20, Testing the effectiveness of different types of toothpaste in inhibiting the growth of different types of bacteria.https://qa.lanterna.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Biology-Revision-Guide-213x300.png, 21, The effect of temperature / light on fruit ripening, 22, Exploring stomatal density in a variety of conditions, 23, Testing the effectiveness of toothpaste types, 24, Investigating the effect of smoke water on the germination and growth of E.pilularis, 25, Exploring the effect of sunlight on biomass, 26, Exploring effect of light levels on the predation of the peppered moth, 27, Investigating the effect of different light intensities on water weeds. Nice to see you here. To seek where great ideas come from and change the way teachers/students learn in the 21st century. to inspire and stimulate your grey cells! If a person exercises regularly they should have a better level of fitness, this might mean that their heart rate increases by less in the short burst of exercise than someone who does no regular exercise. This gives the microbe an advantage when competing for food and water and other limited resources in a particular habitat, as the antibiotic kills off their . This study could be an investigation of how effectively the toothpaste inhibits the growth of bacteria according to the scale of the chemicals in the toothbrush. 3, Describe how the primary productivity of algae changes with temperature, algae concentration, other aquatic plants, salinity, nutrients, and any other variables you may want to consider. Most strands of this bacteria are found to be harmless and even healthy to be part of the human digestive system, however some strands can cause to the development of serious problems like . The distinctive features of human physiology. Designed by Harvard tutors to allow you exceed beyond expectations. http://www.xrite.com/online-color-test-challenge. . Extract your own DNA. For strict autotrophic organisms - Only inorganic compounds. Where do you even begin such a task? Antibiotics. It may even be possible to find a database of measurements of children of different ages. Reply 7. Of course the underlying processes are controlled by enzymes, or the fruit ripening hormone ether. The bacterial component shows more variation, including representation from Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacterto turn ethanol into acetic acid (giving the sour, vinegar flavor)as well as Lactobacilluslactic acid-producing bacteriain some instances. Investigating muscle activity involved when standing on ones toes(Ballet dancers). assessment, worth 20% of the final assessment, consists of one scientific investigation. Avoid this type of investigation, . We hope this article will serve as a foundation for you to get going on that IB Biology IA Investigation of yours! In this post, we outline the different necessary components. One option might be to test the chemicals on small aquatic plants, or germinating seedlings, but there are challenges to overcome here too. The IB IAs are an essential part of ones overall subject performance since they make 20% of the final score. Pay attention to one that is interesting for you, and that you might have ideas on how to develop the topic on. Finding a topic is one of the - if not THE - most important part of writing your IA so we want to make sure that you get it right! using potassium permanganate and heating, from a protocol from Science & plants for schools. This page is a simple list of general biological ideas for investigations. Exploring how the reaction times of humans get affected with age. You can extract your own DNA from your saliva, or you can use any fruit or vegetable you can find at home bananas and strawberries are some of the most popular at science fairs. Understanding some basic biology and the processes of plant breeding can help individuals understand GMOs and their safety. Another difficulty will be to devise a way to measure the extent of fruit ripening, or softness. Its very important that you consider if whether you can apply these topics to your own life, as this shows personal engagement. For 5,000 years or more, humans have mixed flour and water, waited for the mixture to ferment, and when it was good and sour and full of gas, used it as leavening to make dough rise. If youre looking for guidance on how to actually write an IA once youve chosen your topic, check out our IA Checklist post! Personal engagement, exploration, analysis, evaluation, and communication. Ingredients: transparent glass, salt, liquid soap, grapefruit juice, and alcohol (e.g. 1. At this point, all apparatus should have been properly set-up and the experimentations should be able to commence. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms with prokaryotic cells, which are single cells that do not have organelles or a true nucleus and are less complex than eukaryotic cells. An ideal IA idea is one that reeks of originality and leaves room for proper investigation and analysis in the process. If some abiotic factors can also be recorded including the pollution level, eg nitrate level, BOD, turbidity etc. Different plants that live in different conditions will have different requirements for gas exchange. Profile. Pour the bacteria onto the solidified agar plate. To help you find your own topic among interesting biology research topics, we prepared some useful tips to follow. Starting at deep purple, and ending at far red, write down the A values. Different abiotic factors affect the growth of different plants, test the different conditions and then note how plant species change in their presence. An IB Internal Assessment is an individual assignment assessed by a subject teacher following a given set of criteria to guide, construct, and evaluate the finished assignment. Experimental setup: For this experiment, combine a fixed mass of yeast with increasing concentrations of a sucrose solution and measure the rate of CO2 production! How does a sudden and intensive workout affect the heart rate, and to what extent does warm up have an impact on the maximum heart rate? Look at the genetic similarities and differences between species, kingdoms, phylas, classes, genuses, orders, families, and domains. This is a standard lab and the challenge will be to ensure that it is put into an interesting biological context. This is an interesting quantitative method to estimate glucose concentration. This investigation relies on the recording of abiotic data and data about the stage of the flowering cycle using the number of flowers / fruit / buds etc in a single species at different altitudes up a mountain. Citing documents/web pages and giving references is another important aspect of your IA that needs to be taken care of. How does the concentration of zinc chloride affect the growth of plaque? Introduction Also, be sure that you know all of the rules and regulations for your particular science fair before you begin your project. I got a 7 for Biology HL and my IA was awarded a 22/24. It is quite easy to record the number of individual plants / animals of a single species in a river at different distances above and below a possible source of pollution. Similarly to the experiment on the rate of decay, you can also measure how quickly fruits ripen, and which factors affect this ripening. it might even be possible to use mesocosms to perform this investigation as these would make it easier to control more of the other variables. Selecting an IBxq Biology IA idea has never been easier! Check out this link for more details, Independent variables: Age of participant/Age + sensory stimuli (how to hearing, seeing and touch-based reaction rates change), Dependent Variables: Time taken to catch ruler between fingers /Time taken to clap when they see light, Challenges: getting enough people to get reliability, controlling variables, Different diseases spread at different rates in different weather conditions depending on how they are passed between organisms (Skin contact, Blood-Blood contact, Cross-species barriers). It is imperative to acknowledge the safety protocols as established by IB and consider the ethical aspects of your investigation. 9, Do our reaction times slow down with age? Therefore, 5 trials with 5 samples each make up 25 samples in total. Login length need to be from 3 to 40 characters, Password length need to be from 8 to 40 characters. These ideas are meant to give you a little head start along this path; your final IB Biology Investigation idea is your interpretation of one. This is a simple idea, but the explanation is more complex, and this might be the challenge of this particular investigation. Experimental Setup: Focus on how leaves in different conditions vary in their stomatal density. This was my Biology HL IA which was given a 21/24 by the IB. Right from neurobiology to the fascinating subjects of the immune system, MyAssignmnethelp.com covers a wide range of biology research topics. Test how different household cleaning products affect seed germination! The choice of physiological features of the body could include heart rate, or pupil size, or skin redness. For this experiment, youll investigate how different variables affect the rate of decay! Experimental setup:In this experiment, you will expose seeds in a germinating environment to different household products solutions at increasing concentrations. Or find the correlation between the height of one's parents and their own height, then make predictions based on your findings. Proper research on your part is a bare minimum, and the rest follows. Is there an optimum intensity of warm up to achieve best performance? 17, What is the effect of pests on the diversity of plants in a lawn? The greatest challenge in this investigation is getting a large enough data set which takes into consideration enough of the factors which need to be controlled. Constraints, if any, need to be mentioned as well. Remember, the Independent variable is one that you are allowed to change(just one); the Dependent variable is one that you measure as it changes with the Independent variable; all the other experiment conditions must be kept constant to ensure that the experiment is fair. You will find 100 topics on various subjects below. The internal assessment requirements are the same for biology, chemistry and physics. IA Advice & Ideas; Help! location on shore. Does it matter what type of light the plant is exposed to affect the growth of auxin? You can find more information here, Independent Variable: Different Antibiotics, Different Seeds, Dependent Variable: Success of Germination, Rate of Germination. The individual. (1 More IB Past Papers). The data must be analysed by the student and tables / graphs etc. cactus) and a halophyte (eg. This investigation is a bit biochemical and the answer to simple research questions about the hydrophobic / hydrophyllic properties of photosynthetic pigments themselves would be a little bit obvious, so the