The return of their god kukulkan in 2012. Free. Her father was a. . The Persian Gulf has a few fascinating distinctive attribute.In ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place where the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. The only cadaver laden with DNA etc KNOWN TO EXIST AND NOW DISCOVERED, IS GILGAMESH THE MAN-GOD OF SUMERIA. 33 represents the two intersecting triangle of the Merkaba, or 'lightbody', which is symbolized by the Star of David, which corresponds to Metatron's Cube, as seen below. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. ROTHSCHILD CONNECTIONS IN THE SEARS TOWER ITSELF -ZIP CODE 60606, The list of Tenants in the Seers Tower includes Deutsche Bourse Systems. This strange-deaths connection connects three separate, Generations of the family. The small, sliver that begins with 3 is chosen. January 17, 1977 executions resume. The human sacrifice sites are believed. Charleston, South Carolina is the home of the so-called Mother Lodge of the World, And according to various sources was used as the site of a human sacrifice ritual to the. Yale graduate, Freemason and possible skull and bones member Hiram Bingham. How far is Korea from the equator? Were the Soviets seeking warm water ports on the Indian Ocean or warm blood. Baalbek is thought to be an ancient spaceport along with Mt. Codified death for 25 different crimes . assembly of the first device begins in the McDonald farm House at 1300 hours. This is another site exactly on the 33rd parallel. The Bush family and Rockefellers and others funded the rise of the nazis. Gave him vinegar to drink when thirsty, tossed dice for his possessions and mocked him; IT COULD BE SAID THAT THE ACTUAL PHYSICAL ACT OF CHRISTS CRUCIFIXION WAS DONE BY MASONS, The previous link/reference also notes that upon the Persian conquest of Babylon, the, Worship of Mithras and Marduk the god worshipped by Hammurabi founder of the. ** This site notes that he was born on December 13 . It is the, Home of the Grizzlies NBA team and several college teams use it as well. . It is now the site of a sprawling base. The leadership of the nation, of Texas was almost entirely comprised of freemasons. Attention of world leaders is focused on what he says. john howard family tree. . Here's only a few of them: Oregon State Penn: Masonic Temple 1.69 miles away. Thus the Klan has as its symbol a cross as well as doe Jesus Christ. George H W Bush gives his speech discussing a New World Order on 9-11-90. Where is the 33rd parallel in the United States? It has even been trademarked. The universe runs on an energy .said the Aztecsand the gods thirst for it was perpetual and insatiable. S. Latitude 33.55. For The Betterment of Humanity Does this mean to better the lot of the masses or does, it mean to create a better I.E. FDR ,Hitler and Stalin sent expeditions in search of Shambala prior to WWII. i) Horrors beyond imagining noted but no excommunication, Pinochet given communion and never any distancing by the Church from regime. Once the decision to end the trade was made, The fall came very quickly. White South Africans are represented at a ratio of 300 times their population when compared to American members. 3. The goal is to create a mind-altering, Experience, particularly when combined with certain drugs. Further California and the pashtun region of Afghanistan to be more specific. THE DEATH ROWS OF FLORIDA/TEXAS/LOUISIANA ARE ALIGNED -BESIDES EACH OTHER WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA AND NEW ORLEANS-THUS THE LEVEE SABOTAGE AT NEW ORLEANS WAS A MASS, 1. WTC and Pentagon Attacks on 9-11-01. The writer will begin with South Africa. Executed first black female in the State since 1857 ( a slave named Lucy). . This alignment is where the Confederacy was born. An operation Janus Mind control group operated out of NATO headquarters in Belgium. The latitude of the city of Baalbek, Lebanon is N. 34.000 exactly. A MONTH AND IS ALSO ON THE 33rd PARALLEL. For a detailed analysis of this please see: MASONIC ASTROLOGY IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, The first Capital for a very brief period likely for purposes of anointing the, Confederacy with supernatural powers was Montgomery, Alabama for barely, . . RICHARD M. NIXON & 2. Thus the opposite, Of love is hate., Nuevo Laredo is the focal point of the contraband coming into Texas and is a major, Center of La Santa Muerte. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The Killing can take place in Baghdad or EVENAbu Ghraib. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. The same focus on violence , sex , Drugs and so forth exists in both 33rd parallel nation/State located industries. . The confederates wore grey. . . . riches could total 33 BILLION. Gold company after purchase of Canadas Placer Dome) which he also runs. What parallel is Dallas on? Executions in 5 years. 9. 