As for the wrong password entry. Theyve been promised much if they deliver Feliciano hard evidence of the girls death. I know if I was hiking and wandering in the jungle (and presumably possibly lost although not quite realizing this at this point), I would be curious about a manmade structure like this. Theres no denying that the face looks skewed and mask like. Theres a lot of information in the photos but people are willfully blind to it for some reason. Either way, itll be interesting to see. A lot of times countries dont want investigations to be publicized or they shut them down as best they can in order for their tourist trade to not be hurt!!!!! Do you think this could be at all relevant? On April 3, 2014, authorities began an aerial search of the forests and an on-foot search ofBoquete. Years later, some people still believe someone killed the pair. Also I have read that during the time they tried to contact emergency services one phone connected albeit briefly. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were both adventurers. Its almost as if Kris is in the midst of turning back around at the moment this photo is taken, due to the foliage becoming too dense to proceed any further. If one or both of the phones were missing, it would have generated more questions. Would like to know exactly where and when the final day photo was taken. I think the girls were made or persuaded against their wishes and by persons unknown, to go beyond the end of the Pianista trail to goodness knows where! Everything suggests they had no clue what they were doing when they took the taxi to the start of the trail. 1 reason tourists sometimes annoy residents. It looks like a turtle shell hanging on the right side of the picture (its further up). I would like to pick your brains on your thoughts about the night photos: 1. of SOS made with a white cloth, 2. the mirror on rock 3. It is clear they contributed much to this by their actions. This would mean that this photo possibly shows the entrance to a cave leading inside the wall of rock behind it. Ive found that there are in fact two native type people visible in the night photos. However, its still possible. There is what appears to be a well trodden, narrow path to the left of her which passes behind her and enters a very dark area at the back right, which could be the cave. Hands tied behind her back, face looks a bit puffy too, as if been in an altercation of sorts. Perhaps every murder in the first world is resolved. Rights of initiation? CARACAS, Venezuela -- Few Venezuela ns have not had their lives touched by migration over the last decade, when more than 7 million people left the country amid a political . (The photos where the sky is suddenly cloudy). she does see something disgusting. Could the structure built above be some sort of a net or trapping device? Over the years, dozens of tourists like Agarwal, many of them foreign nationals, have gone missing while visiting the Parvati Valley in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Why would they remove them? However, upon closer inspection, shes really ducking her head as to say look at the things over my head. Debra Ann Velleman, of Waukesha, Wis., and Sue L. Borries, of Teutopolis, Ill., are missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama on Jan. 3, 2022. The gangs in Panama are much smaller, usually consisting of between 5 and 30 people. A decade under Maduro, migration marks Venezuelans' lives Thanks for the analysis though, I keep looking for new stuff, this case really gets to meI can see why people think this was a criminal act -I see that with some aspects of the case, however, I do think that it was the result of injury and or getting lost -I cant see a criminal 1) letting them keep their phones and camera and 2) letting the camera and phones being discovered. But even when a phone is locked after thee attempts the screen says emergency calls only. Others suggested neitherFroonnor Kremerstook those photos; they believesomeone abducted the women. The identity of the person who took the images remains a mystery. "Tourism contributes 10% to EU GDP and creates jobs for 26 million people," notes the European Union Tourism Trends report. Ive found that there are in fact two native type people visible in the night photos. From my own gutt feeling I see only a very preventable accident. Btw, phones will connect to emergency services with or without sim card being present. In fact the last 4 (pre-nightime) photos are at odds with the others. There are vast cultural differences to account for, especially between men and women. Gangs usually just compete against each other and sometimes tourists are victims of opportunism or caught in the cross-fire. How close was this tribe to where they went missing? Most novices wouldnt know how to properly handle something like this, so it was probably someone experienced with computers. This is the reason that police, journalists and military personnel often disappear and governments struggle to combat crime, not to mention corruption within law enforcement itself. In a chilling discovery, 90 photos had been snapped on the camera deep in the jungle in the dead of night on April 8 between 1am and 4am - raising questions about who took the pictures. Most people in Panama dont have the expertise, nor equipment to handle these sophisticated tasks. But, Who took the photos on later dates? They are really good, especially parts 3 and 4, which give a lot of information about the girls photos. The next morning, on April 2nd, a substantial earthquake of magnitude 6.0 hits Panama at 11:13 AM. Hay incongruencias en fechas y horas de los testigos y de los registros de los telfonos y la cmara, pero lo que ms me ha inquietado es la foto 