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One (1) denies the pass to the middle and the pass down the sideline. Where the offensive players scatter to will vary greatly on this pass over the top so it’s up to the two interceptors to be smart and play the passing lanes. Format: DVD. Two (2) now denies the pass into the middle of the court, One (1) denies the pass down the sideline and the pass into the middle. 1. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1b87b481bffc149d248d093a2bcf17f" );document.getElementById("c3abdc1630").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); FBC: A Philosophy of Creating Best Practice Driven by Results, © Functional Basketball Coaching 2012-2016. The disruptor starts on the basketball and should be one of the tallest players on your team. It’s not something your team will learn in a couple of practices. The 2-1-2 press (or "3 Press") is a rather unique full-court zone press that is less aggressive than the 1-2-1-1 full-court zone press ("1 Press") in that it does not pressure the opposition's out-of-bounds "Trigger Man" and does not trap the initial inbound receiver. 2. When they’ve taken the first dribble, X4 sprints to set the trap. You’ll often match up against opponents that have one dominant guard on their team. This is a common way to make the 1-2-1-1 press super aggressive. The reason we force the opposition to catch the basketball in the corner limits the options they have to pass since the sideline and baseline become extra defenders. If you’re running a full court press like this one, you must be able to handle giving away easy scores occasionally. Rob Jeter covers the basics of the 1-2-1-1 diamond press in this on-court clinic DVD. If you want to implement this press, here are 7 … As the ball is trapped in the corner or on the sideline, Four (4) denies the pass into the middle of the court. The press is designed to force turnovers by speeding up the decision making process of the offense. Like all presses, the 2-2-1 press is best run against teams that lack … A 1-2-2 3/4-court press, the two biggest guys are at the back, the best athlete is at the top, the next two guys are on the wings. This is because from the middle of the floor the offensive team will have loose players sprinting down the sidelines while the front line is trying to recover. If the offensive guard catches the ball with their back towards the press, X1 should close the space quickly and then the trap should be made before they turn to see the floor. Have two players set at both ends of the free throw line. The principles of the full court press stay the same. Rather, the trappers should take up space with their lower body while keeping their arms extended and high for pass deflections, to prevent vision down the floor, and to force the high lob pass over the trap. This a common reason sighted for the Three (3) rotating. The safety should be as far back as the furthest offensive player making sure that there are no easy scores or passes over the top in transition. When the ball enters the floor there will be two players trapping, two players as interceptors (marking passes to players one pass away) and one as a safety (Five). Two (2) must hustle back to double team the ball. This means the time you devote in practice to learning the 1-2-1-1 presstakes away from the time your team could be learning and practicing other skills. 3 of 3 people found this review helpful. Often used as a common alternative to the 1-2-2 alignment to try and extended defenders further down the court and limit options used by offensive teams to make long passes over the head of the last line of defenders. Speeds up the tempoIf you’re running a full-court press you must be a team that loves playing fast basketball. This can result in easy scores for the offensive team. The big difference is that X4 will face-guard the dominant guard, and with X4 and X2 both denying them the ball, the guard should have no chance of receiving the basketball. If you were to get a birds-eye view of the press on the initial setup, you would see the first four players are set up very similar to a diamond shape while one fifth player is positioned at the back playing safety. Start by choosing the ‘interceptor’ – In my opinion, this is the most important position of the press. If there’s a potential steal situation, we allow X5 to come up and try to intercept the next pass down the line but that requires X4 or X2 to sprint back and get to safety. They will set up as far back as the last offensive player. Shaka Smart “Havoc” 1-2-1-1 Full Court Press – The Complete Guide. (If the offense gets smart and inbounds with a guard there are changes explained in the ‘Variations’ section below that you can use to counter this.). Press Defense (47) 1-2-1-1 Press (19) 1-2-2 Press (7) 2-1-2 Press (1) 2-2-1 Press (8) Match-Up Press (20) Scramble Defense (13) Pack Line Defense (23) Skill Development (314) Speed, Strength & Conditioning (89) Practice Planning and Organization (269) Team Building and Leadership (31) Mental Game (34) Training Equipment, Clipboards & Scorebooks (5) As the ball is inbounded, the players must position themselves so the ball goes toward the trapping areas. The alignment described within the scenario below places the One (1) not at the top of the press, but in the third line of the 1-2-1-1 Full Court Zone Press. No dribbling down the sidelineThe wing players on the front line must not allow the player receiving the basketball to beat them down the sideline. If done successfully, it can create fantastic opportunities to score points off turnovers. Greta is a 20+ year veteran of news and is dedicated to fact-driven investigations and solutions. X2 moves to the middle of the court and prevents the pass into the middle of press. Fake trap, match-up man-to-man. We’ve done a complete breakdown of Coach Shaka Smart’s “Havoc” 1-2-1-1 full court press before. So if you’re coaching a young team it’s not crucial to implement as long as X4 hustles to get in front quickly. Doing so forces O4 to either advance the basketball by themselves or throw a tough pass. 1. 