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University student On the other hand, there are some who like his nicknames such as Luka Urushibara with the name "Lukako"(るかこ, Rukako), which affectionately alludes to his feminine nature. 's 2015 video game of the same name, and is part of the Science Adventure franchise. Okabe is a melodramatic, eccentric and rarely tsundere individual. Il s'est auto-proclamé scientifique fou, adoptant le nom Hououin Kyouma1 (鳳凰院 凶真, Hōōin Kyōma). J. Michael TatumRicco Fajardo (young) - Rintaro est souvent décrit comme étant un Chuunibyou en raison de son comportement. STEINS;GATE Ichiban Kuji Merchandise Pass case Badge Headphone etc. The theme extends to the ending of the anime where Okabe Rintaro’s trust in Kiryu Moeka as a lab member is ultimately rewarded with her joining his side at the end of Steins;Gate 0 which complemented the theme of forgiveness in the original Steins;Gate; the visual novel of Steins;Gate 0 unfortunately doesn’t carry this theme like it’s anime counterpart. Un cadre en bambou noir, blanc ou finition naturelle. But then he comes to a realization, that Reading Steiner, exists in every single human. Steins Gate Audio Series Ruka Suzuha Kurisu Makise Rintaro Faris Japanese Anime. et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. In 1.382733β, this ability is referred to as President's Disease, as those with this ability remember Puchin as the President of Russia instead of General Secretary of the Soviet Union. Okabe is a one-dimensional depressed person whose only way of exuding emotion is through shocked expressions. Steins Gate est un anime créé au Japon en 2011 par NITRO+ édité par Dybex. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Characters: My biggest gripe with the show is that no character delivers anything worth hearing in 20 episodes of the series. $105.43. Rintaro then welcomes her and appoints her as his Assistant once more before giving her the LabMem badge he had. Okabe has the characteristics of a lanky young man, with a square jaw and bony cheeks. Kurisu then apologizes for letting Okabe get involved in her murder, saying "I'm sorry for dragging a stranger like you into this." $101.52. Kurisu doesn't care if she dies and urges him to save Mayuri. Jujutsu Kaisen Fudemame Acrylic Keychain Charm Gacha Complete Set of 8. Horloges de qualité sur le thème Steins Gate, personnalisées par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. Dans l'anime, ses cheveux sont de couleur rouge, alors que dans le visual novel, ils sont châtains. He was hospitalized for about a month due to his wound and around September 2010, he got out of the hospital, consequently obtaining 8 LabMem badges which were just finished. Rintaro Okabe (Steins;Gate / Steins;Gate 0), oiseau de feu mythique similaire au phénix, https://science-adventure.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Rintaro_Okabe?oldid=8889, Dans la ligne d'univers Gamma, Rintaro collabore avec le SERN, membre du. Alle Bestellungen sind Sonderanfertigungen und werden meist innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet. "Steins;Gate"-in anime adaptasiyası tənqidçilər tərəfindən bəyənilmişdir. The time machine's repairs were incomplete, causing Suzuha to get amnesia and lost all of her memories when she went back to 1975. He is a self-proclaimed mad scientist, who likes to assume the nickname \"Kyouma Hououin\" (鳳凰院凶真, Hououin Kyouma), and often uses this to introduce himself to others. Kotobukiya PP772 Steins Gate 0 Kurisu Makise Antinomic Dual ANI Statue 5.0 out of 5 stars 11. Voir plus. 18 years old[1] T-Shirts, Poster, Sticker, Wohndeko und mehr zum Thema Steinsgate in hochwertiger Qualität von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. Japanese: Rintaro then confesses his love for her. But Okabe then tasers her and leaves her lying in the pool of his blood, before saying "farewell" to Kurisu and talk about his past self (the next 3 weeks will only be a mere 3 weeks to others, but, for you, it was the time you spent with Kurisu). He struggles to find a way to save both Mayuri and Kurisu, but all is in vain. and Nitroplus. $221.31. Falling into despair, Okabe confronts Kurisu for help. "Steins;Gate" yayımlanarkən … After sending the D-mail, Rintaro still hasn't escaped from the Alpha Attractor Field, but because he did change the world line, the Rounders' attack and Mayuri's death is delayed by 1 day. Bienvenu sur le premier Forum RPG de Steins;Gate : Accueil Rechercher . Nicknames: Il fonde, lors de la Troisième Guerre Mondiale, une organisation résistante nommée Valkyrie. MAGES. Rintaro planned on doing this by knocking her out with a taser and using the fake blood in Future Gadget #6 (the lightsaber from Spark Wars. In Steins;Gate 0, it also explains that Okabe had always wanted to be a genius like Makise Kurisu. After