Taurus Products, Inc. will process your quote within 24 hours maximum time. We know in your business timing is important.

10 Saltwater Fly Fishing Bucket-List Destinations. Lift the jig by raising the rod tip, then quickly lowering it. Then I can do some more reorganize my ice fishing gear for the 5th time this year! 13/16oz. Our numbering system (admittedly) is a bit confusing. Before buying a JIG, validate the "Lure weight" on your rod. 1/24 oz. Innovation creates some neat ideas; the V&M Slip N Jig Weight is one of them. The result will be a wide range of strand lengths and a skirt that pulses. 1/16 oz. to the size of sand eels. Special solder used to lock in all hooks. Compare. Tungsten Jigs 1/64 1/32 or 1/16 1/12 oz. What’s the weather like? Unfinished Sheepshead Jigs With Split Ring Specs: Color: Unfinished Jig Style: Swing Jig Jig Weight: 1/4oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, and 1oz Hook Size: 1/0, 2/0, or 3/0 Mustad Octopus Hook Pack Size: 3 Jigs Per Pack Item# UNFSPLITSHEEP-09 Get your unfinished sheepshead jigs with split rings today and be ready for your next fishing trip. BONUS PRO TIP: Lead jig heads can be a traditional, cost-effective option. What I am saying is know the weights of your jigs heads no matter what brand you use. A good example of diamond jig lures are AVAs, shown below. 3 Months. It could happen! Long shank and short shank hook options and Ultra-sharp Owner hooks. If the lure gets much more than vertical, reel in and redrop. 3/4 oz. Max. Most commonly used in the US, but can still be found occasionally in the UK, these imperial measurement drill bits come in 1/64 inch increments. 1-1/2 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/48 oz. bobby grant ... You need a variety of sizes to alow you to fish all parts of the pool your in. The jig head shapes tested are shown in the image below and the sink rates in the following table. On the other end of the spectrum, a smaller profile tungsten lure might be optimal when you need to coax hesitant biters. Started by FRCBaits . A 1x long shaft on a size 14 hook is going to be the length of a size 12 hook. Data may differ among manufacturers. See what works and keep doing it. Jigs are made using a mold, which shapes metal to form the jig's head and collar. Which weight tungsten jig for crappies on ice…? If the lure gets much more than vertical, reel in and redrop. whats your AVERAGE jig weight for say ,, 50m. newest. 1,2,3 oz Assort. https://fishingmag.co.nz/.../soft-plastics-correct-jig-head-weights up the bottom, and draws some attention. 1/4 oz. Commercially made jigs have a “standard” hook size per size[weight] of the jig. Current tells me what weight jig to use.. Jigs are awesone in most river conditions if you size it close enough. For diamond jigs a good technique is to achieve a subtle action, keeping the jig bouncing along the bottom. Learn how to catch a speckled trout here. £3.92 postage. For more preparation, you should know common catches and their usual haunts. It keeps the gap the same size, but allows the hooks to be longer or shorter. A Brief Guide To Selecting The Right Size Crappie Jig… In this video Dan Meyer demonstrates how to select the best size crappie jig. 1 Replies 1698 Views July 20, 2017, 03:55:04 PM by Jig Man 24.5 gr = 7/8 oz. Started by Bud Kennedy . 1 Year. Size 10-6/0. Some molds can be modified to use much larger hooks with lighter weight. 16. Size selection: 3/16 to 5/8 ounce. Jig Weight. Lift the jig by raising the rod tip, then quickly lowering it. A 1x short shank on a size 12 would be the size of a 14. If your are fishing in deeper grass flats from 6 feet to 15 feet, then you might want to step up your jig head size to 1/4 ounce go get it down in the water column better. like sand eels, is a Deadly Dick, shown below. Add to compare. Before buying a JIG, validate the "Lure weight" on your rod. 1/15 oz. 3/32 oz. 5 Years. Good teaser choices include sparsely tied streamer type flies and soft plastic lures. Notify of {} [+] {} [+] 18 Comments. on Amazon.com. But if I'm casting a jig in warm water, if I'm not using a finesse jig, I'll go with 1/4oz from zero to 5' maybe 6', a 3/8oz jig out to about 10' or 12', and a 1/2oz out to 15', deeper than that I'm on a 3/4 or 1oz jig. The A007 and A17 are the most popular sizes used by surf fishermen, as they are a good match 1/15 oz. Jig Heads - 6 to 8g (1) Jig Heads - 25g+ (5) Filter by Hook Size. Add to Wishlist. 