To find out your Amatyakaraka Planet follow this instruction mentioned in this article. Atmakaraka Sun in 8th House means you have a deep interest in mysticism and esoteric knowledge. of the company youre working for. If you are not challenged in your work environment, you become restless and bored with the work. Its Placement in Kendra or angular houses like (1,4,7,10) from Lagna provides Good intelligence. Venus is the planet of marriage, and the 12th house relates to foreigners; therefore, you can marry someone who is a foreigner or of foreign birth. It is your purpose in life to express your creativity in a career. . This is because Indra (King of the God) is the ruling deity of Jyeshta Nakshatra. Some of the greatest examples of famous people with Moon as their amatyakaraka planet include Sai Baba, Swami Vivekananda, and Aurobindo Ghosh. The 5th house is known as the house of fun and entertainment; you feel emotionally balanced when you are in a divine moment of fun and enjoyment. Professions related to graphic design and web designing are also recommended. You are very optimistic and like to look at the brighter side of things. As a result, Dashami will be the name of this section. You enjoy reading books and have a fascination with always wanting to know more. Jupiter is the karaka for husband in a female chart; therefore, Jupiter blesses a female with an intelligent, spiritual, and good husband. On the other hand, since a drum is the main symbol of Dhanishta Nakshatra, you do not like to skip a beat. You may as well be a professional athlete or engaged many hours working out in the gym. Atmakaraka Sun in 11th House means your friends, elder sibling, and people in your social network look to you as the authority figure. You communicate with people regarding your strong belief system, religion, and spirituality. Role of Atmakaraka Planet As mentioned above, Atmakaraka planet is a king among the planets. Because most of the materialistic prosperity and luxurious comforts that we need to possess is comes under the management and rulership of Venus. Planets are assigned a karaka name from the highest to the lowest (7th) degree. Most people are worried about their careers and future. To clarify, a personal relationship can end then restart again with a stronger foundation. In Jaimini astrology, Amatyakaraka planet is the main for profession. Nevertheless, Agni the fire god is the ruling deity of Krittika Nakshatra you are fascinated with fire. Overall, your purpose in life is to put hard work into the 2nd house such as resources, family, speech, etc. As a result, the planet with the second highest degree is known as Amatya Karaka. You have a charitable heart for helping people and you believe in performing good deeds for others because of this you are lucky in life and good fortune comes to you. You enjoy beautifying your home with home dcor, artwork, beautiful colors, craftwork, sculpture, and colorful paintings. In your Bharani Nakshatra Mahadasha you experience many changes and transformations. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 8th house means your purpose in life is to gain knowledge in occult, mysticism, esoteric, and hidden information, even astrology is known to be a hidden knowledge. On the other hand, Magha is a royal Nakshatra and connected with the ancestors. Atmakaraka Venus in 12th house means you are passionate about isolation, seclusion, spirituality, and enlightenment. Amatyakaraka Significance in Jaimini Astrology. This is because of Mars aspects the 3rd house of writing and communication. There are eight planets that can be your Atmakaraka. You are highly intuitive and can sense the energies of an environment. Atmakaraka in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra means you have a sharp mind and can pierce through information like a blade. On the other hand, the 4th house is an indicator of your mother and home environment growing up. You have to be patient when dealing with your children and you experienced a delay in this area. however, your voice is your strength, and this is how you exert your power. You have a very nurturing and charitable nature. You will have an aura of protection that safeguards you in your ventures. Because you enjoy being in social environments and working with people, you are naturally talented when comes to mediation and negotiations. Atmakaraka Mercury in 2nd house means you have a natural talent for managing finances and resources. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). Profession and Career as Per Different Amatyakaraka Planets. Your Atmakaraka in Rohini Nakshatra is similar to Atmakaraka in Taurus, this is because Rohini is completely contained in the earth sign of Taurus. When Sun Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- When Sun becomes your Amatyakarak planet, it will provide a profession related to Government Job &service Administrative officer, Magistrate, Doctor, Politician, Teacher, etc. You can also be very good at speeches in which you use your words intellectually and skillfully. Ernst Wilhelm studied contradictory statements in old Sanskrit texts that revealed that the Ancient Vedic Astrologers between 0-600 AD had lost the knowledge of precession and as a result introduced errors into their astronomical calculations. Sun as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. Birthstone for May What Birthstone is for May? Since Jupiter is a wise guru, you have a wise-looking face and can appear holy and spiritual. So Good Marketing strategists have ideal auspicious benefic Mercury in strength with affliction or combustion. Atmakaraka Mars in 4th House means