3. Just as in the traditional press, X1 will allow the weaker guard to receive the inbounds pass. Depending on where the offensive player takes the ball out of bounds on the baseline, the disruptor must position themselves so that it’s difficult for the inbounder to make a pass anywhere except the strong-side corner. This allows you to decide which wing player will defend the dominant guard. If the offense tries their luck at passing over top of the first defensive line then there should be an immediate trap by X3 and the wing player from whichever side of the court the ball is passed into. I use this press break to attack the 1-2-1-1 full-court zone press. If the horizontal pass is made, Four (4) and Three (3) will now trap. Doing so will often lead to fouls and that will give the offense the opportunity to set the offense back up. 2. X1 must close the space without allowing the ball to be dribbled past them down the sideline. At the end of the day, while I believe using the roles I’ve written above is the best way to have success with this defense, all positions are interchangeable depending on your personnel. The zone press is a great option for beginner and elite coaches alike because it gives a very specific position and structure to defensive players. The player in the third line of the defence will be responsible for making the most crucial decisions to guard or not guard players. X4 must close out to the trap with high hands so that the pass to the middle of the floor is prevented. Bruce Pearl's 1-2-1-1 Full-Court Pressure on July 21, 2014. So the formation will usually be relatively the same. We’ve done a complete breakdown of Coach Shaka Smart’s “Havoc” 1-2-1-1 full court press before. He discusses player positioning and responsibilities and demonstrates the traps and rotations necessary to make this press effective and shows transition drills to help implement the defense. Even if the ball does end up back in the dominant guards hands, this variation will always waste valuable seconds off the shot clock and often pressure the offensive team to avoid the 8 or 10 second violation. We want the offense to be forced to make a tough pass that the wings have the chance to steal or a lob pass over the top that our interceptor or safety have a chance of stealing. A favourite strategy for coaches trying to turn up the pressure on offensive teams is the 1-2-2 Full Court Zone Press. There is an option in this scenario for the secondary rotation to come from the Three (3). 5. The wing players have two different roles they must fill determined by which side of the court the basketball is inbounded to: 1. X5 is equal with the furthest offensive player back to be safety and can also intercept any long passes that are thrown. This variation makes it harder on both the offense and defense but can also lead to easier steals and scoring opportunities. They’re close enough to their players that they both can pick off any lob pass that is made to them, yet are still in position to make the inbounder hesitate to throw a lob pass to either wing player. Also, you can use this press breaker against 1-2-2 and 2-1-2. 1. Use a 1-2-2 setup. They will also be required to stop the dribbler if they do break through the initial trap. Set up the 2-2-1 zone press like this (see Diagram A). When this pass is made (assuming the guard doesn’t throw a lob pass that we can intercept) the first thing that must happen is for the weak-side wing player to stunt at the player with the ball to give X4 time to catch up, and then recover to denying the player behind them. X4 starts on the basketball still forcing to the corner as that’s a smaller area and we’d prefer to know where the ball is most likely going to be passed to. The slower big will be the safety. As can be seen the defensive team in any on-ball situation still maintains two defenders trapping the ball, two interceptors and a safety. 3. This requires them to close out under control and read the offensive player. When you come up against opponents this aren’t used to the up-tempo style of play, they will undoubtedly get worn out very quickly and start making more and more mistakes. Count out the 5 seconds – By having your disruptor count out the 5 seconds it will put pressure on the referee to make the call and on the offensive player inbounding the basketball to pass the in quickly. The Bearcats led. They line up in a 1-2-2 but then do different things (they have calls for each). Stack the two on the free throw line side by side or in a stack formation. 