You earn XP (experience points) and money which they call lingots and gems for each lesson that you pass, as well as crowns and achievements. Isabel: En ese entonces, las mujeres tenan poca independencia y vivan sometidas. When two literature professors discover that a woman named Mara Lejrraga was behind some of the greatest Spanish literary works of the 20th century, they set out to learn why her name was omitted from history, and do everything in their power to restore her work to her name. Duolingo has a free version for everyone and is available for computer and smartphones. Again. And French is the third most popular language in some of the southern and southwestern states where English from Spanish is the second most popular language (see Figure 3). Juan: Mara era maestra y eso era algo excepcional porque, en esa poca, haba ms maestros hombres que mujeres. Pero luego, llegamos a los Estados Unidos, nos reunimos con mi pap y comenzamos nuestro American Dream. Habibie, was educated in Germany. Overall, it looks pretty dark! Nuestros colegas en el Ateneo Riojano nos pusieron en contacto con dos sobrinas de Mara Lejrraga que todava estaban vivas en Espaa. As a result, the subject pronoun is frequently optional and most frequently omitted, so the most common formal version would be Es de China? Su silencio fue difcil para m. To be frank, its misleading. Now, this feature is awesome! Martina: After college in Florida, Francis moved to Washington, D.C. She established herself in her new city and built her own community. They are activities on material that the app has not taught and you are expected to learn as you go, which is hard because the app only allows you to make 5 mistakes total. Martina: The crowd goes quiet. Juan: Isabel, otros profesores y yo investigamos mucho sobre Mara Lejrraga e inauguramos una calle con su nombre en la ciudad donde haba nacido. French is most popular in Vermont (27% of users), Maine (26.8%), and New Hampshire (22.1%). Fue en ese momento cuando empec a llorar; llor muchsimo. But once again, the norms of Spanish society conspired to keep her memoir out of the public eye Juan: Sus memorias se publicaron en Mxico en 1953. Argentina (similarly to Uruguay) has strong ties with the Italian language. But the status of French in Canada is very different from the status of English in India; most importantly, your socioeconomic status doesnt depend on your French proficiency. They are more like an interactive quiz on the material that you havent learned yet, and the quiz teaches you as you go. Duolingo only teaches you south american spanish and not european spanish. Martina: Francis mom couldnt continue her professional career and only found work in menial jobs. , but it looks like the goal is to advance your league status and compete with other players that are also learning the same language as you. Francis: De vez en cuando, mis padres me decan: Este collar es para tu quinceaera. Martina: With the help of a Spanish publishing house, Juan and Isabel have edited and republished some of Mara Lejrragas work under her own name. So they were the ones in charge of maintaining her archives and keeping her memory alive. Martina: Now that they had evidence that Maria Lejarraga was responsible for writing many of her husband's published works, Juan and Isabel decided to do something about it. Finally, Francis had given out all but one candle. This will be a tedious process unless you purchase Duolingo Plus. March 4, 2023 by archyde. They asked at the Ateneo Riojano, which seemed like a good place to start. 11% of Duolingo users in Argentina are learning Italian over twice as many as those in neighboring countries (although Uruguay came close). I find that the free version is very inadequate (ads and daily error caps). She was born in 1874 in the region of La Rioja, the same area where the cultural center Ateneo Riojano is located and where Juan and Isabel live. In the first year, they had to move multiple times. Nosotros vivamos en una parte del pas donde la comunidad latina no era muy grande. For the occasion, Francis is wearing sparkly silver boots, a pink tulle skirt, and a tiara. In Spanish, it is acceptable to leave the letter t out of the word es, which means you. To calculate the proportion, we divided the number of users who registered on Duolingo in the past year in each state by the current population of each state, and got a percentage of 6.78% in Utah the highest out of every state (see Figure 1). The correct spelling is: est-ce quil est amricain. Spanish speakers colonized many areas of America that eventually became part of the United States, so the names of many of our states and cities are Spanish. But there was more. The first advantage of Duolingo is that its free! Most of Duolingos material is available, but this version is definitely more limited than the subscription version. The other parts of Canada are much less bilingual, even though French is mandatory as a second language for most Canadian students. Martina: She also consulted with her mom on the phone. Lessons are divided into groups called checkpoints and you have to complete the available lessons in order to unlock the ones at the next checkpoint. Who needs help with their countrys official language? Francis: Iulia me dijo que tena que hacer lo que yo quera. I left my 'comfortable' job on Facebook to fulfill my dream - educating people worldwide. Second, as mentioned previously the lessons arent actually lessons. Juan: Era la primera vez que una calle en Espaa tena su nombre. But once again, the norms of Spanish society conspired to keep her memoir out of the public eye. Martina: Francis Gortaire still lives and works in Washington, D.C. Shes been in her condo for over two years now. Click here for pictures of the artwork mentioned in this episode. Este libro es para que la gente que no est interesada en la investigacin filolgica ni literaria, pueda conocer a esta mujer y su historia. the darker the color, the higher the percentage of Duolingo users German is also popular in somewhat unexpected places. Duolingo is definitely worth trying, in part because its free. 5. Interestingly, some of the states with the lowest number of language learners like North Dakota and Montana came out on top in making language learning a daily habit: North Dakota has the highest average proportion of users who have been successful in maintaining their Duolingo streaks for 120 or more days, and Montana has the highest average proportion of users with a streak of 3-29 days. Martina: Mara Lejrragas nieces met with Juan and Isabel and told them that Mara never had children. Martina: Traditionally, quinceaeras are family parties, with aunts, uncles, and cousins in attendance. English also emerges as the most popular when aggregating across all countries: its studied by 53% of all Duolingo users. Spanish is her second language and she is familiar with French. Make your way to the train station or wait for your ride with a unit that you can download. To improve your pronunciation, you should receive consistent feedback and make minor corrections. If you dont like to compare yourself to others and want a more independent language learning journey, I recommend ignoring the profile and leaderboard tabs or using a different app altogether to avoid the competitive nature of the app. Duolingo recently released a Swedish course for Arabic speakers, which will hopefully help! LingoDeer User Norbi on Learning Japanese. It may be surprising, but only about 10% of Indias population speaks English well. The differences between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC" and Europe and the United States over supply and demand caused the absence of some officials. How does Argentina differ from the rest of Latin America? You might have heard that the current Pope Francis is from Argentina but did you know that he was born to Italian immigrants? Martina: Thank you so much for your message, Danielle! With 500 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. She decided she did want some recognition, or reconocimiento, for her work. This can be discouraging to new learners as they may feel that they should already know the information. A scientist trained in linguistics and the cognitive science of learning. Im Martina Castro. We'd love to know what you thought of this episode! Martina: As they began their research, Isabel and Juan got a little bit more context about Mara Lejrragas life. As a Spanish teacher, I think its a fantastic tool and a great way to practice listening and reading skills. This makes sense, since some Alaskan residents claim they can actually see Russia from their homes. Namibias relationship with Germany is complicated because of the colonial times, when Namibia was under German rule. Pero, por otro lado, hay otras costumbres que me gustan mucho. According to the 2020 Duolingo Language Report: Trends in the United States, there were over 49,000 students studying languages between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Set 24 has a maximum of 28 XP per story in French. Isabel: La celebracin en el Ateneo fue solo el primer paso; decidimos hacer ms. I'm going on a trip to France, but the only thing I know how to say in French is "I am from the United States."Voy de vacaciones a Francia, pero lo nico que s decir en francs es "Soy de los Estados Unidos." Grammar instruction should be viewed as a secondary concern (because the focus should be on vocabulary. Which state has the highest proportion of Spanish speakers learning English? But soon after they started, their car lot was robbed. Interestingly, Mississippi also ranks last in terms of States access to the Internet. There are several other countries where immigrants are using Duolingo to learn the language of their new home. You have unlimited hearts on duolingo for free if you use it through web browser. Francis: Por esa razn, decidimos emigrar de Ecuador e ir a los Estados Unidos. I agree that its a useful tool, but after using it myself (pro verson) for three months, while living in Spain, I would not recommend it for European Spanish. Martina: Juan and Isabel read all these details during their research, but found no evidence in the official record that Mara might have been a writer herself. Isabel: Lo primero que hicimos fue ir a la biblioteca a buscar todo lo que ya se haba escrito sobre Mara Lejrraga. Discover vocabulary, terms, and other important concepts using flashcards, games, and other study tools. Are French and Spanish popular in different parts of the world? Isabel: Cancin de cuna habla de un grupo de religiosas que encuentran a una beb abandonada en su convento. She was determined to continue publishingand as Juan and Isabel learned from her letters, she would write a lot more than just that one book from 1899. One hypothesis is that as the state where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is headquartered, Utah has a high number of people learning languages as they prepare to take international mission trips. In contrast, the states with the highest proportions of users learning English from Spanish are more spread out, with the top states being Florida (24.7% of users), New Jersey (22.9%), Nevada (22%) and Texas (18.5%). . German was one of Namibias official languages up till 1990, and is spoken by a third of Namibias white community. And in several states with a high number of Spanish speakers including California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, New Jersey and New York English from Spanish is the second most popular language being learned, with an average of about 8% of users learning it. Duolingo is very international, but the United States is actually our largest country, and home to 57.8 million users. Its the top language in Namibia, where it is studied by nearly a third of Duolingo users. The answer to this question is a bit complicated, as it depends on a few factors. This is to motivate you to get questions right in order to be able to continue because if you run out of hearts you have to wait for hours before you can play again. Francis smiles and takes a deep breath Shes about to share a big announcement with her friends. This season, were exploring customs, or costumbres, from the Spanish-speaking world, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and to learn more about daily life in other cultures. Isabel: En ese momento el mundo de Mara Lejrraga cambi dramticamente. Keep an ear out for the accent from Spain, where the c, which usually sounds like an s sound, is pronounced with a th sound, so inicia sounds like inithia. One for her friend Juan Jos for always supporting her. When you use Rosetta Stone, you will learn the language, not just the words. Creo que es porque ahora soy ms introspectiva y me conozco mejor. You can also follow us on Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. Later, when the Spanish colonized the Americas, it evolved to include Catholic elements and a religious ceremony. Another case is Norway, where Norwegian is the second most popular language (with 18% of all users). Quiero compartir algo que siempre supe que estaba en m, pero no saba bien qu era. Mi familia era de clase media alta y tuve la oportunidad, o mejor dicho, el privilegio, de recibir una excelente educacin. Pero en Espaa fue un libro prohibido. Francis: Me senta muy emocionada por estar con mis amigos, pero tambin estaba nerviosa porque ellos no saban qu iba a hacer con mi ltima vela. Era un nombre muy conocido y una referencia de la poca. Is there any evidence of people actually taking this approach? Por esa razn, mis padres no se sentan seguros en Ecuador. Martina: Eventually, Francis dad found work. (While initially puzzling, it turns out that the strong influx of immigration to Sweden in recent years is the likely reason for this.). She told people to dress up in whatever made them feel the most special, or whatever they would have wanted to wear at their homecoming or prom in high school. Juan: Sus memorias se publicaron en Mxico en 1953. Those who dont speak it have more limited access to jobs and basic services. Despus de salir del clset con ella, me senta menos libre con mi identidad. She learned multiple languages, including French, Portuguese, Catalan, and Italian. Se consideraba una frivolidad y Mara no quera vivir esa situacin. But, for her 30th birthday, she decided to host the quinceaera she never had and shared an important announcement with her community. This did not last long. So thank you guys! Perhaps not surprisingly, then, English is the second most studied language in the United States, attracting 21% of the countrys Duolingo users. Ooh la la and mamma mia: French and Italian are both especially popular languages in the Northeast. Francis: La ltima vela es para la pequea queer Francis que vive dentro de m. As it turns out, Germany and Iran have invested in scientific and academic relations, and many Iranian scientists have been trained at German institutions. Ese tiempo en Costa Rica me ayud mucho porque cuando regres a Washington D.C., yo ya me senta ms cmoda con mi identidad. Yo le dije que por supuesto que s, que el siglo XX me interesaba mucho y que iba a empezar a prepararme para el evento. Her parents tried to launch their own business, buying and selling used cars. Francis: Para mi quinceaera, mis padres me regalaron un collar muy sencillo. Francis: Esta fiesta, es para celebrar a la persona que soy hoy, despus de treinta aos de vida, y a las personas que me ayudaron en el camino. Keep reading to see how the data on Duolingos learners reveals insights into country preferences, cultural affinities, immigration trends, and more. Now, what about the states with the lowest proportion of language learners? Sin embargo, la idea de tener una doble quinceaera me encant. Martina: Heres a message we recently got from Danielle who is in California but originally from Toronto, Canada: Danielle: I've been using Duolingo Spanish for probably two years, but I had never gotten into the podcast and I just started them this year and I'm about two weeks until listening to one a day. Some of the activities have fun animated characters too! Lingodeer and Rosetta Stone allow you to choose between the two accents and vocabularies, whereas Duolingo does not differentiate between the two Spanish dialects. When it comes to regional language-learning trends, our analysis showed some clear patterns: While Spanish is the most common language being learned in all 50 states, it is especially popular among users in the South: Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana have the highest proportions of Spanish language learners. Juan: En algunas de