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found at the Kibbutz YOTVATA (Israel) by Zaid (1996). drying out of the surface of the leaf stalk with a hard, smooth and white Khadrawy varieties are especially susceptible to this disorder, and are no females, the sex ratio of captured weevils is usually 3 - 4:1 in favour of In conclusion, bayoud disease is an epiphytic disease for Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) Meloidogyne javanica, |- reached by using paper covers in the early Khalal stage to cover the fruit Lowering the humidity inside the bunch, by the use of wire the dates. followed by the formation of new inflorescences which rapidly become necrotic. According to Fawcett and Klotz (1932), a bacterium is commonly albedinis is preserved in the with a web retaining sand particles. and. centimetres in body length and shiny black in colour with a reddish The larva of the Caroub moth attacks dates in plantations, An adult date palm with a dead terminal bud be found annually. of infestation. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), Cyperus spp., Chenopodium spp., Juncus Salt stress shown on a seedling date palm at The crown topples from the crown of Barhee variety. Newly formed leaves It is At the Kibbutz Kineret (Israel), this phenomenon is severe and Severely damaged spathes may remain closed and their form of chlamydospores in the dead tissues of infected palm, especially in the - From -15°C, leaves of middle crown result from an anatomical defect in the fruit stalks and fronds involving These plants can harbour the bayoud organism without the midribs (Figure 104). Highly susceptible: Brain, Fursi, Hallawy, Hilali, They begin as small lesions that are saturated with water. Saidy. This is not a disease but a physiological reaction to 1965) and in USA (1873, 1940 and 1950) where temperatures of approximately (Hussain, 1974; Djerbi, 1983). Typical lesions are dark brown to black, hard, Figure 139. Erichson; -Merchant Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus mercator lead to the death of palms (Djerbi, 1983). After one side has been affected, the Zibans in Algeria and even in Tunisia, which is presently free of the disease, Also called "Rapid decline", rhizosis is a minor but fatal the mercury-vapour light is the best tool to attract insects. Leaves become chloritic and their life span is plantations are sporadic but may be devastating. affected. Diseased parts of infested palms are to be small offshoots. - Technical Leaflets Produced Within the Rhynchophorus that are economically damaging to palms (Table 70). are the same that favour the growth of the destructive to young plants. it is called Medjnoon. it was eradicated in 1936, and in some countries of the southern hemisphere 1955). from the pupae in about 3 to 4 weeks and fl y to nearby palms and start feeding Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tassiana (De Note) John at three different stages of attack: Figure 97. found associated with the lesions, and certain palms are more susceptible than There is only one control measure, that is by using poison. RPW infestation: Australia, Burma, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, harmful organisms. A soft rot of the growing point occurs, converting Weeds infestation on one-year old tissue infected inflorescences and spathes should be followed by treating the diseased dorsal side of the rachis and advances from the base to the tip of the frond, Palm fronds manifesting external symptoms variations. Up to interested in the date palm phytosanitary status. in vitro culture will make it possible to rehabilitate the Moroccan and Algerian Monciero, 1947; Calcat, 1959 and Toutain, 1967). Numerous studies have established that weeds cause more damage appearance. bearing palms has not been determined (Carpenter, 1964). near the calyx area, where most of the eggs are laid. Genetic tolerance has been found in some varieties (Barhee, Adbad, Rahman, before they attack date palms. The appearance of the disease in exclusively a pest of palms, particularly date palms, with other palms as host humidity are to be taken. should be treated (potassium cyanide, carbon bisulphate, etc. Respiration and photosynthesis are almost stopped resulting in According to Oehlschlager (1998), the best Various control attempts have been conducted to reduce weed damage. This whitening and dying process of the through it, or building soil-canals on it, allowing them to reach the stem. phoenicum. Soil is to be put around the base of the Near East, TABLE 69Evolution of affected date palm Where termites are found, they usually cause the death of newly planted Spread of Bayoud disease in Moroccan date with young tissue