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DfES, 18th November 2004. However, policy initiatives on social exclusion have tended, for a combination of economic and political reasons, to focus on groups such as children, young families and the unemployed. It emerges in text 2 (2001) and dominates by text 3 (2004). Hayden, C. (1997). Elitism and the Underclass From The Meaning of Race, pp198-203, 205-208. I have only included data on However, the use of paratactic relations between clauses, particularly lists, continues to equate �violent offences� with the �unacceptable� standards of behaviour found by Ofsted in a minority of schools, where in fact these mostly consist of low-level classroom disruption. (1999) Exclusion from school and racial equality: an examination of government proposals in the light of recent evidence, This took place and was accompanied by an announcement of additional resources to assist LEAs in meeting the target (Department for Education and Skills, 1998a). New Labour�s evolving discourse on exclusion from school: mere political rhetoric or promoting educational inequality? in a relation of equivalence, often joined by a conjunction such as �and� or This suggests that the levels of exclusion were to be seen as significant and a cause for concern. A few proposals, however, did have a notable if probably unintended impact. (London, Routledge). This limits their ability to resist the increasing demonisation described above. Department for Education and Skills (2005a). However they were published as promised in the �Schools achieving success� White Paper later in 2001. The third approach is a moral underclass discourse (MUD), which emphasises moral and cultural causes of poverty and which is centrally concerned with the moral hazard of 'dependency', and thus with workless households rather than individual labour market attachment. I would suggest that this depersonalised construction is a grammatical metaphor(15) (Fairclough, 2003) which makes it easier to demonise the children whose �behaviour� is implicitly being referred to. (1994) Exclusion from school and victim-blaming, A. Text no longer available but London, DfES. In the longer term, explicit commitments given in Text 1 seem to have led to concrete attempts to implement the policy to reduce exclusions through changes to legislation and the allocation of resources. Critical discourse analysis as a method in social scientific research, in: R. Wodak & M. Meyer (Eds.) • Individuals or communities are seen as deviant, immoral, impulsive, welfare dependant, unhealthy and criminal. Social exclusion and new labour. authoritarian discourse on school discipline will continue to encourage its use. Taken in combination with currently ongoing work of the Education: Truancy and Exclusions must be cut by a third. Admissions and Exclusions of Pupils with. Tony Manzi. social context. 'Race', Class and Gender in Exclusion from School. The clear shift which has occurred in New Labour�s discourse on exclusion from school cannot help but influence the practice of exclusion. I would suggest that this pattern provides a clear, if probably unconscious, signal to the reader that the government is becoming less concerned about the level of exclusion � perhaps tacitly providing permission to schools for the exclusion rate to rise once again. Blyth, E. & Milner, J. Argumentation analysis (Fairclough, 2003, p. 81-83) and consideration of the value assumptions being made in each of the texts reveals considerable stability over time in the assumptions being made about parenting (see fig. This loss of discipline sets off a downward spiral, causing people to exclude themselves and to become harmful to us all. This paper examines contemporary housing management practice by attention to a changing discourse within social policy, emphasising duties over rights. Policy Studies, 26(1), 3-27. The attack on council estates was instigated by Thatcher but continued by New Labour. ), Off the Map: the Social Geography of Poverty in the UK, deï¬ne homelessness: a constructivist analysisâ, pp 11â25, ... Social exclusion is a critical challenge that many communities live with (Parkinson 1998;Walks and Maaranen 2008), and is primarily represented by spatial segregation in income (Dahl et al. articles and TV news items. Permanent and Fixed Period Exclusions from Schools and Exclusion Appeals in England, 2003/04. ... Before we examine these two discourses in detail, we will take a brief excursus into discourse analysis. Off the Streets and Out of Schools: Home Secretary's fight against knives. Text, 24(2), 245-265. & Gorard, S. (2005) Diversity, specialisation and equity in education, This seems surprising where a target has successfully been met, usually something a government would wish to highlight. A further six focus on knives and one covers both topics. the notion of language function. Department for Education and Skills (2001). Dunn, Y. DfES, 9th July 2001. Secondly, the promise to introduce a requirement on LEAs to provide full-time education for excluded pupils was implemented in Guidance issued in 2002. H.O., 15th December 2004. RR244. The remit of the unit also includes developing indicators of success in combating social exclusion. Thus using the framework I outlined at the beginning of this paper as an evaluative tool to illustrate the value commitments of the author(s) . However, in texts 2 and 3 these features are taken to extremes as classroom disruption is continually equated with violence. In practice, I found this approach particularly applicable to the study of a limited number of texts in their social and political context by a sole researcher for at least four reasons. Another topic highlighted in the literature review concerns the "underclass" perspective and includes the work of. Reisigl, M. & Wodak, R. (2001). Children excluded from primary school. �expert group� set up to advise the DfES on new measures on behaviour and Text 1 (1998) had been concerned that geographical inequalities in the use of exclusion were unfairly keeping children out of education (lines 18-20). Thus, the �statement of expectations�, whilst appearing to be a policy proposal and/or implementation, is in fact merely political rhetoric designed to give the impression that the government is being tough. The imminent election may have created a need to �mop up� issues likely to be raised during the campaign. 