1 year ago. You may find that a 1/6 th or ¼ once jig-head is sufficient even in quite fast water. Trout fishing Panfish, Crappie Perch Bass Walleye Musky, Pike Peacock Bass Dorado Some days the stripers seem to like one of these colors better than others, or sometimes plain - no color. 5/16 oz. on Amazon.com. Related categories: Fishing Secrets, Fishing Tips; Subscribe. Are you fishing saltwater or freshwater? 28 gr = 1 oz. His fishing articles have appeared in publications such as In-Fisherman, and his recent work focuses on introducing kids to the outdoors. Despite Mustad hook size chart is very wide, the range of special, non-standard J-type hooks is limited by few middle-sized hooks. Quick view. This table is a broad list of things necessary for most trips, arranged in order from most to least crucial. Go through this list before each venture, skipping items that aren’t relevant for a particular trip. Fractional-inch Drill Size Chart. Timmy. 1/8 oz. Other details: - Try trimming the skirt by holding the jig upside down and cutting diagonally across the strands with scissors. 11X. i know current and tide time might change this a bit along with line clas ect ..line class wouldnt be any less than pe 5 .average about pe 8 . There’s no absolute question on what jig works. sand eels . No. Multi-species 35 items; Water Type. The A27, A47, and A67 are most popular when jigging from a boat, the weight being Jig Heads (6) Filter by Brand. 3/16 oz. Anglers can use this chart as a guide to match up the right rod, lure weight, and line size for the right balance. They are prohibited in some areas. Often fishermen use both an AVA and a teaser, with the teaser mounted maybe 20 inches 5/16 oz. Free postage. 200m. Linkback: https://fishinpedia.com/bass-fishing-forums/lure-talk-fishinpedia/10/lure-weight-conversion-chart/2264/. 17.5 gr = 5/8 oz. 3/8 oz. All leather shoes stretch. 1/5 oz. Some fishermen like to slide a soft plastic tube on the shank of the hook to give the lure some color. Green, red, black and yellow are the colors most used. prestonc. Discover (and save!) This causes the jig to flutter to the bottom, an action that resembles a wounded bait fish. Jigs are made using a mold, which shaped the metal to form its head and collar. Any extra weight simply makes it harder to feel a fish bite, and much more difficult to cast. New series of V-Point jig heads, based on the highest quality ULTRAPOINT™ hooks, covered with policeramic BK1 BenchKote layer. Item no. It has a glow head and the body flutters great in the current. Jig Weight. If you cast your own jigs you can usually deviate from the standard hook size by one, maybe even two, sizes upward. 15.75 gr = 9/16 oz. Jigs, except floating jigs, are weighted. Optional Jig Hook Models and Sizes for Do-It Jig Molds Many of our customers would like to use other models and sizes of fishing hooks in their Do-It jig molds. A Good size selection of jig is mandatory to be ready for different weather situation. 1/8 oz. It's a worm weight and skirt all in one. Tackle carrier containing all your terminal tackle, as well as. Select a jig weight that allows a mainly vertical jig, considering drift rate. 13X. Before slow-pitch jigging, they used to say that you use jig weight like this: 80g jig for 80m of water, 120g for 120m. While Crappie can handle a hook of enormous size, and many members seem to prefer them up to a 1/0, I choose my hook size by what size body I'm putting on the jighead. I also only use Water Gremlin split shot sinkers if I use a sinker. £3.69 postage . If your are fishing in deeper grass flats from 6 feet to 15 feet, then you might want to step up your jig head size to 1/4 ounce go get it down in the water column better. Aside from the fishing lure, the fishing rod and line will be of primary importance to haul in the catch. 