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It receives as a part of the original deposit of the faith “once for all delivered to the saints” the Seven Gospel Sacraments. The Bishop shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of his/her Diocese or Jurisdiction with the assistance of a Bishop’s Council of not less than four members who may be Priests or Laymen, and who shall be appointed by the Bishop at each annual meetings of Synod. The Ven. They shall be assistants, but not celebrants of the Eucharist. In each Congregation, annually, on the first Wednesday of April, an election shall be held for Church Wardens, Vestrymen/women, and Lat Deputies to general and Diocesan Synods. The following year, the Primates recognised that "the unwritten law common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion and expressed as shared principles of canon law may be understood to constitute a fifth instrument of unity in the Communion; and requested a statement of principles which may be added to and developed.". Section 12. Posts: 168 Likes Received: 132. No proceedings shall be taken against any Metropolitan, Archbishop, or Bishop of a Province in the Provincial Court, or Court of the Metropolitan, except if he/she is charged with: any crime or immorality; holding, teaching or maintaining heretical or false doctrines or any doctrine contrary to those held by this Church, either publicly or privately, or by preaching, writing, printing or circulating articles or books containing such doctrines; deliberate violation of The Solemn Declaration or of The Preamble or of any other part of the Constitution of this Church or of the Canons of this Church. Every Bishop-elect, being a Priest before his Consecration, shall present to the Archbishop Primate of the Country and to the Deputy Archbishop Primate to the Country his/her certificate of election duly signed by all the Officers clerical and lay of the Diocesan or General Synod electing him/her; also, a statement from the Secretary of the General Synod of the Confirmation of his/her election; also, a certificate of good character signed by three Priests in the following form: “We whose names are underwritten, fully realizing how important it is that the office of a Bishop should not be unworthily conferred, and firmly persuaded that it is our duty to bear testimony on this solemn occasion, without partiality or affection, do, in the presence of Almighty God, testify that ________ is not, so far as we are informed, justly liable to evil report, either for error in the Anglican faith or for an inappropriate life, and that we do not know or believe there is any impediment on account of which he/she ought not to be Consecrated to the office of a Bishop in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Vestments of the Bishops, Priests and other Ministers of this Church shall be those of the Latin or Western use. 4 BAPTISM Section 10. BOOK I. Ten or more contiguous parishes of this Church being self-supporting, with ten or more Priests of this Church each of who shall be Rector of one of the said parishes, may constitute themselves into a Diocese having first received the consent of the General Synod. The Church of England, like the other autonomous member churches of the Anglican Communion, has its own system of canon law. The Church Wardens and Lay Deputies shall be chosen from among the communicants, and when practicable, the Vestrymen/women also. Continuity and … The duties of said officers shall be those pertaining to their respective offices, and such others as may be prescribed by the Canons. Section 4. Any Priest of this Church in good standing may at his/her own request, be transferred with Letters Testimonial to the Jurisdiction of any other Bishop who may desire to receive him/her. As an incorporated entity, the Synod must comply with the laws of the land (both Canada and the Province of Ontario) and with the rules set out in The Constitution and Canons. Retrouvez Canon Law in the Anglican Communion: A Worldwide Perspective et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. Section 14. Section 4. From its inception, the AAOC set out to prevent the notion that we are a black church. The Priest should be notified next, who then notifies the Bishop or his designee within twenty-four hours. Solemn Exorcism. The Treasurer of the General Synod shall be an ex-officio member of this Committee for the purpose of receiving funds and giving desired information but without a vote. Section 3. Section 9. Such Diocese shall take its name from a city or another geographical designation and shall form its own Diocesan Synod under the Jurisdiction of a Bishop of this Church, elected by such Synod. The book became one of the great works of literature and influenced both the English language and the liturgies of other Christian traditions. 2 THE COUNCILS CANON 1: OF THE PROVINCIAL SYNOD. Section 1. Available in print at Law Library KD8643 .E54 1998. No person shall be ordained to the Ministry of this Church if they belong to another Church organization until such time that they have duly resigned from that organization. The only exception to this is when the person seeking the Absolution of Sin reveals his/her intent to harm another or him/herself. Section 1. 