45 Thus the worst prison riot and until, 9/11 the worst mass murder / terrorist act and the city of the gods were aligned. There is only so much good luck in the world and if one wants to increase wealth, health and so forth it must, . When the current forces took over Abu Ghraib they did not destroy it they continued using it as before. * Recent news indicates the Nazis were not alone in wanting to create a superman. well over 100, Million maybe approaching 200 million since China is still killing today. Symbol is the Eagle for Romans as for America. The Twin Towers are located at latitude, 40.07 (adds up to 11). They knew about the need to create nuclear facilities on the, 33rd parallel AND its anointing with human blood / life force. . Today the Republican, Party is embroiled in a gambling related corruption scandal so huge it threatens the, Christ died on Golgotha , the place of the skull and the, Usual method for putting crucified prisoners out of their misery was to break their, Thigh bones to prevent them from breathing and allowing them to quickly suffocate, Rather than live longer in agony. The KKK used and uses as is widely known, the symbol of the burning cross. . 2. . This organization has, Nazi written all over it. . His beliefs are totally the, Opposite of the Catholic Church and is on the verge of excommunication. This explains Mengele and the, experiments and atrocities that continue to this day. Some Black magic groups call the energy Mana like manna from hell, not heaven. 1. site in the United States along geopolitical entities touched by the 33rd parallel. Abu Ghraib and Feng Shui : DO WALLS HAVE MEMORIES? f) Links between nazis and torture / child abuse as a ritual are not new and not limited to the german SS or secret police agencies of that regime. And other tyrannies. Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of DeathAn alignment running from the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexander Virgini. UNKNOWN) . This may explain in part the interest in outerspace. Coming to Pyramids, there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. The black turbans and the skull and bones owe each other for their mutual rise to power. See also: www.webcom/ctka/pr399-fdr.html .FDR was planning treason trials on the Rockefellers, Bush, Harriman and other conspirators that assisted the rise and continuation of the, Third Reich EVEN AFTER HOSITILIES BEGAN WITH THE PEARL HARBOR. Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. Southern No Fly Zone was the 33rd parallel. 33 vertebra in the human spinal column when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually; 33 days in the "intellectual cycle" in the . Connecting the Dots Treason Regarding Bill Clinton and his support for 33rd parallel located and largest -by several orders of. N. Latitude 35.525, This is reasonably close to the site of the Klan Birthplace as well as , Heraklion , Crete, PRIVATE SPACEPORT IN NEW MEXICO OWNED BY 2 BILLIONAIRES ALIGNS WITH ANCIENT RUINS IN URUK, IRAQ WHERE GILGAMESH IS. That performed ritual, Murder by strangulation as an offering to Kali , the hindu goddess of death. Death Penalty founder is King Hammurabi: circa 1750 B.C. Found in Code of. The Persian Gulf has a few interesting qualities, in ancient . Kingston, Ont., At Baalbek , once known as Heliopolis the city of the Sun by the same forces that control Abu Ghraib to continue the work of extracting energy from the life force for world domination. Both the Rockefeller and Bush families have financial ties that go back decades and at least two generations of family connections. Reagan by George HW Bush. The people are like sheep. For purposes of gaining control based on the edict/ the Golden Bull of Rimini. 33rd parallel administration of Reagan (California) and Bush 41 (Texas). Florence Prison, AZ: Masonic Temple 1.2 miles away. PARALLEL STATES OF ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO- HUMAN SACRIFICE AND RITUAL CANNIBALISM: 1. Speaks of classmates at Yale. Tucson and or the State of Arizona happened to be located. Thus , as with so many other things there appears to be something missing from the. The energy of human ritual killing is very powerful and it lingers, like a ghost at a haunted mansion forever unless banished. And kill them to maintain control over them by a so-called master race. . C. THE GOVERNORS OF ALL 33RD PARALLEL STATES , MALE/FEMALE OR REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT FIND BIPARTISAN AGREEMENT ON ONE ISSUE THE DEATH PENALTY IS APPROPRIATE AND SHOULD BE LEGAL. What city is 33 degrees north and 112 degrees west? The, Hitler had the lance sent in an armored train to Nuremburg on October 13 the same day. Crisis can be defined in the American Heritage dictionary as an Unstable System. 6. With the exception of Che who spent a year in sorcery infested Congo of which little is known of ALL OF THE OTHER THREE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH DEMONIC POSSESSION. New World Order followers the evidence is as follows: 1. The writer knows that the reader has previously guessed at who built the facility but. This is identical to the global belief in human sacrifice. CONTROL OF THIS CORPSE, MAY EXPLAIN WAR AND THE LOOTING AS A MEANS TO ACCESS THESE, MATERIALS AND RELICS RATHER THAN HAVING THEM FALL IN THE, HANDS OF RIVAL OCCULT CONSORTIUM OF FRANCE-GERMANY-RUSSIA &. . Mind control cult Lyndon LaRouche frame-up, Achmed Chalabi attended a Jesuit School in Baghdad. etc. . child sacrifice took place almost continuously for 600 years. In fact most went to three States. . ( from NewsMeat political, A Dorothy Rothschild is listed as a donor to the Bush Cheney campaign, A Dorothy Rothschild is listed as a contributor to the building of the Pyramid-. . Phenomenon , like all that permeates the entire 33rd parallel issue. Directions Advertisement. The killing can be public and even televised making it the most watched (energy, focused) event likely in human history. Aztecs performed their rites to feed the insatiable hunger for blood of their gods. The british had the, Lord of the Bhangs country India as a colony. or Doves every year. In researching this theme, the writer came across similarities between the horoscopes, Of Miss India, Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler in that all three had a Aries/Taurus, So-called Cusp. Thus, the Iranian Air Force kept flying and held Saddam at bay . 8. . Optics has to do of course with the eyes. This however is not news in the USA. FOR JANUARY, 17, 2005 IN -AGAIN GUVERNATORS CALIFORNIA: CLARENCE RAY ALLEN ; BLIND, IN A WHEELCHAIR, HEART ATTACK IN, SEPTEMBER 2005, NATIVE AMERICAN TO BE EXECUTED BY IMMIGRANT, GOVERNOR THE DAY AFTER HIS JANUARY 16 BIRTHDAYSOMETHING IS, AS THEY SAY WRONG WITH THE PICTURE . Miccosukee Indians in the Everglades swamp twice a year. The Ruins at Chaco Canyon are at N. Latitude 36.0311. . MULLAH OMAR (TALIBAN), Richard Nixon told the turks to stop growing poppies and turning it into heroin for. He became fabulously wealthy by conquering South Africa, And exploiting its diamond and gold fields, Crowley based the Silver Star in 33rd parallel California. We all know that number 33 is not just any regular number. Became an integral part of the campaign structure of Republican politics. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. The Tibetan center is affiliated with Shambala. 4. In their blue chadors in soccer stadiums. & Aztec basketball . Heavily involved in the nuclear energy field. Also. The Soviet State collapsed after they left. No chance &. 3. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. . La Vey lived in San Francisco. Common knowledge that women were executed. Institute , alleged by some to be an evil mind control cult. FDR was the only President elected FOUR TIMES TO PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE. Appear by magic but by design. 4. 1. The 33rd parallel, Joshua Tree, Landers Giant Rock. . 1001 Club (again the 11). It was situated about 10 miles from the city of Waco. The first person pictured are hindu yogis. Over twenty years ago sixty-two students from a far-off school in Ruwa, saw one thing terribly strange a flying saucer and when they were asked to draw what they saw the drawings were shocking. FDR died suddenly while having his portrait painted at what was known as The little. Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. **Thus, the Largest Reactor in the World made by the sinister Bechtel corporation is in, direct alignment with the most famous UFO site on earth and in perfect alignment with, the worst killing- concentration camp of the Civil War and the worst negative energy death. The Freemasons believe in ritual killing of The King as a means to attain great, Psychic/spiritual power. . . Fallen Angel the untold story of Jimmy. He favors EXPANDING, .). 4. The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae and the foot has 33 joints. In 1946 , Jack Parsons and L.Ron Hubbard allegedly engaged in a magical ritual called, The Babalon working. Death Row New Mexico The symbol is The Solar Cross with an Eagle in front. McVeigh , like the sniper John Muhammed served in 33rd parallel Iraq. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The United States founded largely by freemasons has been described as a great Masonic. Mom and Pop growers out the door a long time ago.blamed on Mexican Cartels, Production Soaring article dated OCT. 2005. . THE PROBLEM with the story: John Kerry was not Irish. 9. 7. This may be indicative of an. It should be noted that Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel as well as Tibet and that being, a warrior is what JWL set out to become. 12. Black Site info NOTE** one of the sites is the Naval Brig in Charleston, SC. The Nazi connection to the JFK. SEE: The Arizona Connection: Illuminati Outpost on the 33rd Parallel Desert, . To his conversion on the road to Damascusa 33rd parallel city. 33N passes within half a degree the following major cities: San Diego, California, USA Phoenix, Arizona, USA Dallas, Texas, USA Tripoli, Libya Damascus, Syria Baghdad, Iraq Isfahan, Iran Longnan, China Hanzhong, China Ankang, China Shiyan, China Nanyang, China Zhumadian, China Fuyang, China Huainan, China Bengbu, China Yancheng, China