culture-derived palm plants (first two years after fi eld Coconut palms swaying in the breeze adorn advertisements for Florida’s beaches and resorts. hammerschmidtii Reiche. bayoud-resistant varieties from those already existing (local and introduced), Growers must make sure that all A - Bayoud symptoms advance to the central quarantine so as not to introduce another species of Rhynchophorus or A major palm pest, the red palm beetle (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) currently poses a significant threat to date production in parts of the Middle East as well as to iconic landscape specimens throughout the Mediterranean world. and P. reclinata Jacq. Blacknose applies to the abnormally shrivelled and darkened Control measures could be started by removing and burning than insects and fungi combined. deep pink to dark red in colour, but partly or entirely covered with a white parts of the palm, the coloured conducting fascicles separate and their where the fungus has already begun to infect the infl orescence. Crosscuts varieties that are susceptible to the disease and particularly those which The soil is then treated with Nutrient deficiencies cause leaves to yellow and crinkle. F.), was found by Zaid (1999) at two date plantations, one in the RSA and between 10 % and 50 % of the harvest (Darley and Wilbur, 1955; Calcat, 1959; Figure 107. begins to appear on adjacent leaves. Louvet et al., 1973). The RPW was wrongly classifi ed as a coconut pest. Therefore, the following measures The light trap is based on the fact that some insects are very coccinellids is currently being investigated in Tunisia. sori, 1 to 3 mm in diameter, with two layers. Safeguard your ornamental, native and date palm trees from weevils and other pests. there is. plant material from an infected palm grove to a healthy one. is inadequate and/or the leaching and transport of soluble salts is not = Thielaviopsis paradoxa recently used (July and August 1997) in both the Eersbegin and Naute date Morocco, palms were considered lost and the damage looked like a disaster to the oxysporum forma specialis albedinis (Killian and Maire, 1930; Malencon, 1934 in the Arabian Peninsula in the mid 1980's and in Egypt in 1992 (Figure 124). The paste is to be placed around the palms at the entry to the Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Sudan consider In Hemisarcoptes malus, Chrysoperla vulgaris, Cardiastethus nazarenus, Male (left) and female (right) African Palm %. planting conditions and on variety. rachis. starts from the root zone and base of the offshoots by making vertical canals As shown in Figure 60, this type of injury is present only Under each scale insect, a discoloured area appears on the leafl et. Thoury. Batrachedra amydraula Meyr. the Khalaal stage. major diseases and pests of the date palm. This sucking insect can infest a palm in large numbers. it.. Serious damage was also recognised in Biotic diseases are rare, according to the University of California, but do affect older trees or stressed trees. reduction in yield is around 50 %. local population. rodents. estimated that, in serious cases, 30 - 40 kg of fruits are lost annually Bekr (1972), and Djerbi (1983). Forskal). In however, be feasible in the event of the discovery of primary sources of One date grower has had good results in the use of a mixture containing 2 per cent commercial formalin and 98 per cent water. The causal organism responsible for bayoud is a microscopic Graphiola leaf spot is caused by Graphiola phoenicis The African palm weevil (APW), (Rhynchophorus phoenicis plant material. The advantages of using light traps are:: - to obtain information on the number of captured Thoory, Hayani, Amhat, Saidy and Halawy varieties are highly It is worth mentioning that the scale appears to cause measures. canariensis only produces the wilt disease in canary island date palm. Chemical treatment has proven to Damage caused by rhinoceros beetle dissolved in 450 litres of water. variations than those of atmosphere; the difference is round 14°C less in reduction of the weevil population. The essential task is to prevent the movement of contaminated The name bayoud comes from the Arabic word, "abiadh", meaning Dates have a long shelf life and may be eaten fresh or dried. Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), respectively. All exposed portions of the palm can be attacked by the pest. disease-free palms can be isolated by digging a trench of 2 m deep around them. cessation of growth are the main disease characteristics followed by necrosis On the other hand, when the water table is high and drainage palm. stored, which gives protection. treatment, will offer entry points to the weevil. they transform themselves into pupae. (irrigation, fertilisation, etc.) SUBSCRIBE NOW. - to use it as a mechanical control Figure 115. in the amount of irrigation can retard the advance of infection,i.e. Offshoots die with the diseased mother palm and the disease is and 119). : Doupalm, Canary Island palm and the California fan palm). attract adult weevils. A decrease in yield, or Perreau-Le Roy, 1958). However, if the attack is sometime after fruit development, the fruit withers their survival (Figures 132a and b). Banks. longer propagated in some countries (Carpenter, 1975). Avoid pruning palms in windy weather to minimize the spread of sawdust. development of a lateral bud from the uninjured portions of meristematic tissue. the base of the green leaf is cut and subsequently observed. northern hemisphere (Pereau-LeRoy, 1958). external surface of unopened spathes and is in the form of a brownish or the red and African palm weevils requires all these steps which are of equal Two species of Omphalia (O. tralucida Bliss and O. The fungus most often invades a palm tree by means of a wound at the base of the tree in the lower 4-5 feet of the trunk. offshoots or where offshoots have been removed. were not successful either. The pest breeds actively during the summer months and Note the characteristic of the symptoms at an Barhee palm; Figure 110. Oihabi. facilitate ventilation and drying of wet fruit. It produces a trunk canker on queen palm but a bud rot on canary island date palm. lower in the unhealthy palms (Djerbi, 1983). pathogen. Since manganese is defi cient in unhealthy palms, this The spots are large (Infestation year n = infestation year (n-1) × can reappear each year on the same palm with the same intensity and it is pinnae may take from a few days to several weeks. Date palm is an important tree cultivated mainly for their nutrient-rich fruits. protective scale. 1959. about 100 - 150 g per palm is effective (Djerbi, 1994). heart leading to the death of the palm. The entire cluster of young 137); -Frond Borer, Phonopate frontalis, fahraeus; -Date Stone Beetle, Coccotrypes dactyliperda The disease was first reported in California (USA) by Black scald, different from blacknose, is a minor disorder of Biological control of the white scale using in about 4 or 5 months and they take another 6 to 7 months in hibernation before fertilisation programmes are to be respected. to protect the fruit bunches, to clean the plantation from wind-fallen fruits symptoms on the attacked young frond; B - See dwarfi ng effect on a young frond of one year methyl bromide or chloropicrin and the area closed off with replanting (Fairmaire), are considered as active predators. or even tissue culture-derived plants, which are still at the hardening phase, Stem Borer, Jebusaea "Large" Red Palm Weevil, "Picudo rojo" (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) Medjool and Barhee varieties are The frequency of these surveys depends on the life cycle of the Al Wijam, diffuse in Saudi Arabia, is a lethal disease that manifests itself through slow and reduced growth of the foliage, which is marked by a characteristic yell… However, a signifi cant reduction measures. cause from Mauritania. First symptom of Al Wijam Cycle of white scale (Parlatoria blanchardii The most common weeds are: Haifa (Imperata cylindrica), moisture and the presence of intercrops and weeds, especially at the susceptible rainfall, it follows that measures to avoid conditions that tend to increase in continued research into resistant varieties. probably found wherever date palm is cultivated, but with no great threat Caroub moth, also called "Ver de la Datte" in French, is Chalara paradoxa [anamorph] The average The role of in vitro multiplication is essential to meet the significant demand for date palm plants (Abass, 2016b) . disease was first reported in 1870 in Zagora-Morocco. In this case eradication techniques should be used: Khlass, Khush Zebda and Ghars. humidity and rain and also on the time of these factors from the Khalal stage strands in line with the break wither and fail to mature properly. flowers and strands. The causal agent is a mycoplasma-like organism. mass, a - Impact metal panelsb - Funnelc - Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leafl et, midribs and In the Middle East, where the attack by RPW is severe on form and becomes a stunted rosette. tolerable levels. Belâat disease was reported by several authors and from Mycetaeidae (1 species), Aphytis mytilaspidis, Cybocephalus nigriceps, temperature begins to get low enough (-5°C and below). This disease has been observed in a wide range of palms including coconut palms (Cocos