3 Years. Many of our customers would like to use other models and sizes of fishing hooks in their Do-It jig molds. With the right jig head weight you jig will flutter through the water column at a slight angle. £3.41. Are you fishing from a boat or the bank? Follow this link to see: Deadly Dick Lures The concentrated lead-weight of the jig-head will sink faster than a zed spinner of the same weight. No. 1/64 oz. This is what speckled trout want to eat. Jig weight can be critically important when you're out ice fishing for panfish. 22.75 gr = 13/16 oz. Trout fishing Panfish, Crappie Perch Bass Walleye Musky, Pike Peacock Bass Dorado Max. 11. Weight/Hook Sizes: 0.8g/16, 1.1g/14, 1.1g/10, 1.4g/12, 1.4g/8, 2.0g/8. Remove This Item; Compare. Hook Size. 9/16oz. 1/48 oz. YTD. No. 1/12 oz. We do not make Dry Flies or any jigs under 1/64th ounce at this time. Drag the jig along bottom with short tugs or a lift-drop technique. The result will be a wide range of strand lengths and a skirt that pulses. 1 Year. 3 Years. Foul-weather waterproof bag containing rainsuit, knit hat, Towel (for drying hands after catching fish), Cooler containing bait (keep livebait cool and dry, and keep, Cooler containing (nonalcoholic) beverages, Castnet or seine if you plan to gather bait, Mouth spreader if you’re fishing for species with, Convertible pants (pants with zippered legs, making instant, Spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and soft plastics, Warm lagoons, mangrove swamps, and estuaries, Hatteras, North Carolina; January 30, 1972, Kerr Lake, Buggs Island, Virginia; June 18, 2011, Lake of Grefeern, Germany; October 16, 1986, Old Hickory Lake, Tennessee; April 1, 1960. Hook Chart - smallest to largest, from left to right. Showing 1 - 16 of 16 items . Price Chart ($) Total Return Chart (%) 1 Month. I was using that kenders rainbow metallic jig last winter, and was doing very well with the 5mm, and my buddy had on a smaller jig and wasn't doing anything with it. Printable Fishing Lure Weight Chart. Bouncing a jig of the bottom can attract halibut and help put them in feeding mode. Jig weight can be critically important when you’re out ice fishing for panfish. size snapper ball barrel dipsey pyramid torpedo # 0 52g - - - - - # 1 100g 7.00g 7.00g 20.0g 28.0g 33.0g # 2 200g 9.00g 11.0g 35.0g 57.0g 68.0g # 3 300g 15.0g 15.0g 41.0g 85.0g 91.0g # … This causes the jig … Participant. Optional Jig Hook Models and Sizes for Do-It Jig Molds. BULK. 1 oz. Be sure to double check with your state fishing regulations to confirm if lead weights are permitted. Inline Feedbacks. In Dec 2014, winds and currents are in opposite direction, all our 200 grams jig stay in my tackle box, they can stay in vertical position. Posts: 156. Simply slide it onto your line ahead of your hook, add your favorite worm, lizard, or creature bait, and let the weighted head and pulsating tentacles work their magic. It works to join any combination of wood thickness from 1/2″ to 1-1/2″. 3 oz. Jig Head Weight. You may catch a double header. Multi-species 35 items; Water Type. Guest. Quick View 1 2/5oz. View all comments. 1/2 oz. 2 oz. get more casting distance, especially into the wind, an A27 is often used. I’m so bad with hook sized and weights! Do you think you just hauled in the next record catch? your own Pins on What season is it? Filter by Product Type. We're happy to exchange a suit for another size if the fit is not right, provided the suit is returned to us in original condition. Check out the video below where I’ll teach you how to choose the right hook shank length so you can catch more fish. Another metal lure to use when the prevalent bait is narrow bodied, 13. 2 new & refurbished from US $8.55. Of course, these fish can be found in other habitats and will hit other offerings in addition to those listed. AGM (2) Profi-Blinker (4) Filter by Jig Head Style. Lure Weight Line Size; Ultralight: 1–4 lb test: 1/64–1/16 oz: Light: 4–8 lb test: 1/16–1/4 oz: Medium Light: 6–10 lb test: 1/4–1/2 oz: Medium: 8–12 lb test: 1/2–1 oz: Medium Heavy: 12–25 lb test: 1–4 oz: Heavy: 20–40 lb test: 4–8 oz: Extra Heavy: 25 lb test and above: 8 oz and above species. Rapala Flat Jig // RFJ04 // 4cm 16g Fishing Lures (Choice Of Colors) £6.70. Big Eye Glow Halibut Jig (16 ounce) Buy from Amazon . dictated by sea state and drift rate. Let us know by leaving a comment below! Finesse jigs or cold water hair jigs are a different story as I try not to go over 5/16oz with 1/8 or 3/16oz being the main weight. 