you feel you are not living up to your souls purpose and potential in life. Your mind is always focused on your career, status, and recognition. You have a stout but strong physique and long nose similar to the elephant which is Bharani ruling animal: However, you experience many transformations in life especially when you outgrow a situation. During the Mahadasha of Jupiter, you experience good fortune in your life. When you use this word generically, it derives aspects related to the social life and finance of a native. When you write or communicate it can be a social effort. You will have a creative surge and will invest your time in a creative project and pursuits. If you divide it into ten pieces, each one is three degrees. The natives will be creative, so a career in acting and singing can be good. Your spirit comes alive when you are actively involved in the hidden aspects of the eight house. If someone has done any three of the karmas in his past birth, he is destined to get these planets as AK. It includes the Atmakaraka (Self-Producer planet), the Darakaraka (Spouse-Producer planet), and the planets that produce everyone else in your life too. To make a D10 map, simply divide any sign into ten equal parts. You enjoy playing sports and have a competitive nature because of this you are a natural athlete. You have a natural gift for stage performance and can be an actor, in theater, cinema, musician, singer, etc. Whatever the field, these are the people who are compelled to share their knowledge and love to teach. As per Ashtakavarga in birth chart we can find the strength of planet based rashi / sign. You may feel uncomfortable in your home or homeland; therefore, you can leave your birthplace to find your purpose in life. Atmakaraka Venus in 6th house means after dealing with everyday life routines you often need to balance your energies. Atmakaraka Mercury in 4th house means you keep books in your home. The nakshatra you Atmakaraka is placed in defines the characteristics of your soul. The planets having more influence will signify the profession. You love serving the masses because this supports the growth of humanity. Therefore, when a baby outgrows its mothers womb it goes through a transformation into the physical world. The Amatyakaraka can be compared to the 10th lord or the 2nd lord as both hold immense value in terms of action and finance. You are all about results, and making things happen in addition, you put energy into things to create a manifestation. Your mind is on foreign travel, and you might as well travel or live permanently overseas. However, because Saturn suppresses the 4th house it could take time for you to purchase your own property. therefore, the planet Saturn feels uncomfortable in the first house. You have very pretty handwriting, and you are very poetic with your words therefore you have a natural talent for calligraphy, romantic writing, or you could be a blog writer in which you write about love and romance. Optional: Modern/Traditional method. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Because of this, you are an excellent editor, proofreader, and craftsman. You are mentally intrigued when investigating the laws of man and the divine law of the universe. This is especially true if the second lord of food is connected with Moola Nakshatra. You can be a novelist, publisher, or Blogger. You like to dive into a situation headfirst which makes you very adventurous and often impulsive. Therefore, with Atmakaraka Saturn your souls purpose is to work hard to achieve success in rearguing the house Saturn is positioned in. On the other hand, the 6th house is related to the mundane world and the work environment, and Venus is the significator of women; therefore theres a lot of feminine energies in your work environment; that is to say, you could work with a lot of females. If Moon is in good dignity, you had many comforts in your childhood home: however, if the moon is afflicted your home environment went through many changes and ups and downs. When Jupiter Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- We all know that Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, education, wisdom, Religion, and so on. Franklin Roosevelt had Sun as Amk in his horoscope. The birth of children brings blessings into your life. On the other hand, you are skillful when it comes to using your voice as an instrument. How can we identify Atmakaraka planet? [Updated!] You have a very powerful and authoritative tone to your voice when you speak others listen. What is amatya in astrology? When it comes to learning and education there can be a delay in which you have difficulty learning a subject; however, all obstacles can be overcome with hard work and patience. It is the planet of Justice as well. Amatyakarak planet is also known as the karak of wealth, education and business. You enjoy taking initiative and getting things done. If Sun is in good dignity other people can freely give you resources or you can benefit financially once married. Please also, read Darakaraka article to know your spouse characteristics. As per astrologers, the lord of the first house happens to be Atmakaraka. In which these changes are necessary for your soul growth and development. Your strength comes from spiritual practices. In this section is the meaning of your Atmakaraka planet and how it relates to the house it is placed in. From the first house Jupiter aspects the 4th house, 5th house, 9th house, and 7th house. However, if Jupiter is afflicted it will protect the significator of each house. When your relationships are going good you feel that sense of balance; however, if