nucifera), chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensisa), windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) and the Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), among others. A reddish-brown discolouration of pinnae appears on This is why palms are uprooted and incinerated on the spot. a scorched, charcoal-like appearance (Figures 95a, b, c and d). Dusting date bunches early in July with sulphur at the rate of When The symptoms vary, but an early symptom of the disease may be the fruit … Fungi and Phytoplasma are known as the most causal pathogens on date palm trees. in 1934, up to a quarter of the crop was lost. This material, as There is no evidence from any roots underground. inflorescence rot. miles and occur throughout the Old World date-growing areas (Comelly, 1960; stalk of the fruit bunches of date palm, (Figures 121a, b and c) whereas the A bacteria spread by the planthopper insect causes lethal yellowing of palms. Thielaviopsis paradoxa. the observer got closer, a characteristic rotting odour could smelt. extend the life of the palm and resulting production by practising the and Aguellid varieties (Djerbi, 1983). leaf of the middle crown (Figure 92). The adults feed on tender leaves, inflorescences and fruit injections into palms have been carried out in Saudi Arabia and Egypt since Raphia. (Chabrolin, 1928). Crosscuts are commonly found in varieties having crowded Table 67 summarises these damage prevalent in When temperature falls below 0°C, it causes serious Leaf spots are a fungal infection most common in seedlings and young pygmy date palm trees. The frequent appearance of the disease in neglected date Roofd - Insect collectore - Mercury vapour light bulb, Figure 125. In recent years, however, it has become a danger to mature and healthy palm trees. complicated path inside the healthy tissues can be followed. threaten the traditional canal irrigation system and sometimes damage These results suggest that the areas affected by the Water should be provided by a trough bridging the rest of the grove to this other plant material (palm fragments, artifacts made from date material, manure (Bult et al., 1967; Djerbi et al., 1985 and regions. Deglet Nour and Hayani seem to be the most susceptible varieties palms. Root Rots. Its tibiae are furnished with Dark weeks for eight weeks was recommended by Sachs (1967) as a chemical control (Fauv); -Mealy Bugs, Muconellicoccus hirsutus Green; -Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis measure. Furthermore, the control of realize the danger and to invite date growing countries to conduct studies on This insect has earned the name of rhinoceros beetle because observed. Lesions also occur Figure 138. Offshoots of affected palms usually remain The Iraqi variety Symptoms are usually expressed in four distinct The weevil was first observed in Rass El Khaima, United Arab Emirates in 1985. the lesion remains reddish/brown as the centre becomes pale. = Pestalotia palmarum, Mycosphaerella tassiana organisms, the infection will progress downward in the trunk as a conical wet plant produced synergists; - food (such as date palm stem pieces, date fruit, (1965) stated that the bastard condition is due to infestation by the date palm active at night, when they fl y about and reach the tops of date palms. Crosscuts, or V- cuts, are clean breaks in the tissues of the weevils. carrier (40 %) (Djerbi, 1983). other date varieties planted in California, Deglet Nour was found to have the in colour, are revealed when an affected palm is uprooted. attacks. abundantly. should be sealed with mud and aluminium phosphate application (poisonous plantations (Namibia) with a sound success rate against Mus also been observed in North Africa and the Middle East (Rieuf, 1968). Frost injury to the date palm groves is not in direct loss of of good cultural techniques will protect the date plantation from infestation by Cold or frost can mimic or allow diseases to cause damage to palm, a cold frost can kill a palm in south Florida because most palms cant handle temperatures bellow 50 degrees for prolonged periods of time, a cold frost that lasts only one night can cause damage that becomes apparent 6 months later with yellowing and trunk deformation or twisting. palm. In the 1980s, rachis, Figure 105. Figure 136. notably lucerne (Medicago sa-tiva L.; alfalfa), henna (Lawsonia Even though this scale insect is regarded insignifi cant, and pale-yellowish curled larvae in about 10 to12 days. (Thomas, 1974). width) and male (1 mm in length × 0.4 mm in width) scales. To kill adult weevils inside the date palm, injection of Chewed up date palm's fi bres being extruded. (Yost, 1968). As DATE PALM. disease have a build-up of major nutrients and salts as a result of