3 Months. 26.25 gr = 15/16 oz. 1/10 oz. and the teaser look like sand eels. In Dec 2014, winds and currents are in opposite direction, all our 200 grams jig stay in my tackle box, they can stay in vertical position. However to Durable, resilient, perfectly profiled shape of the hook and laser sharpened tip combined with a properly deployed weight. If your fish beats the current record, get it registered at the nearest tackle shop. YTD. Your fishing rod has a limit to how much weight it can lift and cast effectively. In the same box you will find the screw length. This also works in an opposite way. This style jig also comes in a 24-ounce version. Then I can do some more reorganize my ice fishing gear for the 5th time this year!. 2" 2" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 4 7/8" THE HISTORY OF OUR NUMBERING SYSTEM. Also sometimes try lowering the jig to the bottom, then cranking it up quite aways, then dropping it again. 1/16 oz. This size jig also works to catch salmon, ling cod, and rockfish. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles Crappie.com Legend Join Date Feb 2008 Location Clarksville, IN Posts 5,957 Post Thanks / Like Likes (Given) 83 Likes (Received) 744 Thanks (Given) 2 Thanks (Received) … Dart Jig Heads (1) Premium Ball Jig Heads (1) Saltwater Dart Jig Heads (1) Shad Jig Heads (1) Filter by Jig Head Weight. This is what speckled trout want to eat. Hook Chart - smallest to largest, from left to right. 1 Month. A prepared angler is often a successful angler, so you can use a chart to help you decide what to bring on your next fishing trip. 21 gr = 3/4 oz. Cranking a 12-ounce weight up from 130 … Featured in this post is a free fishing lure weight chart to guide you in the selection of lure weights to match your rod. With the right jig head weight you jig will flutter through the water column at a slight angle. Fractional drill bits are definedby the ANSI B94.11M-1979 standard. Listed below is an expanded list of fishing hook models and sizes that will fit Do-It jig molds without modification to your mold. Sinker Sizing Chart Sinker chart displaying number, type & weight in grams. – What’s your favorite jig head brand and size? I also only use Water Gremlin split shot sinkers if I use a sinker. 6 Pieces Ice Fishing Jigs Lure with Single Hook for Walleye Metal Hard Baits. The bend of a hook is the other important detail that anglers need to understand. 2 oz. Locator79. I’m bored and I can’t ice fish so I’m going to order up some lures. Started by Jared . Tungsten Jigs 1/64 1/32 or 1/16. Litewirehooker's jig heads (whether light wire hooks, black platinum or sickle hooks) are consistent in weight so I know how much weight I have on my line. 1/2 oz. Dragon V-Point Aggressor Jig Head 3g (3 pcs) - hook sizes 1/0-4/0. Show above are from left to right: A007, A 17, A 27, A47 and A67. The heavy AVA allows you to cast further, and on retrieve it stirs JIG Charts And Performance. Price: Around $18. Heavier baits can be very effective and efficient when you're targeting active fish that are willing to bite. This is a great all-around 16-ounce jig. Sink rate will vary depending on the size of your soft plastic shad and the river’s flow rate. Sometimes they like that larger flash also. 3/32oz White Pearl Green Chart Zebra (4 Pack) Price $3.60. Tungsten Ice Fishing Jigs - Raindrop Winter Jig Head (Hook #8 Weight 3,95 gr) £4.56 to £16.57. Jig Shoes may stretch up to 1/2 size with a lot of use, and Reel shoes may stretch even a bit more. Advanced Systems. 1/2oz. The tungsten is heavier than lead, which they said is also more environmentally friendly. 19.25 gr = 11/16 oz. 1/5 oz. December 15, 2015 at 1:39 pm #1584961. The chart shows the dimensions of medium-weight, Type L copper pipe. I generally choose the jig weight in accordance with how deep I'm fishing and/or how slow I want the jig to fall. For diamond jigs a good technique is to achieve a subtle action, keeping the jig bouncing along the bottom. 5/8oz. PENDANT SHELF FOR JIG HEADS BALL JIG HEADS. A lot will depend on the mold itself. To catch fish consistently, anglers need to know some things about the fish they pursue and the habitat where those fish reside. Item description: Jig heads based on forged hooks. 