hearing the story from Rintaro about Amane Suzuha, Mr. Braun uses his gun to commit suicide. Dabei reist er mehrmals durch die Zeit und versucht um jeden Preis die Zukunft zu verändern. This video clip is taken from the Japanese animated film Stein's Gate. Il a les yeux marrons. ), often nicknamed Okarin (オカリン) or Hououin Kyouma (鳳凰院凶真), is a self-proclaimed mad scientist and the main protagonist of the Steins;Gate series. One is for himself, LabMem #001, and the other one is for LabMem #004, Kurisu. Okabe starts doing experiments with the Phone Microwave by trying to send text messages (which the group agrees to call them D-mails) to the past. During the year 2036 in the Beta Attractor Field, Mayuri becomes Kagari Shiina's adoptive mother. It was likely that Okabe who was just an ordinary guy with Chunnibyou felt much more embarrased talking to someone like Kurisu. He runs upstairs and finds a satellite on the roof of the Akihabara Radio Tower. Retrouvez le Mad Scientist grâce à cette figurine représentant Rintarô Okabe, personnage tout droit sortie de Steins;Gate. Il se déroule sur la ligne β de l'univers après que Rintaro ait échoué dans sa première tentative de sauver Kurisu, montrant le chemin qui le conduira en 2025 à communiquer avec lui-même. Japanese: Good Smile Steins; Gate: Rintaro Okabe (Kyouma Hououin Version) Nendoroid Action Figure 5.0 out of 5 stars 19. The force was so strong that the knife pierced the skin and penetrated the flesh, all the way to the bone. In the meantime, Kurisu is also working on the Time Leap machine, a modified version of the Phone Microwave that can send the user's memory to the past. Okabe decided to ask Titor about the code and found out that he needed the IBN 5100 in order to access SERN's secrets. $89.99. Despite this, he soon returns to acting like his old self upon being confronted by Suzuha. Okabe reflects that it will never reach its owner since Kurisu in this worldline has no memories of the 3 weeks she spent with Rintaro in the Alpha worldline. En décembre 2015, "c'est d'après le choix des électeurs (et du Steins Gate) que Rintaro Okabe est officiellement élu meilleur voyageur temporel". Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. However, in a moment of rashness, he traveled to a truck stop in the middle of nowhere and was unable to make the return trip with only a dead-battery phone and 67 cents. He has dark socks and wears green slippers when inside the lab. Going back to the lab, Rintaro receives a letter from Mr. Braun, saying that it is a letter from an old friend of his. Rintaro Okabe (岡部 倫太郎, Okabe Rintarō) est le fondateur du Laboratoire des Gadgets Futuristes, le Labo Mem 001, ainsi que le protagoniste principal des séries Steins;Gate et Steins;Gate 0. He later drops his Chuunibyou façade upon witnessing Mayuri's multiple deaths, revealing a serious side of himself he has not shown for the first half of the series as he works hard to undo all the previous D-mails he has made. This could be a reference to Star Wars-the famous American space opera). Realizing that it is a letter from Suzuha, Rintaro crumbles upon reading it. Steins;Gate est un anime profond, travaillé et vraiment prenant, ayant pour thème le voyage temporel qui, bien qu'ayant été très utilisé dans les films et séries télévisées, reste à … Rintaro a toujours été soucieux et protecteur à l'égard de Mayuri, comme par exemple après la mort de sa grand-mère. Mayuri note d'ailleurs une ressemblance entre ". Name : Okabe Rintaro state : Mad scientist IQ : 170 I am come from : Steins;Gate My work : Change the history Work Place : Steins;Gate Theme songs : skyclad no kansokusha Where I know you : In My work,History Why you meet me : Because I make that history Einzigartige Steins Gate iPhone-Hüllen Von Künstlern designt und verkauft Für iPhone SE, 11, XS, X, 8 und mehr Leicht, robust oder flexibel. I do not own this video animation. Therefore he refuses hacking SERN to delete the first D-mail. Rintaro goes back out to the streets of Akihabara, carrying 2 LabMem badges. Gemeinsam betreiben sie ein Geheimlabor in Akihabara, der Elektronikmeile der japanischen Hauptstadt Tokio. Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Steins Gate, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. On July 28, 2010, Rintaro Okabe and his friend Mayuri Shiina head towards the Radio Kaikan building for a conference, where Rintaro finds a girl named Kurisu Makise lying in a pool of blood. When Rintaro gets there Suzuha tells him that they needed to prevent Kurisu's death because it somehow stirred up WW3. The person turns out to be Kurisu. Okabe however, was too shy to even reply. He then confronted Moeka, had another fight with her and was forced to kiss Moeka to silence her. Rintaro Okabe (岡部 倫太郎 Okabe Rintarō? As Rintaro sends a text message about the incident to his friend, Itaru "Daru" Hashida, he experiences a strange phenomenon and the people around him disappear, with no one else noticing anything had changed. After the gunshot, Nae leaps through the window, Rintaro chases her and eventually catches up to her. Man or woman, this timeline or the next, Luka Urushibara will always love Okabe Rintaro. If Okabe did choose Rukako, he would have a wonderful partner who adores him to the fullest. Rintaro finally decides to sacrifice Kurisu and return to the original Attractor Field he was in. Alors que Rintaro retourne dans le présent, Suzuha le remercie avant de disparaître, vu qu'elle n'existe pas encore dans la ligne temporelle Steins Gate. Nationalité : japonaise Sexe :B Groupe Sanguin : ? Episode 01: Prologue of the Beginning and the End Okarin (オカリン) Lintahlo (リンタロ) While attending a lecture for credits that afternoon, he meets a perfectly unharmed Kurisu Makise. Rintaro rushes to the source of the sound to investigate and finds the body of Kurisu Makise in a pool of blood. He later discovers that Itaru received the message, though 5 days earlier, and it is broken into 3 messages, and that Shouichi Makise's lecture was canceled. To save Mayuri, he has to move to another Attractor field and to do that, he needs the IBN 5100 to erase the first D-mail he has ever sent from SERN's database. Personal Status Rintaro is shaken by the incident, and he contacts his friend Itaru about it through a text message. Steins;Gate: Okabe Rintarou 1/8 PVC Figure: Amazon.fr: Jeux et Jouets Choisir vos préférences en matière de cookies Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. Hououin Kyouma (鳳凰院凶真) English: It is explained in the VN that his surname "Hououin" comes from the japanese equivalent to the mythical fire bird, the "Phoenix", which is pronounced as "Hou-ou". Okabe likes to pose as an agent working against a certain "Organization" which he suggests is always after him, as he believes this kind of image gives him a cool and mysterious aura, though this seems to disappear as the story progresses, with SERN likely replacing the "Organization's" villainous image. Ein verrückter Wissenschaftler versucht eine Verschwörung aufzudecken. Kurisu est une jeune femme de taille moyenne possédant de longs cheveux, qu'elle préfère garder lâchés, et des yeux de couleur violette. Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous 24 heures dans le monde entier. His social skills are so poor, in fact, that Kurisu considers the childlike Mayuri to be normal by comparison. Bitte habt Verständnis, es ist meine erste Steins;Gate Fanfiktion, also nimmt auf eventuelle Fehler Rücksicht. Daru succeeds in fixing the time machine, and Mayuri discovers that Suzuha's father is, in fact, Daru (although all the lab members seem skeptical about it, Mayuri was able to show some undeniable proof, proving that Daru is the father of Suzuha). He has seemed to develop feelings for Kurisu, along with Faris, Luka, and Mayuri, although these are determined depending on the route chosen in the visual novel. Characteristics The actions of the Committee of 300 of the Steins Gate world line fit Okabe's delusions almost to the letter. Aidez nous a financer le site: Joignez l'utile à l'agréable et profitez d'FR-Minecraft sans publicités en devenant VIP! Returning to Moeka's apartment, Rintaro decides to send the D-mail, but before he could do that, Nae appears and kills Moeka with a knife (in the anime Moeka was shot by FB and then died in Okabe's arms and then FB kills himself) and tells Rintaro she would meet him in another 15 years. It is widely considered to be one of the finest Visual Novels ever made. Lors des événements du Radio Kaikan, Rintaro pense en premier à la sécurité de Mayuri après l'avoir perdue de vue, l'appelant maintes fois13. Le tout est accompagné de chaussures de couleur noire, et de collants marrons. Soon he realizes that Moeka lied to him about the content of the D-mail. When she remembered her purpose for traveling to 1975, it was already too late to secure the IBN 5100. He no longer wears his signature lab coat. T-Shirts, Poster, Sticker, Wohndeko und mehr zum Thema Okabe Rintaro in hochwertiger Qualität von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. Steins Gate, Tome 03, Steins Gate, Yomi Sarachi, Mana Books. $82.00. Free shipping . Shocked by the new revelation, Rintaro postpones sending his D-mail to time leap again to learn the reason why Nae did it (this is optional, the player can choose to send the D-mail instead of time leaping, the outcome won't be any different, just that Rintaro won't know anything about why Nae killed Moeka). This article lists down the events that happened over the course of the story of Steins;Gate, and will try to cover all known world lines across various forms of media. Steins;Gate ist eine Anime aus dem Jahr 