Diversity encompasses the qualities and characteristics that distinguish individuals from one another. (b) serve as a reference point and a forum where States, international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, civil society and the private sector may join together in elaborating concepts, objectives and policies in favour of cultural diversity; Such values have a pervasive influence in many settings, mainly in traditional agricultural societies, but also in some urbanized economies. Race has to do with a persons grouping based on physical traits (despite the dominant scientific view that race is a social construct and not biologically defined). Paul, B. D., ed. In modern industrial societies an adolescent culture has developed. In societies where women are able to make decisions for themselves, especially about their education and their reproductive choices, have longer life expectancy, lower fertility rates, and better overall health. Reflect on a time when you experienced a different culture or interacted with someone from a different culture. Diversity is a satisfying mix of ideas, cultures, races, genders, economic statuses and other characteristics necessary for promoting growth and learning among a group. Intervene in an appropriate manner when you observe others engaging in behaviors that show cultural insensitivity, bias, or prejudice. (1955). Many studies have shown that immigrants have higher rates of mental illness, probably due to the tremendous stresses of living in a new cultural environment. Culture as all encompassing gives us rules for how to structure our life. When selecting a topic for your first speech, you should do all of the following EXCEPT. The American ads were found to be too aggressive for the Japanese culture, where direct product comparisons are rare and tend to make people uncomfortable. What happens when a speaker demonstrates respect for cultural diversity? Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. (2007, March 1). Become aware of the cultural diversity of the organization. universal areas of human interaction; the AF Culture and Language Center developed the model depicted in the image below, which has twelve cultural domains. In collectivistic cultures, people define themselves as part of a group. 5. Create your account. Article 8 Cultural goods and services: commodities of a unique kind. Connect with an Advisor to explore program requirements, curriculum, transfer credit process, and financial aid options. Women in the nineteenth century constricted their waists and compressed their breasts with rigid corsets. Cultural intelligence is a persons capability to understand how a persons cultural background influences ones behavior. When doing business internationally, failure may occur due to culture as well as other problems. Formulating policies and strategies for the preservation and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage, notably the oral and intangible cultural heritage, and combating illicit traffic in cultural goods and services. Public health specialists must be aware of these and other cultural trends, and they must endeavor to mobilize beneficial cultural influences while discouraging unhealthy ones. . Imagine that you will be sent to live in a foreign country different from your own in a month. 6. But culture is also what anthropologists call encompassing, meaning that it is deeply rooted in our society and shapes all of our lives. This destroys the natural home of many species and affect biodiversity. Culture generally refers to the shared values and beliefs in a society. c. Some people tend to be more optimistic than others, and they focus on the good points of their job rather than the bad ones. Promoting through education an awareness of the positive value of cultural diversity and improving to this end both curriculum design and teacher education. Prospective Students Within the workplace, educational setting, and/or clinical setting, advocate for the use of materials that are representative of the various cultural groups within the local community and the society in general. Low-context communication is generally seen in ______ cultures. Contemporary Approaches to Leadership, 12.6 The Role of Ethics and National Culture, 12.7 Leadership Development: The Case of Starbucks, 13.1 Focus on Power: The Case of Steve Jobs, 13.6 The Role of Ethics and National Culture, 13.7 Getting Connected: The Case of Social Networking, 14.1 Organizational Structure: The Case of Toyota, 14.4 The Role of Ethics and National Culture, 14.5 Changing for Good: The Case of Hanna Andersson Corporation, 15.1 Building a Customer Service Culture: The Case of Nordstrom, 15.2 Understanding Organizational Culture, 15.3 Characteristics of Organizational Culture, 15.4 Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture, 15.6 The Role of Ethics and National Culture, 15.7 Clash of the Cultures: The Case of Newell Rubbermaid. Melville Jean Herskovits (18951963) was an American anthropologist. Question 6 (4 points) Social context is impacted by all of the following factors EXCEPT: Individual thoughts Ethnic diversity Historical influences Language diversity Globalization This problem has been solved! She has instructor experience at Northeastern University and New Mexico State University, teaching courses on Sociology, Anthropology, Social Research Methods, Social Inequality, and Statistics for Social Research. 