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More on that in our tutorial on yarn run. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed. This command removes "extraneous" packages. It should be noted that running yarn remove will always cause your package.json and yarn.lock files to be updated. Connect on Facebook Connect on Twitter. yarn remove unused packages; uninstall with yarn; yarn uninstall package; delete yarn package; remove node using yarn; how to uninstall a package with yarn; Learn how Grepper helps you improve as a Developer! Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package's dependencies list. There is no way to … yarn remove: removes an unused package from your current package. If you run Jest via yarn test, you can pass the command line arguments directly as Jest arguments. Locally installed CLIs. I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of … With NPM you have to do this explicitly with the —-save option. If you no longer need to use a package in your code, we recommend uninstalling it and removing it from your project's dependencies. Tells you what's out of date. Provides a link to the package's documentation so you can decide if you want the update. Include the scope if the package is scoped. Share it! Thankfully, we have yet another package available in NPM to identify the unused dependencies in our package… yarn remove: removes an unused package from your current package. Running yarn