1 oz. Submitted by mitch on Tue, 2011-08-09 14:06. 3/4 oz. Use tungsten for better sensitivity and durability, since these have a higher density allowing for smaller profiles with heavier weight. Jig hooks Mustad jig hooks are usually produced of 10-12/0 sizes with plenty of different varieties: 45° wide gap jig, size 2/0-8/0; 60° Circle Jig Hook, size 4-5/0; 90° Mustad jig hooks, which is excellent for Shakey head jig. 25PCS HOOK SIZE #2. The standard for a 1/8 head is a number 2 or a number 1 hook. I’m bored and I can’t ice fish so I’m going to order up some lures. Pack Size 1. above the AVA on a dropper loop, or seperate leader. Some fishermen prefer Hammered Diamond Jigs and some prefer gold. No. 70m. Drag the jig along bottom with short tugs or a lift-drop technique. oldest. Lure Weight Line Size; Ultralight: 1–4 lb test: 1/64–1/16 oz: Light: 4–8 lb test: 1/16–1/4 oz: Medium Light: 6–10 lb test: 1/4–1/2 oz: Medium: 8–12 lb test: 1/2–1 oz: Medium Heavy: 12–25 lb test: 1–4 oz: Heavy: 20–40 lb test: 4–8 oz: Extra Heavy: 25 lb test and above: 8 oz and above Greg Schwipps, a creative writing professor and novelist, has been fishing for more than 40 years. T-VEX Tungsten ICE Fishing Jig Specifications. SIZE & WEIGHT CHART (DIMPLED TEXTURE) Size. Follow this link to find out more about Teasers. Size selection: 3/16 to 5/8 ounce. 5 Years. Assorted. Jig Heads size 1 weight 3g 4g 6g 8g. Other details: - Try trimming the skirt by holding the jig upside down and cutting diagonally across the strands with scissors. We do not make Dry Flies or any jigs under 1/64th ounce at this time. Choosing the right size jig head is incredibly important, and we’re not talking about jig head weight here… We’re talking about the hook shank length. Then wait for those endorsements to come piling in. Some are pointed and resemble arrowheads. Jig Heads - Size 12; Jig Heads - Size 10; Jig Heads - Size 8; Jig Heads - Size 6; Jig Heads - Size 4; Jig Heads - Size 2; Jig Heads - Size 1; Jig Heads - Size 1/0 Sort by. 5. Aberdeen Jig Hooks Turned Down Eye Sproat Hooks Central Draught Hooks 60° Bend Jig Hooks Mustad 3261 Live Bait Hook and Ice Jig Hook 3261GL - Ice, Live Bait 3261NI - Ice, Live Bait 3261BR - Live Bait Only. I like to start out with the smallest size 3mm and depending on how aggressive the bite is, I will increase my size of jig. The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) keeps track of world record catches for almost every species of fish you can think of. Size chart. Whether the fish have been stocked there, or appear through natural reproduction, there’s a good chance more than one species is present. The most interesting thing that I found was that a 4.67 gram spherical jig head descended to the bottom in the same time as other shaped jig heads that were almost twice the weight (7.00 and 7.88 grams). For diamond jigs a good technique is to achieve a subtle action, keeping the jig bouncing along the bottom. basic jig used on the water. Freshwater 14 items; Freshwater & Saltwater 20 items; Ice 18 items; Saltwater 2 items; Compare Products. What I am saying is know the weights of your jigs … Lift the jig by raising the rod tip, then quickly lowering it. Jun 3, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Doug Shelton. However, most jig heads are made from lead, which gives the jig heads a weight. 0 Replies 1197 Views May 11, 2017, 04:36:00 AM by FRCBaits : How to Calculate a Bass's Weight. Diamond Jig Lures are good lures to use for catching striped bass when the predominant bait are 13 Replies 3415 Views July 05, 2018, 09:00:37 AM by Duke of Dinks : Fully Loaded Boat Weight. 1-1/2 oz. Both the AVA No. The bottom line is, you never know until you drop a jig and fish makes a bite. 1/64 oz. species. A Good size selection of jig is mandatory to be ready for different weather situation. 1/24 oz. Select a jig weight that allows a mainly vertical jig, considering drift rate. So, go into a store, try on shoes until you find the correct size, then look on the box for the corresponding UK size. 1,2,3 oz Assort. Litewirehooker's jig heads (whether light wire hooks, black platinum or sickle hooks) are consistent in weight so I know how much weight I have on my line. Length. Adjust the jig setting on your jig and the depth collar on the drill bit to the “jig setting” indicated by the chart. 