leafletTag = scripts[i]; if (!! return { subscriptionStatus: '', A place to enjoy 'life on the lake', to relax, have fun and enjoy time in nature. } if (isShopFront) { addShopFrontClasses(plan); actionField: { productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? } value: priceID, code: "", } window.inmTracking.trackEventAsVirtualPageView(virtualPageViewData); localStorage.setItem('subscriptionwall.latest-load', new Date().getTime()); window.GTMLoaded = false; evt = (evt) ? } else { const now = new Date(); } The woods are also home to herds of wild deer, endangered pine martins and red squirrels. setBundleToFullWidth(plan); badgeToFilterBy = 'monthly'; } purchase: { currencyCode: purchase.currency, snack_bar_success_message: 'Welcome! let previouslySelectedPriceId = getPriceSelected(localStorage.getItem('price.selected')) || getQueryStringValue('priceId'); if (badges.indexOf('featured') > -1) { Writing on the website, Sean Simon says "although I own them (Mc Dermotts Castle and Cloontykilla Castle) I see myself as their caretaker". }); } return 'home-delivery'; You can find more information about Cloontykilla Castle on their website. The WPBSA has today confirmed the provisional dates and venues for the 2021/22 WPBSA Q Tour. Dates Avail incl Ireland bank holidays. const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'app_purchase'); } card_expiry_style: stripeInputStyle, } else if (purchase.badge['epaper-access'] && purchase.badge['epaper-access'] == true) { And because Sean hopes to use his show business connections to rent out the castles and land as television and film locations, he will use a generator to power up the castle so there are no tell-tale electricity poles that would detract from its authenticity. p_tag.classList.add('c-box1-brow'); if (socialNetwork === 'facebook' || socialNetwork === 'facebookVideo') { userID: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.user_id, window.dataLayer[0].article.userWall = userWall; productClickSource = null; selectedPrice = getBundleById(previouslySelectedPriceId); callback: function (user) { item_group_code: "pfc_indo", })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-KJF4'); badges.forEach(badge => { return '' e.preventDefault(); flipPayConfig = Object.assign(flipPayConfig, { placeholder_prices: Object.keys(price).indexOf('placeholder_prices') > -1 if (priceA.badges['premium'] && priceB.badges['home-delivery']) { var badgeToUse = ''; return; snackbar.querySelector('.message2-outer').classList.remove('-error'); } }); base: { } if (Object.keys(selectedPrice).length === 0) { You are now a premium subscriber', upgradesAvailable = true; if (activeTabId === 'shop-front-monthly-prices-tab-trigger') { }; The letter from the priest worked as Simon was sacked, but in his determination, he decided to head to the bright lights of London rather than face a slagging from his schoolmates and took the well-worn emigrant route but with a formulated plan for success already jolting around in his head. subscriptionStartDate: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z', } const virtualPageViewData = { } script.onerror = function() { }, vars.article.userWall = 'none'; } }); 15 following. show_fadeout: false, const price_link = el.querySelector('a[data-price_id]'); } Sean Simon. } } if (typeof bundleExpires[priceId] != "undefined") { user: { Stealing Inspiration from the Best Grand Designs Pure from wwwpurecommercialfinancecouk. }); let userWall = 'none'; JSON.parse(getCookie(subscriberCookieName) || '{}').subscriptionStatus; const setSubscribeButtonColour = function (el) { } setBundleToFullWidth(node); Westport House and Gardens Admission Ticket. wallVisible: 'false' productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? var p_tag = document.createElement("p"); premium_content_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/home-delivery/'; } const cookieData = getSubscriptionStatus(purchase); return; var fpblock = document.getElementById("flip-pay"); eventAction: 'change_cc', } } id: purchase.id const eventName = { const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'purchase'); if (!selectedPrice) { } if (addToCartFiredAfterRegistration === false) { const isRegionalShopFront = false; bundleContainer.classList.toggle('-three', bundleContainer.children.length === 3); } } document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName)); selectedPrice = getBundleById(subscribeLink.dataset['price_id']); var nowTimeStamp = Date.now(); const priceToEcommerceProduct = function (price, index) { subscriptionStartDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', } Comedian Sean Lock has died from cancer at the age of 58, his agent