7. January 1999; Urban Studies 36(1):153-165; DOI: 10.1080/0042098993790. She also introduced the concepts of MUD (the moral underclass discourse), SID (the social integration discourse), and RED (the redistribution discourse), as tools for analysing social exclusion. All rights reserved. another clause. 139: The Cinema of Suburban Paranoia. However, as the rest of this analysis will demonstrate, Text 3 is itself deeply imbued with discourses of violence, authoritarianism and the demonisation of children. An additional factor in this choice was the brevity of such texts facilitating analysis by a sole researcher in the course of a limited project. 3). "no knives or other weapons should be brought onto school premises" (text 3, line 92) when this is already illegal) and extremely general and uncontroversial advice on behaviour management that is already common practice (e.g. The inclusive society? 15. Together these changes created pressure on schools and LEAs to place excluded pupils back into another school (since school places are considerably cheaper than alternative forms of education such as Pupil Referral Units) as quickly as possible following their exclusion. Taylor (2004, p.435) has criticised the lack of "fine grained linguistic analysis" of education policy to date and argued that CDA is a potentially powerful tool for educational policy analysis because it has the capacity to show how language works in policy texts. Its objective is twofold: on the one hand, it represents a first step towards developing the methodological resources and best practices to investigate crime-related issues in real-life scenarios and, on the other hand, it helps to identify relevant issues related to the relationship between insecurity and the cultural dimension. An estate where decency fights a … �Recontextualisation� is the term Taylor, C., Fitz, J. of the population from access to financial services such as banks. Particular emphasis is given to how âpoor neighbourhoodsâ and âhousing problemsâ are represented within the report in relation to the three discourses of social exclusion. Pearce, M. (2004) The marketization of discourse about education in UK general election manifestos, 088/2005. The lack of attempts to promote this particular policy announcement may contribute support to my contention that it contains a significant shift in policy to which the government did not wish to call attention. It would be easy to dismiss this out of proportion emphasis on �knife culture� by attributing it to the excesses of the press. The moral underclass discourse (MUD) attributes social exclusion to the moral or behavioural deficiencies of the excluded. Catastrophe Is Now The Discourse on the Underclass. The discourse of social exclusion has been subjected to particular scrutiny. London, DfES. The authors conclude that the one way in which access to affordable credit can be improved is by enacting legislation, similar to the Community Reinvestment Act 1977 (CRA 1977) in the United States of America (US). �intertextuality� to refer to the presence within a text of elements of other Department for Education and Skills (1998b). (lines 4 � 5), Excluding some children is in "the interests of the school community" (lines 11 � 12), Limiting readmission of excluded pupils is a "means to tackle bad behaviour and raise standards in our schools" (lines 57-58), fig.3 Changes over time in the view taken of the consequences of exclusion. “Menace II Society?” investigates cinematic portrayals of American urban poverty and the urban underclass as part of an ongoing public discourse on the nature of the urban poor, the causes and conditions of their poverty, and the appropriate responses from society. According to Fairclough (2003) paratactic relations serve to For example, text 1 from 1997 contains the clauses "Rights go hand in hand with responsibilities." Anthropological dimension of insecurity) by the research team of the MARGIN project under the lead role of the University of Milano-Bicocca. (HM The Queen, 2005) it is at present unclear whether this will include the promised powers for teachers to conduct searches(11). Making explicit the relationships between texts and their social context is the key strength of CDA. This has proved to be a useful, albeit underutilized, tool in relation to urban policy (Jacobs, 2006), although it has featured in relation to social housing including regeneration and renewal (Darcy, 2010(Darcy, , 2013Glasze et al., 2012;Marston, 2002; ... Other significant research trying to connect the urban literature with sociological concepts can be found in the work of Haylett (2001) on the poor white working--class residents of council housing estates (see also: Atkinson and Bridge, 2005). For example, Text 1 promises parenting orders which became law under s.8 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. 