Students are notoriously bad at acting upon the feedback given to them by their teachers. You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. Stretch and Challenge | CLF Conference. Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students. The expectation should be that every student is required to think deeply and make a contribution to discussion. The effective use of questions is vital for stretching your highest-attaining learners. The options discussed in this article all have one factor in common: a belief that all students can produce excellent work once they know what it looks like and are given appropriate tools and support to make it happen.Learning intentionsFirst of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. The awarding bodies were given guidance that 'stretch and challenge' questions should: use a variety of stems in questions - for example analyse, evaluate, discuss, compare - Ask any teacher what they want from their students and nearly all of them will say I want them to be more independent. Ofsted report View Ofsted report (opens in new tab) School website St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a Voluntary Academy website (opens in new tab) I fully recognise that issuebut I'm also quite relaxed about using well understood terms to describe groups of learners who at any given time need more stretch and . A well-deployed teaching assistant can encourage students who struggle to work independently by modelling the processes required to develop independence and resilience.Teaching assistants can ensure that they work alongside students to get into the habit of chunking tasks down into clear steps for success, asking metacognitive questions and verbalising their thinking, which will lead to the creation of excellent work.Questioning and discussionProf Hattie identifies classroom discussion, where students are given the opportunity to respond to challenging questions posed to them, as being integral to accelerating students learning.Robin Alexander, in his book Towards Dialogic Teaching, highlights the over-reliance on IRF (initiation-response-feedback) in the British classroom. You can find out more about this technique at Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. Ask higher order questions using Blooms Taxonomy as a guide, Differentiate learning activities by how challenging (hot) they are, Students self-select activitieswith a little direction from the teacher, Give students help tokens which they need to spend if they want teacher input, Praise students who spend the least and have thought independently, Create a bank of cards that can be used in the classroom, Students can be given secret missions/or self-select to add depth to their work, Good quality homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. Moreover, for deep learning experiences to occur and be stored in their long-term memory, they need to be exposed to the information at least three times in different formats. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching, not pain. We inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and . More than this, the six Elements Required fields are marked *. Stretch and challenge in practice Debbie Light offers some practical strategies to raise the bar in your classroom for all pupils. Take on a different perspective that they are not necessarily comfortable with. Set tasks, including homework, which challenge students and ensure a high level of interest. Purchasing Procedure. Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion. Session 3: Stretch and Challenge Strategies Specifically Targeting More-Able Learners. Explicitly teach students how to construct different types of questions to generate engaging discussion. Stretch and Challenge Developing Deeper Understanding . They give apprentices the opportunity to take their learning further and get the highest grade they possibly can. marriage transits astrology Accept X DEFINITELY AGREE WITH THIS ESPECIALLY; There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to As an early years practitioner, all pupils are given the skills required to set each child up to succeed. Differentiation is the process by which differences between learners are accommodated so that all students in a group have the best possible chance of learning. I See Reasoning UKS2 - Gareth Metcalfe. Each week students participate in discussion and activities that are intended to help . In other words, we are not asking the child to simply do 'more stuff', we are asking them to think about the concept in different ways thus developing a greater depth of knowledge. Ego-driven feedback, focusing on the student rather than the task, and grades rather than comments, leads to a decrease in student progress. Yet few schools have cracked the homework problem. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. VAT Number 792825685 Onefile Ltd, 2005-2023. Book Now ($71.91) Speak to their employer too. 2. We sometimes forget that learning is hard work, particularly the thinking part. They are likely to be autodidacts reading widely around a favoured subject at home to find out more. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. Finally, celebrate and showcase students homework as this will encourage students to keep challenging themselves as their efforts wont have gone unnoticed.ConclusionWhatever approach you take, embedding a stretch and challenge model in your classroom takes time. The teacher can use the framework to document wider knowledge and skills progression. View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, which is needed to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Posted in Advanced Practitioners, CPD for Teachers, Differentiation, Feedback, High grades for learners, Medals and Missions, Questioning strategies, Stretch and challenge, Teaching and learning | Tagged Differentiation, differentiation in group work, feedback for stretch and challenge, group work, Stretch and Challenge, stretching strong . As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. This encourages the learner to build empathy with different viewpoints and to consider how a topic looks from alternative perspectives. A well-deployed teaching assistant can encourage students who struggle to work independently by modelling the processes required to develop independence and resilience. This chapter introduces and discusses individual learning plans (ILPs) and their use, particularly regarding the setting of learner targets. These resources may include worked examples, literacy scaffolds or graphic organisers. measure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. In the Third Edition of 'Teaching Today' Geoff Petty (2004) there is an appendix which summarises differentiation . Challenge varies by subject. Tap here to review the details. A complex question can really provoke deep thinking. In March, I secured a 1 month secondment to the Research and Evaluation team at Ofsted. Identifying what we can do for 'High Potential Pupils' (HPPs) needs to start with looking at what we shouldn't be doing and why our efforts may be misguided or faulty. stretch and challenge activities easily. In that undoubtedly privileged context, teachers developed habits around high challenge, high trust and high intellectual demand that were fully embedded in the culture. It can also be hard to create stretch through this approach, because it is difficult to pitch tasks at exactly the right level. Use these questions as a simple way to provide extension opportunities in lessons. . Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge.First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. To stretch and challenge students in the classroom is an art in itself. Neil Mercer's work has shown us that oral reasoning skills affect cognitive skills. Try one or two out and then discuss your experiences with a colleague. Breathe normally and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; in problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds. These resources may include worked examples, literacy scaffolds or graphic organisers. Outline. Therefore, it is vital that when offering students choices they are held accountable for the work they produce. We used to teach subjects and classes - now we teach students. 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports. They give employers validation that theirapprenticeship levyis being well spent. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. In order for this to happen, set up a series of structured questions that require students to think hard and ensure students have enough time to grapple with the difficult concepts. It might seem that in some of your classrooms learners will do everything they can to finish as quick as possible and bypass any opportunities for an additional level of challenge. Using these type of accessible resources causes the learner to really think about how all of the parts fit together, a gateway to critical thinking. For each area of a subject, consider what you can add to create depth. How do you know when apprentices are ready for that extra push? Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. Use questioning techniques to boost thinking. Ability to stretch and challenge students' abilities; Accountable for learning and achievements of students across the academy; Motivate staff - leading by example . One way is with OneFile's Learning Hub. To transform challenges into activities for the classroom, our members have adopted the universal thinking framework. This might typically be about digging into an area more deeply, going laterally with a concept, or asking students to use more complex terminology to describe abstract ideas. If it hurts, you've pushed too far. Professor Dylan Wiliam, in his book Embedding Formative Assessment, explains that students sharing, clarifying and understanding learning intentions is a key part of assessment for learning; those students who have a clear picture of their learning journey are more able to reflect on their progress over time and take responsibility for knowing how to move forward. Introduction This chapter addresses two related concepts: differentiation and 'stretch and challenge'. The expectation should be that every student is required to think deeply and make a contribution to discussion. starters, plenaries, modelling and summarising previous learning or taking questions from the class. Prof Wiliam examines the importance of success criteria and pre-flight checklists in Embedding Formative Assessment. Begin by providing a description of the word before asking students to create their own description and example in their own words. They said that education must challenge and support students at all levels, whilst identifying the most able and ensuring that they are stretched. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. SecEd prides itself on being written by teachers, for teachers and offering a positive and constructive voice for To get over the problem of setting homework for homeworks sake, an alternative is to create a Homework Challenge Bank featuring a range of tasks that require students to consolidate and master key concepts and apply their knowledge in different contexts. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. What is hard for me might be easy for you. Blue Peter 'Here's one I Prepared Earlier': pre-digested resources. 