The question is why would there be high-tech kidnappers, possibly using also advanced camouflage or noise cancellation technology, snatching random people sneakily in the forests. Which brings me to some practical reasons why you would undress a person that you have kidnapped. Since the beginning of humankind, we have endeavored to explore the realms of our wilderness, but in the process, many have failed to return. Even if the name was selected purely on the basis of bad feelings, it may indicate that dangerous terrain, gases, radiation, or infrasound can be found in the area. After all, if there is an intelligent perpetrator behind at least some of these cases, they can be smart enough not to kidnap and kill too many people. At one spot he was only about 100 yards away from Dametz and went to check on him just 10 minutes after he last saw the Dr., but this time the man was nowhere at all to be seen. The only way how to prove that a synchronicity (coincidence that is manipulative) is taking place, as far as I can tell, is to guess at the logic behind it and then try to predict not necessarily what specific coincidence will happen, but at least the incidence aspect that it will happen, or the time or rate at which coincidences will be happening in relation to a particular person or phenomenon. Remember that this is a discussion sub for David Paulides's phenomenon, Missing 411. While they waited for them to arrive, Florence would state that she had eaten wild grapes, tomatoes, and lots of sheep sorrel. Overall, the whole dog connection is interesting, but not useful without other evidence. This type of account would go some way toward explaining the seemingly missing failure rate of the perpetrators, as these would be the cases where the predators let the captured prey go, or when their traps, even though advanced, failed. Also, there are virtually no big predators in the Czech Republic that would kill a man. I do agree with Dave that it is safe to assume that places typically get named for a reason, especially if the name sounds ominous, like Devils, Demons, or Hells something or other. qacct:"p-8fGhaPzwR8aSs"
Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Dewey Cooks Body Discovered Where Searchers Had Already Looked, 1942, The Disappearance And Strange Discovery Of John Davis. There is at least one case in which the dog was proven to have been almost certainly fed (venison), which might indicate some perpetrator may have been more respectful of the life of the dog than that of the human target, as well as there are cases of dogs likely not having spent time in the area where they got lost, like the one dehydrated dog found in a swampland, or a number of cases of dogs being found in a surprisingly good condition. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. In contrast, hallucinations should be much more common. If the point was that you need to work with or study specific genetic markers, given that Germans are, ironically, one of the least genetically pure groups in the world. But my belief is that I was hit with some INTENSE infrasound in the middle of the night while my dad and I were in a place they didn't want us. At least not in any of the cases where the person was found. Strangest of all is that he could not remember anything at all of how he had come to be there or what had happened to him. The evidence for Dave not cherry-picking is that he himself has no idea why most of the profile points are what they are, what they mean. Even if the perpetrators arent exactly advanced, protected primeval forests are the most logical place where to look for any surviving intelligent forest-dwelling creatures. This suggests a geographic correlation. Although Paulides work has been scrutinized and some critics say that the number of unsolved cases is not statistically significant, Paulides has contributed immeasurably to the categorization of the issue and the growth of it in the public consciousness. Its not crazy talk, its a genius speculation of one of the sci-fi greats. There should be different amounts of people walking through the forests at different times of day, possibly doing different things in the forest at different times of day. I mean, beyond the obvious connection to large bodies of water and boulder and rock formations. For this reason, the inability of trackers to track the person should only be considered significant when other, positive evidence is present, like when the body shows up later in a previously searched area, or when the trackers actually do find something thats harder to find than the person, like their matchbox, but not any of the much larger objects the person was carrying. The stories about bigfoot tend to paint them as forest protectors, who would only hurt you if you seriously piss them off or attack and corner them, while dogmen seem to be out to hunt or scare us. This had been the first tip to come in, and police acted on it, finally managing to track him down. Missing 411 is a series of books and films, which document cases of people who have gone missing in national parks and elsewhere, and assert that these cases are unusual and mysterious, contrary to data analysis which suggests that they are not actually statistically mysterious or even unexpected. This invokes a motivation or mentality that either has something to do with genetics or culture, or a specific grudge. Malevolent gods could theoretically use it to mislead us, but I bet that malevolent gods have a less perfect awareness and more of a self-centered, narrow viewpoint on things. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The term 411 actually has its origins in an inconspicuous computer term that refers to data that cannot be found or a corrupted link. The young girl asked both her father and another member of the party to join her but was denied their company. Its unlikely that all such witnesses could be successfully bribed or threatened with all of the impromptu recordings being destroyed. The comparison actually needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and whats normal for national park visitors in general, as well as it needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and a control sample of non-Missing 411 missing people, ideally controlled by location (park vs. rural vs. urban). It is certainly an apt metaphor for the state of these individuals who have vanished. Nazis were in fact spectacularly wrong about the Arian race, especially in the sense that the Germans are it (theyre not) or that theyre exceptional (not by any objective metric). Here's a drone video of Gilbert Reservoir, if you want to get an idea of the wilderness of the area. It does not store any personal data. Like the case of Zigmund Adamski criminal activity was not ruled out, which rules it out as a Missing 411 case, but it was not ruled out precisely because there was evidence of foul play. Neurology-based research and technology would also help explain why the causes of death are so difficult to identify in many of these cases. Peggy R. Mock read more Ginebra Vs Alaska August 8 2021, No one anywhere has ever seen these people enter water. Search and rescue teams found Kirk months later after an extensive search in a spot surrounded by established trails. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We are continually adding names to the list as we get more data. The article is a compilation of data and research taking a critical eye on both National Parks and the U.S. National Parks Service, as well as David Paulides, and how the mishandling of the. Moreover, if you could pull this off, you would want to use this technique to help someone or manipulate them without it being traceable back to you, or without it being scientifically provable that it was a communication at all. Even when his daughter tragically died in an auto accident his failure to appear at her funeral convinced all that knew him that he was either dead or somewhere where he was simply not aware of her death. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? McSherry called out to Dametz and received no reply, and it was all very odd as his knees were so bad it would have been impossible for him to get very far so fast on his own. According to the counselor who was with Bizup at the time, the boy was right on his heels, yet he glanced over his shoulder to find the boy gone, even thought he had been following close behind him just moments before. Maybe more younger and older people get missing more often in general, or specifically, maybe kids always get missing more often when theyre watched by relatives other than their parents. Sometimes to children too young to be able to dress or undress themselves. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. If you simulate a physical world and you want to interfere with it without rewriting natural laws all the time, you use any fuzziness or ambiguity within them, like chaotic probability, to essentially cheat. Many serious paranormal investigators note the importance of the strange coincidence angle. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | DMCA Notice, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I especially recommend the most recent documentary, Missing 411: The Hunted, as I have never seen such great visualization of movement through an area, plus the cases selected for this documentary are some of the most bizarre and inexplicable there are. My dad slept through it all. And the circumstances surrounding her sudden discovery were almost stranger than those around which she vanished. They explained that the body blended in with the pigment of the soil and rock formations. The person could have fallen into some hard-to-access crevice or got buried. The Missing: Map of People who Disappeared in North Alabama | News The Missing: Map of People who Disappeared in North Alabama Posted: Jul 12, 2013 / 05:00 PM CDT Updated: Jul. Anyone know how to find out more about my nearest cluster? Donna T. Cupido read more We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Whats weird is that this is not happening in all of the parks equally, suggesting that a thorough comparison should be made. On the 3rd of August 1973, Greg Lewellen was watching his flock in Bench Creek near Heber City in Utah. More recently is the 2015 vanishing of 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr., who in July of that year was on a camping trip with his father DeOrr Sr., his fathers girlfriend, her grandfather, and their friend Isaac Reinwand, in the same region as where Bizup had vanished, out on the edge of the Rocky Mountain National Park. On the most basic level, it makes a lot of sense for a predator of any type or motivation to pick either easy targets (like kids, the disabled, the elderly, or less well-armed hunters), or exceptional targets (for the thrill, challenge, or some kind of interrogative or research value), so these attributes should be expected. The exotic options would all be variations on the person entering some sort of portal or spacetime warp or legitimately teleporting. These people should not be considered reliable witnesses, but they should have some witness testimonies to offer. This is another strong profile point. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Not wholly impossible, but an extreme leap nonetheless. And thats just the first step. Initially, they would manage to track his snowshoes for several miles. **This map is covered by our copyright and cannot be replicated, placed online or in anyway copied. However, that leaves a number of seemingly unnecessary attributes without any apparent logic behind why they should make someone a target or more likely to get lost mysteriously. Many Native American tribes of the United States state that the color red is an ominous one and sure to bring bad luck. Just who was with Ernest Cook and what kind of pressure did they apply to him to make him leave. Unless, of course, such people are taken into these inhospitable regions against their will. He believes that sometimes it's the little things that aren't taught in history class that are the most fascinating. The Bizarre Cases of Exploding Teeth. Clearly, a person drunk or out of it enough to fall into water and drown is not going to take care to avoid security cameras and potential witnesses at the point of entering the water. Sure, it would be somewhat difficult to hide the act of construction, but again, even your standard government can pull that off. I felt frozen for a couple seconds before I kind of shook myself and walked out immediately. No one really knows, and Dr. Maurice Dametz remains missing without a trace. Cookie Notice Finally, being associated