challenge is to thing of a research question that could be answered by mixing petroleum ether (a nonpolar solvent) and propanone (a polar solvent) in different proportions and calculating retention factors. We look forward to joining the Lanterna and being part of your success. Does the behaviour of an animal change as the population increases? Koreans eat kimchi year round, enjoying its spicy taste and the fact that it contains loads of vitamins B and C. In this cooking and food science fair project, you will make kimchi from scratch and investigate changes in pH and glucose as the kimchi ferments. Read more here, Dependent Variable: Rate of transpiration (measure with a Potometer), Challenges: Getting the plants, Setting up a Potometer. Comparing boys and girls for example will be impossible, unless the sample size is very large. Of course there will be other factors to consider, for example local feature of the habitat where the plants are growing and the aspect of the flowers' location, not to mention grazing and grass cutting. Facebook (Use egg as imitation of tooth). How does different sodium chloride concentrations affect seed germination in the bougainvillea plant? Use the epidemiological data to measure rates of change. Browse. investigation should cover a topic that is commensurate with the level of the course of study. HL Biology IA Help! Then is is going to be a challenge to design a method of data collection which controls all the possible variables. In some other cases E. coli can also cause urinary tract infections. What is the most effective way of fighting an endemic? Then use agar plates and bacteria to test their effectiveness by seeing how many bacteria grow in the different plates! Independent Variables: Temperature, Sunlight variation, Skimmed vs Whole, Dependent Variable: Rate of bacterial growth (on agar plates), pH of milk. Go through several IA ideas to understand what all topics are in sync with the IB Biology curriculum and if something grabs your attention, hold on to it! Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. You certainly dont want to miss out on these! Using the pipette dropper to suck in 10 ml of the 3% hydrogen peroxide . However it could be really interesting to compare simple behaviour in animals. Here the challenge is the exploration section. The IB advise student and teachers, each year, to avoid this sort of lab. Legal All rights reserved. How does the composition of soil affect the growth of runner Plants from the original plant? They found that they could propagate their leavening by saving a bit of unused dough to sow the . . At Lanterna we have hundreds of tutors who smashed Biology. Teens can work to find out why certain plants present certain colors. 29, Determining the effect of time on the plasmolysis of potatoes, 30, Exploring mollusc shapes with regards to an external variable e.g. This looks like an interesting topic of study. 1. How does cumin and turmeric powder, in comparison to indigestion tablets, affect the rate of neutralization of hydrochloric acid, measured by the difference of change of pH levels in 5 minutes? 14, What is the respective change of allele frequency when initial frequencies are manipulated? All rights reserved. Stomata are the areas of gas exchange in leaves. Biology Labs Online have the potential for making biology education more interactive, effective, and fun!Biology Labs Online is a collaboration between the California State University system and Pearson, Inc.You can access these here https://sciencecourseware.org/BiologyLabsOnline/ (Thanks to Sarah Kelley for the link), Lab bench fly breeding lab Breeding Drosophila, fruit flies. The Internal Assessment can be a daunting task, for many students this will be the first time you're tackling such an assignment. NOTES: Probiotics eat the lactose in milk through fermentation. Do individuals of different types all behave in the same way to a stimulus. Luckily, theres so many great topics to choose from, and we've asked some of our top team to note down some topics that might inspire your own incredible research! Brian and also Louis G. Nickell and Alexander C. Finlay in the Journal of agricultural and Food chemistry, 2015. 2, Testing global warming: How does CO2, water vapour, oxygen, or any other variable affect temperature inside a cutoff bottle exposed to simulated sunlight? What are you waiting for? How do cleaning products affect the growth of house plants? This is nice project if there is a specific environmental gradient in the site being investigated. Preview 1 out of 13 pages with current laws and regulations, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link in Bacterial Growth and Nutrition | Biology Ideas | Microbiology Media June 22, 2021 by Ruturaj Mundhe Culture media and Bacterial Growth Bacterial Growth and Culture media are solid, semisolid, and liquid nutrient preparations employed for the cultivation of microorganisms. The use of a transect of transects will be useful for the sampling. We are available: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm CESTSat 10-5pm CESTSun 12-5pm CEST. Weaknesses like using high uncertainty apparatus should be addressed in the evaluation. Independent Variable: Plant species + humidity/temperature/ light intensity, Dependent Variable: Rate of transpiration. Experimental setup:Gather participants for the study and compare how quickly they can catch a ruler (measured in cm). For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction.