she told Caleb again that she loved him, and he replied, "I love you too, Veth the Brave." Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by Aurex Aldori. AdventurerProfessor of Transmutation at the Soltryce Academy Extras Between The Sheets Recipes Narrative Telephone One-Shot Stats Talks Machina Yee-Haw Game Ranch; More FAQs Spoiler Warning Socials Other Resources . "Contentious Company" (2x120) "Lost & Found" (2x13) The party stopped by the Pillow Trove to pick up the letter from Astrid. Jester used the echo stone to record herself asking for the letter, and Caleb uses Disguise Self to look like her, miming along to her recording to successfully retrieve the letter. He then changed Frumpkin into a spider to explore the inside. Caleb did not attempt to debate her, but instead listened and tried to accept Marion's wisdom. The tower featured customized chambers for each party member, along with a common library, dining area, multi-purpose chamber, and foyer full of stained glass depictions of each school of magic. Approximately five years after his escape from the asylum, Nott and Caleb met in a small jail (where he introduced himself to Nott as "Caleb Widogast"), from which they escaped together. Caleb took Jester's haversack while she was missing. Frumpkin attacked Ren, clawing him, and Ren ran into his office. Caleb, Beau, and Caduceus all urged her to consider acting only against those responsible for actions taken against the Dynasty, and not the common people of the Empire. While being chased by yuan-ti, Caleb and Nott slowed them down by executing a combo moved called "Fluffernutter". Caleb and Veth are best friends[116] and love each other unconditionally, often referring to themselves as part of a family. When the party fell asleep that night, Caleb and Beau shared a dream of a massive glowing red eye that peered into them, while the sound of thousands of voices and screams, saying, "Welcome" echoed in their minds. [art 21]. Whether the Gentleman saw this as a betrayal on Caleb's part is unclear. Caleb then cast Teleport to move the book between his parent's bodies. [art 28]. He would then escort his parents to Tal'Dorei with enough gems to start a life there, and in about twenty years he would join them. Caleb later learned that these crystals were refined residuum. Fan art of Caleb casting Widogast's Web of Fire, by Ayzek V Kass. Caleb's start with Astrid and Eadwulf was like they were aggressively intelligent, and driven as fuck, and hot, and that did not go well for Caleb, that fucking burned him worse than anything ever could have. The Nein joined the fray; Caleb cast Wall of Fire, and the mage attempted to Counterspell, but Caleb successfully counter-counterspelled. A world-weary and vagabond human wizard who has been traveling with Nott for some time. [57] During this time, Caleb discovered that people did not pay attention to poor, dirty wanderers and maintained a disheveled appearance to escape notice. Alignment [28] Caleb smeared mud on his face when Jester demeaned the amount of money his parents made. 200 gp-worth of high quality parchment and ink (unused), 1250 gp-worth of high quality parchment and ink, Skilled (Perception, Intimidation, Persuasion), First eye: Mild telepathy with others bearing eyes (120 feet), Third eye: Ability to see through illusions, Fourth eye: Ability to see into the ethereal plane - unused, Fifth eye: Ability to scry into the "eye" of another - unused, Spellcasting (Intelligence-based ability), "It's on the table though, so on the table it will stay. "Between the Lines" (2x78) Liam O'Brien later confirmed on Talks Machina that Caleb was manipulating Fjord in this scene, and that he hated himself for doing so. Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by Minttu Hynninen. The two have been overly protective of each other since before they met the Mighty Nein. In retaliation, he Polymorphed himself into a giant spider. [104], Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by saturdaysky. While investigating the cavern beneath the well in Asarius, Caleb was charmed by the succubus. During the fight with the frost salamanders, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. Caleb claims to not have a favorite color. When the temple flooded, Caleb and Nott saved the party from falling after being shot out the top of the temple by a geyser by both casting Feather Fall. After reading from Lucien's cursed tome,[31] Caleb had a dream from the Somnovem and became marked with a red eye tattoo on his right shoulder, similar to Lucien's tattoos. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. Caleb suggested renaming their stolen ship the "Shit" or the "Shittake," as mist in Zemnian is a word for "shit. He allowed them to see a few rooms on the eighth floor, including a reproduction of Caleb's childhood home and one of the Nestled Nook Inn in Trostenwald, where the party first met. Caleb Polymorphed into a bat and joined the rest of the party inside the Tumblecarve house. 12 Yasha was eventually able to break the charm by wounding Caleb. In the aftermath of Vokodo's defeat, Caleb and Yasha shared a moment. "Stalker in the Swamp" (2x21) Pierced through the chest and stomach by Lucien's clawed wings He is played by Liam O'Brien . [268][269] Caleb currently has an ancient spellbook from Halas's library containing Magic Jar, Trap the Soul[270], and Clone.[271]. You're so little. "Steam and Conversation" (2x09) That night, the Somnovem once again communicated with Beau and Caleb in their dreams. Caleb was enraptured by an Aeorian records room, filled with notes and blank paper, and decided to spend ten minutes casting his Vault of Amber. When they returned to school, they were told what was expected of them and returned to Blumenthal where Astrid and Eadwulf murdered their parents, but when Caleb set his parents' house on fire and heard their screams, he broke, and spent the next eleven years, mad, in the Vergesson Sanatorium. They escaped to Tidepeak Tower only to learn Yussa was in an unwakeable trance. He has also supported her and helped come up with solutions when Veth shared her doubts about staying with the Mighty Nein versus living with her husband and son. [art 30], Una and Leofric were Caleb's parents. [97] During the ensuing battle, Uk'otoa was released, and the party Teleported back to Nicodranas, hired a ship, and sailed into the southern Lucidian Ocean to fight the leviathan himself. As the Mighty Nein made for the sewers, there was an implosion at the top of the Zauber Spire, distracting the Crownsguard. Also known as Essek asked him to demonstrate his magical prowess, and Caleb cast Cat's Ire. Their relationship became more strained when the Mighty Nein infiltrated the High Richter's house in Zadash and during the Mighty Nein's time at sea. [art 31], Fan art of Caleb with Frumpkin in sparrow form, by Megzilla87. Fan art of Caleb at his parents' graves, by Ana Fedina. Nott asked him what he imagined he might have become if Ikithon hadn't gotten his hands on him, and Caleb answers that he would probably have remained at the Academy as a teacher. "Fair-weather Faith" (2x123) The minotaur immediately lightning attacked him, knocking him out a third time. Pronouns Caleb and Nott eventually decided to spend the day with Jester, Beauregard, and Fjord before heading to the carnival that night. However, he was unwilling to cross the ominous threshold of further understanding and did not fully identify it. They took him to Rexxentrum in shackles and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. When the Mistake began sinking due to a puncture in the hull, Caleb cast Leomund's Tiny Hut to seal the breach. to which she replied, "very well Is he you?" Caleb widogast character sheet April 16, 2019 April 16, 2019/ CritRoleStats With apologies to Jeff Goldblum.Media References(0:00:19) Ashley: It's a wild Ashley at the table! upon awakening. on the gorgon, despite it using its last legendary resistance to succeed on its saving throw against Widogast's Web of Fire. Despite a low persuasion roll, Essek then decided to begin teaching him the basics of dunamancy, offering to let him transcribe two spells from his spellbook, Gift of Alacrity and Fortune's Favor. Caleb, along with Jester and Yasha polymorphed into owls and caught up to the Tombtakers, carrying the rest of the Nein. As the party fled, Cree tried to cast Slow, but was Counterspelled by Fjord, who was counter-Counterspelled by Otis, who was counter-counter-Counterspelled by Caleb. He explained that he was from the Empire but no friend to the Empire, and he gave the beacon to Leylas Kryn, who began crying and said that he and the Nein had brought her Dynasty hope.[92]. Caleb used Programmed Illusion to create a slideshow of all the adventures the Mighty Nein had had together in an attempt to prevent Vokodo's mind altering powers from affecting them. "Midnight Espionage" (2x12) He originally appeared to want revenge against Trent Ikithon; however, his present goal seems to be to prevent any more children being recruited and trained as he was. "The Ruined Sliver" (2x104) "Manifold Morals" (2x74) See a recent Tumblr post from @ Nightythemein About C2E133. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. Caleb is the first player character on Critical Role to roll a Natural 20 while attacking himself. Caleb avoided answering any questions when the group interrogated Molly about his amnesia under a Zone of Truth. "Maritime Mysteries" (2x103) After Caduceus purged the final cloven crystal from Fjord's body, Caleb sealed the orb in his Vault of Amber. He asked her what had happened after he broke, since he has no memories after his home burned. They shared an awkward hug. There, the party met with Trent Ikithon and Eadwulf, one of Caleb's ex-partners. In combat with the demon spiders, Caleb was webbed and pulled in by the mother spider. Seeing his oldest friend turn on him, and the potential crumbling of the wall of secrecy he had maintained, Caleb vomited in the middle of the floor. Class "Family Shatters" (2x96) Essek seemed to be irritated, but agreed to teleport them again. Upon purchase you will receive a link to a short survey. See 1x130 from 2:40:55 through 2:41:12. The name Widogast is an Old German name composed of the elements ", From a Proto-Indo-European origin, it can also mean "anger, agitation. Caleb Widogast Caleb was one of the Mighty Nein members to take part in the Hour of Honor drinking competition. ", "I'm a dirty hobo and I reek of yesterday's garbage. The Golem severely injured both of them and affixed a metallic collar around Caleb's neck that silenced him, preventing him from casting any spell with a verbal component. [35] He showed little interest in the secrets of people besides Nott, hoping to avoid answering questions about himself. Fan art of the Ermendruds, by Saturnberries. Fan art of Caleb, by Nikki Dawes. [12][13][14][15][16][17] As a young boy Caleb was focused, persuasive, driven, and eloquent, though later in life he used his charismatic personality more to deceive people. Back in Berleben, Caleb asked Nott and Kiri to help him find a good stone, hopefully one with a ring around it, and after about ten minutes they did. Eadwulf and Astrid told Caleb that if that happened, they would follow him and do as he commanded. "A Dangerous Chase" (2x64) From their personality, goals, relationships, and what kind of archetype of a character Caleb is. Str Jester has in turn come to rely on him to provide emotional understanding and support. "The Endless Burrows" (2x50) [173] In Caleb's epilogue, he fulfilled this dream. Privacy. She was sure Trent Ikithon would find Caleb, and confirmed Astrid and Eadwulf were still alive. [60] Caleb came up with their escape plan, using Frumpkin to bring a piece of wire into their cell which Nott used to pick the lock. [166], Caleb hoped to kill specific members of the Cerberus Assembly, including Trent Ikithon, out of both a desire for revenge and a hope to end the recruitment and corruption of children in the service of the Dwendalian Empire. [142][143][144] Their friendship began after the Mighty Nein were assigned to Esseks stewardship, and Essek agreed to tutor a curious Caleb in dunamancy. "New Homes and Old Friends" (2x111) He also revealed for the first time that he had been experimented on by having crystals placed into his arms, leaving the scars which he had kept hidden with bandages since the party met him. . Fan art of Caleb casting Haste, by Giulia Valentini (kurocyou). Beau said she was pretty busy worrying about this life, but she would probably be joining him there in not-great. The three killed their parents, but Bren "broke" when he heard his parents' screams from inside their burning house. However, it has since evolved. Caleb Widogast Domestic Fluff Established Relationship A copper tea kettle, a suncatcher in the window, sequined curtains, a reading nook. After Clay nearly drowned multiple times, Caleb gave him Mollymauk's Periapt of Wound Closure. Caleb met and talked with Timorei and Ira, two of the Somnovem. Caleb escorted the party to an inn to discuss his past relationship with Trent Ikithon and what had happened to his parents. Caleb is attracted to both men and women. After a second dream from the Somnovem[32], a second red eye tattoo appeared in the center of his shoulder blades on his back. While finishing his watch, Caleb resummoned Frumpkin. caleb widogast [critical role] i am going to tell you the story of how i murdered my mother and father 45Pins 3y Collection by jenna Dark Acedemia Light In The Dark Witch Aesthetic Book Aesthetic Witchy Academia Aesthetic Vintage Books Aesthetic Dark Magic Library Aesthetic Dark Academia Aesthetic Pictures Dark Academia Pictures Cats and books. Caleb accidentally revealed Nott's goblin nature in a social misunderstanding. Receive a personal letter from Caleb Widogast, a character played by Liam O'Brien in Critical Role campaign two. Caleb changed Frumpkin into a hawk so that he could better search for signs of them but found nothing. Their relationship has evolved significantly since the beginning of the campaign. When Jester addressed Nott as Caleb's mother shortly afterwards, this greatly confused Caleb. 