with Bigfoot research also doesnt disqualify everything that you say about anything. should always be prioritized over cases included on the basis of absence of evidence. Several researchers have spoken of their belief of such programs existing. The most common type of account from children is that of being taken or kept safe by some type of animal or animal-like men. When we go do that with my family, we go to a place we know, or with a guide who knows the local forest like their backyard. At most, they managed to say that someone is following them, but not exactly who or where they are, or if they described a specific location, they were already gone within moments (if the location they gave was accurate in the first place). There is a chance that the person will not want to admit a bout of irrational behavior, but they should not have amnesia, unless a blow to the head, extreme psychological trauma, or very specific chemicals were involved. Which is scientifically speaking the most basic method through which to do stasis, especially if you dont care about the subject dying. If you couple it with the fact that dogs fail (or refuse) to track the victims in most of these cases, theres some slight amusing possibility that I personally like to call dogspiracy. Unfortunately, there is no centralized database for missing people, and many parks do not even document disappearances specifically in their own parks. Similarly, I would also like to see a chart of Missing 411 cases by date of disappearance, or ideally both date and time, so that theres more to compare again with normal disappearances, and in the case of dates, also with tourist and hunting seasons, like any numbers of how many tourists or hunters can be found in the forest at what time of year. Delaware County Election Results 2020, What is going on here? interest. David Paulides himself has always been notoriously skittish about providing any solid theories of his own, and this has only served to stoke the fires of speculation and wild theorizing. Without that, theres no point in speculating any further. This is an updated version of our first cluster map, Updated 9/1/2018, 2020 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) LLC. This is a site not far from Sunrise High Sierra Camp and the lake where Stacey Arras disappeared. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) See All the Announcements from Disney+ Day! While they did so, her grandmother and her parents were near their car several yards away. Perhaps even more bizarre, he was virtually unharmed aside from several scratches on his face. Tragically, this case would eventually be solved, but not without leaving behind more mysteries of its own. In any case, since many of the missing in cities were students, maybe they were targeted at school. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. It remains a mystery. Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. Given that this is perhaps the most consistent profile point, it could be a key one, but there are some nuanced considerations that should be made. No, the evidence is the only thing that matters. How odd is enough? But even then, dogs can simply fail in some cases, meaning that this profile point alone is never truly a conclusive proof of something unusual going on with the case. The scream seemed to be choked off in the middle! The science is almost there. The mysterious part is how the bodies got to where they were found. If there is someone out there with some kind of tech doing this, the tech clearly should involve remote brain or full-body scan capability (to ascertain hidden health issues or intelligence), perception altering, and memory editing. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The people who were disappeared while on the phone would only be different in the sense that they must have been targeted after they were already outside. A type of place from which Missing 411 people tend to vanish and at which they tend to appear. A survival expert named Les Stroud deemed it impossible for a 2-year-old to have covered that distance in the time that had passed in that weather in the dead of night, making it all stranger still. For example, the cases in which the missing died of major head trauma, of what was described as a possible propeller strike, even through a helmet or when there was no height to fall from hard enough. Missing 411 - Montana with Cluster Map (New) David Paulides (Sealed) Book. Cookie Notice If the person was seen, say, falling of a cliff, then that would be an explanation, just like it should be easier to find someone when youd seen where exactly they entered the forest, at what speed, and in what state of mind. Free shipping. Its not a reason to start hating a person and dismiss everything they have to say about everything else, its a reason to start talking to them. Specifically, when, where, or how they died. If you have any theories or suggestions yourselves, Im all ears. It would either mean that Jon Oliver was even more right than he thought when he was describing the current sorry state of how especially coroners (the ones without any actual medical training) operate in the United States, or it would mean that some of the Missing 411 profile points actually function as a cause of or significant contributing factor to the sudden adult death syndrome. Missing In the instance of Stacey Arras case, David Paulides also encountered another perplexing obstacle. Randall H. Whitfield read more, Morgan County Here we see within these few square miles a startling concentration of lost people. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. At the very least, it would require a vast, perfect conspiracy, and thats never a good go-to explanation. This should definitely include basic data like demographics of the missing and the dates and times of disappearances, in addition to locations, which were already visualized as the cluster map. The longer this series of deaths goes on globally, the less likely it is that its all just a result of someones bad or good luck. There are no stretches of known science required for someone to be able to create an underground or underwater base. Sunerah Binte Kamal Education, Boas-vindas ao . And sure, tests have to be named something and there is a limited number of letters in the alphabet., Scan this QR code to download the app now. And even then, there often still should have been enough time to use the phone to report or record what happened. Donnie M. Williams read more, Franklin County Especially considering that feeding grounds are a great place where to lie in wait for prey, and perhaps the best way to narrow down where people will be found in a big forest, and roughly when. This is another strong profile point, given that the most likely explanations are the body being dropped there to be found, or perhaps a temporal displacement. Similar to the Jeff Estes case, even after meticulous search efforts, not a shred of evidence surfaced. Like mentions of reports of bigfoot on one of the U.S. coasts attacking dogs (in one episode of the On the Trail of Bigfoot series), or a description of an area where there were almost exclusively bigfoot reports on one side of a road going through a forest, and almost exclusively dogman reports on the other (on The Venomous Fringe podcast). Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. Taken together, it is safe to assume that the men in question have something going on with their appearance, like advanced camouflage or perception-altering ability. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. This is perhaps the main area in which I would like Dave to release tables with exact percentages of just how common various traits among the missing people are, as the first step that needs to be taken in any serious study is to compare the composition of Daves sample with the standard distributions of variables in the normal demographics of the involved states or countries. If a person disappeared from a place like a pub, then the perpetrators were either lying in wait on the location, possibly cooperating with whoever is operating the establishment, or they were again following the target person beforehand and waited for him to go to a social event. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. By . The truth is, we could continue to examine and recall each one of the remaining cases and there are literally hundreds but aside from patterns that emerge (and will continue to do so) we are still no closer as a collective to discovering just what is causing these disappearances, and how we can protect ourselves from suffering a similar fate. In the case Elisa Lams death, around the time of her death, NIH was using a test called LAM-ELISA in the area to deal with a tuberculosis outbreak. This man has never been identified, but analysis of the body was never able to determine the cause of death. This story is only the tip of the iceberg and serves as a window into a few Missing 411 cases. There are multiple instances of Starfleet observing pre-warp civilizations (which it is not allowed to interfere with due to the Prime Directive) from a secret base cloaked as part of a mountain. If youre convinced that it cant be any of the exotic explanations, then what is any possible explanation? Beneath its beauty lies an underbelly of primal fear for some of those who dare venture too deep. Jennifer Powers read more };
Granted, Elisa Lam is a rare name, so its a case of a rare name of a test that is the same as a human name, which was the same as a rare name of a person who died unusually, while the test was being used at the time and place where they died. There are so many comparisons that need to be made, and for that you need numbers. An investigation of people who have gone inexplicably missing from wilderness areas in Canada. Edite-o ou exclua-o, e ento comece a escrever! The hard evidence found here indicates that many of these people must have died on land days after they disappeared, but days before they entered water, or that they must have died in a tumbling stream, when they were found in a pond with no flowing water, etc. Privacy Policy. Gone in a swinging door, a morning away, the blink of an eye. When theres a pattern in the type of victims that go missing, police typically believe its the work of a serial killer. Paulides also explores instances of other governmental agencies arriving at these sites and conducting their own confidential investigations. Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere near it. scientists or drones, in order to hide from humanity, youd need a place where you can hide. The fact that they were never identified or caught is also the first indication of their organization. A sweep of the surroundings turned up nothing, and not only was Dametz gone, but all of his tools were as well, and McSherry thought he had maybe tried to hobble back to their car, but the Dr. wasnt there either. When other counselors were called and no one could find him, authorities were notified and so began a 9-day long intensive search involving nearly 400 police officers, volunteers, and airmen from Denvers Lowry Air Force Base, utilizing aircraft and tracker dogs, but absolutely no trace of Bizup was found. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. [googlemaps,-86.682129&spn=1.811428,3.4552&z=8&output=embed&w=630&h=400]. An animal could have sneakily killed and buried the missing person. If they differ, now, that would be interesting, especially if the difference is major. In early August, a mans body turned up in a crevasse located within Tenure Peak. The lack of definitive cause of death and the general absence of communication with the family from law enforcement was also strange. However, this only calls for a more thorough screening process for the cases to control for these possibilities. Missing people in the USA or across the world are an unfortunate but regular occurrence. That was until two years later, that is, when a group of the mans friends organized another search of the area. Thats why it is so important to not ignore this data, but instead compile it and look for discrepancies between the normal distribution and Missing 411 distribution of times and dates of disappearances on a large enough sample that will therefore give it sufficient statistical significance and reliability. And more importantly, both Joe and Chip appear to simply vanish. In other words, he wasn't some spry young devil who could just run off at a moment's notice. Missing 411 cluster map; Missing 411 cluster map. There is mounting evidence that states of mind affect probability of external events, making it fluctuate.