2. We need to buy time for the wing defender to catch up and be able to set the trap with X3. The transition from the press being broken to the half court defense your team is playing must be done as quick as possible. One (1) must look to contain this players dribbles and limit the opportunity for an advantage situation to unfold for the offensive team. While the strong-side corner is our preferred area for the opposition to inbound the basketball, they’ll often go out of their way to make a pass to the opposite side of the court in an attempt to disrupt our defense. The objective of the trappers is to force the trapped player to make a lob pass that can be intercepted. When the initial trap is made, the other defenders become 2 interceptors (X2 and X3) and a safety (X5). Stay low, don’t bob up and down. The 1-2-1-1 press is a solid trapping defense that will give your team headaches in your backcourt. Since the ball must travel through the air there is time for X3 to gain ground and get behind or at least close to the player receiving the basketball. It’s exciting basketball!Let’s be honest… Everyone loves an uptempo, high-paced basketball game. 1. The trappers must keep their arms out and use their lower body to take up space. The players love playing in it, the parents and fans love watching it, and we all love coaching it! 1-2-1-1 Full court press. Lots of time to recoverSince the main trap is being made so close to the oppositions baseline, if the press breaks down the defensive team will have the entire length of the court to recover and stop the basketball. Fatigue your opponentIf your team runs a full-court press they must be fit enough and have the stamina to do so. As soon as they do, the press is broken and it will often lead to an easy score. There are two options you have on the initial trap when running the diamond press…. They have two main roles in the 1-2-1-1 press: 1. Your team may not have the personnel to perfectly fulfill the the requirements of each position I’ve explained above… and that’s okay. This isn’t a trade all coaches are willing to make. X3 is the interceptor of all lob passes over the press and should be inline with the trap. 1. The 1-2-1-1 zone press pressures the inbounds passer, and attempts to trap the first pass receiver. This entry was posted in Pressure Defense and tagged basketball pressure defense, coaching basketball on August 22, 2014 by admin. Depending on how mobile the Five (5) is, this player can look to move up the floor and ply closer to the defenders. 2. Instead of the two wing players zoning up and taking whomever is in their zone, they match up with the two offensive guards. 3. Four (4) rotates to behind the line of the ball as an interceptor. The weak-side wing player and the disruptor must sprint back hard and must get into position to intercept the next pass. In fact, my number 1 rule of any full-court press is ‘players must sprint back when it’s broken or beaten!‘. Having a player who does not have defensive awareness in this position will be a weakness you cannot overcome. This can be a very effective variation in youth basketball because it takes advantage of the passers lack of strength to throw the full court pass to 5 and allows both interceptors to play up the court. When running this variation, we have two trappers (X1 and X4), a deny player (X2), and two interceptors (X3 and X5). Trap, go back man-to-man. A full-court press is a great strategy to disrupt tempo. Further down the floor the main interceptor should try and be about in-line with the inbounder while reading their eyes in case they make a pass over the top. Shares 663. Stunting at the basketball isn’t easy for young players to master. The 1-2-1-1 Full Court Zone Press is one of the more utilised rotations for defensive trapping systems in the full court. If the sideline pass is successfully thrown, then One (1) must contain the player with the ball. 3. As a general overall rule, stick with the press until the basketball has been passed into the middle of the press or the ball has crossed over the half-way line. 34-29, going into the final period on three of the quickest buckets you'll eyer see. To allow this rotation to happen however, the defensive team must have a mobile and capable Three (3) and Four (4) to be able to take an active part in trapping and rotate at pace to get behind the ball once the offense unfolds. Once the ball is out of their hands, you have the opportunity to deny them receiving the basketball back. 2-1-2 Full Court Press. The only difference is that X4 must turn and has a longer distance to run before the trap and the wing defenders switch roles. Your team must have quick players with good instincts for this press defense to be effective. 4. This alternative has been highlighted as a way of putting the most crucial position in the 1-2-1-1 Full Court Zone Press in the hands of the most basketball savvy player, which is often the Point Guard. The 1-2-1-1 full court pressure defense requires your players to play harder. May 5, 2016 By Coach Keith 2 Comments. This is because these scenarios allow for the defensive players to set-up and consolidate their starting position prior to the ball becoming live. If the last player is at half way, set up there. While sprinting back, players should attempt to back-tap the basketball from behind to one of their teammates. In the diagram the player being denied is O1. The last two players will be wings – With the other 3 positions of the press filled, the last two player will each be allocated to a wing. The aggressiveness of the 1-2-1-1 press puts the opposition under immense pressure immediately. Stong-side wing player – Their role is to immediately trap the basketball with the disruptor on the inbounds pass. Your email address will not be published. In addition to scor- ing 17 points, he frequently led the Dons in a full court press and it worked just about every time they tried it in the earlj going. If they can get the ball past the press like this, the defense will usually settle into a half court man/man or a zone. X1 and X2 are in full frontal denial. This player should be the best anticipator on your team and preferably athletic. This allows you to adjust it to suit your team and make small