Corrections:NYT March 15, 1939. 4, bld. Ed. The reason, writes Mr Hitchcock, these pogroms were initiated was to create a large Jewish base in America, who when they arrived, would be educated to register as Democrat voters. How long would it take for Australian troops with the help of international PEACE KEEPERS NATO FUKUS to crush the resistance that reigns terror onto the peaceful nation? Our main interest, of course, is how to view it from a biblical and prophetic standpoint. Our President does not listen to us and tells the whole world that the Russian people support him. Russia, like Germany in 1938-39, has every right to overthrow an abusive and hostile puppet regime that the Globalists set up on its border., Hitler: For months the Germans in Sudetenland have been suffering under the torture of the Czechoslovak government. I like that there is more of this creative writing here, a bit like Real Raw News. The Jews struck back. President Vladimir Putin has arrested his own military chief, meanwhile the highly-respected head of the Russian Central Bank bank boss has quit, indicating Putin's crumbling inner circle.. OK , ask yourself how many military resources Russia still has in Kazakhstan. [ Read this ]. Fact-Check: Did narrator Devi Chitralekha marry a Muslim man? Missing Links: Though the bank retained sufficient assets to cover . | JaYoe Conversation. The message is that life sometimes can be unjust, but that art can help you even in the darkest moments of your life, says Salvetti, whose bank advises companies and government bodies in ex-Soviet countries. This is not our war. It was Putin the Great who brought Russia back to a point where, by 2016, he was able to talk tough and back it up. Bu in 20 years, he has showed that he is first, a Russian, and primarily fights for the Russian people. here is the history of the house of rothschild you should know about this due to their huge influence over world finances. The author explains how this spurred General Andrew Jackson--fed up with the central bank system and Nathan Rothschild's control of Congress--to enter politics and become president in 1828. In 1880 Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominately in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. Suckerswho is the Authoritarian?? Canaanite, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker. 1913 rothschild federal reserve. Russian President Vladimir Putin was not responsible for the nationalization of the Russian centralized bank, which took place in 1917. 5 Min Read. The Rothschild dynasty is over. Why dont you write one?. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Giovanni Salvetti, the head of Rothschild in Russia and CIS, takes five flights a week in his job managing the bank's operations from Kazakhstan to Ukraine. In 1863. So, a president who will stand up and lead under a Communist invasion this could pay for all. Rothschild & Cie Banque, a French bank belonging to Rothschild Group, offered its service in the capacity of go-between in the talks of Ukraine's Ministry of Finances and creditors on restructuring the debt. If I get to vote in the next Ukrainian election, I will vote for Z twerp. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates Plus, he doesnt have a backbone. USA responds with sanctions. And financed by Schiff, Warburg of the central banking cartel. From who? Indeed, Russia's central bank was established by the former Russian Emperor Alexander II in 1860, originally named "State Bank". Ukraine and Australia have much in common. Or a photoshoot opportunity. Ceasefire talks hosted by Belarus adjourn for consultations, ZOG East and ZOG West are owned by the same Ruling Cabal. Putin will become the most stitched up leader in history by the kosher msm now he has upset their NWO agenda, crisscross767 He was forced to flee for his life from a theater . I dont see Putin making edicts like no jab, no job or fining people thousands for not complying with stupid and useless face nappy mandates. Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba. Putin didnt lockdown all the small family businesses and leave all the multi nationals like Woolworths Coles Aldi and Bunnings open to get rid of all their competition. 1856, Aussie Cossack exposes Cowboy Cops of Coffs Harbour, View our extensive video library on RMBLE by clicking the picture or link, PLEASE ,,,, use this encryption for whistleblower information or similar, Do Not send comments or general chit chat go to contact on the menu bar .Thank you,, Click on the picture above to read all our publications about Port Arthur, APRadio, You need to read this factual inquiry of 70 year old farmer Ruth Downey who has her cattle slaughtered by the RSPCA and the nursing calves left without their mothers, NO FOOD. There's no evidence supporting the claim, which was first published in 2016 and has . It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. In 1863. Im just wanting further truth. 1939: USA responds with sanctions. Reply. Imagine if our Corporate Parliamentary leaders exchanged their suits for a Defence Uniform. Something like our original Commonwealth Bank when it was under the governorship of Denison Miller. Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family. Kicked out the rothschilds? Algeria: Bank of Algeria. The book, Arturo and the Unicorn, is available in Russian, English and Italian. In 1791, the Rothschild family gained control of America's money supply through Alexander Hamilton (the family's agent in George Washington's cabinet) when the family established a central bank in the U.S. named the First Bank of the United States, which received a 20-year charter from Congress in 1791. Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video [], I will wait for reports of trials, hanging and more unverified facts. Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all state owned assets worldwide. This is not a war of people. Russia and China and Iran are much too strong for NATO and America. This symbolises the fall of communism in Russia, and results in the start of a mass exodus of 700,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel. p192, In 1989 many of the satellite states in Eastern Europe through the influence of Glasnost, become more open in their demands of freedom from Communist governance in their Republics. Russia's central bank was established in 1860, more than a century before Putin started his first presidential term. First peddled in the mid 19 th century, it's now nearly 200 years and the myth that . I tried to post an article from Veterans about the USA have Biolaboratories in Ukraine and got blocked again by farcebook Mr Fuckerberg member of the monstrous totalitarian world economic Forum at the speed of light. To survive, Israel would have to become an imperial regional power. Of course they want their prize agent/puppethe knows where all the bodies are buried (Hunter Obiden et al) and they cant risk him rolling over. Sixty-three central banks and monetary authorities are currently members of the BIS and have rights of voting and representation at General Meetings: Bank of Algeria. Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign godsa Canaanite woman. The Russians forces are in fact surgically striking and incapacitating Ukranian military infrastructure only. This is not about a couple of separatist republics who want to be under Russian rule and probably they do after Russian population transfers into them. World War III against Russia & China or at least a pair of really nasty regional wars in Europe and Syria (as we warned at the time) seemed inevitable. We dont need Crimea, Donbass, and even more so Ukraine. Jews have owned Russia since 1917. p162, In 1963, 10th January, the 45 goals of the Communist Manifesto are stated in the US Congress by A. S. Herlong Jr. of Florida, and therefore form the congressional Record of the day. The best way out of this dangerous mess would be partition into pro and anti-Russian zones. This German minority living there has been ill-treated in the most distressing manner. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank. Global Advisory has had an on-the-ground presence in Russia for over a decade. When they murder someone that is really the ultimate test like the 4 African presidents who refused the jab in their countries all dead in the same year. It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. The World Gold Council shows that Russia is the largest buyer of gold and is the world's third-biggest producer, with the Central Bank purchasing from domestic miners through commercial banks. Jews have long debated how to define a Jew, and I do not intend to get involved in that argument. February 24, 2022. We provide impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. Every Central Bank is a member of the BIS-bank. Check out the hardware on the side bar. Its harder and harder to discern the truth these days. According to Kelly and Laycocks book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 a staggering 98 percent. SWIFT helps provide services related to the execution of financial transactions and payments between banks worldwide. Both the Soviet Union and the PRC are joined at the hip from the time the USSR supported the Mao Ze Dong takeover with Warsaw Pact weapons pumped out by the Rockefeller munitions factories in the USSR gulags. Learn how your comment data is processed. One has to wonder whether the Jews most holy book, the Talmud, had any influence on these Jewish paedophiles. We will not be bullied by them.. It was centered in what is now called The Ukraine but included also neighboring countries like Kazakhstan. Potanin would be used as the others public liaison to the government. The Greater Israel idea envisions the creation of a number of allied states around Israel. One imagine Australia is trying to break away from UK/US (the good guys). North Korea. Putin leaves the Russian Dollar.This independence will make the ruble sovereign over 5 years - and replace Rothschilds central bank by a state central bank - and Communist governmentally steered economy. This country could fall apart into a state for the Kurds, one for the Sunnis, and one for the Shia. Point 5 Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. 03:10 - Source: CNNBusiness. At any rate, the UN resolution condemning Russia had no chance of passing, because Russia immediately vetoed it. Again, the Russian government is NOT anti-globalist. The Bank's capital is held by central banks only. Anybody who thinks this will stop in the Ukraine has no concept of the permanent, world-wide Revolution of the Fourth ComIntern. Modern Zionism is, in fact, the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, 39. The Fatal Discourse of Rabbi Reichhorns FuneralOration, 6. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1992, it was renamed Bank of Russia. A video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asking American youths to fight the war Manish Sisodia, former Delhi deputy Chief Minister, who also held several portfolios like Education Pakistans project Khalistan keeps sprouting on social media. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege. The plan is named after a Jewish scholar who wrote an essay about it in 1982: A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s. A common set of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities provides us with a clear focus in ensuring that sustainability is a strategic imperative across the entire group, across our operational impact, the products and services we offer, and . THOMAS SEWELL PUTINS RUSSIA IS ANTI-WHITE. For the past year, the Central Bank of Russia has been systematically destroying the country's private banks, consolidating immense financial power in the hands of the Kremlin. 20 February 2023. He is impressed and vows to continue to supply funds to these colonies in furtherance of a long-term Rothschild objective of creating a Rothschild owned Jewish state. Indeed, Russias central bank was established by the former Russian Emperor Alexander II in 1860, originally named State Bank. **Become a Caravan to Midnight Member** Putin is draining the swamp. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of their nations, we shall sow discord everywhere. Yes I know, they have. December 11, 2017 13:01. 18:24-27]. But then Ill have to move to Argentina or Sri Lanka., Reporting by Katya Golubkova,; Editing by Ed Osmond. The Sudeten German population was and is a German. This deep experience of Russian markets has resulted in, and is supported by, our track record in advising on many of the countrys largest, most complex, and precedent-setting transactions. This global event needs higher scrutiny. WM , Wealth Management 13 place des Quinconces Bordeaux 33 000 France +33 5 57 85 47 99. And the fact that Trump didnt bother to rescind those changes, makes him suspect as well. The house was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (b. February 23, 1744, Frankfurt am Maind. Once again the USA and NATO along with it, are interfering in a place they shouldnt be. Elsewhere, Russia's central bank governor, Elvira Nabiullina, told CNBC's Hadley Gamble in an exclusive interview earlier this week that digital currencies will be the future of financial systems . tonyryan43, I agree and history agrees too. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want! Lincoln asked the Tsar for help during the war and Russia sent fleets to San Francisco and New York with threats to intervene if the British, Spanish or French . It tells the story of a poor man from the Italian town of Bergamo working for a local nobleman. The Bank of Russia has defended its independence after Friday's surprise cut in interest rates raised concerns about the influence of the Kremlin, industrialists and bankers over the central . The Jews/Edomites and Arabs are related Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife (Gen. xxviii. At Rothschild & Co, we have the ambition to support and drive the sustainability transition of the global economy. We are very sorry for Ukraine and their people. And if they want to join NATO why shouldnt they its their country, let them be allied with whoever they want. It should not have to be pointed out that the Ukrainians do not want Russian population transfers of Russians who want Russian government, Russian Muslims who want Sharia Law etc, Anymore than Central European nations want these kind of transfers / imports by their internationalist / Marxist leaders. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed! He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation,, Missing Links:Edward Rydz Smigly: amazing speeches in Mein Side of the Story: Flood of falsity: AAP boasts Shiksha, BJP blames Sharaab for Sisodia arrest, HATE AGAINST INDIA: Pak media, Twitter handles attempt to make #Khalistan viral, Fact Check: YouTuber Armaan Malik is a Hindu, allegation of love jihad because of two Hindu wives, United States of Lies: Misleading and moronic claims made by Nithyananda and his Kailasa A Fact Check Detour. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. After emergence of Amritpal Singh, an Swami Nithyananda, a rape accused and fugitive from India, figured in news debates and Four years after the Balakot strike and India-Pakistan air combat, the dog-fight seems to A video is getting viral on social media. We know year by year whats going to happen and they know that we know. He knows, He loves, He cares; Nothing this truth can dim.]. On the second echelon of the power structure, sits Rothschild's fully owned BIS - Bank of International Settlement established in 1931 in the Netherlands. Hopefully it will all be over. Digital Forensic, Research and Analytics Center. Was able to get a tiny morsel from TASS (before it too likely vanishes), of Russian troops being welcomed by flag waving Ukranians as they swept into Melitopol. 1939: USA responds with sanctions. .There is a strong political movement in Israel that is backing the infamous Oded Yinon Plan. How the Rothschilds Became the Secret Rulers of the World. Russia, It shows its population was 23 million in 2017. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by an elite 1% - but did you know that one family, the Rothschilds, rule everything, even that elite 1%? The plan emphasizes that Israel must model its geopolitical environment through the Balkanization (i.e., the disintegration of multicultural states into small nation states) of the surrounding Arab states. And from that moment on they will be able to directly threaten Russias nuclear potential. Its time to throw the Rothschild's Central Bankster scam to the curb, imagine the Billions a year that is paid in interest . The fourth tier is the central banks (all owned by the Rothschild family) ex: central Bank of London, Vatican Bank, and Federal reserve, just to name a few. The Holocausts in Dresdin and Nagasaki and Hiroshima come to mind. Lines are also drawn with the Lebanon War in 2006 and the ongoing wars in Syria and the wider Middle East., As to the notion of the Rothschilds owning the central banks, the Anti-Defamation League points out that this Jewish-control-of-the-Fed stuff is pretty much the oldest anti-Semitic story in the book, but one that our modern age of economic anxiety has brought back to the surfacethe fact that the international banking system actually is a . The Rothschilds, however, had nothing to do with the origin of the bank. Most Christian prophecy teachers, being ignorant of the Khazar factor, are still looking for a future Russian invasion of Israel. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Rothschild Group is looking at taking on new hires for its Russian operation later this year, bucking the trend for big Western money advisers to scale back . The more powerful, the less I trust them. pp207-208, In 1992 March, former Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Paul A. Volker becomes Chairman of the European banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co. Privatisation begins in earnest in Russia.
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