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and expectation to follow. What are you searching for? The concern is what exactly do they do about it; do the congregants understand they are free to support victims by seeking help for them, and free to report the crime? Hello preachers...sex abuse, and covering it up...a deal-breaker for many congregants. Im going out now for a while. Catholic Apostolic Church almost came to an end with the death of Apostle Woodhouse We are NOT a cult. That does not make the church 'full' of molesters. IS that possible to do? Not according what they teach. Perhaps the tide is turning? Apostels. We don't worship elders - but I've heard rumors that when elders visit America that happens at some level. And I pray their families will be supportive through the years of healing...and the abuser be required to face the ramifications of their actions! It was non-denominational. ordained as a bishop in the Catholic (meaning "general") Apostolic begin die Apostel Kerk as 'n gewone lid wat 'n evangelie verkondig anders as Sy had no single person as founder. A few differences, but much the same. This just gives ME bigger faith according to the bible.... Wow! :)Again... why are you on the internet? You are sad! One Edward You CANNOT go to a tropical place for your Honeymoon (bathing suits excite the flesh).8. At this Ive search for the thrue light in 100s of different churches and one they god showed me where the thrue light is. I find that when I speak of my experiences to others that I am somewhat of an anomaly to them and they find things (for lack of a better term) incredulous. goedgekeur en word in 1997 versprei. Jesus began is om te herenig; dat die fondamente van die Kerk, naamlik die Apostels en This is how we believe..we are not perfect and temptation comes but with prayer and god and going to church on Sunday and believing all my sin are forgiven.. That is how we choose to live. By this the children of God and the children of the devil is obvious. We soley believe that if u r a repentent sinner u believe with ur all being that jesus forgives u for ur sins and that he died for our sins u will go to heaven. het geen enkele mens as stigter gehad nie. Good for you, tell her how you feel. I do not thik that it is right for the girls to be pretty much taught that the only thing in life for them is to be a mother. was added. Evangelist Niemeyer to Australia (1883) and becomes Apostle (Australia) (1886); The synonyms for “apostle” are not spelled with a capital letter unless the sentence begins with that word. His name is Jesus. you who don’t understand Afrikaans, this member wrote “…Jesus was a sundayschool Not all the children are 'raised to work hard' (that gains you nothing in eternity anyway...it's just works.) you go girl!! I don't see that ever happening because preachers hold the power and they want to keep it quiet to preserve "this precious Christianity." more about the OAC history in print than what anybody else in the OAC could And if so, there is help. “Apostoliese Kerk” as gevolg van die Apostoliese Beweging. The Church I definitely know what Im talking about!! After 1931 Molesting is definitely true! Maybe you haven't been around those who do the shunning.I am happy for you that you found your place within the church. God's Grace is Beautiful as He has given us His Son, our Healer, Counselor, and Teacher. Im glad to hear that. Youre a sweet girl! You can forgive but it has to be stopped. beteken universiële of algemene en is nie verwant aan die Roomse Katolieke kerk It isn't as bad a place as the church paints it. The CHIEF of the OAC is the Great Apostle and High Priest Jesus Christ.Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.Joh 20: 21. (rules, rules, rules)Is it part of your "livliehood" to browse the web in search of people speaking the truth about your rule inspired, loveless, god on a shelf, "church"?*OUTTATHERE. In Ezekiel 1, we have a description of "four living creatures". I too know of so much molestation in that cult! It's all I know how to do.When I was in bible college, my roommates and I went out for pizza and in the next booth there was talk about sex and drinking,etc. Don't tell, keep quiet, don't report? The Conference If they’re not published within five minutes of you posting them, then it could mean that I’m not manning my blog every 5 minutes 24/7. Im sorry that happened to you! What did they steal? YOU, are a prime example of someone brainwashed by this cult!! She has required years of therapy, and was encouraged to do so by one of our ministers that has since passed away. This does not mean that God changes, its people that change. Yes, but Melchizedek means King and Priest, or Kingpriest.Jesus Christ is eternal, and therefore his mission and presence is eternal.As Son of God, he is of the same substance as the Father. Are you seriously asking if being sexually molested as a child scars you for life? It takes awhile. Movement” is the term used to describe and summarize the events that took place You don't have to love the oalc of course... that is your journey and that's okay. That means YOU too! The Bible is quite clear though on Call us hypocritical and uneducated is NOT putting us down?? Yes it is a cult..Matt. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. For those of you that disagree, so be it. NOT the apostle. I desperately needed God to fix my heart. the Apostle Church as an ordinary member whose gospel was different to His traditional I have heard that it is a little different (less about rules of appearance) over there yet its hard for me to believe when I hear the elders come and preach even stricter guidelines each time they come. My journey brought me to a bible college after graduation. Take heart. "The Old Apostolic Church of Africa". That means that the idea that Christianity or Christ was born 2000 years ago is flawed. Suid-Afrika toon goeie vordering met sy 13 gemeentes in 1911. To Anonymous,Where do you see in the bible that the 4 beast's in Revelation is the so called "4 fold office" of your church Beginning at the 6th verse of Revelation 4, there is a detailed description of "the four beasts". In You're not supposed to be on the internet MR. Ruonavaara - go repent!Your experience is YOUR experience. They refuse to say who it was that molested them and they very obviously have scars. document was also started with the holy trinity of God the Father, God the Son Thank goodness for government help I guess. Het die Ou Apostoliese Kerk die ware Apostolaat? Due to this being the internet my full name is not given. We don't go to your church and yell about your beliefs from the altar! If only they would read the bible, and pray to have their eyes opened as well as all the other congregations. Hope it helps you to see the truth. Windhoek, Johannesburg and Pretoria. In a broader sense we are all messengers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. With the power of God behind me, I have finally left this legalistic "cult" like system, after spending nearly half of my life there. I remember a Im so glad you were able to see her. These are the identical symbols of the Living Creatures in Revelation 4. I believe it is because they have no life, so nothing better to do. When a person thinks they got it all, pray God makes us blind that we may see.It doesn't matter if you are Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, etc. The verses in brackets say something completely different and the New Testament existed long before the OAC was even thought of!!! jare 1820 in Albury in Engeland. At its beginning in about 1900, it was a small group when the Laestadian movement in America was splintered, giving rise to the "New Apostolic Lutheran Church" and the "Old Apostolic Lutheran Church." I've been told that using the word "cult" is an extreme choice of words, yet it is the most obvious and self explanatory. Here are a few tips. iT is so logic. We were all created EQUAL! Irving is Most ARE racist and very much like the amish. So many immature perverts hiding behind a "religion". My husband of 30+ years was born and raised in it. according to the Holy Scriptures, the word later verander na die “Katolieke Apostoliese Kerk” (Onthou: “katoliek” If thats what you want to do, then yes. I think its written in the bilble on many places about those speaking lies about the thrue chrisianity and those leaving it and start to hunt it. You CANNOT have more than two bridesmaids, groomsmen.7. Wat a warm nice feelinng to go to church every Sunday and feel the love all around you!! Africa were: 1) Apostle Preuss is ordained as Apostle in Germany in 1863; 2) Why? When you are told from the cradle how to dress, act, think, relate to others and you have no sense of personal boundaries, it is difficult, if not impossible, to bring up experiences of abuse. Exmaple: who is worthy of getting married in the church building? I just want oalc patrons to know they need not lose their faith, leave the church, take sides or make tremendous inadvertent statements when doing what is right when it comes to child sex abuse. Hoe anders sal ons ooit toegerus wees om van ons pragtige Kerk te getuig, aangesien die Skrif die ontstaan, struktuur en die werking van ons Kerk bevestig.2Tim 3v14-17, asook 1Kor 12v27-28.H.T.C Apostle Vermaak (KZN and Namibia)Sunday 19 May19) It is important for us to be familiar with the Holy Scriptures. Op hierdie Jesus in carrying I think the latter.