2005/0053. SID has the ‘third way’ priority of equal access to employment … These shifting concepts of �problem� and �solution� are clarified by colour coding the texts in terms of Levitas�(1998) three discourses of social exclusion (see fig. It is also concerned with, for example, the exclusion of sections, The concept of social exclusion represents a key theme in current social policy debates in the United Kingdom. Thus the depersonalisation reduces the risk that the reader will feel the demonisation is directed at their children and increases the ability of the reader to see the children being demonised as �other�. Tenure type by income, 1979 and 1994-95. These particular press releases share the common strand of being released simultaneously with the annual �Statistics on permanent exclusions in maintained schools�. The miners were “getting exactly what they voted for”—exactly what they deserved, in other words. While poverty and income inequality continue to be important elements of the social exclusion debate, a central concern of. Osler, A. All three also characterise high levels of exclusion(9) as a source of �shame� or �bad�. Thirdly, the use of Hallidayan systemic functional linguistics(5) was helpful in illuminating relationships between grammatical and semantic structures and discourse. Morris reveals ambitious new plan to cut truancy and exclusion from school. The Independent. Finally, the rise of neo-conservative moral underclass discourse is clear as by 2004 it virtually eclipses alternative perspectives. 2007;Pierson 2010). ", fig.2 The stability over time of the discourse of parental responsibility. For example, �Foundation partnerships� (line 17) is drawn from the 5-year strategy for education published in July 2004 (Department for Education and Skills, 2004a). Although the numbers who experience formal exclusion from school are small, it is well established that they are disproportionately members of marginalised groups: boys, black children, traveller children, children with special educational needs, looked-after children, poor children and other disadvantaged groups (Audit Commission, 1996; Daniels et al., 2003; Department for Education and Skills, 2004b; Hayden, 1997; Jordan, 2001; OFSTED, 1996; Osler & Hill, 1999; Osler et al., 2001; Social Exclusion Unit, 1998; Wilkin et al., 2005; Wright et al., 2000). Social housing estates â as developed either by governments (public housing) or not-for-profit agencies â became a prominent feature of the 20th century urban landscape in Northern European cities, but also in North America and Australia. Our aim is to show how certain terms and key arguments within the document legitimize activity and structure the parameters of policy intervention. Many estates were built as part of earlier urban renewal, âslum clearanceâ programs especially in the post-World War 2 heyday of the Keynesian welfare state. Moral arguments lie at the heart of our understanding of social solidarity, and of the distinction between notions of social solidarity and pious rightwing claims of ‘we’re all in it together’. Marketing MiddleClass Agoraphobia. Levitas (1998) analyses the literature around the subject, ad provides three key social policies relating to the causes and solutions of social exclusion. PROTECTING OUR COMMUNITIES: VIOLENT CRIME REDUCTION BILL PUBLISHED. MUD, on the other hand, "centres on the moral and behavioural delinquency of the excluded themselves" (Levitas, 1998, p.7). Permanent Exclusions form Schools and Exclusion Appeals, England 2002/2003 (Provisional). 9 MUD – Moral Underclass Discourse SID – Social Integrationist Discourse RED – Redistributionist Discourse 10. No mention is made of LEAs who form a layer of governance between schools and central government and would have to be involved in any real policy change. used to describe the relationship between the Press Notices and subsequent Closing the door on conflict: the current state of social justice in education policy. (depersonalised) entity �behaviour�. all three Press Notices. 6. Keywords Social Exclusion Social Integration Unpaid Work Lone Mother Social Citizenship These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. A recent Home Office press release (London, Routledge). All rights reserved. In text 3, while there is just a single reference to �parents�, it is with the adjective �aggressive�. parataxis, hypotaxis and embedded clauses. "there should be consistently applied rewards for good behaviour and sanctions to deal with misbehaviour" (text 3, line 87-88)). Davies, J. S. (2005) The Social Exclusion Debate: Strategies, controversies and dilemmas, The solution is redistribution of … Special Educational Needs. Following Wacquant, it has become the orthodoxy that one of the major vectors of advanced marginality is territorial stigmatisation and that this particularly affects social housing estates, for example via mass media deployment of the âsink estateâ label in the UK. (Text 1, lines 16-17). However there is ambivalence over whether it is the behaviour of parents or pupils which is being addressed. By text 3, the seriousness of the behaviours under discussion is significantly increased as the concern becomes "violent offences such as carrying an offensive weapon and serious actual or threatened violence against another pupils or a member of staff." Even according to the conservative official figures it is still the case that almost 10,000 children, the vast majority of whom are already marginalised in other ways, continue to be permanently excluded(1) from schools in England each year. The article assesses several recent initiatives aimed at limiting these problems and improving access to affordable credit. A good example is the "Statement of Expectations for pupil behaviour" which schools "would be asked to adopt" (line 24). Such a method may be a deliberate choice not to try to enter the labour market but instead to rely on benefits solely as a means of income. However, the proposed legislation was dropped as a result of the general election. Given that it raises so many issues which had already been prominent in the media, it is perhaps unsurprising that text 3 generated the largest immediate response in terms of newspaper articles. Charles Clarke's Speech to Conference for New Heads. This process is assisted in texts 2 and 3 (that is post-2001) by the consistent