The political left elite are using mind control to divide people by race, gender,and even what people do and eat. The cycle lasts about 127 years on average but it ranges between about 113 to 141 years in reality due to Pluto's eccentric orbit. He prospered as a composer, and in 1782 completed the opera Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio), which premiered on 16 July 1782 and achieved considerable success. English-language astrology magazine in the world today. Though monarchies have been disbanded or severely reduced in power, the revolution that began in the 1700s is incomplete because new power structures have taken their place, continuing . More on that in the Uranus in Gemini post here. Beginning in 1789 and ending in the late 1790s,French citizens radically altered their political landscape. At worst, we could see greater control of the individual and society in a digital dystopia run by algorithms. See, Oscars 2021 winners: the full list.. 01 Mar 2023 06:34:13 Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People Obviously, technology doesnt have to be used in these unbalanced ways. Pluto in Astrological sign of Aquarius - And these are revolutionary landmarks that still serve as the very foundation of our . It will then retrograde into Capricorn, before re-entering Aquarius on January 21 2024. Here are the dates for your diary: Pluto represents the principle of transformation and the evolutionary forces of life and death expressed through the primordial instincts and Kundalini energy. Pluto in Aquarius Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer As an Aquarian astrologer (with Saturn conjunct my sun and lots of Capricorn in my chart!) Or using technology to mimic capacities we have naturally, such as telepathy and empathy. Pluto was next in Aquarius in 1532 1553 while Neptune was in Aries. Read this article on the military roots of the internet for more: The Secret History of Silicon Valley. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in the 18th century, and we had the American and French Revolutions. Paintings during the Enlightenment were realistic portraits aimed at depicting the external world with accuracy and precision based on careful observation. With climate change and the accompanying extreme temperatures and weather conditions; economies rising and falling across the globe on a dime; divisive governmental stalemates and the rise of authoritarian rule in many countries; culture seemingly eroding, with the arts and artists as we knew and experienced them being eclipsed by content and influencers; and the power of social media constantly reduced to incessant arguing and conflict with no seeming resolution, the impulse toward a new way of living on Earth seems to ripple under the surface of each path pointing toward the future. Aquarius has a dark side and we are seeing it. All facts of the French Revolution found in this section come from this series of lectures. 8. Star Sign Style - Astrology Fashion And Beauty For The Zodiac With Celebrity Star Signs, Copyright, do not repost without permission. The French Revolution is an event timed with Plutos last tour of Aquarius. Seeing the tiny fish swimming in the huge tub, the owner then proceeded to clean the fishbowl and fill it with fresh water. The old and the new mix. 3411 of 9474 (Kindle e-book). Pluto in Aquarius - Dawn of Global Consciousness: 2023 - 2044 As Pluto prepares to leave Capricorn for Aquarius: a world in waiting While the reality of what Pluto in Aquarius will look like remains to be seen, intimations of its ingress currently percolate in our collective and personal lives via Saturns presence in Aquarius. . Listen for your rising sign, most acc. 17791879: Xhosa Wars between British and Boer settlers and the Xhosas in the South African Republic. On March 23, 2023, Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will stay until it enters Pisces on March 8, 2043. Learn how your comment data is processed. The power of celebrity deepened when Pluto moved through Leo. The forest is the uncivilized contrast to human civilization. We need real inner change if were going to survive beyond the middle of this century. Welcome to my ramblings along the spiritual path. Light returns, slowly but surely, refreshed. Pluto will then remain in Aquarius until 2044. Pluto will settle into the water-bearer sign until March 8 2043, and then get ready to change signs again. Her response? Itll shake itself apart and implode under the weight of its own madness and inherent contradictions. Pluto into Aquarius - shock waves through central banks Sun-lit clarity and observation was valued over the moon-lit mysteries found in the shadows (depth psychology would emerge less than two centuries later to revisit those missing shadows). The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all moved through Leo during much of the 20th century, as did Saturn. 11. Jeremy Bentham published his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation in 1789. They cannot imagine a different world other than what theyre used to and dont realise the change that has already happened, is the point of no return. 18. It leads to the extraction of resources to run a society based on debt that can never be paid. The last time Pluto move through Aquarius was: We might say the 1780s and 90s best reveal the events of this time. PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS. This should be a time of unimaginable scientific discovery, for Aquarius is the sign of science and future knowledge. Pluto in Aquarius, 2023 - 2044. Pluto in Aquarius: 8 world predictions - NightFall Astrology A caterpillar enters the cocoon and emerges from the experience as a butterfly. On January 21, 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius again, where it will stay for 20 years. 