variations each game depending on the opposition’s personnel. Play submitted by: Eric Johannsen Sub categories: Defense, Defense trap, Defense zone. This is unusual as most defences have the Point Guard who is one of the quicker players on the team involved in the trap. 2. Required fields are marked *. As can be seen in the diagram the opportunity to initiate the trap is very long, in some situations their might be enough area available to trap for a second time within this space. Coach Jeter has been involved with the diamond press since his playing days for Bo Ryan. If they do, X4 must continue to deny the pass to the middle of the floor at all times. If this is not done quickly, it can lead to turnovers and violations that give the ball back to the defense. If the last player is under the basket, set up at the distance you can cheat up the court while still being able to recover and intercept the lob pass. They must be great 2-on-1 defenders since they will find themselves in this situation often. The 2-2-1 press is traditionally a 3/4 court press. The full court denial variation can be used when you need an immediate steal or simply to give the opposition a different look. The 1-2-1-1 press, also known as the diamond press is a full court press defenseand its main goal is to cause turnovers via the use of traps which are set near the sidelines or corners of the court. If the ball gets passed into the middle, the closest player must get in front and slow the ball down while their teammates sprint back. Follow along as renowned head basketball coach Don Showalter walks through player set-up, movements, and tips for the press. 1-2-1-1 Full Court Zone Press is one of the popular full court trapping formations. Dean Smith - 52 zone defence - X5 is in the middle of a halfcourt 1-2-1-1, X4 is the goaltender, X1 and X3 move to double-team the ballhandler the moment he dribbles past the 10-second line, it becomes an extended 1-3-1 zone trap after one pass (if not intercepted). Normally, a safe outlet pass toward mid-court after the offensive team have attacked a full-court or three-quarter-court zone press is the signal for the defense to revert to an aggressive two-three zone alignment with #1 and #4 as the front players, #2 and #3 as the back men, and #5 in the middle. If they can’t stop them completely, the interceptor must at least influence them to the sideline. The Farmers threw the bal away numerous times, mak- ing for easy Don buckets, In the meantime Acaianes was shooting at a torrid pace from the floor, hitting 13 -for 22 in the first 16 minutes. Before proceeding with this page, read "Transition Defense", on full court defense. Was this review helpful? 2 on 1 opportunities for this press break will only happen if the defense overplays the passing lanes. Five (5) falls back into the keyway as a safety. The 1-2-1-1 Full-Court Press is an aggressive type of full-court zone that is very different than its major counterpart, the 2-2-1 full-court zone press. With one-fist and two-fist, always try to deny a center inbounds pass... force (allow) the pass to the corner. These players will each start on their respective sides behind the closest player to the ball in their zone. This requires the on-ball defender to not allow the offensive player to dribble down the sideline and for the disruptor to close out with high hands, again setting the trap and looking for the interception from the other players. Full Court Press is a national, weekly news show hosted by Greta Van Susteren. The defense can fall back into a man to man or zone defense after the 1-2-1-1 full court zone press, e.g., the 51 or 51 Tough 2-3 zone. It takes time to learnThe 1-2-1-1 press is a fairly advanced full-court press. If X1 and X3 retreat, then the offense will have to get into a half court set. The exact rotations and movement of players should be communicated by coaching staff once the oppositions press breaker has been scouted and broken down. The 1-2-1-1 press provides a solid trapping defense that will give your opponent headaches in their backcourt. The two wing players begin the press behind the closest offensive players to the ball on their side of the court. The point guard may be the best option at your disposal to put all the way back at safety in the defense. 1. No passes to the middle of the floorThe 1-2-1-1 press is often broken as soon as the ball is passed to the middle of the floor. If they time it incorrectly there will be an easy pass over the top and consequently a 3-on-2 with advantage to the offense. Allocate the more versatile and athletic big to be the disruptor. The main goal of the press is to force the ball to be inbounded to the strong-side corner and then immediately trap the offensive player that catches the basketball using the inbounder and the closest wing player. Windows • Basketball Playbook 012 • Playview macOS - Mac $39.95 . This is the main trap of the press and the goal is to force the trapped offensive player to throw a lob pass over top of the trap and have it picked off by one of the defensive interceptors. 6. Short teams can have success with this offense. Retreat, then the offense, your players need: get comfortable in a 1-2-2 but then do things. Safety and one will be an easy score fantastic opportunities to score points turnovers... Fit enough and have the stamina to do so Jeter has been scouted and broken down 3-on-2 with to... Is in their corners, any steal will be the safety and can also lead to an pass. Completely, the 1-2-1-1 press that the steal shouldn ’ t be made by the trapping defenders is a.! 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