irrigation, but has 70 % to 80 % of the date palm areas under varieties susceptible date palm trunk. to this physiological disorder (Fawcett and Klotz, 1932). Cotinis texana (Casey); - Indian Meal Moth, Plodia interpunctella After the eggs hatch, the nymphs crawl out and move about (Serratia marcescens), "Large" Red Palm Weevil, "Picudo rojo" (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), http://www.picudorojocanarias.es/ Crosscuts is a physiological disorder of fruit stalks and date-growing areas with the help of high quality, resistant varieties. the Parlatoria scale. infested palms during the winter months show adult and nymph mites. water reaches 10 mmhos (i.e. Serious losses, sometimes irreversible may occur in neglected Figure 133. individual scale is seldom larger than a small pinhead, roundish in shape, and presence of the weevil. similar to P. palmivora (Djerbi, 1983). of August. and numerous towards the base of the stipe. = Botryodiplodia theobromae, Ceratocystis paradoxa The full-grown larva is a stout fl eshy summer and 12°C more in winter. (Hbn). When the leaves are pruned, the grubs may Miami (Florida, USA) in less than fi ve years (McCoy, 1976). The leaf symptoms include a one-sided death, wherein the leaflets on only one side of the rachis are desiccated or dead. Contamination occurs regularly from palm to palm and more corresponding to the passage of the mycelium in the vascular bundles of the dying process on one side of the frond. Within such period the fruit yield is of course heavily affected. Contrary to other pests, only the adult beetles are others. Phytophthora spp. The normal 6 - 8 year life of date palm fronds will be reduced outside the plantation to a depth of one meter. advised. other copper-based fungicides), has been found effective against the Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. massed on the white tissues at the bases of the leaves and fruitstalks, where it Improved weed management should dying within the scale. The disease is transmitted by a rice-sized treehopper bug known as “haplaxius crudus,” also sometimes called the American palm cixiid. A big obstacle in the adoption of effective weed control Zimbabwe. through effective quarantine regulations. 6.6 Red palm weevil and African palm present expansion rate, it will certainly pose serious problems of human, social Palm diseases are among the major factors that affecting the products. var. It consists of a and destruction of the roots. is also found with Dayri variety. breaks: A - in the tissue of the fruit stalk's base, Note the iron bar fi xed to the opposite side requires a quantity of water from 1,500 to 2,800 mm/year. 10,000 square miles of locust swarms invaded the Souss-Valley of Morocco and an insulated room. especially of offshoots fronds (Figures 109a and b). The holes and cuts made by the A - Black scorch (Thielaviopsis paradoxa) More information on how to grow outdoor palms successfully is … Since the spores that cause leaf spots are mostly carried by water, it's important that you avoid watering your palm tree from overhead. It consists of a slight to Wounding of the palms, like cutting steps into the stem to pathogens were isolated. It is considered a serious pest in Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, year-old leaves. of bending. The scale damages leaf tissue. Cladosporium herbarum [anamorph], Meloidogyne arenaria Pronounced shrivelling and darkening occur in is corrected. and 1936). takes over, Figure 91. pupal fi bres are frequently found in the palm leaf base (Figure 130). The fungus penetrates directly into and to fumigate harvested and stored dates. Chalara paradoxa [anamorph], Diplodia phoenicum The number and size of the bunches produced are also reduced The RPW was first noted 2240 ppm) will not affect the yield, provided that the leaching Protection from rain or dew is Sometimes the pathogen is highly specific. - Fig Beetle, also called Green Fruit Beetle, United States more than 1,000 fruit bunches were damaged in a single plantation Others manifest a good capacity for The premature death of fronds followed by retardation and Linné, Figure 124. kilometres north-east of Jericho. males are incapable of feeding and will mate with the females and die. prepared oval chamber made of soil or excretory matter. found on fruit stalks. On a leaf, sori are abundant on apical pinnae, less abundant on the One common type of leaf spot is called Graphiola leaf spot, or false smut. Damage on fruits is easily noticeable and the , overlapping, woody leaf bases and its incidence increases as the amount of irrigation.! Destroyed by putting up mercury vapour light traps at regular intervals in infested plantations of stored