27. When Pluto entered Aquarius in 60 CE, there was a revolt against the occupation led by Boudicca and the Iceni tribe. As Pluto entered Aquarius, she made many reforms encouraging the ideals of the Enlightenment and was a great patron of the arts and sciences. It moves us outward to the periphery, the fringes, the margins, all things ex-centric. All of this is to maintain totalitarian control. One day the owner of a goldfish discovered it was time to clean the fishbowl. Pluto in Aquarius, 2023 - 2044 - ROSE MARCUS - ASTROLINK Over the course of the first five years of the revolution, French society and its long, traditional history were pulled up by the archetypal roots. We have too much faith in technology and believe it can solve all our problems and save us from ourselves. What might this have to do with Pluto in Aquarius? There is a reason we have a depth psychology and no height or width or length psychology. When Pluto last transited Aquarius between 1778 and 1798, before humankind was even aware of the Pluto influence, the Aquarian cries for independence, liberty and equality triggered political and social upheaval evidenced by the Revolutionary War in America and the French Revolution in France. Pluto will transit Aquarius from 2023 to 2044, spending about 18 and a half years there in total, with a few dips in and out at either end. Revolution was spreading elsewhere too. He was a Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius man. From the perspective of fairy tales, we do not encounter the steady, inevitable count down of Shanna Swans research alone. Pluto in Aquarius in a nutshell: Style:Original and independent; Top qualities:Adaptable, relaxed and eager; Challenges:Extremist and undecided; Advice:Beware of compulsive behaviors; Celebrities:Arthur Schopenhauer, Franz Schubert, Miguel de Cervantes, Stendhal. 7. Now when Pluto goes into Aquarius this is in a completely different energy and area of life that will be emphasized. The human world is full of human limits and human problems, including aging, fertility, and rulers who become tyrannical. Sep 1, 2024 at 8:10 PM Pluto Rx enters . 1783: Montgolfier brothers invent hot air balloon Aquarius is an air sign. Perhaps well see a revolution in politics with new parties that represent the people rather than the ruling classes. For all the oppression that we may experience up until this point, we can be sure that this will be a period of revolution and uprising. When the king and queen in their castle, in the center of the kingdom, are unable to conceive a child, the solution comes when the Water of Life a symbol for the renewing potential of the imagination is found outside of the kingdom. The Wall Street Journal on Twitter: "Astrologer Chani Nicholas says The effect of this is that right now the planet Earth is populated with the maximum range of Pluto generations, spanning Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and soon to be Aquarius. During this time, the role of king came to an end once and for all with Louis XVI, the last King of France, unable to manage the revolution. The direction for the psyche, and the direction for Pluto, is down, down, down, into the Underworld. Typically, Aquarius is seen as the penultimate sign of the zodiac, just before Pisces and the imminent renewal of the cycle that begins with Aries at the spring equinox. See, Toni Morrison interview.. While Pluto flirts with Aquarius in 2023, it won't be consistently in the sign until late 2024. He converted to Christianity in 312 and was involved in the Edict of Milan in 313 which established religious tolerance for Christians in the Empire. See, Melancolia I. He is a tutor for MISPA (Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology) and has been a speaker at the AA, NCGR, UAC, SOTA, and NORWAC conferences, as well as the Minnesota Jung Association. As we near Plutos shift from Capricorn into Aquarius, what do we see in the zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, which speaks to the archetypal nature of Capricorn? Jun 11, 2023 at 5:47 AM Pluto Rx enters Capricorn. Blessed love.#1804 #Ayiti #ToutMounseMoun #HousingfortheHomelessNow #AbolishCPS #DefundFosterCare #ProChoice. (13) In an altogether astonishing article about the book entitled, Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity, published in The Guardian on May 18, 2021, consumer advocate and environmental activist Erin Brockovich wrote, The end of humankind? Pluto in Aquarius represents some of the most profound times in history when the center (be it personal, psychological, cultural, governmental, political, financial, or otherwise) is unable to hold. When Saturn dominates, he leaves these kinds of habitual patterns in his wake, these same old, same old ways of living and perceiving and thinking we often call normal. In the case of Western culture, the same old (emphasis on the old) now wins elections and awards and tops best-seller charts. This article explores some of the archetypal dynamics we might expect to experience in the coming years. Charles I lost his head in England during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1649; Louis XVI lost his head in France during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1793. 