It tells about your nature of death and your total life span. Don't allow Saturn to darken the joys of this house. Composite Mercury in the 5th House. It represents the vitality of the relationship. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. When transit Uranus is in the composite 8th house, you may change the way in which you approach intimacy in the relationship. Do your best to avoid mind games and power struggles. Such a relationship brings individual pain and suffering to influence a transformational change in the partners' personalities. While it's true that we need to take care of daily tasks in order to keep our lives running smoothly, and it's true that we should do things correctly, Saturn in the sixth house of a composite chart can have you obsessing over it. Composite Sun in the 12th House. You are bound to depend on one another. This relationship is sure to leave its mark on both of you as it challenges you to face your own inner power through your interactions with each other. You feel most supported and nurtured by one another when you feel understood. Saturn always has lessons to teach, and it takes time to work through them. At their worst, they be outlandish, loners, and rejects of society. The affection and love between you are not light and airy by any means. 4-The Sun and Saturn are the only two planets that perform well and are vital in the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses. Uncertainty, or a feeling of inequality between the two of you (such as a large age difference, an affair, and so forth), are themes of your relationship. Composite Ascendant in Capricorn. High expectations can be the result (especially if Neptune or Pisces is also involved), or the tendency to gloss over problems. Your responses to one another are rational and logical, and as such, you dont come across as an especially intimate couple. You don't want to raise the issues, and if they come up, you can't manage to form the words needed to discuss them. You are unlikely to get into a rut when it comes to conversations, as you dont focus only on talking about the basicswhat needs to be done, how things should be done, etc. Composite Moon in the 4th House. Saturn can be about staying committed and faithful in a relationship. Communications between you are friendly, clear, and mostly unbiased. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. It is natural to feel very comfortable with one another, as if you have known each other long before you actually have. At best, a realistic, practical approach to financial matters is found when Saturn is in the second house of a composite chart. Then, once some time passes, it festers. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Composite Ascendant in Leo. For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. Composite Sun in the 5th House. The eighth house also rules other people's property and money include real estate, inheritances, and investments. Here are some generalized descriptions of the basic energies of the different composite Ascendant signs. The ruler of the 12th house, Saturn, actually leaves the realm of the 12th ur-soup, and wanders into Leo in the 7th house conjunct Vertex. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. This may keep you away from large, structured social gatherings because you take them so seriously that they often feel stressful for you both. A strong spiritual connection can help you to feel that your bonds are unbreakable, and this can help you grow closer. Composite Sun and Venus in the 8th house. Instead, you are able to communicate creatively and spontaneously. Otherwise, there may be a tendency to come down on each other or to restrict one anothers individuality and sense of freedom. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. Venus is a symbol of deep love. The desire to take action in the practical, material world is strong with this position. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. When transit Pluto is in the composite 8th house, you may be more intense with whatever you focus on together. Composite Saturn in the 1st House. Composite Mercury in the 6th House. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. In order for this partnership to function best, however, neither of you should try to force a commitment from the other. Although you may dream a lot together, putting plans into action is your weak point. Mars in 8th House synastry relationships are remarkably dynamic in nature and are usually formed between people in business, science, as well as in various intellectual fields. If the Composite Moon is conjunct Ascendant: This relationship touches you deeply. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. The 8th House is known as the House of Sex, but physical contact becomes a problem when Saturn is placed in this House. Shows what's needed to make the relationship work. As well, the relationship could have started off almost as a business arrangement. As well, the need for tangible proof of commitment and security together may drive you to overspend. Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. Because pleasure and enjoyment are what you expect from one another, deeper more intimate issues and responsibilities may be avoided or glossed over. As well, others see you as quite protective of one another. Its always wise to remind yourselves that youre on each others sides, not pitted against each other. Do your best not to neglect more spiritual elements of your connection. You react quickly, directly, and spontaneously on an emotional level to one another. The physical side of your relationship is accentuated with this position of the composite Sun. In order to make this position work, there needs to be a feeling of mutual devotion and your individual egos need to take a back seat, as inequality is a theme of this position. The aura of your home may be overly formal or simply lacking in authentic emotion or warmth. You admire one another and easily forgive each other when things go wrong. Saturn located in the 8th. Scary as it may seem, but they can perceive what the person's dark side is. This house represents the part of your relationship that feels restrictive and burdensome. Do they confront issues immediately? Emotional expression tends to be spontaneous, which can be a benefit. As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. Saturn is the great task master and teacher. Sun & Moon Combinations: How Well do your Sun & Moon get Along? Making a commitment to one another comes naturally, and personal issues and dynamics are out in the open rather than hard to define. This position can also indicate feelings of affection for each other that are dependable and that can withstand the tests of time. Insecurities and hurts can seem to apparently come out of nowhere. Less common examples include intelligence and secret services. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. Composite Venus in the 7th House. If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. Theyre hard to hide. Composite 7th house : planets. You project a practical and reliable image. There may be an unspoken feeling a blame between you, but there is no real reason for it. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. Composite Uranus in the 6th House. You need lots of attention from each other, and you are generally willing to give each other just that. A worst, you feel completely restricted in your communication, and it's difficult to discuss important issues. A composite eighth-house sun relationship feels deep. Composite Sun in the 1st House. One persons helpfulness may be welcomed at first, but resentments can build over time. However, being above the horizon, Saturn may bring stability and seriousness. On a personal level, this is a somewhat challenging position for Mars, as one or both of you may feel put upon by the other. As the third house relates to navigating your immediate environment, it is an active house. Together, you are somewhat restlesseven nervousas you inspire curiosity in one another. Composite Mars in the 5th House. To achieve that, it should be in a favorable sign. Usually it is seen that native having Saturn in the 8th house lives in foreign land and earns and suffers there. You tend to give each other personal freedom and to treat each other as friends above all else. Composite Mercury in the 1st House. People with Moon in the 8th House tend to be sensitive . Generally, you tend to joke around with each other, make one another smile, and treat each other with respect and plenty of attention! The natives of Saturn in the 8th house may find it very tough to accept changes in their life. Saturn here inhibits natural expression, such that the inner workings of your relationship are kept private. If you can keep Saturn in check, you can use its conservative energy to keep yourselves practical enough not to spend foolishly, while remembering that life is also meant to be enjoyed. Of course, this can undermine your faith in one another. This union is quite resilient, although you may overestimate what you are capable of doing together. If either one of you feels that you are in the relationship in order to support the other person rather than for love, resentment can build. Composite Ascendant in Cancer. Composite Mars in the 6th House. Transit Neptune in the Composite 8th House. Although it may not ever feel like a true partnership or commitment with each other, the spirit of acceptance generated between the two of you makes you feel appreciated. Saturn wants to be sure of itself and fears making mistakes. You tend to make impulsive emotional decisions when together, and this gives an intimate and personal quality to the relationship that is intense and pronounced. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The best way to handle this energy is to put your egos aside and avoid expecting too much from the partnership. Over time, the realistic view you each have of yourselves when you are together works to strengthen your relationship. In any of these situations, the element of responsibility is the overwhelming factor. It can be a relationship that suffers from a lack of rules, boundaries, and goals, wherein confusion reigns; however, it can also be a relationship that benefits from these very same things, especially if Mars is well-aspected if as a couple you feel you have a higher mission, or delight in the mysteriousness of your connection (you might, for example, feel that you are together against all odds). You are willing to go the distance, and you are patient about it as well. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. It will be especially important to manage emotions in your relationship. Anger is expressed immediately and with little hesitation, but so is passion. This is actually helpful in the beginning of a relationship because you both keep things positive and ignore the negative. Problems can arise if you over-identify with your image of being the perfect couple who is living happily ever after. Composite Sun in the 7th House. When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. Sun In 8th House Transit, Transit Sun In The 8th House . You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. However, you are capable of going through a lot together, and the longer youre with each other, the stronger your relationship becomes, as you value longevity, familiarity, and comfort. The composite Moon in the 8th house can create an emotional storm, and if it is not handled well, it may create deep-seated, and underlying resentment. This relationship is bound to teach both of you to open yourselves up, as there is a generosity of spirit present that helps each of you feel free to let your hair down and have a little fun. Your relationship may have started out with gusto. The fourth house is the house of family karma. This takes the joy out of blindly diving into a mysterious new love affair, and it's difficult to keep the flames of passion burning brightly as time passes. Your sex life may be sporadic or there could be a feeling that one of you makes more sacrifices than the other. You act responsibly towards each other, and towards those around you. Stifling one anothers feeling of freedom of expression is one of the worst things you can do. Because Saturn is always focused on the long-term, you are careful not to say things that will lead to future suffering. When this planet is placed in the eighth house in the birth chart, you can expect the effect of Saturn to appear on an unconscious level. In composite: The grand square, pluto 20 . The responsibilities that go along with this dependency may be challenging at times, but the depth of commitment and intimacy you are capable of can be most rewarding. She also has Saturn, Moon conjunct in the 10th. This position can point to a secret affair or a very private sexual relationship, and even to a relationship that is never consummated on a sexual level. Others may even envy you as a result, but rarely do you inspire bad feelings. Emotional impulsiveness can be exciting, but also problematic. You value saving over spending and have a practical attitude about spending money on the pleasures the world has for sale. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. Saturn person may help House 2 person secure their financial strategies using practical, conservative wisdom to ensure long range growth. Saturn in 8th House synastry relationships are formed between people with a high degree of responsibility and scrupulousness in financial matters. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. Composite Ascendant in Gemini. There is an aura of wisdom around you as a couple. You may tend to exclude others, preferring to be alone together much of the time. Composite Sun in the 1st House. The 8th house can become flat out obsessed with the Venus. A lot of mysterious, difficult, frightening, and painful periods in life that are . You have the power of determination and strength on your side, and passion is your middle name. Commitment to each other comes quite easily. . Schedules and routines are rebelled against, and it can be hard to feel organized with one another. At worst, you incessantly worry about your finances and your financial future always seems bleak. Initial reluctance, self-consciousness, or general reticence may have characterized the beginning of this partnership. The seventh house is the natural house of marriage and one-to-one partnerships, but it is also the house of enemies! Communication, learning, information, trips around town, visits with neighbors and relatives, gossip and news all fall in this house. You are a playful couple, and keeping this spontaneity alive is vital to the success of the relationship. You are more able than most couples to persevere together and maintain a comfortable level of energy and chemistry. You may focus on digging deeper into something together, and you can enjoy focusing on serious matters. Strong second house relationships are built on security. Composite Ascendant in Scorpio. It's emotional and feeling based, making things a bit vague and undefined, yet powerful. Whether its passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. This transformation may be annoying and will go deep into your personality, but the outcome is essential for your personal development. When transit Mars is in the composite 8th house, if there is something that you need to dig deeper into together, you can have plenty of energy and drive to do so. You feel at home with one anotherand will likely want to spend a lot of time alone together. Your loyalty towards the relationship is unquestioned and you will have a practically sustainable relationship. Your image to others is neither flashy nor glamorous, but you do come across as a solid couple. Equality is the goal in your partnership, and maintaining this balance (keeping things equal) requires quite a bit of ongoing effort. It takes work, but it's worth it in the long run. Self-expression is vital for keeping the chemistry alive. A feeling that each person in the relationship is responsible for the other's emotional fulfillment is a predominant factor when Saturn is in the eighth house of a composite chart. 12th house: this is a good planet to have in a composite 12th house because it allows more direct conversations on anything that may be usually hidden from each other. Composite Mars in the 12th House. It brings a deep interest in the matters ruled by the 8th house. the twelfth house in a composite chart can also be telling when it comes to karmic relationships. However, when Saturn is strong and dignified, there are positive outcomes extracted from the difficult energies of the 8th house. Romance, mutual appreciation and admiration, and a spirit of fun are at the heart of the relationship. Its important to let each other express themselves spontaneously. The secret relationship will be private, but it will also be sexually satisfying. It is important to have a true understanding of Saturn's influence when your composite Saturn is in the fourth house because it often puts a feeling of restriction and burden on home and family life that is strong enough to drive people apart. Composite Sun in the 11th House. A lot of energy can be put into maintaining a balance, and one partner might eventually tire of this energy drain. You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. The Composite Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars can also be interpreted in the signs. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. Generally, you are noble with one another. You may have expensive taste, or you might encourage each others indulgent side. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. Do they talk things through logically? This is a long-term transit lasting about two years or more. Saturn also conjunct Aquarius Venus in 8th, both square my Moon. You could focus on success and accomplishment while together. Saturn brings about completion through change and transformation. Shorts cuts only lead to future suffering. Moody reactions to each other are something to watch for. AND YES! Others simply dont know what goes on behind closed doors, and you may do your best to keep things proper on the outside or you naturally present a reserved image. Anything that feels negative is not discussed or even acknowledged. You are a real couple. You might want to examine whether addressing real problems makes you nervous, and that could be the reason why anger is expressed over petty things. Compromise can be a big challenge. Together, you are perhaps more optimistic than you are individually. Succedent House Type: A Succedent house type is ruled by a fixed sign. Generally, taking the relationship itself seriously and as a responsibility is the ultimate result of this placement. The individual knows that something else beyond the life they know exists, but is fearful to approach it, thus . Composite Mars in the 7th House. The entire house is about merged energies, whether they be sexual or financial. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. Please note that some of the interpretations are not yet available. Problems and frustrations between you are hard to define and therefore hard to resolve as they are effectively swept under the carpet. But think about the difference between Saturn and Uranus, and you start to understand the unique ways each house expresses itself.
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