5 CONFIRMATION Up to 90% off Textbooks at Amazon Canada. Section 8. No charge against any Bishop of this Church shall be made except in writing, and it shall be signed by any Bishop of that Province or the lesser of the majority or two Priest members of his/her Diocesan Synod or Synod of other Jurisdiction and three lay Communicants in good standing of that Diocese or other Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan, Archbishop, or Bishop. For the former, our clergies  believe that in this most holy Sacrament of the Altar there is the Real Presence of the glorified spiritual Body and Blood of Christ under the forms of bread and wine, the mysterious transformation being effected by the Holy Spirit. Any violation of this Canon will be cause for the discipline of the offender. Additionally, WhatsApp groups are formed on a country basis, and only members of that country are admitted into the group. (j) The solemn obligation of the Seal of the Confession to silence on the part of those whom such obligation devolves does not terminate upon or with the death of the penitent concerned, but likewise is perpetually binding upon all those to whom such obligation has devolved, with the appropriate penalties as above. (o) The Diocesan Synod is informed when an investigation has been initiated and is kept carefully and thoroughly apprised of developments in a timely fashion as they arise so that ongoing counsel is sought and provided. Care is taken throughout not only to preserve the seal of the Sacrament of Penance but also make it clear that the sacramental seal is inviolable. the book is global in scope and will be of interest beyond the UK, it will be of especial interest to scholars and practitioners from the Anglican communities of north America and Africa; the subject matter is of relevance to both academics and practitioners ; this book complements the authors earlier work … It believes that Order is a Sacrament which confers upon those who validly receive it the power to exercise special ministerial function, Bishops alone being the ministers of this Sacrament. During the period intervening between sessions of the General Synod, the Worldwide Anglican Church Consistory, consisting of all Officers of the General Synod, shall transact the business of the Church, making a report thereof at the next meeting of the General Synod. The Court shall be competent to receive accusations against and to censure, suspend, deprive, or depose the Metropolitan of that Province, all Bishops and Archbishops exercising their ministry in that Province, or to acquit any of the Bishops of any such accusations. And it seeks clarity about who may do what and who is answerable to whom, because every Christian has to know how to work out their responsibility to God within the context of the various relationships and obligations they are involved in." The territorial boundaries of a Diocesan Synod shall be fixed by the General Synod and shall not be changed except such Synod by a majority vote requests and received the consent of the General Synod. Certificates from any of these registered universities and colleges must be submitted to the Secretary of the General Synod to be kept on file. Celebration of Holy Communion and other Ministrations. Section 2. Section 3. Section 9. They are considered the primus inter pares, the first among equals, of the college of Primates. Each Congregation is responsible for supporting their Priest in his/her travelling expenses, salary and daily operational costs. Section 18. The Worldwide Anglican Church accepts the Nicene Creed, without the “filioque” interpolation as the only one of universal obligation but believes also the other two symbols known as the Apostles’ Creed, and the Creed of S. Athanasius. A Bishop charged with any cause for which he/she may be heard shall be summoned by the Archbishop Primate for such hearing before and by the Conclave or House of Bishops of this Church. Hello friends! of the … No Priest of this Church shall in any way attempt to perform the solemn exorcism of demonic possession, whether it be partial possession or complete and total possession, or to cast out, or to perform any act of driving out, or warding off, demons or evil spirits or forces from persons, places, or things that are believed to be, possessed or infested by them or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice, unless such Priest has received training from his/her Bishop. Available in print at Law Library KD8642 .D64 1996. The Vice-President shall be a Bishop elected by ballot at each regular meeting of the General Synod. Every transfer when effected shall be reported to the Secretary of the General Synod by the Bishop receiving the Priest in question. No candidate for Holy Orders shall be transferred from the jurisdiction of one Bishop to that of another unless with the mutual consent of both Bishops. However, we are in spiritual union with all Anglicans around the world. Canon IX of the Anglican Missions Baord of the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia 39.10 kB Canon X of Archives and History. It acknowledges Baptism as the Sacrament established by Christ to cleanse man from the Original Sin and to make them members of the Christian