2024 - 2026: The Astrology of the Post-COVID Era - Astrology With Andy French Revolution As an outsider, Aquarius takes an objective view so it can make theories and plans for change. Because Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, it takes a long time to fully enter a new sign. The new colonies of the USA amalgamated and broke free from mother Britain, whilst the French monarchy was abolished and the French First Republic was . Decades of Enlightenment ideals began to merge with centuries of traditional ways of life under the hierarchical structures of power, profoundly challenging the entire system. The Uranus-Neptune generation born from the early 1990s will then begin to mature and stand up for their rights. RT @supermoongirl9: it made me want to look at the exact chart of the start of the French Revolution and saturn was in pisces, pluto in aquarius and there was a jupiter-uranus conjunction (in leo) but we'll have soon a jupiter-uranus conjunction in taurus next year LMFAO let's see what happens. This was the era of Independence in the USA, also the French Revolution and a time of sweeping change and social reform. The French Revolution was between 1789 and 1799 - so, your entire second half of Pluto in Aquarius, the final time round. The Mountain Astrologer is widely acknowledged as the best Continuing this theme and going deeper into the Saturnian nature of Capricorn and its hold throughout the globe, on February 23, 2021, Shanna Swan, PhD, published her book Count Down: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race. Its purifying action brings about regeneration through the destruction of outmoded forms with both positive and negative consequences. In stark contrast to Saturn, Pluto is the lord of the Underworld, ruling over the invisible depths of our lives and the world around us. :..we can be sure therell be no sudden shift into a liberal and progressive paradise of freedom and equality. That is because the modern left is about fascism, censorship, and totalitarian big brother Govt. In the spirit of Pluto in Aquarius, the Grimms put out a call to collect fairy tales from the outskirts and small villages throughout Germany, gathering stories from the margins, the edges of society. I stood at the border stood at the edge and claimed it as central. Why will Pluto's entry into Aquarius mark the beginning of a new world Like the goldfish swimming in confined circles, the Western imagination has been moving in increasingly smaller circles for too long. Perhaps the next radical revolution will be an inner revolution, each individual finding within themselves a new center that can hold. In the early 1780's Massachusetts abolished slavery. AstroWiki Dr. Desan poses perhaps the most significant question to be asked at such a moment in history, a question most pertinent to Plutos time in Aquarius: How do you wrench the modern out of the old? We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch. On January 21, 2024, Pluto will set up shop in Aquarius, uninterrupted, for a. I wonder why you describe dark matter as nonsense, though? When Pluto enters Aquarius we can expect the desire for reform and revolution to grow, especially in the areas of science and technology and how society is organised. 17911795: George Vancouver explores the world during the Vancouver Expedition voyage of exploration, made contact with five continents, discovering humanities. #plutoaquarius, #astrology, #2023-2044 #plutoaquarius2023-2044, #wethepeople, We are making a huge collective shift starting in March 2023 and lasting until . Together, the signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces represent the watery part of the sky: Capricorn the mer-goat, Aquarius the water-carrier, and Pisces the fish. Humanity needs to become more self-empowered and stop living like children/slaves. Well said! It collects the knowledge First, let's talk about Aquarius. It also wont go unchallenged and we should see a rising tide of people fighting to overthrow the old order and reject that kind of dehumanising control. (Note: walls.) Theyve been looking for dark matter for a century and havent found it, probably because our theories about cosmology are wrong. We begin to understand Aquarius as a complex sign, on the one hand, representing the almost-end of a cycle of life, part of a dissolution process that ends in Pisces; and, on the other hand, representing the beginnings of new life aimed to emerge in the spring. In 1543, however, this was rather extraordinary! The United States Constitution was ratified early into that Pluto in Aquarius transit. It has been said that only three percent of the people need to get it for revolution to happen, we are way past those three percent already. Visit Shawn's website at Underneath the aristocracy and the clergy were the common people, mostly peasants living in poverty and paying more taxes than anyone else, making up 98% of society. See, The Secret of Kells. 4) My fourth prediction is an increase in National revolutions worldwide. Perhaps like Toni Morrison (born with the Sun in Aquarius) who, after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, was asked about her success in writing literary fiction for and about a widely marginalized culture in the US. The Enlightenment saw the emergence of a plethora of new ideas, philosophies, and fresh possibilities for how human beings can thrive in society and live happy lives. Now we are entering a period of human history where a similar cry for freedom and equality will echo . Pluto In Aquarius: Died Suddenly? | ElsaElsa 5. The total loss of our technology is highly likely, and becomes more likely as time goes by. The year 1777 immediately caught my eye because July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was declared, giving birth to the strongest empire the world has known to date. March 23 - June 11, 2023. Science is important, but science especially as Pluto moves into Aquarius is not the whole story. Theres a connection between the type of physics a culture uses and what it believes about reality. We have people born with the most variety of Pluto signs, creating complicated dynamics at the deepest levels of the collective psyche. at and can be used for free! 17851795: The Northwest Indian War is fought between the United States and Native Americans. In the enchanting 2009 fable-film The Secret of Kells, 25 a young son finds himself leaving his father and the safe walls of the city, and heading into the surrounding forest at the outer limits of the kingdom. Madness from here on out until it implodes. At a time following the French Revolution, when Napoleon took over Germany and aimed to bring French Enlightenment values to the country, both Grimm brothers were disciples of Johann Gottfried von Herder, who fought against assimilation of culture and the erasure