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You live once, and then when your body dies, “you” (if there is a you) die with it. Watch the full movie and consider what’s being said: https://youtu.be/ChWiZ3iXWwM. And He will “wipe away every tear” from our eyes. You have nothing to loose everything to gain. And where there is design, there must be a Designer – whom we call God. and we both go to the grave. Dawkins, along with Sam Harris and the late Christopher Hitchens, insist that because religion is intrinsically violent, then atheism is inherently more pacific. The word “atheism” comes from two Greek words: “a”, meaning “no”, or “without”, and “theos”, meaning “God” or “deity”. I became an atheist. ... How a French Atheist Becomes a Christian Theologian (Guillaume Bignon) by Acts17Apologetics. The question is, who has more compelling evidence for their conclusion? However, empirical observation is not the all-determining factor as to what is real and what is not. Historic Christianity, on the contrary, is well rooted in objective historical facts. Only God can exhaust the meaning of an infinite good. Atheism Atheists are people who believe that god or gods (or other supernatural beings) are man-made constructs, myths and legends or who believe that … Yet our research shows that in the War on Terror, these atheists have been surprisingly willing to align themselves with policies which are at least as violent – and in some cases more so – than many of those perpetrated in the name of religion. But, unlike more ponderous academic atheist philosophers, they seemingly cultivated combative and acerbic, media-savvy personae. evolution of human beings to their present state. Whereas US President George W. Bush insisted that “Islam is a religion of peace”, the New Atheists disagree. This conclusion is unwarranted by the facts. Atheism SA Inc. active atheist assoc., Adelaide South Australia, for atheists, agnostics and non-believers. The word atheist is attaching an “a” to the word theist. Some Christians subscribe to “theistic evolution” – a view that God initially began creation, but then has been using and directing (at certain times, by intervention) natural evolutionary processes to produce the universe and life as we know it today.). At its extreme, he contends that “Muslims pose a special problem for nuclear deterrence” because theologically they don’t fear death. People in this group are sometimes called anti-theists. I maintain that chance, Darwinistic evolutionary processes alone are all that is required for the Although highly critical of Christianity’s historical record, they regard Islam as an existential threat to modern, secular societies. Atheism cannot explain why there is something rather than nothing. I maintain that there is no mind, apart from the brain. According to Pew Forum: Professor Philip Jenkins at Penn State University projects that by 2100, Muslims will be about 25% of Europe's population. His action would include the lies, impurities, and selfishness of every one of us! Atheists cannot offer definitive proof that God does not exist, and so there is by necessity an element of faith required to hold their viewpoint. Christians believe that something dreadful happened between then and now to cause this change. In April 2010, Eric Kaufmann indicated concerning the future of Islam in Europe: Deity took on the form of flesh, was born into this world, and we experienced “God with Us” (Emmanuel). Here is a link to Billy Graham’s web site that can show you how you can invite Jesus into your life and be the creation He has always intended you to be …, Take Me to Steps to Peace With God ==> http://www.billygraham.org/SH_StepsToPeace.asp. Christians should take note, and refer to atheist ethics on this site. While new atheism has undoubtedly been disastrous for Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other religious communities, leading countless men and women into nonbelief, the question of God’s existence was at least considered relevant for the new atheists. Nor that there is a soul independent of the body. God is not the creator of the universe. This analysis obscures the murky role of foreign powers and corrupt rulers in the Middle East and the ability of charismatic leaders to co-opt religion and fuse it with legitimate grievances. Love for another person can be so real that it might convince a person to give their live for another (as Jesus did). Skepticism. Objection: The universe is eternal, and creates itself – it always was, is, and always will be (as Carlos Sagan once said). Examples are Moses and Joshua, Daniel, and the miracles performed through Christ and His apostles. Finally, they exhibit a version of the “white man’s burden” to rescue Afghanistan, Iraq and other places from their own religious backwardness. And in specific reference to the Afghan war, Harris adds (p.53): There is in fact no talking to some people. By attaching an “a” prefix to a word, the opposite of that word becomes true. The early USSR’s campaign against religion, spearheaded by “The League of Militant Atheists”, involved the violent persecution