Church, it is the sacrament of Regeneration of the New Birth. (i) If the accused admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: he or she will be terminated immediately, and not be eligible thereafter for any employment or volunteer work in the Diocese. If there be no Bishop, the Council alone shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority. They shall keep a proper record of all proceedings and funds. "Canon Law begins from that basic affirmation of equity which is the fact of membership in the Body of Christ - a status deeper and stronger than any civil contract or philosophical argument. Section 3. Every Priest having a ministry of Souls, except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop thereof, shall preach, or cause to be preached a sermon in his Church at least once each Sunday. Canon Law in the Anglican Communion: A Worldwide Perspective Norman Doe Abstract. Religious Orders of men and women may be organized with the authority and consent of the Bishop of the Diocese or Jurisdiction for promoting the life of sacrifice, love, and service towards God, His Church, and humanity in general. Words: 7454) INTRODUCTION . Persons desiring to form a Congregation of this Church must first make a written request to the Bishop and Bishop’s Council, having Jurisdiction, stating their acceptance of the faith, Worship, Discipline, Constitution and canons of the Worldwide Anglican Church. Again Dr. Doe has written a book which should be in the library of every person involved in the canon law of the Anglican Church, but which also has much to say to the wider Christian community. Facebook. The term of continuance as a candidate shall be determined by the Bishop or Bishop’s Council having jurisdiction. The Journal of the General Synod shall be prepared for publication by the Secretary, and after examination and certification by the President, shall be printed as the official and permanent record of this Church. In each Diocese of this Church and other Jurisdiction, there shall be a Court of the Metropolitan. Section 3. It allows both public and private confession, the mode being optional with the penitent. Plus, free two-day shipping for six months when you sign up for Amazon Prime for Students. Available in print at Law Library KD8605 .D64 1998. Such provision is not meant to be construed as a denial of the inalienable custom that any Diocesan or Ordinary of any other Jurisdiction, may reserve to him/herself the right of presiding in his/her own Diocesan Court as Judge on any occasion, not in conflict with the Constitution and these Canons. He/she shall be the Adviser of the Patriarch and Matriarch Presidents and HOB in all legal and judicial matters, and with their consent shall secure such legal talent as may be necessary for the affairs of this Church. In case the Priest refuses to abide by the decision of the Bishop or Bishop’s Council having jurisdiction he/she shall forfeit his/her right to a seat in the General and Diocesan Synod and shall be further subject to disciple for disobedience of the Ecclesiastical Authority. When the Metropolitan does not preside in his/her Provincial Court, he/she shall appoint an Official Principal as his/her deputy to preside on his/her behalf. If at any time he/she is unable to discharge his/her duties whether from non-residence or some other cause, he/she shall diligently endeavor to provide for those in his/her care to be ministered to by a licensed Priest or otherwise approved by the Ordinary of that Diocese or other Jurisdiction. The votes of all absent Bishops on a personally signed ballot shall be counted with the ballots of the Bishops present and voting, and the result of said election shall be published in all Dioceses and Jurisdictions of this Church. Section 2. … He/she shall carefully prepare, or cause to be prepared, all such as desire to be confirmed and, if satisfied with their fitness, shall present them to his Bishop for Confirmation. Section 6. The right to examine and question all witnesses, depositions, testimonies and any and all relevant documents; The privilege against self-incrimination; Open proceedings, unless waived by all parties; A transcript or other record of the proceedings and any sentences, decrees, decisions, or judgements thereof, and the right to entry of a sentence, decree, decision, or judgement of Not Proven unless a sentence, decree, decision, or judgment of Proven is endorsed in writing by a majority of the Court sitting. If any of them so rashly do violate the Seal, they shall be punished with wholesome penalties, according to the seriousness of their offense, the pain of greater excommunication not being excluded. … Section 25. At the close of the Canonical Visitations for the year, every Diocesan Bishop or Bishop Ordinary shall summon the Clergy canonically resident within that Diocese or other Jurisdiction and all Clergy holding License from the Bishop, to a Clergy Conference for the purposes of mutual consultation on matters concerning faith, worship, morals, discipline, practice, Missionary policy, and the pastoral office; for consultation and common action concerning the things of God and His Kingdom; and the Bishop may deliver a charge or series of charges, to his Clergy on these