your relationships are out of order you put the effort into your relationships so balance can be restored. Atmakaraka Jupiter gives you an optimistic perspective when resolving challenges. Consequently, when you outgrow a situation, a change takes place that transforms your life and soul. there could be an estrangement with family or a particular family member. Atmakaraka Jupiter in 3rd house means you are born to use your communicative power to preach and to teach. This is because the 5th house is Purva Punya (past life good Karma); you could experience this good luck especially during the Mahadasha of Sun. You prefer the company of people who are like-minded (educated), and you dislike people who lack knowledge of basic subjects. Free Birth Chart Calculator - Divine Time Astrology Consequently, you come from a royal lineage, your ancestors were King and Queens. When people speak you truly listen to their words. You love collecting books on metaphysical and esoteric knowledge; any type of hidden or secret subject intrigues your mind and stimulates your mental curiosity. Additional resources come through the home and mother. Your Atmakaraka is Your Soul Planet - Star Oracles The planet with highest degree [excluding Ketu] becomes Atmakaraka Planet. Nevertheless, you feel invincible and unconquered; because of this, you will always rise above your competitors. Atmakaraka Mercury in 3rd house means you are a skillful communicator and writer. The D9 can be studied as a chart with the Karakamsha as a Lagna. You have a calculative intelligence and can come up with a logical solution to grow your resources. So when Jupiter turns amatyakaraka in a horoscope, Jupiter can provide an excellent position in the Banking Profession or profession in astrology, gemology, intellectual sports like chess and progress in the path of meditation, yoga. On the other hand, if Venus is not afflicted, you have a very loving harmonic relationship with your younger sibling. You are very good when it comes to communication, writing, and dictation. You are naturally gifted with clairvoyant powers and often have ESP experiences. When you are reading a book and learning something you absorb the information better in isolation. Mercury as Amatyakaraka Planet in your Horoscope. that is to say, you have an interest in astronomy, astrology, stars, aerospace, and space. Panchayudha Stotram Telugu | Free PDF Download. With the right discipline, you can climb the corporate ladder or be self-made or a successful entrepreneur of your own business but again this takes work and patience. Being a part of a large organization is your destiny in life and helps you burn your karma. An Atmakaraka planet can help you decide the course of your life. When you have purchased a home that you love you feel confident and illuminated. Karakas are a distinct feature in Jaimini astrology. however, developing your spirituality requires you to be in isolation, this is good because you enjoy spending time alone. You have good listening skills. You have good communication skills and can start a conversation and keep it going. You can often drown yourself in your work because Saturn in the 6th house makes you a workaholic. As a result, you can be an athlete, bodybuilder, physical therapist, police officer, or perform any type of physically intensive job. Atmakaraka Venus in 5th house means you are passionate about romance, entertainment, children, ancient texts, creativity, speculation, education, and politics. Nevertheless, you can go through many ups and downs in life; however, you can balance this energy by practicing Yoga or tantra, or occult science. The natives can flourish in fields like military, investigation, engineering, and police. This is because when asked about something you must give the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Jupiter as Amatyakaraka Planet in Your Horoscope. The planets that are present in each of these houses have a great significance on the person. Atmakaraka Venus in 11th house means your support system (friends, elder siblings, social network, and organizations) helps you fulfill your purpose in life. Since the planet signifies justice, so a judicial officer or lawyer can also be a fruitful profession. On the other hand, Shatabhisha is known as the nakshatra of skywatchers. Your Dharmas (Purpose in life) is to be involved with the mundane world. You are studious and love learning new things then intrigue your curiosity. Atmakaraka in Punarvasu Nakshatra means you are very go-oriented. Out of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu, anyone can be the Atmakaraka Planet in the kundali of the native. You feel fortunate in life, this is because your mind focuses on positive expectation at the 9th house draw good things to you like a magnet. Nevertheless, you have a very communicative relationship with your friends, eldest sibling, support system, and social network. There is a popular technique devised by K.N. Therefore, you can have a home business or work from the home. Your children especially the first child is naturally wise and your child may be a reincarnation of a past life guru. We hope this article gave you insight into how Amatyakaraka planets can affect a natives future and profession. Your Atmakaraka is used to understand your soul purpose and is a prediction tool for the first house significator. Through writing and communication is how you fulfill your soul purpose. As Moon additionally represents ladies or Ladies, so Amatyakaraka Moon might give business related to Ladies product or cosmetic, jewelry additionally.
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