of religious believers and institutions. He WILL do away with evil. Atheism. Bottom line: while microevolution and adaptation is an observed fact, evolutionists try to speak about evolution as a single unified process – merging adaptation, microevolution and macroevolution into one process, in effect try to say that evidence for microevolution is evidence for macroevolution. The Messiah, the Son of God? They appear to see the West as locked in an existential war with religion, particularly Islam. It introduces you to a number of atheists who you will follow as they go where the evidence leads, find a roadblock, and enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film. There are four striking aspects of this atheist vision of global geopolitics. So, in sum, the Christian world view provides a compelling explanation for what we see and experience in our daily lives. But we all know that even during these times, there were still people who saw, and yet refused to believe. There is no question that adaptation or microevolution takes place – for all the various races have descended from one set of parents – Adam and Eve. Sagan was a finite being with limited knowledge, confined to being in one place, at only one time. The genetic DNA in each kind sets limiting parameters, so that although the species can evolve and take on new characteristics, they cannot evolve into a total new kind – dog DNA remains fog DNA, and cat DNA remains cat DNA. A colossal perversion of the good has occurred. Evil is the absence or the corruption of something good. We are all invited. That belief is being challenged today by a number of prominent psychologists and psychiatrists. The New Atheist Threat helps us to see the wisdom of such estimations more clearly. “We are at war with Islam,” argues Harris, not merely with “an otherwise peaceful religion that has been ‘hijacked’ by extremists.”. (a radiant cross in the sky might do the trick). History is full of mother-child messiah cults, trinity godheads, and the like. Agnosticism literally means “no knowledge” or “without knowledge”. God ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing. Substantial evidence in favor of a belief in God incudes: Evidence from science – that the universe had a beginning (AKA “the big bang”). Clearly we have a standard by which we are judging this is right, and that is wrong. I don’t have the evidence to prove that God doesn’t exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn’t that I don’t want to waste my time.”. Atheists do not believe in god(s) or religious doctrines. The word “atheism” stems from the Greek a-theos, “without deities”. Given the constraints of Muslim orthodoxy, given the penalties within Islam for radical (and reasonable) adaption to modernity, I think it is clear that Islam must find some way to revise itself, peacefully or otherwise. “All the world’s Muslims,” tweeted Dawkins in 2011, “have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge.” Hitchens wrote that the 9/11 attacks led him to feel “exhilaration” because they plunged the world into an “unmistakable confrontation between everything I loved and everything I hated”. First, it is important to note that evil is not something that has an existence “all its own”; rather, it is a corruption of something god which has already existed. He even went to the cross to pay the penalty for ALL of humankind’s sins – all mind you, past, present, and future. Could it be that the bible has revealed Him to humankind through His written word? Objection: If there is a God, and He is all-good, and all- powerful, why doesn’t He get rid of the evil right now? If you have some atheists or agnostic friends, encourage them to watch this! Our research demonstrates the paradox that although New Atheists claim that their ideology is more enlightened and peaceful than religion, they often end up advocating violence. There is clear evidence that the Bible, supposedly inspired by God, is liberally sprinkled with the type … An atheist is Christianity affirms that the natural evil, and personal evil, is the result of “sin” – of rebelling against God’s way, and His standard for right and wrong, and choosing to set up our own standards or morality. All false ideas need to be answered. Without a Moral Law Giver (God)m these more absolutes cannot exist. Celebrity atheists such as Richard Dawkins appear to claim the moral high ground when it comes to violence. Question: "What is the New Atheism?" The KOBE satellites have detected the after effects of the “big bang” – the left over “background radiation”, according to scientists. Not only is the belief in an afterlife almost universally held across all cultures; there are also many “near death experiences” that have been documented by very credible people – including most recently, several well respected doctors who medically “died”, then came back to life to write about their experiences (see “Proof of Heaven” – http://www.amazon.com/Proof-Heaven-Neurosurgeons-Near-Death-Experience/dp/B009UX6NGI and “To Heaven and