Taurus Products, Inc. will process your quote within 24 hours maximum time. We know in your business timing is important.
Used in electrical insulation, it could fetch a decent price. Used in the making of white pigments, they could be sold for a small amount of gil. Liquid secreted from a big, bony fish. An award presented to citizens of the imperial capital in honor of outstanding achievements in the field of excellence. The jaw of a hundlegs, easily shattered once the creature is dead. The giant horn of a manxome foe. The pointed barb at the end of a saphyrtail's stinger. The player can collect various items in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn. A gorgeous, green-hued bottle filled with air. Virtually unbreakable, these strands can be used to make fishing tackle and other gear. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. It has some value as an abrasive, and could fetch a decent price. Taken from a mesmenir, these bristles can be used to craft an excellent toothbrush. It has great value, and could fetch a considerable value. Treasure Source Acquired by Sell Catalyst Effect; Adamantite: Enemy drop: Adamantoise: 15,000: Alstor Bass Bones: Fishing????? They are needed to either complete quests or to upgrade weapons. It has some value as a medicinal ingredient, and could fetch a high price. Type: Treasures: Buying price-Selling price: 10000 Effect: Someone's forgotten treasure, left behind in a dungeon. Random collectibles shine blue, "treasure spot" collectibles shine red. The difference between treasures and key items is that treasures can be used in Elemancy and sold for gil. A highly explosive piece of broken magiteknological equipment. Coming straight from the Official Collector's Edition Strategy Guide, here is a list of treasures (either dropped by monsters or found in the world), that you should NOT sell. Taking down Adamantoise nets you a cool 50,000 EXP and 50,000 Gil as a … Unpleasant to the touch but reputed for its durability. A precious fossil of an ancient sea creature found in stony terrain. A lot of treasures… They could be sold for a small amount of gil. Taken from a spiracorn, this horn is a very popular item among artisans and craftsmen. A fossil of an ancient shell fish found in stony terrain. Extremely precious stone used for unnecessarily extravagant building projects. A piece of ancient machinery, presumably from some ruins, It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. A fibrous vine dripping with poison. A sturdy claw with tufts of brilliant feathers attached. This pin plucked from a mushussu is sought after for its hollow core, often filled with ink and used by tattoo artists. The sharp, needle-like bone of a quetzalcoatl. Below are some of those Most treasures can be sold if you don't use Magic at all. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. In good condition, it could fetch a decent price. Treasures marked with a * in the table are required for sidequest completion. If you need money, consider doing hunts instead of selling loot. Treasure can be sold for gil or used as a catalyst when crafting spells. Used to produce peculiarity pigmented makeup, they could fetch a decent price. Northgard Cheat Gives Unlimited Food, Wood, Money And More, Omori Emotions Chart Guide, How To Change Ally & Opponent Emotion, Omori how to get downstairs & defeat something, game over walkthrough, Cyberpunk 2077- Delamain Destroy Or Reset Core All Choices Result, Cyberpunk 2077 The Hunt, Enter Lab, Locate Cabinet & Full Walkthrough, Cyberpunk 2077 Ex-Factor Choices With Maiko & Kill Woodman Guide. The large, sail-like dorsal fin of a fan bluegill. A crest proudly sported by the males of the species. It has some value as a medicinal ingredient, and could fetch a decent price. A self-proclaimed Final Fantasy game "for fans and newcomers alike", FF15 has gone through multiple changes over its 10-year Collected after a battle with an arba. A mechanical toy of the big baddie from K-MA's popular pinball series. In the game, players can collect many different types of treasures and items which can be sold to get Gil the in-game currency. While it’s flesh is unpopular in kitchens. You can sell them for gil, or trade for new items in Cauthess Depot outpost. The feathery plume of a basilisk. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. It could be sold as a simple pin for a small amount of gil. The gigantic fang from a fearsome, one-eyed beast. The cast-off carapace of a rare beetle, iridescent and sparkling. Small scales with a unique gleam. The pointed barb at the end of a reapertail's stinger. Treasures can be sold to vendors. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. A shard of shiny, polished metal. A particularly splendid example of hind plumage. To some, Final Fantasy XV’s multiplayer expansion pack is an entertaining (if mildly frustrating) way to experience Square Enix’s epic RPG with friends. Treasures marked with a * in the table are required for sidequest completion. Gigantic spine from a gigantuar, gathered from the ground. Taken from a fish with a fearsome reputation, this fin can be used in furniture. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. At a press conference this morning, director Hajima Tabata answered that question: it needs to sell 10 million copies, worldwide, over entire the life-span of the game. The fangs of a redlegs, easily shattered once the creature is dead. below you will find a list of items which you should not sell as they can be very useful later. Sometimes the normal items that monsters drop can be used for side quests, so if you hold on to them you will run into quests you can turn right back in for a super quick reward. A rare, lustrous scale taken from the rare jade gar. Final Fantasy's de facto currency, Gil (g), returns in FF15, but in much shorter supply than usual. In the new Final Fantasy XV, players can many different types of treasure, foods and other items which … They have some value, and could fetch a decent price. Used in the making of rare pigments, they could fetch a decent price. Valued by manufacturers for its toughness, it can fetch a decent price. A power generator used in the manufacture of imperial military weapons. The hind plumage of a giant bird. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. Noctis likes to enjoy a bit of fishing, Gladio is a survival expert that collects items after battle, Ignis can cook up a storm with his awesome recipes and Prompto – well, he likes to take poorly framed pictures at the most awkward moments. These treasures in FFXV Comrades serve as remodeling and crafting materials for weapons. It could fetch a high price. Must be handled with extreme caution. Even if damaged in abttle, they could fetch a high price. Though they have little use in culinary dishes, these teeth can be sold as fertilizer for a small amount of gil. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. Stone material of mixed quality for building. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. With plenty of wild beasties to slay and secrets to uncover, IBTimes UK has … Sharp and stiff as metal, the bristles are used to make deck brushes and the like. To know the amount of catalysts needed to increase the number of casts a spell requires, one must multiply "units required for duplication" value by the amount of desired extra spells. The old wood cut from the middle of a fallen treant, prized for its fragrant aroma. Easy money. It has considerable value and could fetch a high price. It’s one of the most obscure missions you can attempt. Not compatible with the Regalia, but could have some use. A fragment of the rare metal contained within an adamantoise’s shell. In this guide, we’ll show you treasure items drop locations and their abilities in Final Fantasy XV Comrades . Lightweight and durable, they have some value, and could fetch a decent price. Used as a material for crafting arms. Internal organs of a ferocious daemonfish. It is used to fashion luxury garments. There's some quests that require item turn-ins, but the drops are so common that it's not actually a problem to sell them. Bits of old iron that may be melted and reused. The jaw from a bandersnatch bigger than a man. It’s not a difficult mini-game, I racked up about 1,000,000 medals in about 80 minutes, give or take. Stiff fin muscle that gently glimmers when held up to the light. Once attached to a dualhorn foot, but now a material for artisans. Valued for the fiber contained within, it could fetch a decent price. Ostium Gorge in Leide near the imperial base (. The heart of the elusive king catfish. Cut from a spiracorn, the hairs can be used to make an excellent back scrubber. Appreciated for its hardness and certainly not for its unaesthetic appearance. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. The items are categorized in three sections in the menu: Items includes consumables, Treasures includes items that can be sold, and Key Items includes story items. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. An ingredient in animal feed they could be sold for a small amount of gil. A bag brimming with the limbs of a hundlegs. An award presented to soldier of the imperial army in honor of uncommon exploits. Used as an ingredient in fodder to strengthen the bones of livestock, it could fetch a decent price. Taken from a spiracorn subspecies, this horn is much in demand among artisans, craftsmen, and people who like helices. They have great value. The 'heart' beating in the empty chest of a soulless magitek trooper. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. This long, hooked claw is a precious artifact. The value is always rounded up. The small beak of a regaltrice, greatly valued as an adornment in animal-themed costumes. It has some value as an adornment, and could fetch a decent price. Not a huge deal. A sought-after crafting material. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. Thick armored hide not only used as a lightweight construction material, but also for absorbing blows. They have some use in oil production and could fetch a decent price. A fragment of the rare metal contained within an adamantoise’s shell. The hardest part of a bulette's body armor. Small scales with a unique hue. Abundant in fat used during oil production, it could fetch a decent price. Sell Your Treasure (But at Your Own Risk) As you explore the world, you'll gather a multitude of treasures that can be sold at shops for varying amounts of Gil. It can be sold for a very high price. An unusual oscillator used in the manufacture of imperial military weapons. it is an Open world JRPG game and is the official fifteenth main installment in the final fantasy series. A precious artificat used in natural medicine, it can be sold for a very high price. Rather than earning gil directly from enemy drops, you'll instead get various items - 'treasures' like animal pieces, coins, and other various bits and bobs - which you can use to sell … Used to make pigment for a unique paint, it could fetch a decent price. An ancient coin that still glitters as if newly minted. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. List Of Treasures You Should Never Sell In Final Fantasy XV PC Edition. Powerful crustacean claws. This long, inedible tongue is useful as a source of fabric dye. It's too difficult/long to try to list out everything you … Filled with oil instead of gas, the bass bladder is valued as a fuel source. They could fetch a decent price. Coming straight from the Official Collector's Edition Strategy Guide, here is a list of treasures (either dropped by monsters or found in the world), that you should NOT sell. It has some value as an ornamental plant among the well-to-do, and could fetch a high price. It also has some value as a decoration, and could fetch a decent price. These tiny bluegill scales find use as fertilizer when ground up. A venomous stinger from a killer bee that makes a fine pin once the poison has been removed. - remember to activate this script before you change Noctis' appearance to the Avatar (or load a savegame that are using the Avatar) that have one or more yet-to-obtained appearances applied, or the appearances would revert back to the default look. The spindly back fin of a large fish. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. A sphere formed of meteorite fragments compressed together by geological forces, It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. They can be sold for a very high price. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. In the new Final Fantasy XV, players can many different types of treasure, foods and other items which can be used to upgrade weapons or are just required for different quests. Bones from a large, saltwater fish. Some treasures obtained from stronger enemies can be sold for a high price, making selling loot an effective way of making gil. Final Fantasy XV Treasures Locations Guide to help you find all available treasures in the game to earn some extra Gil on the side and complete quests. They could be sold for a small amount of gil. Compound eye without any photosensitive layers in all its lenses. The fur-covered horn of a dualhorn. It has value as an ingredient in tonics, and could fetch a high price. A claw with tufts of feathers attached. Lustrous fin from a primitive fish. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. it has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. Treasures List Note: Items with (*) are those required for the completion of certain sidequests . It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. Oil extracted from the body of a long-lived gaiatoad and used in luxury salves and ointments. Used in restroom air fresheners, it could fetch a decent price. It has great value. But there are also some items you should not sell in the game below is the list of Treasures and other items which you can collect from either killing monsters or by just exploring the open world. This material cannot be substituted, and thus fetches prices even gillionaires would gawk at. Hard enough to be fashioned into armor with considerable effort, it has great value. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. Valued as a talisman for seafarers, it could fetch a decent price. A very rare fossil of a dragon fang found in stony terrain. Final Fantasy XV has arrived, and fans are finally playing the game they waited so long for.As we pointed out in our Final Fantasy XV review, it’s a unique experience for Final Fantasy veterans.So, before you dive into this new FF adventure for fans and newcomers, there are a few basics to understand in the opening hours. Resilient skin well known for its ability to stop bullets. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. Final Fantasy XV is home to dozens of unique, rare and valuable hidden treasures. Thought difficult to work with, it has some value, and could fetch a decent price. It can withstand nearly any blow, and has great value. Glass crystal formed into sparkling sphere. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. Rare indeed, it could fetch a high price. A horn taken from the head of a giant kujata. Taelpar Rest Area region (northwest, at the junction in Secullam Pass; Fabulously tough coeurl whiskers, hardened with age. Cut from the head of a fallen serpent, the crest is incredibly flexible and resilient, and can be sold for a very high price. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. Simply place the wagers and do your thing. They have some value, and could fetch a decent price. Scraps of Mystery is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The wing-like fin of a large, predatory fish. A magical feather plucked from the primal Garuda that harbors the power of wind. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn – Prologue, Final Fantasy XV -The Dawn of the Future-, Final Fantasy XV Official Comic Anthology, Final Fantasy XV Original Soundtrack Mishūroku Trailer Gakkyokushū, Final Fantasy XV Original Soundtrack Volume 2, Final Fantasy XV Live at Abbey Road Studios, Final Fantasy XV Ultimania Battle+Map Side, https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Treasures_(Final_Fantasy_XV)?oldid=3274574, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. A small membrane rich in rare substances used to make eyedrops. Alstor bass bones can be used to make glue. They are found around the magitek research facility as well as the city of Insomnia, and drop from enemies. A component from some imperial military electronic device, It could be sold for a small amount of gil. They are common, and only worth a small amount of gil. Scale of a enormous fish sought after by anglers aiming to earn the envy of their peers. A fossil of an ancient tree found in stony terrain. A favorite material of rustic artisans and fang fanatics. Skin from a large, saltwater fish. They are common, and only worth a small amount of gil. Magitek Cores can be obtained as an enemy drop from the following creatures: MA-X DUX - 100% chance MA-X Patria - 3% chance It can also be obtained as a collectible throughout the world: Gralea Insomnia It can also be obtained as a sidequest reward from Stealing the Past. Sharp scales from the back of a large fish. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. A black feather from an enormous zu, appreciated for being as strong as it id light. They have a great value. it is an Open world JRPG game and is the official fifteenth main installment in the final fantasy series. Used in the production of inexpensive repellent, it can be sold for a small amount of gil. A venomous stinger from a brutal bee that makes a fine pin once the poison has been removed. The sharp, elongated teeth of a snakehead. An extremely rare find, it could fetch a considerable price. As a powerful victory charm, it can be sold for a very high price. You can, and should, sell what you collect, but always make sure to keep at least one or two of something, as you never know when they could come in useful. Cut from a killer wasp, it can serve as a sharp, lightweight knife. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. A piece of unusable old currency found on the ground. A metal scrap too rusted now to tell what it was once used for. Cut from the carcass of an aspidochelon, this skin is used in many products. Valued by armorer for their use as shields. Used to make ugly bags and purses, it has some value, and could fetch a decent price. used to process food products, they could fetch a decent price. Potentially useful as material for daemonic research, they could be sold for a small amount of gil. Common; One spawn spot is outside the imperial base in Ostium Gorge (. some items also give special boosts to spells and weapons so it can be a good idea to keeping collecting them. Boasting myriad curative properties, it could fetch a high price. Used to make weapons of superlative quality. It is not particularly useful, and it will not sell for much. While rather grotesque, it could still be sold for a small amount of gil. The feathery plume of a royalisk, popular as an adornment in stylish hats. Highly prized as a symbol of strength and durability. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. A star-shaped shell found near the coast. Antlers taken from an adult specimen. Magitek Core is a treasure. This material cannot be substituted, and thus fetches prices even billionaires would gawk at. A dead branch fallen from a treant, valued for its fragrant aroma. This page contains a summary of all treasures in Final Fantasy XV and how to obtain them. Silky whiskers of a mature serpent, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. Treasures: Source (Sell) Gil: Metal Scrap Found 25 Rusted Bit: Found 300 Iron Shavings Found 200 Shattered Timepiece Found 500 Chrome Bit Found 800 Fossil Shell Found 25 Fossil Wood In olden days, these scales were prized as a grinding tool. - note that the script don't add the actual treasures to your inventory, you can still obtain them by playing the treasure hunt. While not quite as sprawling as previous games in the series, Final Fantasy 15's Eos is still a huge place with numerous dungeons, landmarks and cities to explore. They have value as an abrasive, and could fetch a high price. Digestive organs from a certain subspecies of fish. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. They oudl be sold for a small amount of gil. it’s different from person to person and depends on what you want to do in the game. A small silver coin found on the ground. All Rights Reserved. The bone of a small animal, suitable for crafting accesories. Now used to make accessories, they could fetch a high price. Beautiful scales believed to be from a dragon. Magitek Cores are needed for the quest A Better Drillbreaker to upgrade from a … Armored monster hide that can be cut into kitchen tiles. Taken from a common freshwater fish, these scaled are used as a fertilizer for fruit trees. A shell that is as light as it is strong and rough to the touch. As mentioned in the question, treasures can also be sold for gil. The heavy bone of a robust animal, suitable fir crafting large articles. The bony spur from a slain anak. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. A row of 36 colorful carp scaled sold as a talisman at special events. Note: Items with (*) are those required for the completion of certain sidequests. Any treasure can be used for Elemancy, with varying effects. Scales taken from the bony barrelfish. It has value as a high-quality pin, and could fetch a decent price. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price. The keratinized hide of a fearsome beast, cut snicker-snack from its body with a vorpal blade. A wing formed from delicate layers of tissue-like skin. It could be sold for a small amount of gil. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price. The scaly hide of a gurangatch. A sharp tusk used in many kinds of arts and crafts. Try not to sell to much random loot - loots are used for magic crafting and in some cases, weapon upgrading, as well as specialized stuff like Expericast. Some treasures are required for sidequests, so it is advisable to keep one of each in case it is needed. If you're low on cash, just sell. They could be sold for a small amount of gil. The splendid colors mean that ic could fetch a high price. In culinary dishes, these inverted scales possess a noble shine deck brushes and ones. 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