17. Many women today wear high heels and tight shoes that deform their feet, with painful consequences in old age. Reaffirmingthat culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. While ensuring the free flow of ideas by word and image care should be exercised so that all cultures can express themselves and make themselves known. The rules we set for defining kinship such as who we can marry or whether a society is matriarchal or patriarchal are all examples of encompassing aspects of culture. Humans acquire culture through the learning processes of . All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. However, loss of a stable, cohesive social environment also appears to have contributed to the rise in prevalence of coronary artery disease in the migrant groups. McElroy, A., and Townsend, P. (1996). Employees in these cultures expect a clear set of instructions and clarity in expectations. Fostering the exchange of knowledge and best practices in regard to cultural pluralism with a view to facilitating, in diversified societies, the inclusion and participation of persons and groups from varied cultural backgrounds. For example, peers are much less likely to be involved in hiring decisions in high power distance cultures. Question: Cross Cultural Management Explain "all" of the following topics: -What diversity encompasses in the United States -The historical background for the study of diversity - Key diversity terms, including types of discrimination - Minority groups and non-dominant groups - Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination theories. Helman, C. (1990). Workforce Management, 84(13), 132. Ignoring cultural differences, norms, and local habits may be costly for businesses and may lead to unmotivated and dissatisfied employees. It is for each State, with due regard to its international obligations, to define its cultural policy and to implement it through the means it considers fit, whether by operational support or appropriate regulations. In another study, blood pressure values among African Americans from the southern United States who migrated to an urban environment were compared with that of urbanborn African Americans. New York: Oxford University Press. Adapted fromPromoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency, accessed December 2010. during the first few moments of the presentation. UNESCO applies a zero tolerance policy against all forms of harassment, Advancing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities ICCAR, Education for Sustainable Development Network, UNEVOC - International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, IIEP - International Institute for Educational Planning, ICTP - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, IICBA - International Institute for Capacity-Building in Africa, IITE - Institute for Information Technologies in Education, IESALC - International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, MGIEP - Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, Rules of Procedure of the General Conference, Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, Section of Conventions and Recommendations (LA/CR), Section of International Administrative Law (LA/AL), Protection of human rights : Procedure 104. What is culture? Learn more about online programs at Purdue Global and download our program guide. For example: A forest community with 20 20 If every team member has the same backgrounds, attributes or perspectives, their team might not be as creative and successful as it could. Kinship is one example. 2. Trade in Thailand: A three-way cultural comparison. Joiner, A. Frauenheim, E. (2005). When doing cross-cultural business, locals are a key source of information. Of course such assignments still happen, but it is more likely that the employees will continually work with others from diverse cultural backgrounds. People naturally use their own culture as the standard to judge other cultures; however, passing judgment could reach a level where people begin to discriminate against others whose ways of being are different than their ownessentially, we tend to fear that which we do not understand. Do countries have uniform national cultures? Anthropoligists and epidemiologists have identified many associations between culture, customs, and risks to health. Academy of Management Executive, 17, 127142. tracking. The short answer is, everything! to convince the audience of the importance of the person. Instead, these cultures seem to prefer paternalistic leadersleaders who are authoritarian but make decisions while showing a high level of concern toward employees as if they were family members (Javidan & Dastmalchian, 2003; Ryan et al., 1999). What is your ethnic identity? As a result of these trends, understanding the role of national culture for organizational behavior may provide you with a competitive advantage in your career. Chapter 2: Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity, Chapter 3: Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception, Chapter 4: Individual Attitudes and Behaviors, Chapter 6: Designing a Motivating Work Environment, Chapter 12: Leading People Within Organizations, Chapter 14: Organizational Structure and Change, http://www.geert-hofstede.com/hofstede_dimensions.php, http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/sep2008/tc2008095_508754.htm, http://www.nvtc.gov/lotw/months/november/USschoollanguages.htm, Next: 2.4 The Role of Ethics and National Culture, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Build background about cultural diversity in the United States. Cultural rights are an integral part of human rights, which are universal, indivisible and interdependent. Business Horizons, 43, 6170. In the face of current imbalances in flows and exchanges of cultural goods at the global level, it is necessary to reinforce international cooperation and solidarity aimed at enabling all countries, especially developing countries and countries in transition, to establish cultural industries that are viable and competitive at national and international level. Think about what you want to do in the future. "Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Jews who practice circumcision have lower incidence and death rates than gentiles from cancer of the male genital tract, perhaps related to sexual hygiene and reduced risk of infection with carcinogenic viruses. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the 2009 population in America was: Each race encompasses a multitude of different ethnic groups. In other words, employees will need to be selected based on cultural sensitivity and understanding and trained to enhance such qualities (Earley & Mosakowski, 2004). Encouraging "digital literacy"and ensuring greater mastery of the new information and communication technologies, which should be seen both as educational disciplines and as pedagogical tools capable of enhancing the effectiveness of educational services. The pervasive influence of the media, especially television, in almost all contemporary societies projects cultural values and behavior that emanate from the American entertainment industry. Cultures vary across the globe but. Further recallingArticle I of the Constitution, which assigns to UNESCO among other purposes that of recommending "such international agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by word and image". In contrast, cultures such as Iran and Russia are lower in uncertainty avoidance, and companies in these regions do not have rule-oriented cultures. The tool provides specific advice about interpersonal interactions with these cultures (Hamm, 2008). (2003). Article 9 Cultural policies as catalysts of creativity. The majority of women and men in cultures that perform genital mutilation support the continuation of the practice which makes change all the more difficult. 7. Culture, Health and Illness. ." If you consider only your interests and don't take the needs of your audience into account, audience members are more likely to. Aspects of diversity may be cultural, biological, or personal in nature. She has worked at organizations and institutions in positions which focused on behavior modification and therapeutic support, social welfare, college admissions, and education research. Examples of races are Caucasian, African, Latino and Asian. The task of public health professionals is particularly challenging when influential and economically motivated interests glorify aspects of culture that are harmful to health. whose cultural backgrounds differ from your own Culture and organizations. Why do you think the League of Nations was unwilling to stand up to the aggression of the Japanese and the Italians? Men in Western society in the late twentieth century also began seeking an "improved" body image by taking muscle-enhancing steroids or having muscle grafts to enlarge pectoral and calf muscles. The term "cultural diversity" can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences. This means that culture is patterned into our society. Affirmingthat respect for the diversity of cultures, tolerance, dialogue and cooperation, in a climate of mutual trust and understanding are among the best guarantees of international peace and security. Josh and Arielle, along with other members of their group, feel like outsiders to the dominant culture. Some people tend to be happier than others across all life situations. Having certain tastes, like enjoying the opera or fine art, is certainly part of culture but culture is not only these things. Which of the following would NOT be a possible topic for a ceremonial speech? Among Latino immigrants in the United States, anthropologists have linked the illness to the sense of social and political disempowerment that these people experience. Instead, they should have the ability to work with people from many diverse backgrounds all at the same time. Encouraging the production, safeguarding and dissemination of diversified contents in the media and global information networks and, to that end, promoting the role of public radio and television services in the development of audiovisual productions of good quality, in particular by fostering the establishment of cooperative mechanisms to facilitate their distribution. It helps create a space for people to be authentically themselves. Dr. Lisa D. Belfieldis an adjunct professor in the Purdue GlobalHuman ServicesDepartment. Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection (Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, 1998). Japans uncertainty avoidance is associated with valuing job security, while in uncertainty-avoidant Latin American cultures, many job candidates prefer the stability of bigger and well-known companies with established career paths. Recallingthat the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO affirms "that the wide diffusion of culture, and the education of humanity for justice and liberty and peace are indispensable to the dignity of manand constitute a sacred duty which all the nations must fulfil in a spirit of mutual assistance and concern". all of the following strategies are critical components of multicultural education EXCEPT: tracking, cooperative learning, parental involvement, collaboration. High power distance cultures are hierarchical cultures where everyone has their place. Culture is that which shapes us; it shapes our identity and influences our behavior. There are various types of disabilities or chronic conditions included here, ranging from mental to physical. Referringto the provisions relating to cultural diversity and the exercise of cultural rights in the international instruments enacted by UNESCO. In some strict Islamic societies where girls and women are segregated and allowed to appear in public only if totally covered from head to toe, deprivation of sunlight can impair the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, causing a deficiency of this vitamin and putting the women at risk for rickets or osteomalacia. Culture is often originated from or attributed to a specific region or location. Grant has divided his life into early life, midlife, and more recent life, and he has worked on composing a sentence to summarize each of these three stages of his life. Ergeneli, A., Gohar, R., & Temirbekova, Z. Behavioral Approaches to Leadership, 12.4 What Is the Role of the Context? In these cultures, referring to a manager or a teacher with their first name would be extremely rude. This chapter addresses theories of difference, diversity, and intersectionality, and what they bring to understandings of diversity management. An expatriate is someone who is temporarily assigned to a position in a foreign country. citizens who attempt to convince others to vote like them. To say that culture is encompassing means that it also includes everyone in society since it is a shared system of meaning and a learned process. Example 1. Which of the following is NOT true in regards to criteria for selecting your topic? When they create rules, they also selectively enforce rules and make a number of exceptions to them. While performed in many predominantly Islamic countries, this procedure is not a religious ritual, and is not condoned by any Islamic scripture. In our increasingly diverse societies, it is essential to ensure harmonious interaction among people and groups with plural, varied and dynamic cultural identities as well as their willingness to live together. Cultural diversity includes: Race. For example, Convergys, a Cincinnati-based call-center company, built a cafeteria for the employees in India. CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY, Article 10 Strengthening capacities for creation and dissemination worldwide. Making further headway in understanding and clarifying the content of cultural rights as an integral part of human rights. The goal of ______ is to generate as many ideas as possible without fear of critique. Anthropologists have described the complex cultural meanings of ritual purity associated with female genital mutilation that serve to perpetuate this practice despite its serious adverse effects on health. All of the following are stages of listening EXCEPT a. understanding. When passing people who are more powerful, individuals are expected to bow, and the more powerful the person, the deeper the bow would be (Pornpitakpan, 2000). One of the most important ways in which power distance is manifested in the workplace is that in high power distance cultures, employees are unlikely to question the power and authority of their manager, and conformity to the manager will be expected. Europe & Rest of World: +44 203 826 8149. Some undergo painful cosmetic surgery in the quest for an idealized physical form, with reshaped ears, eyes, and nose; facelifts; liposuction; and breast implants. This tells us things about our culture. Fowler, G. A., Steinberg, B., & Patrick, A. O. Committedto the full implementation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized legal instruments, such as the two International Covenants of 1966 relating respectively to civil and political rights and to economic, social and cultural rights. See more on the definition of diversity and biases. Hofstede studied IBM employees in 66 countries and showed that four dimensions of national culture explain an important source of variation among cultures. Countering the digital divide, in close cooperation in relevant United Nations system organizations, by fostering access by the developing countries to the new technologies, by helping them to master information technologies and by facilitating the digital dissemination of endogenous cultural products and access by thosecountries to the educational, cultural and scientific digital resources available worldwide. 6. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. Attributing all misunderstandings or failures to culture may enlarge the cultural gap and shift the blame to others. Conversely, individualists attempt to change groups more often and have weaker bonds to them. Mac and PCs overseas adventures; globalizing Apples ads meant tweaking characters, clothing and body language. Recognize and understand that concepts within the helping profession, such as family, gender roles, spirituality, and emotional well-being, vary significantly among cultures and influence behavior. Ethnocentrism leads organizations to adopt universal principles when doing business around the globe and may backfire. Of course, talking about national cultures does not mean that national cultures are uniform. In collectivistic societies, family bonds are more influential in peoples daily lives. In this lesson, we'll talk about how culture is encompassing, meaning that it shapes our personalities, values, and way of living. Retrieved January 29, 2009, from http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/sep2008/tc2008095_508754.htm. Age B. Many of these messages, such as encouraging the use of mood-altering substances and sexual promiscuity, are potentially harmful to health. In these cultures, men are more likely to be assertive and competitive compared to women. Ability C. Intelligence D. Sexual orientation B. They may be nice and friendly to their in-group members while acting much more competitively and aggressively toward out-group members. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural evolution. Student Login >. Cultural context can profoundly affect the transmission of disease. Diversity is the variety of identities, backgrounds and characteristics of people in a group. Companies are realizing that doing international business provides access to raw materials, resources, and a wider customer base. Another cultural practice with severe health consequences is female genital mutilation, which is performed on young girls in many African and Middle Eastern nations. 20. This situation led them to change their pay system by standardizing pay at job levels and then giving raises after more frequent appraisals (Fruenheim, 2005; Hui & Triandis, 1986; Javidan & Dastmalchian, 2003; Gomez, Shapiro, & Kirkman, 2000). Andrea is A. For example, in the United States, the southern, eastern, western, and midwestern regions of the country are associated with slightly different values. Apply Now >, Current Students Cultural diversity encompasses all of the following factors EXCEPT. Article 11 Building partnerships between the public sector, the private sector and civil society. Culture includes everyone in a society and is not simply individual tastes or preferences. Choose a topic that has been used many times before. A piece of advice that was true 5 years ago may no longer hold true. To get timely and accurate feedback, companies will need to open lines of communication and actively seek feedback. Culture (/ k l t r /) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior, institutions, and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups. Address the myths, stereotypes, and cultural differences that interfere with the full contribution of members. For example, millennials, GenZers and GenXers can coexist in the same workplace. Emily Cummins received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and French Literature and an M.A. While individualists often refer to their nuclear family when thinking about their families, collectivists are more likely to define family in a broader sense, including cousins, uncles, aunts, and second cousins. White B. Hispanic C. African-American D. Asian American C. African-American Culture includes a lot of different things. For example, one study showed that when hiring new employees, companies in high uncertainty avoidance cultures are likely to use a larger number of tests, conduct a larger number of interviews, and use a fixed list of interview questions (Ryan et al., 1999). When interacting with others who may not be proficient in English, recognize that their limitations in English proficiency in no way reflects their level of intellectual functioning. Encouraging linguistic diversity while respecting the mother tongue at all levels of education, wherever possible, and fostering the learning of several languages from the earliest age. The clash of competing values between environmental sustainability and economic development also has a cultural component. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Languages in American school and universities. Respecting and protecting traditional knowledge, in particular that of indigenous peoples; recognizing the contribution of traditional knowledge, particularly with regard to environmental protection and the managementof natural resources, and fostering synergies between modern science and local knowledge. The defence of cultural diversity is an ethical imperative, inseparable from respect for human dignity. Exporting teams: Enhancing the implementation and effectiveness of work teams in global affiliates. In contrast, feminine cultures are cultures that value maintaining good relationships, caring for the weak, and emphasizing quality of life. An ethnic group refers to people who are closely related to each other through characteristics such as culture, language, and religion.3 There are many ethnic groups in the United States, due in large part to its immigrant population; each of these groups contributes to Americas cultural heritage. Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. For example, in masculine cultures, the ratio of CEO pay to other management-level employees tends to be higher, indicating that these cultures are more likely to reward CEOs with higher levels of pay as opposed to other types of rewards (Tosi & Greckhamer, 2004). ____ is the system of knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors, and artifacts that we learn, accept, and use in daily life. For example, the limp handshake someone from India may give or a job candidate from Chad who is looking at the floor throughout the interview are in fact showing their respect, but these behaviors may be interpreted as indicating a lack of confidence or even disrespect in low power distance cultures. Therefore, there will be a greater level of creating procedures to deal with problems and writing out expected behaviors in manuals. It is important to recognize that to collectivists the entire human universe is not considered to be their in-group. Encyclopedia of Public Health. Which of the following is NOT true regarding your outline? It might seem like we're posing an obvious question here, but anthropologists and other social scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about this question. This blend defines multiculturalism. In fact, when it comes to culture, we are like fish in the sea: We may not realize how culture is shaping our behavior until we leave our own and go someplace else. Individualistic cultures are cultures in which people define themselves as an individual and form looser ties with their groups. In fact, managing people who have diverse personalities or functional backgrounds may create misunderstandings that are not necessarily due to cultural differences. Of course, talking about national cultures does not mean that national cultures are uniform. The speaker reduces the chances of alienating the members of the audience. In the face of present-day economic and technological change, opening up vast prospects for creation and innovation, particular attention must be paid to the diversity of the supply of creative work, to due recognition of the rights of authors and artists and to the specificity of cultural goods and services which, as vectors of identity, values and meaning, must not be treated as mere commodities or consumer goods.