Back” http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/to-heaven-and-back-mary-c-neal/1110980881?ean=9780307731715&st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Core+Shopping+Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP466&k_clickid=3×466&kpid=9780307731715. The New Atheists are convinced that their version of Western civilisation is superior to what they understand to be the religious-based cultures of the Middle East. Our study (jointly conducted by a Christian, an agnostic and an atheist) involved analysing the writing of Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens – the so-called “New Atheists”. … Therefore, if an Islamist government acquired nuclear weapons, then “a nuclear first strike of our own” may be “the only course of action available to us”. The less evidence one has for a position, the more faith one must muster up to believe it. This modern European atheism promised emancipation from superstition – but quickly morphed into extreme violence. Either there is an eternal, all powerful Creator, or there isn’t. The argument from design – the world and all of nature displays a marvelous design, which is not explainable by pure Darwinistic evolutionary processes. Then he is impotent. This is evidence, when turning back the clock, that the stars and galaxies were previously closer together. And this “sin” has now infected all of creation. I view the God of the Bible as cruel, ordering His people to murder women and children. Although God may still use miracles as a testimony to some, He has also chose to work through human beings – the church- to represent Him, and to bring others into His kingdom. It actually requires it. Atheists have to explain why there is both good and evil, whereas Christians can quickly explain the good and can even explain the evil. I see no need to appeal to a Creator for the existence of human beings. Newcastle University provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK. God is a myth. Ever since humans have walked the earth, they have been plagued with many and various questions. In the latter half of the 1600s, there was an increase in conflict between atheism and Christianity in the Western World. The word skepticism comes from the Latin word scepticus, which means “inquiring”, “reflective”, or “doubting”. British philosopher David Hume asked with respect to God: “Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning. Why doesn’t God make it so obvious to everyone that they all immediately repent, and turn to Him for salvation? “Everything” was good. ~ C.S. Their success at writing bestselling books, giving engaging public talks and cultivating a global following through social media, has made them minor celebrities. Rot, for example, only exists as long as there is a tree that is still left to be rotten. In this, ironically, they arguably mirror the hardline religious leaders whom they so vociferously denounce. “Religion is the most prolific source of violence in our history,” says Harris. A theist is a person that believes in God so an atheist is one who doesn’t believe in God. If a person is said to be amoral, then they have no morals or not normal morals. We will continue to spill blood in what is, at bottom, a war of ideas. God allows the evil due to the corruption of sin. Dawkins singles out Islam as “one of the great evils in the world”. Why not ask God to prove Himself to you? We critically examined their bestselling books, along with their op-eds, social media posts and videos, to ascertain their positions – not on science or morality – but on politics, especially foreign policy. We argue that the three supported this war because they read global politics through the lens of their atheism. But today this is not so – a great deal of moral evil, and natural evil exists in the world. For example if someone is an atypical person, they are not a typical person. But the early 21st century has witnessed the rise of writers like Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens. There was quite a bit of astrology at the beginning of Christianity. If they cannot be captured, and they often cannot, otherwise tolerant people may be justified killing them in self defence. Objection: Belief in God ought to be rejected, because it is based on faith, not reason. The New Testament was written a short time after the events it describes and by eyewitnesses or those who consulted eyewitnesses (Luke 1:1-4; John 21:24). The atheist either denies or disbelieves that there is God or any supreme being for that matter. Near death experiences. Christians in Nigeria are continuing to be slaughtered in unprecedented numbers, but yet the media has failed to highlight this ever-growing catastrophe. Atheists Believe Strange Things Too But to be fair, atheists also embrace wildly far-fetched, strange beliefs of their own. Richard Dawkins wrote a book entitled “The God Delusion”. The fundamentalist Christians … At first the conflict was of a secretive nature through the use of clandestine atheist tracts. Jesus said “There is but One that is good, and that is God”. For example, Dawkins has been depicted in South Park, Family Guy and The Simpsons – and even made a cameo appearance in Dr Who. Objection: You say that the universe is the effect, and God is the cause. 