of difference. Pluto shows power in astrology. You summed it all up very well. But they wont give up their power easily. The destiny of the twenty-first century will be shaped by the possibility or the collapse of a shareable world. Uranus Pluto and the Cycle of Revolution and Freedom From industrial advances to the minting of the U.S. dollar to the French Revolution, Pluto in Aquarius was a time of radical change and innovation. The revolution lasted until 1799 and quickly descended into a bloodbath in the Reign of Terror. Will Pluto in Aquarius really mean 'We the people'? - Faye Blake The Uranus Pluto cycle represents revolutionary and radical cultural change and technological innovation that transforms society. What Will Pluto In Aquarius Bring? (2023-2044) | by Lotus Laura | Feb James Watts' improved steam engine revolutionised production. iconic revolutionary events such as the first industrial revolution, the American Revolution and the French Revolution occurred in . See, The Wall. The meaning of life isnt to be found in the latest app or overblown promises about our shiny new future in the stars. See, Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. The final time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1777 and 1798. It's worth noting that both Pluto and Aquarius have "fixed" attributes. Medicine and other scientific pursuits began to take precedence. They uprooted centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system. Pluto in Aquarius and Bitcoin | Astroolove The King was executed at the guillotine on January 21, 1793. Jupiter Saturn air cycle similar to now, The Age of Aquarius: History and Misconceptions, The Age of Aquarius: its Meaning and Possibilities. Rather, we encounter a motif as old as time, in fact older than time. Pluto in Aquarius 2023 People Power, Secrets Spilled, Scientific Positive Traits If anyone, it will be Pluto in Aquarius natives who will finally bring forth a revolution against the various systems of oppression. We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch., Not sure if enjoy is the right description for such a heavy subject but your writing helps me articulate my thoughts to myself and also I learn a little more about astrology. On 14 July, 1789 they stormed the Bastille, starting the French Revolution. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the hot air balloon was invented! If we go back to Hillmans understanding of archetypes as the roots of the soul governing the perspectives we have of ourselves and the world, and we hear again the question posed in the New York Times (Why Are We Still Governed by the Remarkably Old?), we now hear an archetypal question. What Pluto in Aquarius Means For Your Zodiac Sign | POPSUGAR Smart Living The American Revolution was still going on when Pluto moved into Aquarius back in the 18th century. 6. Pluto in Aquarius: a Fundamental Shift - Astrologgia Due to its elliptical orbit, the time spent in each of the 12 signs is not uniform, ranging . That is what happens by archetypal design when Pluto moves through Aquarius. These are big questions and they require bigger answers than were currently giving them. With the planet of destruction moving. 20. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto's most recent visit to Aquarius occurred during an era of revolution among several countries around the world. In France, John Calvin started his Protestant reformation in 1532. A new book called Count Down, by Shanna Swan finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. To begin to answer these questions, it is of note that both Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born with Pluto in Aquarius. We may finally see the back of the Big Bang Theory and the nonsense of dark matter. 1783: The Treaty of Paris formally ends the American Revolutionary War. Interestingly, Neptune was also in Aries at the time, and Saturn was opposing Uranus. If you enjoy this blog and would like to support my work, please consider making a donation. WHEN: Pluto will pay a brief visit to Aquarius from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023. (3). Shawn Nygaard is a professional astrologer based in Minneapolis, MN. Pluto in Aquarius, on the other hand, will represent the beginning of a communal and technological revolution that will unfold over the next few decades. Pluto was in Aquarius in 795 819 when Alcuin, an English theologian, founded a university under Charlemagne for the study of the liberal arts, helping to spread knowledge and learning that would create the Carolingian renaissance in art, music and architecture. In the world of philosophy, Kant published his Critique of Pure Reason in 1781, and inspired by the revolutions in America and France, Thomas Paine published The Rights of Man in 1791, and The Age of Reason in 1794. . Pluto was last in Aquarius between 1778 and 1798 - a tumultuous period in history that saw the industrial revolution, the French revolution, the Enlightenment, and the ratification of the US constitution. (14). We dont have to reject science and technology completely theyre not the real problem. Where the Sun represents the center around which solar systems form, Saturn represents a profound limit, an outer edge. From the very beginning, the French Revolution was a social revolution, notes scholar Suzanne M. Desan, PhD. The following list begins to answer that question: The theme clearly emerges. Pluto in Aquarius - Dawn of Global Consciousness: 2023 - 2044 I track things that interest me so I've added to the topic since. And I want to add that the first enslaved Africans were brought to Hispaniola (Ayiti/Haiti and the Dominican Republic) in 1503. Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People One of the most anticipated transits of the decade is Pluto in Aquarius. Problems in the human world are rarely, if ever, solved in the human world alone. Where Leo is a Sun-ruled sign, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn.