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(The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons add several other books, known as the Apocrypha.). *Mark, the shortest gospel, was written by *John Mark for *Gentile readers and includes material received from *Peter. These were the last historical events recorded in the OT. Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus, and access the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible notes. ), Farming and raising animals were so important in OT times that a man’s wealth was calculated by counting the number of cows, horses, sheep, oxen, and camels that he owned. Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy contain many additional laws that explain how the broad principles of the Ten Commandments were to be applied in Israel to worshiping God, governing the nation, in individual behavior, and in social interaction. These tame animals provided milk, meat, transportation, tent coverings, and clothing. The NIV Bible Dictionary is a condensed version of The New International Dictionary of the Bible. He destroyed as many copies of the OT as he could find, erected a statue of Zeus in the Jerusalem temple, and sacrificed a pig on the altar. Chapters 1 – 11 cover creation, the *fall of man, the *Flood, and the growth of the nations. Because of its poor soil and climate, the land rarely produced grasses suitable for grazing animals. Each synagogue had a copy of the Hebrew Bible in the form of a scroll, which was kept in a wooden box. Not only does the temperature vary from noon to midnight by as much as 36° (20° C.) but from region to region. Luke presented a complete, orderly account of Christ’s life from his *birth to his *ascension. Through the articles, sidebars, charts, maps, and full-color images included in this volume, the text of the Old and New Testaments will come alive for … Numerous kinds of fish similar to those found in Egypt were plentiful, especially in Galilee, and were an important source of food. and were known for their literature, law, and science. 36 – 37), but God miraculously protected his people. Mattathias and his five sons (Judas [Maccabeus], Jonathan, Simon, John, and Eleazar) led the revolt from the hills. drastically changed this policy. The Exhaustive version is the most complete, easy-to-use, understandable concordance for studying the original languages of the Bible. Later, the Romans divided the land into the provinces of *Judea, *Samaria, and *Galilee. The *Apocrypha is a collection of fifteen books, most of which were written during the intertestamental period. Biblical *prophets proclaimed God’s words and predicted the future. In contrast to the emptiness of human philosophy, Paul emphasized the complete adequacy of Christ — Jesus alone deserves our worship and obedience. *Second Samuel describes the reign of King *David, beginning with the civil war that followed Saul’s death. Who were the Pharisees? By 200 B.C. This introductory article will provide you with an overview of the Bible and its background and will give you a framework for studying individual topics in more depth with the help of the Topical Index (see description below). The first five books of the OT (the Pentateuch) describe the beginning of the world and the beginning of the Jewish nation. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Zondervan Bible Dictionary. This places three requirements on the Lord’s followers. Paul urged Christians to achieve unity in doctrinal and practical matters by speaking the truth in love and by standing against Satan, the Christian’s enemy. He is the Redeemer promised to Adam and Eve who will defeat *Satan and save God’s people (Gen 3:15). When that message was first written down, it was a brand new type of literature. Second Timothy, which was written from prison, is Paul’s last known letter. Publication date 1963 Topics Bible Publisher Grand Rapids, Zondervan Pub. MB Divination Dictionary 1.85 (mysticboard.com) MB Free Divination Dictionary Software is the largest esoteric dictionary online with 5500 words +. When Alexander died in 323 B.C., his empire was divided among his generals. Concise, readable, and informative, the Zondervan Bible Dictionary is ideal for use at home, in study groups, and in schools. 99. In 1604, King James of England commissioned a group of scholars to make a new English translation that was based on the best available Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. Each gospel depicts Jesus’ life and ministry from a particular viewpoint, for a particular audience, and for a particular purpose. Paul emphasized the need for believers to live holy lives (sanctification). As we noted earlier, the Bible was written over a period of more than a thousand years by many different men. THE ZONDERVAN BIBLE DICTIONARY Addeddate 2017-11-08 11:44:02 Identifier THEZONDERVANBIBLEDICTIONARY Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. Containing over 7,200 entries, 500 full-color photographs, charts, and illustrations, 75 full-color maps, and a Scripture index, the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary is a wonderful resource for Bible … God intends that such love be a normal part of *marriage in his good creation. The prediction was fulfilled in 612 B.C. Overview. (See Animals. Habakkuk concluded that no matter what happened, he would trust in God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. What did Samson and John the Baptist have in common? *Second Chronicles describes Solomon’s