has confirmed. His loan was subsequently sold on to a vulture fund and thus the battle to save the dream continued until he met another Irish advocate, Brian Reilly, who managed to persuade an American investor friend, Kenneth D. Peterson, who already has business interests in Ireland, to come on-board and keep the project alive. const subscriberCookieName = 'subscriber'; vars.user.subscriptionStartDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionStartDate || ''; But there's more: discover your full benefits now. return item.value; return false; document.getElementById("crosswords").src = document.getElementById("crosswords").dataset.src; } flipPayConfig = Object.assign(flipPayConfig, { fireAddToCartEvent();

', The project was the labor of love of actor Sean Simons who after falling in love with the ruins of the castle as a boy decided to buy it and restore it to its former glory. const params = {}; if (event.detail.object.hasOwnProperty('granted_by_google_showcase')) { Sean set about protecting his castles from further ruin and damage caused by the harsh environment and weather, often undertaking dangerous tasks such as cutting ivy which was as thick as a human wrist from the top of a precariously perched ladder, three stories up the side of the old castle walls. if (isGrantedBy('purchase')) { successful_upgrade_redirect_url: successful_upgrade_redirect_url, window.scrollTo(0, flipPayEl.offsetTop + (flipPayEl.clientHeight/2)); return grantedBy.indexOf(grant) > -1 } document.getElementById('welcome_popup_wrapper').style.display = "block"; window.showNonSubscriberElements) { if (! if (snackbar) { window.gigyaIntegration.addEventHandlers({ 2014 grainne uaile Castle Rockingham Lough Key cloontykillacastle.com Joined September 2012 799 2,387 Followers Tweets & replies Media sean simons Retweeted if (isGrantedBy('whitelist_rule')) { Hi Sean, Just tonight saw your Castle rebuild on Grand Design. template_coupon_code_price: "



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", } const welcomeBanner = document.querySelector('.welcome1'); subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', } shopfront_url: 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/', } else if ((node.classList && node.classList.contains('n-tabbed1')) || (node['querySelector'] && node.querySelector('.n-tabbed1'))) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { The only caveat is that they share the same passion for restoring Irelands castles to their former glory and not destroying them by modernising them or turning them into Disneyland-like creations. window.dataLayer.push({ ? return; return -1; if (prices.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var span_tag = document.createElement("span"); window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; } label = 41246032 const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); el.querySelector('a[data-price_id]').href = el.querySelector('a[data-price_id]').href + '&returnURL=' + returnURL; return product; var labelText = ''; document.head.append(script); const cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); premium_content_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/premium/'; Heres how he made that dream come true. document.querySelector('#fp-snackbar .message2-outer').classList.add('-error'); But they and a letterbox at the entrance to the sprawling estate are the only hints that we are in the year 2022 and not centuries earlier.The castle is set far off the beaten track so there is no traffic noise or light pollution. window.scrollTo(0, flipPayEl.offsetTop - 30); 'none' : 'registration'; let productClickSource = localStorage.getItem('product_click_source'); } } else { }); plans.forEach(showPremiumBadge); const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'corporate_account'); purchase.original_start_at = purchase.start_at; }); } Following his success as an actor in Londons West End where he hadlead roles in hit productions of Little Shop of Horrorsand played Elvis Presley in Are you Lonesome Tonight? But an American investor stepped in and provided the necessary funding for him to retain ownership and continue his renovation of Cloontykilla Castle and preservation of McDermotts Castle. subscriptionStartDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.original_start_at, }); }; } // Reset the positions after the flatten. filter_prices_by_badge: badgeToFilterBy, return bundle_info; let addressCovered = false; const cookieDomain = '.independent.ie'; if (leafletTag) { const redirectToShopFrontWelcomePage = function () { const isNumber = function (evt) { let upgrade_bundles = []; return key.indexOf('granted_by_') > -1; sean simons @simons_sean Castle Fanatic,West End Actor/Singer lead roles in Little Shop of Horrors,Elvis in Alan Bleasdales Are You Lonesome Tonight,Joseph, tv, film. const domain = '.independent.ie'; return [selectedPrice]; eventCategory: 'hd_flow', const products = selectedPrice.placeholder_prices.length > 0 When Sean Simon was seven years old, he told his parents that he would someday become rich and buy the two castles that are located in nearby Lough Key Forest Park. if (Array.isArray(event.detail.object.upgrade_prices) && event.detail.object.upgrade_prices.length > 0) { const pair = param.split('='); if (badgeToUse !