2) Categorise those benefits into different criteria? Therefore, it is vital that when offering students choices they are held accountable for the work they produce.FeedbackThere cant be a teacher on this planet who doesnt know by now that feedback has a significant effect on students outcomes. 5) Imagine what life would be like without the Roman occupation of Britain? Revisiting concepts such as the zone of proximal development helps us reframe learning experiences and seek out opportunities for deeper thinking. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. This may seem like a pretty obvious statement to make but often, without recognising it, we set a limit on what we think students can do. First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Stretch and Challenge are concepts which occur with increasing frequency in Ofsted and Estyn reports. school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo The best group work is when the cognitive demand of the task actually necessitates more than one students input. The UTF actions can be carefully ordered into an engaging assessment methodology that gradually increases with cognitive complexity. stretch and challenge ofsted 14 Jun. And its not just NQTs. Rather than waste time getting students to copy down vague learning objectives and outcomes, move towards an enquiry question that will anchor the learning and everything the students do in a lesson or series of lessons to respond to the question posed by the teacher. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research. If you introduce grading at the right time, it could be a powerful motivator to stretch and challenge learners. We know that talk can extend thinking and that's why, in recent years, Oracy has begun to get the attention it deserves. Keep it focused and manageable for yourself and relevant to your learners. This practical planning and delivery tool enable educators to design challenge teaching strategies that really gets everyone thinking. We had an excellent team and all of us contributed to our end result, which was of course encouraging in the face of looming GCSEs. Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. Schools are still not doing enough to ensure the most able children fulfil their potential, an Ofsted survey has found. We sometimes forget that learning is hard work, particularly the thinking part. For many years, stretch and challenge was seen as something for the gifted and talented group. Implementing a stretch and challenge model in your classroom requires teachers and students to recognise that learning should be difficult. Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion.One way of embedding a stretch and challenge model is to experiment with different ways of encouraging greater participation in discussion. and, yes, I'm talking quietly because everyone else is asleep. The concept of "stretch and challenge" can be incorporated into all elements of teaching work including planning lessons, setting objectives, developing resources and working . Hold your stretch. Teachers as activators results in a much higher effect size; some of the key actions they take are setting up tasks with the goal of mastery learning and teaching students metacognitive strategies. This can range from simple things like answering a 6 mark question in 4 minutes instead of 5. NHS apprenticeships: an interview with Lucy Hunte, HEE, Level 2 apprenticeships are key to social mobility. Find out more, and join our mailing list for free updates and free sample resources. Pupils learn at different rates and it is with this in mind, that lesson content is broad, enabling a child reaching a level that reflects success, interesting strategies to incorporate in all lessons. ILR, Explore Terms of Use The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit informs us that homework in secondary school can have a significant impact on student outcomes. At times, their level of knowledge or skill might outpace yours. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. Click Accept to consent and dismiss this message or Deny to leave this website. In current high stakes education such a thing is dangerous. Not yet a NACE member? Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. 'Excellent . Stretch and challenge activities should be offered to all apprentices no matter their background, ability or ambitions. Use Title Questions. For children to make good or better progress they need to be stretched and challenged by their teachers to maximise their potential. , but they could be about further qualifications or promotions. Play question basketball, not tennis. Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. Taking on a fresh role or perspective can really help to challenge our thinking. The Ofsted inspector liked it too! Homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. Well, its all down to the individual learner. Provide an even greater degree of stretch and challenge for the m ost able disadvantaged pupils . There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully.The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. term "stretching and challenging" is one which has been recently introduced by Ofsted. There is no Elder wand, or potions off the shelf to address the issue in a one size fits all scenario. If students see there is a choice of how much they will learn in a lesson, then it is too tempting for them to coast along doing the bare minimum.Learning intentions are an integral part of communicating to your students that you expect all of them to think deeply every lesson. Moreover, for deep learning experiences to occur and be stored in their long-term memory, they need to be exposed to the information at least three times in different formats.