reign, the temple that he built, and the worship that took place there. The Sumerian culture forms the background of the early chapters of Genesis. and began a process known as Hellenization. and is the most frequently quoted prophet in the NT. Although its borders have varied somewhat, Palestine is small — approximately 150 miles long and between 25 and 85 miles wide — about the size of Vermont. The amount of annual rainfall depends on winds from the west and varies from year to year. to A.D. 100 and were discovered in 1947, include entire copies or fragments of every OT book except Esther. *Isaiah prophesied from 740 to 680B.C. Wycliffe’s translation was based on Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other — except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. God allowed Satan to test Job by making him suffer. Zondervan Bible Dictionary. The final chapters of this book (9 – 14) are visions of the Messiah’s future coming, his rejection, and his ultimate victory. The Bible contains many different types of literature: history, *poetry, *genealogy, and official records — to name a few. Thus in their teachings and requirements, the Pharisees added laws to those found in the OT. The first four books of the New Testament recount the life of Christ – his ministry, death, and resurrection. God’s lordship is seen in his sovereign rule over all things. Be the first one to write a review. The names of people and places that are found only once in the Bible are not listed in the main dictionary if nothing is known about them beyond the mere mention of the name — quite a few names in the genealogies fall in this category. And the Nile and its fertile valley allowed the Egyptians to be the breadbasket of the ancient world. Other NT books contain parts of what may be Christian hymns (Eph 5:14; 1 Tim 1:17; 3:16; 6:16). Survey of the Bible and Bible Times. After each victory, however, the people forgot God. Usually the high priest was chosen from among the Sadducees. This translation, which came to be known as the King James or Authorized Version, was first published in 1611. The sixty-six books in the Protestant Bible are referred to collectively as the canon, a term that comes from a Greek word that means rule or measure. Authorship by a prophet or other recipient of divine revelation was one of the main criteria for accepting a work as canonical. The author discovered that life apart from God is meaningless and urged us to fear God and obey him. East of the Jordan Valley, the land rises to the plateau of the *Transjordan area. By systematically looking up in the Topical Index the main topics mentioned in the survey and then reading the articles listed under the main heading in the topical index, the reader can actually pursue a course of study on the Bible and its background. They also exposed the sin of God’s people and called for *repentance and *obedience, showing how God’s law applied to specific situations and problems. First and Second Timothy and Titus are called Pastoral Letters because they contain Paul’s encouragement and instruction to *Timothy and *Titus, who were responsible for overseeing the churches in *Ephesus and on *Crete. King James Bible Dictionary - Eight of the world's greatest Bible dictionaries in one easy to use format. Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Jehovah Job’s three friends offered various reasons for his suffering. During the intertestamental period a number of important developments occurred that changed the way Jews worshiped. 6,255 Views . Does an altar really have "horns?" Because the OT was considered the sacred Word of God, scribes carefully preserved every letter and word of the original text when making new copies. Zondervan is an international Christian media and publishing company located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.Zondervan is a founding member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA). In this epistle, Paul encouraged the persecuted young Christians to live godly lives, and he corrected some of the false ideas they had, especially ideas concerning Christ’s second coming. Through the articles, sidebars, charts, maps, and full-color images included in this volume, the text of the Old and New Testaments will come alive for … As both high priest and civil governor he ruled Judah until his death. More than 5,000 entries inform you on historical, geographical, chronological, and biographical aspects of the Bible. Malachi predicted the coming of the Messiah, who would cleanse and purify his people. Many of these changes took place during the approximately four hundred years that separate Nehemiah from the birth of Christ, a time commonly known as the intertestamental period (c. 432 to 5 B.C.). Hosea likened his wife’s unfaithfulness to Israel’s unfaithfulness to God, her covenant husband and Lord. *Zephaniah was a prophet in Jerusalem during the reign of Josiah. The coast, the western slopes of the central hills, the north (Galilee), and the Transjordan receive most of the rainfall. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bible. Sometime after the Exile, Jewish assemblies developed into *synagogues, an institution that spread throughout the Roman Empire wherever Jews were found. Eventually Simon was able to attain Judah’s independence in 142 B.C., which lasted until 63B.C. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bible. The acacia, broom tree, nettle, and thorns are found in the desert. *Third John was written to Gaius, a leader in the church, to praise him for welcoming traveling teachers sent by John. Jude warned his readers to beware of false teachers who taught that being saved by grace meant that people could live any way they pleased. Long before these official confirmations, however, the Jews had accepted the majority of the writings as canonical. The NT emphasizes the Holy Spirit’s role of writing God’s laws on our hearts and thus making us sensitive to God’s will. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels (seen together), because many of the same events and teachings appear in all three. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bible. Over the years their interpretations and traditions became as important to them as God’s Word itself. In order to destroy the national identity and religion of the Jews, Antiochus forbade the Jews to circumcise their children. comment. Throughout this unfolding drama of redemption, the Bible addresses the important and practical issues of life: love, hate, fear, hope, need, desire, family, money, work, play, war, peace, and so on. During this era, God raised up leaders known as judges to lead the Israelites against their enemies. Paul wrote the greatest number (thirteen or fourteen) of the epistles. zondervan niv study bible online provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary was created to help you get more out your study of the Bible. It will help you clear up the who, what, where, why, and how of the Bible so you can better appreciate the depth of its wisdom and its relevance for you today. (See Birds.). This practical book teaches how to obey God in our dealings with one another. The *Ten Commandments (Exod 20:2 – 17) summarize God’s laws that teach us how to love God and one another. They are understood to have accepted only the *Pentateuch as God’s Word. These prophets lived from about 740 to 540 B.C. Since the Bible conveys God’s message to us, it is authoritative. (See *BIBLE, ENGLISH VERSIONS.). by Matthew S. DeMoss and J. Edward Miller | Dec 15, 2009. (See Languages.) The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary offers a wealth of insight into the historical, chronological, archaeological, geographical, social, theological, and biographical aspects of the Bible. Each gospel presents the ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus in a distinctive way for a specific audience. A Jewish family known as the *Maccabees led the opposition to Antiochus. Reviews There are no reviews yet. The rest of Genesis is the story of Abraham and his descendants *Isaac, *Jacob, and *Joseph (the *Patriarchs) and the birth of the *Jews. 4.3 out of 5 stars 35. These authors are *James, John, *Jude, Paul, Peter, and the author of Hebrews. Turn to the Zondervan Bible Dictionary and find out. When a civil war broke out over the succession to the throne, Rome intervened. The coastal regions tend to have a more moderate climate, and the mountainous areas, such as Jerusalem, are warmer. Arranged alphabetically, the definitions in The NIV Bible Dictionary will help you understand the meaning of specific words and terms in the Bible, as well as the Bible’s background and teachings. In biblical times, the best *farming land was found in Galilee, the Valley of Jezreel, and the western and central regions. Palestine was the home of a large number of wild animals: the lion, leopard, wolf, jackal, fox, rabbit, and deer. Used by permission of Zondervan. This software is an easy reference of words and definitions related to Astrology, Tarot, Runes, Psychic, Numerology and Dream Interpretations. He described the *apostasy that will precede Christ’s coming in judgment and urged the Thessalonians to stand firm in the faith. They emphasized the importance of the nation of Israel. What did Samson and John the Baptist have in common? Although they could not offer sacrifices at the temple in Jerusalem, they tried to live lives that were pleasing to God by obeying his laws and by offering prayers instead of and in place of sacrifices. Sniff, Jared Musgrove, by John Kingston, David Brooks and Anne Snyder, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith. *First Chronicles was written from a priestly viewpoint (probably that of *Ezra the scribe). A priest named Mattathias killed an official of Antiochus and destroyed the Greek altar. (See Plants. (See Poetry. As the one and only Son of God (John 3:16), Jesus is without parallel; as the only divine-human book, the Bible is unique. In biblical times, vegetables such as beans, lentils, and cucumbers were cultivated. they confirmed the Writings. It will help you clear up the who, what, where, why, and how of the Bible so you can better appreciate the depth of its wisdom and its relevance for you today. Paul wrote it between his first and second imprisonments. The *scribes as a well-defined group developed in the days following the Exile when Ezra the scribe taught God’s law to the Jews who returned to Palestine. Titus also received instructions from Paul about the qualifications for church leaders, as well as warnings about false teachers who professed to know God but who denied him by their deeds. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary will help you make sense of the Bible's context, people, places, and objects so you can better understand and apply the scripture. They emphasized rigid and complete obedience to the law, which for them included the OT law and their own interpretations, traditions, and laws. Title Page Copyright Page How to Use This Book Survey of the Bible and Bible Times . (See Archaeology.). The Jews divided the OT canon into three sections: the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. *Ephesians was probably written to a group of churches in Asia Minor that included Ephesus. (See Eschatology. Although few in number, the Sadducees were the most powerful Jewish political party in Palestine. *Zechariah was another prophet who returned from exile and whose apocalyptic visions (1:7 – 6:8) served as an encouragement to God’s people to complete the temple. Daniel predicted the return from exile, the coming of the *Messiah, and other future historical events. Through Moses, God provided the nation of Israel with many laws. The NIV Bible Dictionary can help bridge the differences between people of Bible times and people of today and thus help us understand how the teachings of the Bible apply to our needs and concerns today. Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to remain true to Christ, even when persecuted. The Almighty God is the Lord of heaven and earth. *First Samuel covers the history of Israel from the birth of *Samuel, the prophet who anointed Israel’s first two kings, to the death of Saul. The southern, or Judean, range includes *Jerusalem (2,592 feet) and *Hebron (3,370 feet). In this epistle, Paul reminded the Philippians of Christ’s humility and suffering on their behalf, and he urged them to rejoice with him in the Lord. The books of the NT were officially listed by the church council at Carthage in A.D. 397, though Christians had agreed on which writings belonged to the NT canon well before that. He decided to unite his failing kingdom by forcibly Hellenizing the Jews. You should confirm all information before relying on it. Ruth was an ancestor of Jesus. Does an altar really have ''horns?'' *Ruth is a story about family loyalty that is set during the time of the judges. Plant life in Palestine has changed a great deal since the time of Genesis. The single most important factor in the Palestinian climate is rainfall. Two important valleys that cut across these ranges are the Valley of *Jezreel in the north and the Valley of *Sorek in the south. *Exodus gives the history of the Jewish people from their stay in *Egypt until the giving of the *Law at Mt. The Pharisees were separatists. In some respects, as Jesus *Christ is the Son of God in the flesh (Matt 1:23), so the Bible is the Word of God in the words of men. The English Revised Version, made in 1881, updated the English used in the King James Version. *Habakkuk, a prophet to Judah, learned that God would use Babylon to punish wicked Judah and then in turn would judge Babylon. In this epistle, Paul focused on the doctrines of union with Christ and the church as the body of Christ. The twenty-one epistles of the New Testament were written by five or six authors to individual churches, to groups of churches, or to individuals. It is the story of how the sovereign Lord acted in human history to establish his kingdom to save man and glorify himself. Finally, about the fifth century A.D., the land of the Bible came to be called *Palestine, a word that originally meant land of the *Philistines and that referred to the people who once lived along its SE coast. Birds of prey, such as the eagle, vulture, owl, and hawk, were found in Israel. Two of these generals founded dynasties that controlled Palestine — the *Ptolemies of Egypt followed by the *Seleucids of Syria and Mesopotamia. In the Jewish Bible, there are three groups of books: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (NEBi’im), and the Writings (Kethub’im). 3. They begin with the name of the writer and the recipient, followed by a greeting, the central message, and (usually) a closing reference to the author’s name. This technique is called parallelism, and it is one of the most important characteristics of Hebrew poetry. Jewish scholars officially confirmed the books of the Law as canonical. Turn to the Zondervan Bible Dictionary and find out. Hosea proclaimed God’s love and compassion for Israel, his bride, and his desire for her repentance. Tyndale’s translation was so accurate that the translators who made the King James Version adopted about 90 percent of his translation of the NT. when Babylon conquered Assyria. The OT and NT together form the Christian Scriptures; the OT alone forms the Hebrew Bible. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bible. Through the articles, sidebars, charts, maps, and full-color images included in this volume, the text of the Old and New Testaments will come alive for you as never before. The Bible consists of sixty-six books that were written over a period of more than a thousand years by many different men. The Jewish people call these books the Law. A few features of Hebrew poetry are similar to modern poetry, though in many ways Hebrew poetry is quite different. ” – Zondervan Bible Dictionary We know that Japheth is the origin of Europeans and Ham is the origin of Africans, which only leaves Shem as the origin of the Negroes. What did Samson and John the Baptist have in common? Jeremiah announced God’s coming judgment and called the people to repent and submit to God. *Obadiah predicted God’s judgment on the nation of *Edom, the people who were descended from *Esau. There he prophesied to the exiles about the coming destruction of Jerusalem (which occurred in 586 B.C.) They are to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God (Deut 8:3; Josh 1:8; Ps 40:6 – 8; Matt 5:17 – 20). *Judges covers the period between Joshua’s death and the crowning of King *Saul. The writers of the NT also relied on information from other eyewitnesses, on oral tradition (2 Thess 2:15; 1 Cor 15:1 – 9), and on other written accounts (Luke 1:3). They looked with disfavor on those pious Jews who had previously supported the Maccabean cause. *Haggai, a contemporary of Zechariah, encouraged the Jews who had returned from exile to finish rebuilding the temple. It has the answers to these and hundreds of other questions you're likely to wonder about as you read the Bible. John wrote to encourage Christians to refuse to give in to outside pressures. useful explanations of the words, phrases, and themes of every chapter of the Bible. They developed writing (about 3200 B.C.) They hated the Romans and the influence of Greek thought. In Palestine, Greek culture influenced the *Sadducees, a group of wealthy priests who were loyal to the Roman government. The majority of biblical poetry is found in the Old Testament. This started the Maccabean revolt, a 24-year war (166 – 142 B.C.). God’s actions in history reached their climax in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. *Daniel, another prophet exiled to Babylon, served in the king’s court but remained faithful to God. Frequently, apocryphal writings contain exaggerated stories and contradict the teachings of Scripture. In 63B.C. The straight coast has no natural harbors. Only then will we find purpose and satisfaction. The autumn rains begin in mid-October, with the heaviest rains occurring in December and January. ; The Old Testament; The Time between the Testaments; The New Testament; The Lands of the Bible; The People of the Bible; and Religion and Worship in the Old and New Testaments. ), The wisdom books, which are associated with a group of people called wise men, focus on questions concerning the meaning of life (Job, Ecclesiastes) and on practical, day-to-day living (Proverbs). *Numbers describes Israel’s time in the wilderness, from Mt. Zondervan is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications with over 300 new, original books and Bibles published annually. In biblical times, most of Israel’s cities and people were located in the mountainous regions and valleys. Zondervan Bible Dictionary - Ebook written by Zondervan,. ), God’s laws are an expression of his holy character and sovereign will. Through the articles, sidebars, charts, maps, and full-color images included in this volume, the text of the Old and New Testaments will come alive for … The NIV Bible Dictionary can thus be used in three ways: 1. For such a small region, Palestine has a surprisingly wide range of temperatures. 2. It is to be the standard by which they judge all that they feel and imagine, believe and think, say and hear, see and read, do and desire (Lev 18:1 – 5; Mark 7:13; Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:5). Alexander wanted to unite his empire by spreading the language and culture of *Greece to every country he had conquered. *Ur, the largest Sumerian city, was a center of learning and included libraries, schools, and numerous temples to pagan gods. Joel urged repentance and promised that one day God would pour out his Spirit on all flesh. These writings are grouped together and referred to as minor because they are shorter than those of the major prophets, not because they are of minor importance. Ezekiel emphasized God’s lordship over all people and nations. The poems describe how people felt in times of thanksgiving, joy, sorrow, and trouble. The theme of this book is stated in Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. *Jeremiah was the last prophet God sent to Judah before she fell to the Babylonians and Jerusalem was destroyed. In Romans, Paul taught the great doctrines of Christianity in a systematic fashion. House Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. The Jordan Valley includes the lowest areas in Palestine. centered around the *Nile River. Micah predicted that glory would return to *Zion through the coming of the Messiah. Tropical plants, such as the palm tree, grow in the hotter temperatures of the Jordan Valley. The *Dead Sea Scrolls, which date from 200 B.C. Moses reminded the people of the laws God had given them, of their disobedience to God, and of their need to obey God in the Promised Land by keeping his law. So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty (Isa 55:11). The next group of twelve books tells the history of Israel from the time the nation entered the Promised Land until about 400 B.C. God chose *Moses to lead the people out of bondage and gave him the laws that were to be the foundation of the nation. ” – Zondervan Bible Dictionary We know that Japheth is the origin of Europeans and Ham is the origin of Africans, which only leaves Shem as the origin of the Negroes. (See Intertestamental Period. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. Because they were considered experts in the interpretation of the law, they served as judges. *Song of Songs is a poem about the beauty of *love between a man and a woman. After Solomon’s death, the nation split into the northern ten tribes, which retained the name Israel (or *Ephraim), and the southern kingdom, which was called Judah. Written as a whole the fifth century and contains most of the land was settled and divided the! A condensed version of the Bible when alexander died in 323 B.C., which includes three ranges. 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