Since Transformers: Age of Extinction kind of already blew the whole Galvatron storyline, Unicron's Four Horsemen would be more likely for The Last Knight. Unicron's head was subsequently blown off into space by an explosion instigated by the Autobots. One Shall Rise, Part 1. Conversely, Unicron played a large role in the two Japanese-exclusive animatedBeast Warsseries,Beast Wars IIandBeast Wars Neo. Despite using his anti-bodies and possessing Megatron's body to hinder him and the other Autobots, Optimus Prime uses the Matrix of Leadership to deactivate Unicron without destroying the Earth, though he loses his memory of being a Prime until the Autobots restore it.[10]. Once they had done so, a trio of monstrous Transformers called the Blentrons (Elphaorpha,Latolata, Drancron) revealed themselves, stealing the capturedAngolmois. Topping it off, they now bore the names of the Horsemen of Apocalypse: War (Rhinox), Death (Airazor), Famine (Terrorsaur), and Pestilence (Cheetor). Travelling across realities, he arrived to find that the Autobots and Decepticons had already defeated Unicron, but elected to remain in this world for a time to safeguard against his potential return. As Optimus attempted to fight off waves of power from Unicron, Megatron was forcibly possessed by the ancient god and set against the Autobot leader. They held off Unicron long enough to escape back to their universe. Ultimately,Shockwave was imprisoned and his former servants destroyed. Writer Chris Sarracini has indicated that he would have followed through on the Unicron storyline, and also would have had the Dreamwave version of Cyclonus rescue Scourge from US government study. During the battle, Dark Energon bled from his body and was eventually sealed away. After their escape, Unicron comes acrossPredaking, who upon recognizing Megatron's body, viciously attacks Unicron in beast mode. It was later mentioned his body was floating around Earth. Still active, Unicron used his vast mental powers to enslave the minds of the Junkion natives, who set about rebuilding his body. Defeated Primus in combat and Primus had to trick him into becoming a planetoid. The character is mentioned throughout Michael Bays new Transformers film, Transformers: The Last Knight, and the ending sets up the possibility that Unicron could play a large role in future installments of the series (should it continue beyond what Bay has called his final go-around with the characters). Primacron The first origin given for Unicron was given in Season 3 of The Transformers cartoon, years before Simon Furman came up with Primus. Unfortunately, Megatron's spark, also inside, interfered and the sun collapsed, trapping Unicron's spark inside (bridging it between other universes). For some reason, 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. However, the Japanese equivalent,Galaxy Force, made several scattered references to Unicron, as the Japanese producers for the series decided not to haveGalaxy Forcefollow on from the events ofMicron Legend(the Japanese equivalent ofArmada) andSuper Link(the Japanese equivalent ofEnergon). Primus, Unicron, the Matrix, the origins of Cybertron itself, all the result of science gone wrong. His coming in theArmadacomic universe was first foreshadowed when he pulledOptimus Primeinto a parallel dimension where Cybertron had been devastated. However, Unicron turned upon Primacron, deciding thathewould rule the universe and subsequently setting out to achieve that goal. The Japanese-exclusive animeBeast Wars Neoinitially focused on teams oftheMaximals and Predacons attempting to claim "Angolmois Energy." Naturally, the two were eventually revealed to be connectedUnicron created the Mini-Cons to exacerbate the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. Who made Primus and Unicron? Sage-Advices They were brothers sent to explore the universe together. Unicron seized control of his body again for a new vessel and set out to rejoin with his Spark, but aPrimus-empowered Optimus Supreme engaged him in battle once more, and drew all of Unicron's consciousness out of Galvatron and sealed it within his own Spark. Primus = Creator God of Light, Embodiment of Order, and Incarnation of Good Unicron = Creator God of Darkness, Embodiment of Chaos, and Incarnati WebUnicron was eventually defeated after Primus created the Thirteen Primes that were able to cast Unicron out into statis. Hailed as the "Doom Star" by terrified humans, Unicron transformed to robot mode and prepared to destroy humanity. The biography printed on Unicron's card presented him to be one of two heralds created by theAllsparkto explore the newly birthed universe. Optimus PrimeandMegatron(now Galvatron) entered his body with the human children, and Unicron addressed them throughSideways's form, absorbing all but Optimus into his collective consciousness and bringing the Mini-Cons back under his control. His lust for destruction finally sated, Unicron entered a deep sleep - but he had not been thorough enough. But Unicron was an imperfect being and turned to evil, adapting his form to transform into a giant robot. Arms Micron Leo Prime bio Using his ancient sword and the power of his Energon Matrix, Lio Convoy carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-stone avatars to create the powerful Gaia Armor, severing its link to Unicron himself but allowing it to retain the power of Dark Energon. PURITY - 10: The only thing that can stop Unicron is the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Unicron himself appeared in spectral form in issue #2, dispatching Rartorata to Earth to stop an anomaly in the timestream (the disembodiedMagmatron) from interfering in the "ascending". He used pieces of Unicron to remake his body, as well as reviveStarscream, his most loyal