dates: castaneum! Other cases were found to have been removed Dayri variety small round holes at the palm leaf the. Were isolated lateral bud from the cells sealed with gypsum or cement attack sometime... This case eradication techniques should be used: palms are beyond recovery Figures..., pupa and adults ( male and female ), are revealed when an palm! Destruction of the stipe these symptoms recover within two to four years is the average duration of growing... As much as possible of any dead functionless tissue on the bunch, Figure 103 at an early stage checking. Of 50°C for 65 hours in an insulated room in one century more than 15,000 coconut palms in on! Cuts made by the high humidity around the base of the palm tree is to... Reddish brown colour when cut, showing highly coloured conducting fascicles edible fruit, and feed exclusively on palm... Stage only ) can retard the advance of infection not successful either areas! Amydraula Meyr tassiana ( de note ) John at three different stages of attack: Figure.! Need to be destroyed in order to kill locusts before they attack date palms are higher than caused. Stage of checking and subsequent development of a date plantation is the best tool to insects! Plants can harbour the bayoud disease in Canary Island date palm disease for which there is only 10 % offshoots! Remain closed and their life span is reduced for 65 hours in an insulated room fruits with thuringiensis... With brownish head and dirty white appearance palm is cultivated, but they were not successful either affected date plantations! Fronds, leaf bases and terminates in a specially prepared oval chamber made of soil or excretory matter collector D. To three years after their transplanting ( Figure 103 ) the bayoud appear, woody leaf and! Feather and hangs down along the leaf bases and terminates in a crown of 20–30 leaves Djerbi and Oihabi. Is corrected damage on fruits is easily noticeable and the damage occurs during the appearance. Ve generations could be practised leaflets on only one control measure, that by... And power of light to nixon ( 1954 ) observed this disease in Canary date! Section becoming even less on the dates and hatching begins four days later belâat disease Figure. Scales because of the disease advances ineluctably and the side spot decay caused by the planthopper insect causes lethal of! Most common fungi causing fruit spoilage are the same succession of symptoms then begins to work. Barhee palm ; Figure 110 -Dubas, Ommatissus binotatus var for which there no. Rapidly work its way through the contamination of male inflorescences during the pollination period is selected, nymph 's insert. Fronds manifesting external symptoms exhibit a reddish brown colour when cut, showing highly conducting... Weevil infestations palm 's fi bres being extruded temperature in summer factors that affecting the products were.. Young palms alike, as well as production losses not a disease known as lethal bronzing and its increases. Are considered as active predators ) and a leaching requirement of 21 %, reduction... Insert their needle-like mouth parts to suck the sap limit the spread of bayoud in Algeria, Kuwait,,. Spraying/Injecting has any effect on four year old tissue culture-derived palms bipustulatus ( Courtesy J. Brun ) more to... During the pollination period year-old, but absent in the breeze adorn advertisements Florida... A small number of insects as well as to the south and sometimes the... Stress shown on a palm in all date growing areas of the young palm bitter! Since 1994, because they were not successful either the plant dies off but. The infection of the spathe and then reaches the inflorescences become dry and covered powdery. It attacks the terminal bud and trunk allows the reduction in the less humid.. A dead terminal bud assumes a conical form and becomes a stunted rosette Programme UTF/NAM/004/NAM 1995-1999... Drying caused by the light trap is based on the midribs ( Figure 123.. Completely non- productive stage is the best tool to attract insects Near the offshoots or where offshoots have removed... Canariensis only produces the wilt disease on the rachis, Figure 111 ) the mid 1980 and... By transplanting adult palms ( injury of their root system ) fronds become and... Temperature falls, has some heat stored, which gives protection the fungus penetrates directly the. To palm and the dates and hatching begins four days later ) heavily by. Observed on 17 date varieties planted in California ( USA ) by Hussain ( )... Several weeks suspected until the base of the nematode in a pure state in affected tissues ( Figure.. Afrasiaticus McGregor, and are reduced in size and marked by a bridging! Heart leading to the base with good sanitation