2011 mit Mamoru Miyano und Asami Imai.. Steins;Gate ist eine japanische Anime-Serie, die auf der gleichnamigen Visual Novel basiert. Once again, he sends a D-mail to cancel her D-mail, but still, nothing happens as the Moeka from the past seemed to ignore the mail and still searched for the IBN 5100. He exchanges messages with John Titor, and learns about world lines and Attractor Fields, and also that he has a special ability, which he can retain memories from before the world line changes. During the time she was drunk, she pushed Okabe downstairs and asked him to hug her and spend some quality time together. Elle garde également une veste marron clair qu'elle porte sur ses bras et ses épaules, et qui flotte dans son dos. View, comment, download and edit steins gate Minecraft skins. By confronting Suzuha after time leaping, Rintaro now learns that Suzuha is, in fact, John Titor. After sending several D-mails, Okabe has changed the world line drastically (Faris' D-Mail has literally remodeled Akihabara, Luka's mail changes him from a boy to a girl. Free shipping . Without much choice, Rintaro risks his own life by letting himself get stabbed by Shouichi Makise, and then using his own blood to recreate the scene where he saw Kurisu lying unconscious on a pool of blood, in order to save her. However, Okabe without his delusional persona is perceived by his fellow lab members as a calamity. RELATED: Steins;Gate: 10 Reasons It's A Must-Watch Anime Series. 4,7 sur 5 étoiles 21. It is an area where he and his fellow Lab Members create "Future Gadgets for the betterment of mankind". Now in the original world line, still reeling in devastation after Kurisu's loss, Rintaro receives a phone call from Amane Suzuha, who offers to meet him on the roof of Radio Kaikan. In the years since Steins;Gate came out, we have gotten two direct sequels. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. "Steins;Gate" erzählt die Geschichte des exzentrischen 18-jährigen Studenten Rintaro Okabe und seiner beiden besten Freunde. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Suzuha travels from the year 2036 to 1975 to obtain the IBN 5100, but stops midway at 2010 to find her father, Barrel Titor, who is currently in Akihabara. Rintaro Okabe (岡部 倫太郎, Okabe Rintarō) The player assumes the role of Rintaro Okabe, the protagonist of Steins;Gate. When Rintaro returns to the past, he obtained the Metal Upa first before his past self does. Livraison rapide Produits de qualité à petits prix Aliexpress : Achetez malin, vivez mieux Aliases: There are several occasions that the anime displays what goes on in his mind, portraying him as rational and possessing great situational awareness. For the most part, people do not seem to care and instead address him by his actual name or by 'Okarin' (his nickname), much to his chagrin. Wiki Science Adventure est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. He then gives her the LabMem badge and appoints her as LabMem #005. The real content is about the location of the IBN 5100. Dans la continuité de la ligne d'univers Bêta, son style vestimentaire change, il ne porte plus de blouse et s'habille plus sobrement. Kurisu replies to him by stating that she isn't Christina, nor his Assistant. Rintaro Okabe (岡部 倫太郎, Okabe Rintarō), also known by the alias Hououin Kyouma (鳳凰院 凶真, Hōōin Kyōma), is the main protagonist of Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0. Il affirma que son état était très similaire à l'impression ressentie lors de l'activation de ce dernier. In the years since Steins;Gate came out, we have gotten two direct sequels. Recommandations. EUR 5,99 + EUR 1,00 Versand . Steins;??? Shortly after agreeing to let Kurisu join his lab (due to her curiosity about the experiment that Okabe and Daru are doing with the Phone Microwave), Okabe soon realizes that the Phone Microwave is actually a time machine. In the future of the Alpha world line, Okabe became the leader of the resistance against SERN's rule, and was known as an international terrorist (in the side story ""The Distant Valhalla,"" it's revealed that SERN released Okabe and Daru so that they could found the resistance, thus completing the cycle of fate). Eight months later, Future Lab Members with the exception of Moeka goes on a trip to America. His hair is more neatly combed, likely to follow university standards. Rintaro who becomes too emotional puts up his Chuunibyou act and pulls out his phone. It was then that he realized that this was the real Kurisu. However, in Steins;Gate 0, she doesn't deny the possibility of time machines and will build one herself if she had the materials. Lose it, causing Okabe heaps of trouble fact, that Kurisu considers the Mayuri! Porte généralement un T-shirt blanc à col, une cravate rouge, alors dans. 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