or any other matters which he regards and deems important or necessary or which need of redress may have been disclosed to him as a result of those visitations. Except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop of that Diocese or other Jurisdiction, every Priest having a ministry of Souls shall celebrate, or cause to be celebrated, the Holy Communion on all Sundays and other greater Feast Days and on Ash Wednesday, and shall administer the Sacraments and other Rites prescribed in and by the Book of Common Prayer, diligently, as occasion may require. The Ven. Either party shall have the right of Appeal to the final decisions of the ensuing General Synod. No order made by the Court shall have the effect of altering any matter defined by the Constitution of this Church or by Canons. Section 2. Canon Law in the Anglican Communion A Worldwide Perspective Norman Doe. In such a case, the Metropolitan may choose to associate with him/herself an Official Principal to act as his/her Assessor. We pray at that time that much will not be said of who we were, but that what we have done. Section 10. Section 16. If a candidate is found to be exceptionally qualified, the WAC will agree to his/her Ordination and Consecration. 8 UNCTION OF THE SICK In case the Congregation refuses to abide by such decision it shall forfeit the right of Lay representation in the General and Diocesan Synods and shall be liable to be otherwise disciplined by the Bishop having jurisdiction. Upon the death or resignation of an Archbishop and Primate, the Deputy Archbishop Primate shall immediately call a meeting of the House of Bishops to elect his/her successor. The Matriarch/Patriarch (Presiding Archbishops) position becomes available either through resignation, or death. Section 11. (k) When a Priest, Deacon, or Religious is accused, the Priest, Principal, Administrator, Bishop and/or Religious Superior will be notified if that has not already taken place, and if he or she is a Religious, or a Cleric of another diocese, who admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: he or she will be terminated immediately from Diocesan or parish employment in accord with applicable provisions of Canon Law, and his or her Bishop or Religious Superior will be so advised. Any witness or person charged, who shall have been canonically summoned three times in writing to appear before any Court of this Church, shall be liable to the fullest ecclesiastical sanctions for insubordination if, without just excuse, he/she shall fail to appear. Since this is a mystery it shuns all terms of definition and description. Noté /5. In all cases they shall be persons of unimpeachable moral character, and it is recommended that the wardens and Vestrymen/women be so chosen that one-third of their entire membership shall be elected each year. Whenever possible, the Matriarch and Patriarch will travel separately to meetings and Churches to avoid unnecessary risk to the security of their Holy Office. We take all allegations seriously. Section 2. The African Orthodox Church (AOC) owed its Episcopate and Apostolic Authority to the Syrian Church of Antioch where their disciples were first called Christians, and of which the See of St Peter the Apostle was the first Bishop. The Anglican Communion embraces the Church of England and its affiliated churches. A Committee on the Episcopate Fund consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, two Priests and two laymen who shall levy assessments and raise offerings for the support and traveling expenses of the Patriarch, Matriarch and senior Bishops of this Church. 7 THE EUCHARIST Section 7. It maintains that the Chalice should not be denied the laity in holy communion; it believes that the Liturgy ought to be said in the language of the people; and it permits in connection with this Sacrament the use of the names Eucharist, Mass, or Divine Liturgy. ReddIt. When the initial evaluation by the civil authorities has determined that further investigation is warranted, and the alleged victim may need counseling, the Diocesan Synod will contact the family where it is determined the required appropriate level of assistance. (f) The accused is advised to have no contact with the accuser or the accuser’s or victim’s family. The sentence, decree, judgment, or decision of the Court on all charges shall be deliberated in private and endorsed in writing by at least a majority of members of the Court sitting. Their Graces, Archbishops Lwanga Tusubira and Johnson are the spiritual leaders for the WAC who call the yearly Synods and chair the meeting of Primates (i.e., chief archbishop or bishop of a province.) Section 5. DE NORMIS GENERALIBUS. In case of the death, resignation, or vacancy by any other cause of a Bishop of a Missionary or Special Jurisdiction, the oversight of the vacant Jurisdiction shall pass to the Patriarch or Matriarch of this Church, who will appoint some other Bishop as his/her substitute, until the next meeting of the General Synod when a new Bishop shall be chosen for the Jurisdiction or Diocese. When a Bishop of a Diocese or other Jurisdiction does not preside in his/her Consistory Court, he/she shall appoint an Official Principal as deputy to preside in and on his/her behalf. In order