506. El despus, es pnico y preocupacin. Im always reviewing their case and looking for answers. I would like to know their movements precisely from arriving in Boquete. His . Ive just watched a video on YouTube.. An unusual one.. A psychic reading actually.. The rich live in gated communities. But what if that is what led them off track ? From my understanding, there was no warning signs on the trail. She is clearly shielding her eyes from the sun by holding her right arm up. I suspect the timestamps on some images are incorrect. A year later, two tourists following the same trail are robbed at gunpoint. The rock in the riverbed is very distinctive was this location ever found and explored? ?If they were attacked by people immidiately after this, how they took the photos?? If you think America is a safe country youre extremely ignorant or niieve. Of course these generalities and cultural traits do not apply to everyone here. What do you think? I dont think there was actual foul play. Is there much shareable knowledge about the gang in the area? The whole scene is odd why is Lisanne (if it was her) standing miles away? Tourism in Panama represents one of Panama's main activities. They probably came off the summit the wrong way. I suspect the food may have been left with them when they were abandoned by drug traffickers (who initially abducted them on April 1st) after Kris was hurt crossing the monkey bridge. Its very disappointing to see the comment sections on this website to be allowed to turn into a very disrespectful and unfunny joke. She would probably have gone into what looks like a cave or hut behind her, which may have been a booby trap leading to a long drop either through the floor or at the back of the cave. These nameless trails arent monitored or maintained by park rangers. Has anyone gone back to the spot where the photo was taken? Also, #509 was deleted after all of the other photos were taken, which means someone went back and deleted it after all of the nighttime photos were taken. She is looking down to the left and appears to be shocked by what she sees. If the dog went with them, its likely that the girls would have taken a photo of the dog, even if the dog was in a photo accidentally. Kris walks down the ravine and bends over to examine orange graffiti Was the dog fed and watered by a family as opposed to being one of the many feral dogs in Latin America? Kris is hunched over beside a sacrificial alter with hands tied behind her. View our online Press Pack. Thats why Kris stops in photos once in a while as if to say this way, right?. All facts are not available in this case. Her hair is also too clean and shiny for someone who has been out in the jungle for 8 days. You cant see any blue sky behind the branches and the rock is in bright sunlight which bleaches out the colour. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? I would also like to know the time that photo was taken that day. Zooming in I swear its a person standing Hidden amongst the tangle with body paint. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . After any incident the first 24 hours are critical and it seems all that time was lost. I dont see what the writer sees at all. I think we are all seeing things that arent there. From Chriss other article it seems the girls took a taxi to the hiking starting point? I dont understand the question. Also, Im looking forward to reading the new book as well, particularly what Pitti has to say., Actually heres uncompressed upscaled original image (upscaled and color corrected with AI). But so much of this search/investigation was poorly executed. They got lost and succumbed to the wild. Perhaps the owner had an underlying influence/incentive to express conviction in his or her statement about the dog. What you are seeing is simply from the pattern of the foliage and shadows and light patterns impacting on the image. Youre welcome to do that other places online. This level of negligence and irresponsibility would be considered criminal in a developed country. Just behind her tied hand area. Did they each have a camera or only Lisanne? Accordingly, Kremers's phone was powered-on one last time on April 11, 2014; both phones wentdead afterward. They protested in China - now they've gone missing. Despite search teams, which included dogs and helicopters, there were no . I dont buy it that those girls were murdered on the pianista trail. Hi Justin, great work with sharpening this image. Before you even pointed out the manmade ceiling structure I noticed that. One question sticking to the government interference and coverup, with the deletion of a photo (nr, 531?) However, the perpetrators likely wanted the authorities to believe they were taken on the pianista trail. Most of the bones were never found. This is the real one: Their families believed the women were still in the unrecovered plane wreckage, and as the search stretched on for days and then weeks, they pleaded with the U.S. government for help they said never came. He believes he is working for God. Maybe its just pareidolia, but i think its a manmade object. There is discussion in reference to a possible cave, but is there any evidence that the girls found a cave besides perhaps Kriss hair appearing unusually dry in the night photos? It looks a bit wierd, but that is just because everybody is assuming they see her upper arm when in reality is is her lower arm. The attacker could have taken the photos to confuse the authorities and the public. Like you, I also live abroad in a developing country. Thanks for the observation. Do mobile phones store the number entered? Nothing. As the search was starting to wind up, a local woman handed in a blue backpack, claiming she found it in a rice paddy along