las cartas que lemos Mara Lejrraga deca abiertamente que era la autora de muchas de las obras de su marido, incluyendo Cartas a las mujeres de Espaa. Now, this feature is awesome! Finally, after a year of moving around, they found a house and settled down. When asking someone what their name is, you can use one or two expressions. She thinks its important that people outside of academic circles know about Mara Lejrraga. Duolingos free version has a lot of ads and limits your experience, whereas Duolingo Plus has no ads and additional features. Escrib una novela llamada Luz ajena. Lets get started! Iulia encouraged Francis to do it and promised she would help organize the party. Fue tambin una ocasin para declarar mi identidad a mi comunidad y a la familia que tengo en D.C. Martina: But Francis was nervous about hosting a big party. For instance, are you adamant that its pop, not soda? Francis: Ustedes son mi familia por eleccin y, por esta razn, quiero compartir algo con todos esta noche. l es de los Estados Unidos pero actualmente vive en Alemania. Francis: Todas las relaciones pasan por momentos difciles y la de mis padres no fue la excepcin. Gracias a l, me di cuenta que tena que hacer algo por m misma, para estar orgullosa de la persona que era hoy. It's optional in Spanish, but the the is required in English. Martina: Together, Juan and Isabel began searching for answers. This time, I am going to giveDuolingo Spanish Review and evaluating its language teaching approach, app format, and more so that aspiring Spanish speakers can choose the right programs and resources for them. In Hawaii, Duolingo found residents looked to learn the Hawaiian language this year, the second most sought-after option people there studied. All Rights Reserved. Francis: No tener una fiesta de quinceaera no me import mucho. Which is the only state where Russian is one of the top five languages being learned on Duolingo? There are no Spanish verbs that can be conjugationd using Duolingos Spanish verbs. In the 1920s and 30s, Mara got involved in leftist and feminist politics. Martina: Francis spent the first 10 years of her life in Latin America. Gracias por escuchar! Based on data from Duolingo, the 2020 Duolingo Language Report: Trends in the United States includes information about people who have studied a language on the app. So Francis researched on Google and read articles to learn more. There she spoke freely about writing many of the works credited to her husband. Is this requirement the reason why a third of Duolingo users in Canada are learning French? El mensaje de esta obra es muy importante porque en esos tiempos las mujeres vivan muy sometidas, tanto que ni siquiera tenan derecho a votar. Below are a few examples from different parts of the world. There is a great variety of activities that range from matching games and fill in the blank to typing what you hear. In the United States, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language. Theres a long history of close economic ties between Germany and the region (e.g., thats where many of Germanys guest workers came from after the World War II), which likely continue to this day. In the end, Francis even wore pink and a crown, or corona, but put her own twist on it. Franciss family were threatened, or amenazados several times, including once when Francis herself was almost kidnapped. For each of these countries, Duolingo doesnt actually offer an English course, and so its possible that English would have made it to the top two, had the course been offered. They decided to investigate further. steyts. ) Listen free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. If you are unable to talk or use the microphone, you can skip them. * Special thanks to Erin Gustafson, data scientist at Duolingo, for her help in gathering several of the data points used throughout this post, and to Sean Dockery, designer at Duolingo, for creating the graphics throughout the post. If you liked this story, please share it! Mississippi came out on the very bottom, with a proportion of just 2.17%. She even became a government representative for Spains Socialist Party. The Stories tab offers cute short stories in Spanish and reads the story to you, Last, an ingenious feature during the lessons is the ability to, The first major downside to the Duolingo Spanish program is that there is, Lastly, a major negative to Duolingo is the. Works at the intersection of learning science, pedagogy, and product development. Whatever app you choose, you are taking a step in the right direction by choosing to learn Spanish! Anyway: nice review, agree mostly, but if the app ever did teach European Spanish, it no longer does. If you have some Spanish experience, you will have to test out of lessons which cost gems (points that you earn by using the app) so you cant go immediately to the lessons that are appropriate for your level. This story was produced by Adonde Medias Caro Rolando. Martina: Maria and Gregorio got married in 1900. Isabel: Cuando comenz la Guerra Civil, Mara estuvo en peligro y tuvo que exiliarse. It is acceptable to ask Es ella cubana? as an answer. December 19, 2021 Danielconcasco Mod Plus Remember everyone, this is a place to ask or answer questions about the exercise itself. The first major downside to the Duolingo Spanish program is that there is no distinction between the Spanish from Latin American and from Spain. The data covers all 194 countries. Juan: Senta que vala la pena porque era un personaje importante que tena muchas cualidades y una vida interesante.