use of the word �behaviour� without an associated person. When considered in terms of �in-groups� and �out-groups� (Reisigl & Wodak, 2001, p.56) the representation of �children� makes a clear switch as children are increasingly demonised. We could concentrate on the problem of the moral underclass. What does remain consistent over time, however, is the passivation and disempowerment of children. The methodology makes use of the three-fold categorization of discourses of social exclusion developed by Levitas (1998) with reference to contemporary British politics and social policy. In all three texts semantic relations(16) between longer sections of text are predominantly arranged in the �problem → solution� formulation, which Fairclough (2003, p.91) has identified as pervasive in policy texts. referred to in the Press Notice, 9. often inaccurately referred to in Search Google Scholar for this author, Tony Manzi. The problems of operationalising social exclusion begin with the lack of a clear. 8. In the current study the concept is Text 1 (1998) was issued as a co-publication with the Statistical First Release giving the exclusion statistics for the previous academic year. 16. that is relations of meaning, It is more difficult to assess as yet whether the actual proposals contained in Text 3 will have a significant impact on the practice of discipline in schools. 6 Variations in the ways in which different groups of social actors are represented in the texts, This document was added to the Education-Line database on 28 September 2005. Analysing Discourse: Textual analysis for social Related policies have been implemented in many countries to prevent isolation of certain groups and achieve social integration. All of the above behaviours, including disruption, are being grouped together and characterised by the headline as meaning the same as "violent pupils" (text 2, line 1). Discourse is one of the four systems of language, the others being vocabulary, grammar and phonology. 2. Press notices are frequently used by the current government to make policy announcements, sometimes issuing them before announcing new policies in the House of Commons in contravention of British political convention. Available online at: http://www.wagsoft.com/Systemics/Definition/definition.html (accessed 4th June 2005). MUD tends to replay recurrent themes about 'dangerous classes' (Morris 1994, Murray 1990, 1999), to focus on … Social cleansing can be understood as a geographical project made up of processes, practices, and policies designed to remove council estate residents from space and place, what we call a ânew accumulative form of (state-led) gentrificationâ. © 2009 Rob Imrie, Loretta Lees and Mike Raco for selection and editorial matter. ways including being assumed, rejected or engaging in dialogue with. DfES, DfES. Police get power to search pupils at random for knives. The details are damning. Accordingly, an essential preliminary stage of analysis, before delving in to the texts themselves, was to consider the wider social events surrounding them. The main focus, however, is on the problem of exclusion from school as absence from education. (2003). For example the construction: "In every local area, there should be � arrangements to offer �" (Text 3, line 97, 100) begs the questions � What arrangements? Analysing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice. A substantial shift in values is apparent in assumptions made about the fundamental relationship between schools and children as expressed through the view taken of the consequences of exclusion (see fig. Finally, comparison of the social events surrounding the issuing of the Press Notices provided one other significant finding. new search powers. the political, social and cultural life of society. "PC computing". Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism. Whilst marginalised groups remain so over-represented amongst the excluded, rising exclusions will inevitably promote educational inequality. Threequarters of those living in social housing are now in the poorest 40% of the population. Ruth Levitas (1998) sees New Labour’s version of social exclusion as embedded in three distinct and conflicting discourses, which she labels redistributionist (RED), social integrationist (SID) and moral underclass (MUD). Audit Commission (1996). Fairclough (2003) uses to describe how elements of a text are appropriated by (2004). Additional support for this view is found in text 2�s lack of a sense of policy history. Press notices � the most formal means of transmission of information from government to media � thus seemed an appropriate source of data for analysis. I focussed on examining the changing representations of parents and children. This article seeks to generate a better understanding of the dimensions of social exclusion relevant to older people. Turning to the analysis of the texts themselves, there are further indications of significant shifts in the dominant discourses, underlying assumptions and ways in which different groups of social actors are represented. 1998/0386. Analysis of the ways in which social actors are represented in the texts (fig. above, which show that the net incomes of the poorest. Toulmin, S. E. (1958). Dunn, Y. In the conclusion we highlight some of the factors that hamper effective interventions targeted at the housing inclusion of the Roma, with a focus on these three countries. 13. When should it be done? 4). DfEE. DfES, 20th May 2005. The only clear �solution� proposed is to give head teachers the power to search pupils suspected of carrying knives. raise the minimum age for the purchase of knives to 18 but makes no mention of According to O�Donnell (2005) This framework is used to interpret the ideological and political significance of the Social Exclusion Unit's report. 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