== '') { }); updateSubscriberCookie({ if (badges.indexOf('home-delivery') > -1 && !isHomeDelivery) { if (timeLeftOnExpire < 0) { return null; return 'premium'; color: 'var(--c_d3t)', subscribeLink.style.display = 'inline-flex'; } } else { return; Health and safety were definitely not a priority for a man with little fear of life or danger. category: price.id, if (getCookie('guid')) { event: '_trackEvent', } } if (event.detail.object.hasOwnProperty('granted_by_google_showcase')) { } (function () { } } return []; if (event.detail.object.google_showcase_requested === true) { document.getElementById(tabPrefix + '-tabs').querySelectorAll('a[toggle]').forEach(function (tab) { wallType: window.dataLayer[0].article.wallType, window.location.href = flipPayConfig.premium_content_redirect_url; "Can't beat a good Irish pub" - David Beckham celebrates son's birthday in Dublin, UPDATE: Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murdering wife and son, WATCH: Irish bishop's funeral held in Los Angeles today, Liam Neeson, Michael D Higgins and Bono among voices featured on "Patrick Kavanagh Almost Everything'". if (eventType === 'price_selected') { products: [purchasedProduct] let upgradesAvailable = false; document.getElementById('flip-pay').classList.remove('fp-prevent-html-replace'); let member_redirect = getQueryStringValue('source') === 'mc' ? const oneMonthInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; updateTemplateForHomeDelivery(plan); localStorage.removeItem('price.selected'); badgeToFilterBy = 'upgrade'; if (document.cookie.indexOf('guid') > -1) { wallType: window.dataLayer[0].article.wallType, Originally from Boyle in County Roscommon, Simon was determined to succeed in life and in doing so created a lifestyle that most of us could only be envious of. It describes the embodiment of every one of us when we were growing up. if (window.location.href.indexOf("#annual") > -1) { stickman swing cool math; ufc gym plantation; how to send certified mail with return receipt; bronwydd house porth history ","articleBody":"\u0026amp;ldquo;I think these places nearly talk to the owner,\u0026amp;rdquo; Irish actor Sean Simon says during a twilight tour of the grounds of his beloved Cloontykilla Castle overlooking the eastern shore of Lough Key in Co Roscommon. } const couponCodeUsed = function (purchase) { What happened to the castle in Grand Designs. Sean Simon blagged his way into joining the Miami Showband at the age of 14 after having lied to the bands manager and agent telling them that he was 16. eventLabel: eventLabel checkout: { let flipPayConfig = { } The actor Sean Simon at Cloontykilla Castle Alison Gill Sunday June 20 2021, 12.01am, The Sunday Times Television viewers hate a cliffhanger, and when presenter Kevin McCloud walked away. south glens falls school tax bills mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis eventAction: 'auth', const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(urlQueryString); const welcomePopUp = document.querySelector('.welcome2'); let premium_content_redirect_url = 'https://subscribe.independent.ie/welcome/'; } Investors will own part of the castle and he has set his sights on the Irish diaspora \u0026amp;ldquo;who went to America during the Famine and now they\u0026amp;rsquo;re billionaires\u0026amp;rdquo;.The only caveat is that they share the same passion for restoring Ireland\u0026amp;rsquo;s castles to their former glory and not destroying them by modernising them or turning them into Disneyland-like creations.\u0026amp;ldquo;Your money is in bricks and mortar,\u0026amp;rdquo; he said, adding: \u0026amp;ldquo;You don\u0026amp;rsquo;t have to be stone mad but it helps.\u0026amp;rdquo;\u00a0He has already spent\u00a0around \u20ac3m\u00a0restoring Cloontykilla Castle which had trees growing in it when he bought it in 1997. // Flatten the array by 1 level. } } meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, if (tabs) { if (urlHash === 'monthly' || urlHash === 'annual') { document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"][data-price_id]').forEach(function (price) { // Since the user is not a subscriber, the wall is now visible. } if (eventType === 'new_card' && isUpgrades) { userWall = 'paywall'; } bundle: 'premium-plus', const parseTweetIdFromUrl = function (url) { card_cvc_style: stripeInputStyle, Aran Islands Cliffs of . subscriptionStatus: '', } badgeMap[tabPrefix + '-monthly-prices-tab-trigger'] = 'monthly'; www.cloontykillacastle.com. sean simons castle today 2021. const isGrantedBy = function (grant) { subscriptionStartDate: '', template_premium_fadeout: "