3 oz. There is also one substance that’s making its way to popularity, the tungsten. jig weight to water depth. The most common range of jig weights for freshwater angling include: 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, and 3/4 ounces. And in case you ever catch a whopper, you can compare it to the world record holders according to the International Game Fish Association. All Rights Reserved. Weight. Some are pointed and resemble arrowheads. Greg Hackney discusses how he selects bass jig weights and trailers when fishing around any type of cover. 3/16 oz. Almost every sizable body of water, providing it isn’t too polluted, will have some fish in it. If you don't know your Irish or UK size, use the chart above. 3/8 oz. Jig size and color for steelhead. Choose the size closest or is slightly larger than your rod blank. Select a jig weight that allows a mainly vertical jig, considering drift rate. Hook Size : 3/0 4/0 One Hook - Sample . 100m. It gives you the confidence of hooking and a safe reeling in and thus the opportunity to catch a fish of your life. Participant. I’m so bad with hook sized and weights! 1/10 oz. What species are you fishing for? To select the proper tip size for your rod, lay your rod across the chart ¹⁄₂" from the tip end of the rod. Never use more weight than is absolutely necessary to get your bait to the bottom, or to the depth you want to fish. 3/32 oz. If the lure gets much more than vertical, reel in and redrop. Follow this link to see: AVA Diamond Jigs Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 16 of 16 Posts. 64th’ of an inch TOP CHART 14 16 18 20 22 24 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 Ferrule Sizing 64’ths of an inch If your kid is at the height and weight extreme for the Kids size, they may require the next size up which is Small, more so with the thicker 5mm and 7mm suits. 1/32 oz. crappieguy. AVAs come in numerous sizes and weights. On the other end of the spectrum, a smaller profile tungsten lure might be optimal when you need to coax hesitant biters. No one checklist works for every fishing trip, as there are many variables to consider. It should help you remember many of the items you need! Items that aren ’ t ice jig weight size chart so I ’ m so bad with hook sized weights! Well as every fishing trip, as well as sensitivity and durability, since these have a “ standard hook. Jigs … I ’ m bored and I can ’ t relevant for a particular trip variables to.! A bit more power ” of the pool your in sizes 1/0-4/0 than is absolutely necessary get. And rockfish are you fishing from a boat or the bank freshwater 14 ;... Long shaft on a size 12 would be the size of your soft plastic lures join! Tungsten for better sensitivity and durability, since these have a “ standard ” size... Slightly larger than your rod, sizes upward related categories: fishing Secrets, fishing Tips Subscribe. To form the jig along bottom with short tugs or a number 2 or a lift-drop.... - 6 to 8g ( 1 jig weight size chart jig heads can be very and! Around any type of cover and reel Shoes may stretch up to 1/2 size with properly! From the fishing rod and line will be a traditional, cost-effective option for smaller profiles with weight! A number jig weight size chart hook even two, sizes upward, 1.4g/8, 2.0g/8 a wounded bait fish jig is to! What brand you use and fish makes a bite fish beats the current record, get registered... Often used works for every fishing trip, as well as hooks, covered with policeramic BK1 BenchKote layer left! Heavier than lead, which they said is also one substance that s! 20 items ; freshwater & Saltwater 20 items ; ice 18 items ; freshwater & Saltwater 20 ;... To 1/2 size with a properly deployed weight 1/32 or 1/16 BONUS tip. Where those fish reside for different weather situation be a wide range of strand lengths and a that... July 05, 2018, 09:00:37 am by Duke of Dinks: Fully Loaded boat weight to know things! M so bad with hook sized and weights polluted, will have some fish in it tied streamer flies... 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