to complete the course, students must participate in all lectures and associated activities. No Priest so licensed by Faculty or by virtue of such Office may unreasonably or frequently refuse his solemn pastoral duty and moral obligation to hear the Confessions of the People committed in Christ’s Name to his/her care. All Commissions and Committees herein mentioned shall make a report at every stated meeting of the General Synod and a majority of all the members of any such Commissions or Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The General Synod shall be composed as follows: –. CANON 2: OF THE METROPOLITAN. Section 6. Such a person may, however, beat any time enrolled as a stated worshipper and regular contributor of any congregation of this Church, with the right of voting in the business matters thereof. Such Priest shall also be bound to prepare and assist the dying of those in his/her care in order that they make a good and Christian death, and, of the dying, he/she shall not then slack is his/her last duty of the administration of the last rites in extremis of Holy Church and of the Commendation of the Soul, if circumstances may so permit, at the Point of Departure. Since the submission of the clergy demanded by King Henry VIII and the Act of Supremacy in 1534, in which Parliament recognized him as the supreme head of the Church of England and which was renewed by Queen Elizabeth I, the law of the English church rests on the supremacy of the prince or … History will decide on the work of the WAC, but it will be left to our successors to carry the vision. Section 3. The Worldwide Anglican Church is not part of the Anglican Communion officially. Section 10. These requirements being complied with, the Patriarch and the Matriarch, or some other Bishop or Bishop’s designated by them, shall proceed to consecrate the Bishop-elect according to the established Canons by this Church. Section 4. He/she shall make a summarized report of his/her activities at the first session of each stated meeting of the General Synod. (k) If anyone shall attempt to coerce, threaten, or constrain any such Bishop or Priest or person named in the preceding Sub-sections of this Section to violate the Seal of Confession in any manner, the person making such attempt shall be excommunicated. (e) Canonical Dispensation from normal Time of Experience Required. The Worldwide Anglican Church holds that a Sacrament is a sacred rite divinely instituted to convey grace, having a sensible or visible sign connected with prayer as the means by which the grace is conveyed. In each Diocese of this Church and other Jurisdiction, there shall be a Diocesan Court through which the judicial authority of the Ordinary shall be exercised, and the membership of which shall be determined by Diocesan Canon or Canons of other Jurisdiction, consistent with the principles of the Constitution of this Church. Section 9. The High Court of the Holy Synod shall consist of the Presiding Archbishops of this Church with no fewer than a total of twelve members, chosen as follows: four Archbishops of this Church; three Bishops chosen by the House of Bishops; and two Lay Assessors chosen by the Assembly of the Laity of the Holy Synod. The President of the Court shall declare the sentence, decree, judgment, or decision of the Court on each charge as being either unanimous or by a majority. (m) If the accused denies the allegation(s) and the state or federal criminal process is inconclusive or the accused is found not guilty, the Bishop will make the final decision as to whether the person is to be returned to duty, having consulted the diocesan Synod for its final decision. The position will be filled by a senior Archbishop, duly examined, interviewed and appointed. Section 1. (b) A Bishop or a Missionary or Special Jurisdiction shall be elected at any meeting of the General Synod by the concurrent vote by ballot of the Bishops and Clergy voting separately and the Lay Deputies voting separately. A Committee on Constitution and Canons, consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch and other Bishops, two Priests and two Laymen, of which the Chancellor shall be one, to whom shall be referred all alterations or amendments to the Constitution and Canons. Print. In all cases involving the marriage of a divorced person, the priest must submit the facts to, and receive the consent of his/her Bishop, before performing the rite. Canon Law in the Anglican Communion: A Worldwide Perspective. Influenced both the mode of procedure shall be decided by the House of Bishops with the approval of General... Election are “ credible ”, ecclesiastical and devotional literature of this Church thrived to Lay the of... Anyone with an interest in these matters can not help but find much useful material in this Church 8:30..., he was elected to each General Synod shall be a Court of the deliberations, the instigator/s will tolerated! Ballot at each regular meeting of each stated meeting of each Province his/her intent to harm another or him/herself be. A whole, unlike the Roman Catholic Church et des millions de en... The completion of the Primates, Archbishop, the General Synod shall be known as senior and! 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