20:20. The balance that should be in nature is shifting away from us. And atheists are like, seriously? Such random, chance processes cannot explain the marvelous design of the eye, the design of a bird’s wing, or the amazing micro-biological machines we see under the microscope. If, however, there is an all powerful Creator (and I believe all the evidence points to this), then the atheist has much to lose, and faces an eternity apart from his Maker… and I – as a believer – have much to gain in this life, and in eternity. Evil is the absence of something good that ought to be there. You live once, and then when your body dies, “you” (if there is a you) die with it. r/atheism: Welcome to r/atheism, the web's largest atheist forum. And God has intervened, or used “miracles” to attest to His existence. Although the term was coined in antiquity, it is only in the Enlightenment that the first self-professed atheists became known. What does the evidence show? Isaac Asimov, the late science fiction writer and scientist, was being intellectually honest when he said “Emotionally I am an atheist. Atheism vs Agnosticism? God does not exist in their thinking even though i… If the universe is not uncaused, if it is not self-caused, if it is not eternal, then how did it come to be? But Christians believe there is a coherent response to the problem of evil in the world. Besides, the weight of scientific evidence points to a cause to all space, time and matter. While Christians maintain that God’s existence is apparent by the things which are made, I view the evidence for God as not obvious – why has he not made himself more plainly known? This is because they exhibit a simplistic view of the world as being divided between two civilisations – secular and religious – which cannot coexist. Whence then is evil? The new atheism is an aggressive form of atheism where religion is openly attacked and science and reason are used to determine truth and ethics. Agnosticism comes form two Greek words: “a”, meaning “no” or “without”, and “gnosis”, meaning “knowledge”. The laws of thermodynamics, the evidence for an expanding universe, the theory of relativity, and other evidence point to an initial singularity, or beginning. Prayer is seen as unhelpful, even if well-meaning, with atheists believing humans are responsible for their own well-being (or destruction). This reality is in line with scripture, which states that God created the initial “kinds”, and then reproduction took place, “according to its kind” (Gen 1;31,24). It ushered in the age of Pisces and the end of the age of Aries, the lamb. However, in no case has macroevolution ever been observed by scientists. Answer: Any worldview requires a certain amount of “faith”. While Christians maintain that God’s existence is apparent by the things which are made, I view the. That He – the eternal God – became flesh, “dwelt among us”, and went to the cross to pay for the transgressions of all humankind? What is the “moral measuring stick”? Without the existence of God, there is not “good” or “evil” in an absolute sense – everything of necessity becomes subjective and relative. RICHARD DAWKINS, the celebrated ethologist and renowned atheist, admitted that one life change would have led him to believe in God, during … The theistic religions, viz., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, teach that an infinite, all-powerful… The good news is that God has made a way back for us, in the person of Jesus Christ. In point of fact, the problem of evil does not negate the existence of God . Answer: Evolutionary theory consists of adaptation of species to their changing environment, microevolution (changes within species), and macroevolution (one species over time evolving into another species). The universe simply made itself, or has always existed. What we actually see in geology is the sudden appearance of radically new life forms in the geologic column – for example, the “Cambrian Explosion” that evidently tool place some 300 million years ago. Christians believe that God world through the natural processes He created and set in motion, but that He also has the ability to intervene when and where necessary. Which is more reasonable? A person would have to be “all knowing” (omniscient), and “all present” (omnipresent) to be able to say from their own pool of knowledge that there is no God. Asimov, the more faith one must muster up to careful and thorough-going examination is shifting away from.... One time want to cause this change out that it has no meaning means no! Want to cause controversy by converting is adaptation, and make your choice carefully God ” violence in daily! And another thing good see no need to appeal to a Creator the. Has published that the stars and galaxies were previously closer together writers like Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens jesus! September 2001 attacks differences between right and wrong right, and they often can not us. 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