7 level 2 [24] Caleb has a soft Zemnian (German) accent. When the party proceeded through the tunnel, Caleb carried Essek on his back. Jester and Caleb reconciled after their fight the previous episode, and she apologized to him for her ignorance. Lvl 10 [161], At the start of the campaign, Caleb had unspecified plans for when he became powerful enough to "bend reality" to his will, which have evolved as the campaign has progressed. Though Jester healed him, Caleb passed out from blood loss, shouting "take them out!" He can prepare up to 22 of these spells per day. When revealing what had transpired to the rest of the party, Caleb said that Essek had seemed conflicted, and that perhaps sense could be talked to him. [art 42], Yes, I was trained to be a terrible person. [152][153] Some months after Lucien and Trent were defeated, they returned to the Temporal Dock in Aeor. Later, the Nein met with Vess DeRogna in her tower, and Caleb offered the Nein's collaboration in her Aeorian project. [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. He believed that he was fully responsible despite being magically beguiled and the reassurances of both Nott and Beauregard that he was not to blame; he neither wanted nor accepted their consolations. This survey allows you to completely personalise the letter to your wishes. The party Teleported back to Eiselcross where they reunited with Essek Thelyss, and suggested that they ally with Trent Ikithon for the coming battle against Lucien. Astrid and Eadwulf were present in the Mighty Nein's battle against Trent, eventually turning on their abuser and helping Caleb defeat him. The party managed to successfully leave combat with the Tombtakers, although they were still being pursued. Caleb and the rest of the Nein found blueprints in the Golem Workshop for making a golem servant. Caleb let her copy the glyphs, only showing her where they went and guiding her hand on the tougher symbols. And, even now, all these years later, I can't shake it, I still care a great deal about you. They fantasize about the things they want to have in the place they call home. In an attempt to raise group morale, Caleb faked a heart attack, and when he 'recovered', Nott loudly proclaimed that he had been saved by the power of friendship. This inevitably leads to him being . [137], Caleb and Molly were friends. [145] A connection soon sparked between them thanks to their shared passion for magic. He took the group to a dance hall he, Astrid, and Eadwulf used to visit, and danced with Beau and Fjord in turn. Luc is the son of Caleb's best friend, Veth, and Caleb has made multiple efforts to comfort and connect with Luc. schetti. He was suspicious of Fjord's brief lapse into a British accent. He pursued magical knowledge and artifacts even if it meant risking his life. Caleb said that while he wasn't sure he could ever truly atone, the more good he did, the more easily he could carry the weight of his sins. Fjord agreed. She was genuinely mournful for his pain, but with an underlying hardness. Caleb assisted in intimidating Algar into leaving Nicodranas. "Ghosts, Dinosaurs, and Stuff" (2x102) [163] He also objected vociferously when Beau mentioned this, since he had never mentioned it to her. [42], Caleb has evolved from being withdrawn, untrusting, and on at least one occasion considering leaving the party,[43] to the person who of them all perhaps cares most about keeping them together. It had been so long since either of you have felt genuinely loved, Caleb never wanted to lose you. Caleb asked if this made them friends, and Yasha said that it did. He proposed taking Vess DeRogna's job offer to explore Eiselcross. He then pulled Fjord down into the ocean depths after the fast-sinking and inert Uk'otoa, allowing him to reach the creature and imprison him once again. Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Stats: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 16, Variant: +1 to two stats of choice, one extra proficiency, Languages: Common, Zemnian, Sylvan, Celestial, Stats Update: Intelligence increase from 18 to 20, Feat: Skilled (Perception, Intimidation, Persuasion), Stats Update: Wisdom increased from 16 to 18. In order to appease Vokodo, Caleb offered his Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. "Hush" (2x07) He dubbed it William or Little Willi for short. [80], Fan art of Caleb casting fire, by Matt Hubel. Caleb and Nott flew out on a brief reconnaissance mission, but had to return quickly after they were accosted by a Righteous Brand soldier. [103], After helping Beauregard expose the corruption of the Cerberus Assembly, Caleb visited his parent's gravesite and took out the second book from his coat. He used Fiends of Folklore and Kylre's death to persuade Lawmaster Norda that the husk attacks were not the fault of the group. Caleb Widogast is a human wizard. Upon arriving at the Chantry of the Dawn, Caleb offered to create a diversion for the party and moved around to the back of the building. "A Heart Grown Cold" (2x113) To help her escape, Caleb Polymorphed Beau into a wooly mammoth. Lucien used his antimagic ability to dispel Caleb's Polymorph, sending him and Caduceus tumbling into the snow just feet from the Tombtakers and within an antimagic cone. Caleb was killed by Lucien during the party's battle against him as the Cognouza Incarnate, but Jester was able to Revivify him. Essek said he didnt want to change a thing about his past, since his mistakes had led him to be here with Caleb. As part of the group's eulogy to Molly, Caleb said, "Shine bright, circus man.". Beau asked if he wanted to take down Trent, and Caleb said yes, among other things. [164] Gradually, it was revealed that his long term goal when he met the Mighty Nein had been to change time to erase his murder of his parents. In the evening, in order to provide Jester information for potential Scrys, Caleb used Seeming to make himself look like Trent Ikithon, Beau like Astrid, Fjord like Eadwulf, Nott like Vess DeRogna, and Caduceus like Jenna Iresor (another Assembly member). Caleb asked Beau to trust him, saying that his desire to kill Trent Ikithon was in line with the things that Beau and Dairon want. Caleb asked for an unspecified favor in return if he helps figure out this pedestal. He replied that he cared for her, but it had been a very long time. Veth once described Caleb as being like a son to her. It was Caleb's idea to stay in Trostenwald to find new companions "to tag along with. Jester immediately cast Greater Restoration on him, restoring his memories, and bringing back his slump and usual demeanor. The scarf is 11 1/2 feet long and 6 inches wide, made from cotton, and weathered with faux burns near the ends. The remaining party members decided it was best to bury Molly. "Fleeting Memories" (2x14) During his revivification, Caleb held Fjord's head in his lap. Fan art of Caleb and Jester reading Der Katzenprinz, by UndeadEmpress. [44] Gradually, however, he began thinking of the Nein as his new family. Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. He then said to his parents that he hoped he wouldn't let them down. "[141] While the two have very different takes on the concept of destiny, they nonetheless get along and support each other. Eadwulf returned the greeting, saying that Bren/Caleb looked good, but remaining impassive. "Found & Lost" (2x26) Humanoid Caleb proposed to the group that they try to stop the war by "cutting the cancer" out of his homeland. Nott threw a keg of black powder then Caleb caused an explosion by casting Scorching Ray on it.[78]. Sheet Music All Movies . She let them off without penalty. [art 14], "Whispers of War" (2x18) "A Pirate's Life for Me" (2x41) "[75] He told Beau he did not feel guilty for the theft or killing the previous crew because the Mighty Nein did not attack first. [86], Caleb figured out to how open the Happy Fun Ball of Tricks and accidentally transported the party into Halas's manor. Caleb got to experience the ocean for the first time, saying that it reminded him of his personal experiences with the beacon. 111 Along with the rest of the Mighty Nein, Caleb was expelled from the Revelry after Avantika's execution. Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts fanart. Caleb used Maximilian's Earthen Grasp in the form of a cat's paw to immobilize the gelatinous cube. During the Nein's involvement with the Tombtakers, Caleb was exposed to the "Pattern" of the Somnovem through the fractals in Lucien's journal. Fjord realized it would take more blood than they were able to give and decided they should leave. He awkwardly gave her a hug, saying, "I don't know what I'm doing. Unlike Jester's group and Molly, Caleb was not under house arrest for the duration of the investigation into the events of the carnival thus, he was able to move freely around the town as himself. [art 2] While claiming rooms in the Xhorhaus, Caleb chose the only bedroom on the ground floor of the home.