the banks of the river. If they did, then Im wondering if the dog named Blue went with them or was allowed in the taxi. Some suggest that they could they have seen something that they didnt want the rest of the world to see. Its worth mentioning how the police found out that someone tried unlocking Kris Kremers phone, but failed to do so. Hi Louie, Unfortunately no. Then uses the flash to take many photos of the area, so she can return for Kris after finding help. I agree with you. Theycalled 112, the emergency number for the Netherlands, as well as Panama's emergency number, 911. Hello and thank you for doing such a thorough research. LoopNews In the yellow circle could be just a leaf, but not in the red one. Here is what I see: On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. Dogs here are seen as animals (like a jaguar or puma) that can take care of themselves, theyre seen as being dirty (not permitted on furniture) and are more rugged, like the dog can handle his own problems. In a mind-blowing theory, Dick Steffens, a former detective in Amsterdam, claimed Kris could still be alive after she was trafficked into the sex trade by a kidnapper roaming in the jungle. I think that she has her hand to her ear,she looks like she is trying to hear what someone is saying,and also,the light is in her eyes;.It looks like she has twisted herself around in doing so. A table of photo data from their hike on El Pianista Trail: New Case Data: Timestamps Of Missing Daytime Photos. More info here. Apart from the fact if she was photoshopped in this picture, i.m.o. Theres a circular object hanging to the left of Kris. On March 14, 2014, students LisanneFroon and Kris Kremers traveled from the Netherlands to Panama, where they intended toassistlocal communities, volunteerwith children, learnSpanish, and relax a bit. And it seems to be leading to a dead-end. You would write something out on notepad or at least be texting everyone in your address book hoping one got through saying Help. "For now, however, this finally marks the beginning of our grieving process and provides us with a path to closure.". Even the bones, the few that remain. They make no sense in spite of the speculation. Why were they still in the jungle at 4:39 PM when they made their first distress call? For the most part, foreigners are just caught in the middle. What kind of twisted f*ck stick makes this kind of comment? However being one of the last photos taken this location would be incredibly important to have investigated back in 2014 (or even still). I cant explain the calls or photos or intact skin that was found. They are 99.999999% preventable. I agree. Dimedes Abrego - 12 years in prison. I too noticed a nose and lips appearing. Maybe a struggle or fall? Dutch Women Who Went Missing in Panama Confirmed Dead - NBC News Please support us we cant do it without you. That is the key. Thanks for some new information, excellent analysis of the photo! There are some walls of rock in an area which I think is called los Naranjos, not too far from the Pianista trail (relatively speaking) and is where people go climbing. Again, these are just observations. At 2:50 they start walking up to what I believe is the location in this photograph, Not a cave but an old bridge you can see the railing and bridge post and there is a weird shadow to the left behind the railing. Why? After the backpack was found the family got to see the pictures and the case was ruled an accident presumably the 30 or so pics the family didnt release showed the girls in bad shape,, the case went from foul play to accident after the pics were seen.. the pic of the girls hair was put on internet by her brother or something like that and was quickly photoshopped , the wound and eye were concealed. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? Her hands are *not* tied behind her back. If you look at her shirt, it appears to be red and white striped. The blue thing on the ground looks like a blue tarp and that looks like a corner sticking out. The abductor is a deeply religious man, in his own demented way, and he sees this as a sign from God. Looks like shes holding her hand up to shield her eyes. I think it would be a mistake to assume Lisanne knew her friends password. Please read. & the way the local police handled it seems so botched making it stranger, & why keep some pictures hidden from the public still, especially if the case is closed now? I noticed that youve submitted two more links in another newer comment. Yes theres a man to her left crouched down wearing beige/ beige/ brown. What I find most concerning is her face. A desperate search for the students was launched, with rescue workers combing through the jungle and nearby villages. You can even see the smudges or blurring on the bottom of the plants into the dark areas in an attempt to blend the darkness area (where something or someone was likely standing). Probably something like peanut butter, which is a typical energy-dense low cost food carried by people who are traveling light. Two days pass. However, regarding Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, Id need to know more about their personality to make this determination. I think the look on her face isnt scared, but she looks to maybe be in wonder that they found a place like that? is. Their causes of death have never been determined. Those two women were wearing very little clothing to be entering bush/jungle, there is no way that theyd easily make their way through vegetation, and, as they were clearly intelligent, why would they voluntarily just walk into dense bush? I dont think theres anything untoward I think shes saying look at this tunnel. They may not have even know what they were doing, taking pictures, if they werent familiar with technology, and tossed the phone again at some point for the girls to grab to attempt the emergency calls and taken it back at some point after. Theres a lot of loose ends to be tied up, but I think this 2021 investigation can do it. To the right of the body is a cross fashioned out of two poles, as is customary in Panama. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. Gang initiation rights are unknown these small gangs dont have an official policy as you might see with the larger gangs its usually just do as we say and well protect you. Other than the dog, the young women went on their hike alone, only asking for directions from a local innkeeper, who advised them to take a taxi back to town. But she is definitely on a well-worn path. The local jungle tribes people have been looking for the girls. And I think that sunlight she is trying t avoid also is the reason for her facial expression. I was definitely thinking it looks like her hands might be tied behind her back here. The families continued to plead with the U.S. government to send equipment and personnel to aid in the search and recovery effort. The FBI and others have continuously tried to stonewall him from publicly making these cases and their bizarre circumstances publicly known. Hi Tom, I believe you intended to comment above, on @SwordOfGods comment. I feel that unless they do or unless further forensic work has shown something more then, no matter what the experts in survival say, it is still only speculation and not proof. Granted, other dangers certainly exist and thats why we can only speculate about what happened to them. Had someone told them about something worth seeing? The government intentionally did not investigate key pieces of information: fingerprints, phone records, locals in the area, other forms of DNA. What people are mistaking as swelling of the right eye/cheek is simply the sunlight highlighting the contours of the right side of her face while the left side is in shadow, probably combined with squinting of the right eye due to the bright light. If you are in the middle of the jungle, lost, and desperately trying to find service, why waste your battery by logging into your phone. as a hiker myself, it would be totally unnatural to hold your hands behind your back in that way AND bend your body AND twist your body out of alignment. Do we know who owned the dog named Blue (aka Azul). If you read the article linked, its not even an indigenous tribe. or Her skin does not look pallid like that of a dead person, it is still pink. Being disoriented, and losing a companion, hunger, asthma. Certainly, each country around the world offers valuable experiences in their own way. Froonand Kremerswere both in their early 20s; they traveled toPanama to work with children. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. I would expect especially on the first day for total panic to occur and multiple attempts to be made until a decision was made to save battery strength. The blue item could be anything, but shows someone has been there before. And she can only hope that Kris will wake up. Just a few weeks later hes found dead. Do they know more than we do? I often keep reading things online hoping that they solved the case, but unfortunately it doesnt look like they really have. Required fields are marked *, I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. There are so many possibilities and we will probably never really know. The students' phone records also tragically revealed how they desperately tried to call the police. Given that most people crop off the top of this image, people would have missed the findings that I mention below. If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist. The bag contained her camera as well as two pairs of sunglasses, $83 in cash, Froons passport, a water bottle, two bras, and both womens phones. Likelihood the predator will strike again: 99.9% unless predator has died. This case has captivated me. I believe one fell. 1. There is something white on the object, which looks like a white piece of cloth. Ironically enough, several of those men were also murdered shortly after. They were lost very shortly after arriving at their destination, And then they made a huge mistake by heading due north to find their way back home and they should have been going to the southeast. It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. I think that Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon underestimated their surroundings and were ill prepared for this adventure. Surely they would put them back on if only for a little insulation. In Central America, dogs arent usually seen as something to protect and cuddle. A piece of evidence that is irrefutable. Depending on how many mobile towers there are the police should have information. Shortly after this, they became victims. Hi Mohaiminul, you mention some good questions. Or if someone deleted them? Hi Chris, Very interested in your website! She is obviously excited by the weird place they have found. Its incredibly sad. Like jaguar? Thank you, and keep up the good work. The case needs solid evidence and/or solid witnesses coming forward. The authors told The Daily Beast: "It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. 3. It is the poor color quality of the photograph with oversaturated reds that has people thinking they are seeing skulls and carcasses. This is highly unusual. Our team is planning to go to Panama later this year (2021) to collect information involving the case. It looks like something hand-made. My condolences to the families that experienced this terrible tragedy. Sadly however, the Beaumont children are just three of around 2,000 long-term missing people in Australia.