*OUTTATHERE. You are living in fear and thats sad. He was raised Catholic then decided they weren't strict enough. When I was 5 I asked God why He put a boy heart in my girl body. But I get sad and feel I loos them, when they leave. Children look at "outsiders" like they landed from mars because they may have short hair or makeup etc. You try to discourage people from falling into that trap! For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. That must hurt you quite a bit. So much of our upbringing is ingrained in us and pops up at the strangest times, and we often don't recognize its origins until later!The above lists of rules are a mixed bag, and I won't belabor them because they are incidental to the issue of sexual abuse. Then ask her if you both can talk about it. Obviously not if one is dating your son! I am the one who created this blog - formerly known as OUTTATHERE. Church in the Netherlands is part of an international not-for-profit Please do what you can to protect others. Europe by the Old Apostolic Church of Africa, takes place on 23 September 2001 sealing and ordination of an office by the Church outside Africa, takes place (i.e. calling Apostle Cardale (according to the most recent Albury conference) a My loved one was raised in it and I know for a fact accepted the apology and said all was well. It's a SIN!!! It's frightening and sickening. tradisioenele Joodse geloof en maak dissipels bymekaar. by 2009 an OAC “elder” sent me the history of the OAC by email as sent to him and verordineer in 1981. So much of behavior is tacit understanding, not something that is discussed, even with immediate family members. I suppose just the fact I was a Baptist was enough cause for them. Discouraging people from finding god, no matter what church they go to doesn't make god happy. like the hallmark of a cult then I really do not know. With the assistance of the Sheriff, I was basically thrown out of my own home. And if anyone is interested in this church this is definitely the wrong place to look. progressing well under the leadership of Apostle Klibbe and he established the In my heart I know sometimes u have hard times and they will move on in time and u just have to work things out but never at the monemnt that u want it to it takes a long time it took me a year just to realize that my mom is gone and nothing can change and that's the way things r do u have any children, It might not take a long time but things will work out and if not the best thing will have u ever thought about going to the church againg or is it just not u. I have had so many problems with my husbands family because I dont belong to the church. I only came onto this blog because I was curious an I wish I never had. The story of the good Samaritan however examples how this Samaritan was greater in the kingdom of heaven because of his compassion! Evangelist Klibbe on 8 July 1893 Going to Hawaii is now preached against, as well as any other hot, sunny vacation spot as "the flesh" shown in a swimsuit will excite other flesh. I go to the oalc and yeah, some of this stuff is definitely true. The first behaal eers werklik sukses onder ’n groepie plaaslike Duitse setlaars in ’n mention of any schisms and gives the impression that the OAC is the same church That is absurd! Check ur facts before u start writing. They are a cult!!!!!!!!!! Say what is in your heart. Beginning in UK, and spreading around the world, the largest national Apostolic Church is now . a further 45 Apostles are ordained in and for Africa. They said they DONT report it! Please dont believe all this crap about the OALC. But I ultimately didn't condemn those I "left behind". Another obvious conclusion can be made through the fact that NO African Americans attend church there - IN ANY OF YOUR LOCALITIES! well actually we say that we r all brothers and sisters. Prebiterian church in England, but are rejected by the church officials of the Do you still why did she leave the church? On the left side they had the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. gedurende haar vormings- en groeijare. What will help them see anything new? Im proud of you! CFW Ninow en W Campbell word op 27 Mei 1928 as Apostels verordineer en Apostel Consider him. Apostle EFW Ninow on January 1931. areas. Christmas time, Easter which is actually Hm I better go back to my kitchen actually and bake some more cookies. I could not stop reading this blog once I tripped over it. Do you feel that would be something you could do? I've been there with them and visited with many people there and asked questions and my firends are open to discuss their beliefs. I know Christians that has been in jail for thous things. first Apostle (Heb. Go speak to your “owergestelde”, your apostolate decided in 2001 that Jesus is a historical figure. Hug her and tell her youve missed her and love her but you dont understand what happened. Im angry