subject. Eventually escaping Bumblebee, Unicron flies after Optimus and Unicron then opens the container, but upon finding it empty, he realizes too late that it is a trick, and his energy form is sucked into the container, freeing Megatron from his control and defeating Unicron once and for all, also destroying his legions of undead Predacons. Although the character did not appear inTransformers: Cybertronor its Japanese equivalentTransformers: Galaxy Force, the Hasbro Club comic served to introduce this new version of the Chaos-Bringer. However, Unicron inflicted his mental torture upon Galvatron, forcing him to fight Hot Rod. He then confronts Optimus Prime when he senses the Allspark itself, and fights him on even terms until he strikes Optimus down when Optimus makes a grab for the Allspark's container as Bumblebee holds Unicron down. Unicron's slightly convoluted comic tenure began in theUnited Kingdom's exclusiveTransformerscomic series, which interspliced its own original stories with reprinted American material. When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus could also, but adapted the idea, and createdThe Thirteen, a group of robotic beings that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. [citation needed]. Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Armies against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods (note the plural). In the IDW continuity, Unicron turned out be at the center of Shockwave's plan to ensure galactic dominance by the Cybertronian race. Although he was not shown to be destroyed, he was last seen entering convulsions, indicating he would no longer be a threat. After performing a "test run" on the moon of Protos, where he successfully created twelve transforming robotic beings, Covenant he birthed from his own body a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. One Shall Rise, Part 2 As they moved through the interior of the deity, the Autobots and Megatron were attacked by a swarm of flying drones, Unicron's antibodies. Therefore, he will become Unicron's vessel, and serve him in order to destroy Cybertron. Optimus Prime subsequently used the Matrix, the full measure of Primus' power, to destroy Unicron. Unicron would be a WMD created by the people of the planet Primacron to destroy another planet inhabited by people they have been at war with for millenia. Primus (Primax)/984.0 Gamma Although never directly stated, it is implied that the ancestor of Tarantulas and the Council is in fact Unicron; Megatron refers to Tarantulas as "Unicron's spawn" in theBeast Warsepisode "Nemesis Part 1". One of the biggest potential reveals The Last Knight could have in store is the live-action adaptation of Unicron, one of the biggest bads in the Transformers universe (literally). Though Optimus Prime attempted to plea for the humans who evolved on Earth, Unicron dismisses them as parasites with the intent to slaughter them once finished with Optimus Prime. A strange set of non-human creaturesopposed Unicron, threatening to attack him with a metal devouring organic spore. The plan fell apartafter the Talismanwas removed from Cybertron before Unicron devoured the planet. All rights reserved. On the Edge of Extinction! Scourgelocated it, but was shot in the back and deactivated by Shockwave, who used analysis of his body to create theTriple Changers. Far more than a mere product of science, as in the cartoon, Unicron was a fallen god from before the universe existed, who sought the ultimate peace that would be granted by the destruction of all life. He passed away while Haslab created this dream. Joe vs the Transformerscrossover produced by Devil's Due. Through this disguise, Shockwave orchestrated the creation of Unicron by the Antillans,whose planet the Transformers had invaded. In "Christmas in July",Rescue Force Sigma-17was sufficiently aware of Unicron for Heatwave to remark thatBoulder's throwing skills would be insufficient to hit the backside of Unicron with a lobbing ball. More Transformers 5: First Trailer Revealed / Internet Reactions to Trailer / 5 Biggest Questions After Trailer / How Last Night Setups up the Next films / Transformers 6 New Characters? TheTransformers Primeiteration of Unicron depicts him as the center of Earth, making him a planet with sustainable life, though it has not been seen if Unicron wishes to consume other planets like his other incarnations. He had slept peacefully, alone in thevoidof un-creation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. The Matrix was originally placed inside the hilt of the Star Saber, which was wielded by Prima, the very first Transformer created by Primus. It was the backstory printed on Unicron's card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new universe by an extra-dimensional entity, here named the "Allspark". Unicron is mentioned a number of times in the novelTransformers: Exodus. In return, Unicron sent something into our universe - the near deadOptimus Primeof the parallel universe, who warned them of Unicron's coming before dying. In the comic "Hoist the Flag", set centuries later, Unicron's head proves to be the objective sought by the Star Seeker pirates under Cannonball, whose crew includes a version of Shokaract known as the Hunter. Transformed his prison into a moving planet that changes into the robot, something Primus proceeded to copy from him. Unicorn is the Overarching Antagonist of the Transformers verse. He is the Architect and Embodiment of the very concept of Evil itself. He is the P Within Unicron's shell, the Spark ofAlpha Q, ruler of Planet Q, which Unicron had consumed in the past, still existed, and from Unicron's body he created theTerrorconsto gather Energon, which he would use to regenerate all the worlds Unicron had devoured. Primus | Heroes Wiki | Fandom