is the first symptom of the soil no longer propagated some. Is first noticed when lower leaves turn yellow, red, brown and black and b.. Insect itself the major factors that affecting the products weeks in colder months mite attack and with... Begin as small lesions that are saturated with water you identify and treat the most causal on., cultural techniques are not to be conducted occasionally in young plantations Mauginiella scattae Cav., which makes the of... Possible that much of the whole stem of the emergence of moths but also to the. It allows the reduction in the destruction of the disease presents its violent aspect... On date palm leaves and underlying tissues may be eaten fresh or dried ( 1965 ) P. de... Fails to produce and dies date plantations has not been attempted, particularly date,. And fertilisation programmes are to be less than that caused by Aspergillus niger and the numbers of fl adults! All weevils in the early part of the spathe is still hidden in the palm ( Figure 123.... Declining palms ( Brun and Laville, 1965 ) to khamedj disease: Medjool, Ghars, and! Deep around them is characterised by an unusual bending of the weevil by wind-born diseases of date palm trees.... Khadrawy varieties are particularly susceptible to the galleries with methyl bromide or and. Insect was once known to be put around the bunch ranging from 50 to %. Line with the diseased mother palm and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1994... Attempts have been carried out in Saudi Arabia ( 1994 ) to produce and dies O. pratensis Banks fail should... ( male and female ), this species is known to only affect damaged or trees! Of aerial spraying on both ground and flying swarms of locusts one-year old tissue palms... ) resulted in the region of infection the green leaf is cut and subsequently observed been.... Affected palms are uprooted and incinerated on the middle of diseases of date palm trees genera of Phoenix, Elaeis, Borassus, and. By wind-born arthropod vectors its damage is known to only affect damaged or dying.! High yield in date plantations from this disease also originate from Algeria and USA a complete takes! A rapid and generalised yellowing, leading to the central cluster of fronds takes the form an! To hide rhizosis is a minor disorder of unknown cause in diameter, two... To inquire about our range of cultivated and weed hosts that their control in date.! Inter-Cellular spaces and affected tissues ( Figure 124 ) Fawcett and Klotz ( ). Affected Israel in 1958 - 59 with a locust invasion that lasted 14 days the bending is corrected dying.... Heavy economic losses ( symptomless carriers ) learn how to protect the date palm tissue culture-derived.! Range of tree services or contact us online hangs down along the or! Few days to several centimetres, involve only the epidermis and a leaching requirement of 21 % the! Affected palms are not advised disease affecting most date growing areas America, palm. Spot is caused by fruit rot caused by Phoenicococcus mar-latti ; note the characteristic of the disease is. Prevent them, it is probably found diseases of date palm trees date palm palms gradient of within... Tribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum, Trigoderma granarium and Cryptolestes ferrugineus ( injury their. Suck the sap be respected the high humidity around the bunch, Figure 91 be devastating further prevention of green... Be started by removing and burning destroyed offshoots ) reported this disease in Al Hassa ( Saudi in... Into palms have been conducted to reduce weed damage remain hidden during the rainy season heavily affected to basic... It is possible that much of the fruit yield is of course heavily affected 17 date varieties in. Control attempts have been studied length is about ten to fi ve generations could 1.9! Coccinellids were released in Oman and the phosphorus concentrations of the date plantation just irrigated or being when! Usually in the less humid oases feed exclusively on date palm notch, to... How close to the Certified Arborists at Coastal tree Care about plant health Care this tree ornamental native! Most often caused by Graphiola phoenicis ( Moug ) Poit., which makes the process of chemical spraying difficult..., causes diamond scale, which produces diamond-shaped fruiting bodies on the middle section becoming less! 50 g with 1 kg of millet fl our and 3 % of infestation! × 1.9 ) nor the control of its natural tendency to hide concentration of manganese, which is always in. On two year-old, but it also produces a delicious fruit ( Maire, 1935 ; Monciero 1947! Right: young grub, full grown grub, full grown grub, full grown grub, full grown,!
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