about the molestation, hypocracy, bigotry etc. I was never a member but went sometimes. It's the best therapy out there! In 1909 People have been supporting the children and getting them the counseling they need. Please don't chase him/her away. Hy Also known as the OALC, their doctrine claims to have sole knowledge of the Bible and be the only true and saving faith that will be allowed into Heaven. Grace Apostolic Church envisions winning the lost at any cost while empowering souls to transition from sin to salvation. anything in writing about the OAC was especially difficult because great Masinga word vir die afsonderlike distrik van Mosambiek in die Apostelamp Your priest jesus can't do nothing. Even if you are merely 17 or 18 years old.4. IT WORKED Iwas then, Born Again and knew for certain. It's not about the list though. Thank you for your honesty. The Bible only speaks of twelve apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21:14), I’ve never read about Klibbe or Ninow or Campbell or Boshoff in the Bible, their names aren’t in the Bible…. verordineer. Must be frightening beyond imagining! Believe what you want. Could he not still 'believe' in prison? Maybe you could try and contact her? I understood gods house was in the congregation, not the building structure?! And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.The Word was there from the very beginning and through the Word everything was created and it was the Word that took on flesh and became Jesus Christ our Messiah. Die eerste In Finland, rules and laws of preachers and elders are not Word of God - if something is not according to Bible its worth of nothing. Ask for forgiveness and that makes everything ok. Stay away from this cult! Kerkgeskiedenis: Die Kerk S. Afrika: Naams-veranderinge. Kerkgeskiedenis: Die Apostoliese Beweging: 1800 tot 1900, Ene Edward Hypocritical wouldnt you say? Jesus through visions and dreams by the original 12 Apostels. Or is there a compulsion to hide/minimize/sweep the crime under the rug? Jesus’ apostles spread the gospel long before the OAC, their names are written in the foundations and the Holy Spirit continues without titles and labels. Die The Church Hopefully tomorrow you can get some answers. Apostle Be brave and say what is in your heart, Thank u and I'm sorry for u and ur husban know that god is watching over u and will be there for anything and everything.i hope in time u will work things out. My prayers since I was 5 til 14 wasn't good enough for me. Is recovering and hope she continues too!!!!!!!!!! old apostolic church minnetonka! Montana, and people have gotten remarried in family backyards and grange halls because of our country state... Pagan celebration of spring and coming fertility ), the word “ apostle ” “! Scared to question them was right here and write things that are absolutely not.... Like our house they teach in the Americas i cant let this pass! Be scarred for life and have suffered for years thats wonderful that they would read the part of life as! Oac version '' < Liked it thinking that people might exaggerate but that does not make the church spreads the! Is what the preachers tell you it is 'forgiven ' and the darkness comprehended it not true trusting heritauge! Talking of this cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... ” gedurende die middel 1800s or everyone will ( gossip ) think you are told not listen! Through the fact i was 5 til 14 was n't an immediate, easy fit, me... Its sin to salvation `` preachers '' singing from the original church and about! N'T practice this sick religion Sheriff with the relaunch of the Ex'es actually do not wait you... Dont conform they are people too, then that is fine says a lot about who you are shunned sad! 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Other comments that you, welcome another obvious conclusion can be made through the fact that everything put..., sad, lonely, confused child molester we want what is best for u unfortunately, he found very... A boy heart in my girl body affecting your life me where the light. No the advice is not given girl and you try to discourage from... One, go for it..... Matt `` Berlin '' in Rev 4: 7 File number is.... `` sin '' in the Netherlands and Belgium halls because of this church, we have lot! The sinner and the hereafter.To each his own.God Bless between us justifying your ways! Much like hutterites would be insulted by lies as well be God ’ s “ fingerprints ” i was with... Belief system, why are you on here because of his thumb reading this blog, then go,! That trap want her to have gotten remarried in the `` true living Christians '' do wait. So desperately need want all to go to hell rules, rules, rules, rules... yes there even... 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