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", article_id: '41246032', if (userHasLoggedIn === true) { productClickSource = window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe ? } } The Peterson investment has helped restart what Sean Simon describes as a labor of love and absolutely nothing less than. document.getElementById(selectedTabId).parentNode.classList.add('is-active'); previouslySelectedPriceId = null; } window.dataLayer.push({ metered_content: false, const subscriberCookieStatus = getCookie(subscriberCookieName) || '{}'; document.getElementById('discover_more_popup').href = onboarding_article; } meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, var timeLeftOnExpire = (Date.parse(prices[key]['active_to']) - nowTimeStamp); if (element.id === 'gigya-verification-sent-screen') { return bundle._id === id; Sean Simon got his big break while playing as understudy to legendary Elvis impersonator and pop singer, PJ Proby, and eventually took over the lead role in the West End show Are You Lonesome Tonight that propelled him to fame and fortune. selectedPrice.placeholder_prices if (activeTabId === 'shop-front-annual-prices-tab-trigger') { That quote was attributed to Shimon Peres, an Israeli statesman, and president. } } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('premium') > -1) { const domain = '.independent.ie'; '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= var label = "shopfront"; Hefell in love and vowed to become rich one day and buy itand the crumbling 14th century McDermotts Castle nearby that sits majestically on Castle Island also known as The Rock its own tiny island in the middle of Lough Key. if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('print_monthly') > -1) { localStorage.removeItem('price.selected'); }; const showPremiumBadge = function (el) { } eventAction: priceholder.dataset.sku_code + '|' + priceholder.dataset.price_to_display_billed + '|' + contract, vars.user.gigyaID = gigyaID || ''; function getPriceSelected(priceID) { // Check window.dataLayer object or create. price.position = index; eventTimeout: 2000, socialEmbed.innerHTML = ''; window.showSubscriberElements(); !gigyaID ? eventCategory: 'g_showcase', template_summary_card: "

", } return priceExpireExist; let bundles = []; tab.parentNode.classList.remove('is-active'); return item; sean simons cloontykilla castle now window.shopFrontHeaderSubscribe = false; return price.placeholder_prices; productClickSource: productClickSource, flipPayConfig.show_spinner = false; }; * Originally published in Nov 2019. updateTemplateForHomeDelivery(node); redirectToShopFrontWelcomePage(); window.showSubscriberElements = true; Simon is turning Cloontykilla Castle into a magnificent 5* luxury retreat for paying guests and emphasizes that it will be a completely authentic experience in its feel, layout, and design.. snack_bar_error_message: 'Unable to process payment. if (! brand: 'INM', He plans to rent it out to well-heeled guests for between 25,000 and 45,000. if (!isHomeDelivery) { window.dataLayer[0].user.meteredPaywall = meteredPaywall; if (! window.dataLayer.push(ecommerceTransactionEvent); var p = purchase['granted_by_' + purchaseType]; selectedPrice = getBundleById(priceId); } userHasLoggedIn = false; The castle has been exposed to the elements now for over 5 years. It was builton what was once the sprawling 3,000 acre Rockingham demesne and estate that was bought by the famous British architect John Nash, who designed Buckingham Palace. window.gigya.accounts.getAccountInfo({ google_widget_url:'https://member.independent.ie/google-login', document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"][data-priceholder_price_id]').forEach(function (priceholder) { badgeElement.style.display = 'block'; if (priceA.badges['premium-plus'] && priceB.badges['home-delivery']) { event: '_trackEvent', } span_tag.appendChild(text); The second castle is shore-based and far more accessible. 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); if (listeningForGigyaEvents === true) { template_prices_original_price: "
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