In what way did Priscilla and her husband minister to Apollos (vv. They probably helped to establish the church in Ephesus. Maybe you can make clothes like Dorcas. Acts 18-27 New Living Translation Paul Meets Priscilla and Aquila in Corinth 18 Then Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. How did it make Apollos more effective? [3], They are mentioned six times in four different books of the New Testament, always named as a couple and never individually. [4], The Christian Church, beginning with Jesus, had a radical view of the status of women. 9 Both were makers of tents and had their own business. Pauls greeting to them just before his execution is the final reference to them in the New Testament ( 2 Timothy 4:19; cf  1 Timothy 1:3). They were Jewish immigrants who had been exiled from their home in Italy. Now that Vacation Bible School is Over . Acts 18:2 Meaning 3 And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers. These two who lived together, worked together, and suffered exile together, came to know and love Jesus Christ together, and it made their marriage complete. His death at the hands of the emperor Nero was imminent, and he was writing the last paragraph of his long and fruitful life. Priscilla, Aquila and Paul spent 18 months in Corinth together. Acts 18:1-2 is the first of six mentions: After this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. In every place where the Bible refers to Aquila or Priscilla, it speaks of them together, suggesting that they formed a useful and well respected partnership. Bruce Winter writes, Paul had no more loyal friends than Priscilla and Aquila, to whom, as he put it some years later, not only I but also all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks (Rom 16:4) (Winter 298). Priscilla and her husband Aquila were Jews who had been living in Rome. Romans 16:3-4 Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who for my life risked their own necks, to whom not only do I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles; From Thematic Bible And, as you might remember from BBST103 or your favorite hermeneutics courses, we are worlds apart from the biblical textfrom the culture and experiences of the authors and original audiences. Some resisted and blasphemed. Yet five times out of six, Luke and Paul mention Priscillas name first in the husband-wife pair (Acts 18:18, Acts 18:19, Acts 18:26, Romans 16:3, 2 Timothy 4:19), highlighting her personal agency and her value to the early church movement. Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers as was Paul. Paul's Theology of Ministry: 1 Tim. 3:2 and Priscilla Because thats what I want to be known for. Blessings to you. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. And he settled there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them (Acts 18:11). And there, in private, they taught him the full story about Jesus. Priscilla and Aquila have overcome hardships together. Yet when Priscilla is mentioned by Paul, he describes her as a co-worker in the Lord (Romans 16:3), placing her alongside Timothy (Romans 16:21), Titus (2 Corinthians 8:23), Philemon (Philemon 1) and Luke (Philemon 24) in Pauls valuing of her work among the churches. Paul indicates Apollos is an apostle,[12]:pp.230231 an "eloquent speaker" who had a "thorough knowledge of the Scriptures". It takes a mature relationship to work closely under the kind of pressure a job sometimes generates. They sailed 250 miles and landed at Ephesus. The timing was obviously of God, for no sooner had they gotten settled down in their shop than another Jewish tentmaker arrived in town fresh from an evangelistic crusade in Athens, the Apostle Paul. Brite Monthly - May 2023 - brite Curriculum From Priscillas life, I am taking lessons for faith, marriage, ministry, and business. But it may be more difficult at your house, especially if you have never done it. Priscilla and her husband are identified among the power couples in Scripture. Losing your life for Jesus involves , Copyright 2015 Steve Burchett. Priscilla in The Bible - King James Bible Online Paul went to see them, and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. When I am preparing a message, I often talk to my wife about it and get her thoughts on the passage I am studying. The two met with Paul in Corinth. They were from Pontus, a Roman province in northeastern Asia Minor. This is exactly what many Christian marriages lack. The emperor at the time chased out the Jews because he claimed there were too many Jewish uprisings. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately (Acts 18:26). Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in Asia. Some time after this, when Jews were allowed back in Rome, Aquila and Priscilla returned to live there for a time. When Paul left Ephesus for Greece, they evidently believed God was directing them back to Rome. Related Topics: Christian Home, Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership, Marriage, Richard L. Strauss authored nine books, and served as pastor of churches in Fort Worth, TX, Huntsville, AL. It was just a brief and simple greeting, using the shorter form of Priscillas name that we have seen in several other passages. After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. Eighth, they risked their necks for Paul (Rom 16:3-4). Fifth, they traveled with Paul. Was Apollos Re-Baptized? | Gordon Ferguson 16:19). I suppose the emperor didnt want them to disrupt and destroy the place any longer so he expelled them. Priscilla & Aquila: The Couple Who Lost Their Lives for Jesus He has been in pastoral ministry since 1994, serving in both Fellowship and Canadian Baptist churches in Oakville, Mississauga and Orillia, Ontario Canada. Possibly at this time they became Christians ( Acts 18:1-3). Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers as was Paul. Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well. If you are a Bible study teacher, you are free to allow this content to influence the lessons you teach or the sermons you present. Aquila | ancient biblical scholar | Britannica The Master said, " Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends " (John 15:12). The Jews hated Christians and the Romans killed them for sport. Lets dig a little deeper into Priscilla specifically. Some of us will never be powerful preachers, but we can be faithful students of the Word, and our homes can be open to people whose hearts are hungry to hear the Word. Research for this post came from: This article originally appeared on But we do know from Scripture that when they left Rome they went to Corinth. I hear that! So when they arrived in Corinth, they scoured the marketplace together for a small open-air shop to rent, and proceeded to set up their tent-making business. Now they were one in Christ, and His love made a good marriage even better. 13. Side by Side The Story of Aquila and Priscilla - Bible And that would not be the last time their home served that purpose. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Every Jewish boy in New Testament times was taught some kind of trade. Priscilla in the Bible: Characteristics and lessons learned Acts 18:24-26. Are you looking for opportunities to share Christ wherever you go, as Paul did? The people begged Paul to stay, and Paul said no, but "I will return, if the Lord wills." Paul left and sailed to Caesarea, and Aquila and Priscilla stayed there to teach. Aquila, a Jewish Christian, and his wife, Priscilla, first met Paul in Corinth, became good friends of his, and shared in his work. Every time Priscilla and Aquila are named in the Bible, they are together. Apollos was already energetic and passionate. They cite 1 Corinthians 11:1112, where Paul writes "Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. how did priscilla and aquila die in the bible Young people have profited greatly by adults who have opened their homes to youth groups. Many dedicated women use coffee cup evangelism, establishing close friendships with their neighbors and sharing Christ with them over the kitchen table. Instead, she saw an opportunity to pour into him. When Christianity was new, there was no such thing as a church building. Are you sharing the Word of God with each other? Aquila and Priscilla | Lesson 6 in Character by Character, series 4 I love this Steve Green song about leaving a legacy of faith. But Paul wanted to be remembered to them in the last hours of his life. In the Catholic Church, the Roman Martyrology lists their feast as July 8. Apollos, Aquila, Prisca. Who were Priscilla and Aquila in the Bible? The Apostle Paul, after staying in Corinth for a year and a half, travels to Ephesus in the spring of 52 A.D. This is how Priscilla and Aquila came to leave Italy (Acts 18:2). Paul brought the couple with him to Ephesus, an ancient Greek city, where they stayed, while Paul proceeded to Antioch in Turkey. Who Was Apollos? - What Christians Want To Know He was generous in his recognition and acknowledgment of his indebtedness for them. Paul came to work with them in their shop, and even lived with them in their home during his stay in Corinth. Priscilla and Aquila were also good friends of and ministry partners with Paul (Romans 16:3). devoting your time and energies to a local church. They ended up in Corinth. How do scholars generally perceive her role? That was when a Jew named Aquila, who had migrated to Rome from the province of Pontus on the Black Sea, packed his belongings, bid farewell to his friends, and embarked for the city of Corinth. Priscilla, Aquila, and Timothy ministered together with Paul in Corinth, and Priscilla and Aquila worked alongside Timothy in Ephesus. Some Christians conduct evangelistic dinners, where they invite unsaved friends to hear an outstanding personal testimony. In Corinth, Paul met fellow tentmakers Priscilla and Aquila, and "because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. But our story begins about a year earlier, when in 49 C.E., according to Suetonius, Emperor Claudius expelled from Rome all Jews who followed . 9. In Paul's list of greetings to members of the church at Rome, a list that includes 28 individuals, Priscilla is listed first (Rom. They all were tent makers. Advocates of female pastorship perceive this as an imperative that was a reflection of cultural and legal restrictions of the day. Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus (2 Tim. Acts 18:24-26 - Priscilla and Aquila Instruct Apollos - Enter The Bible Paul had no problem with a godly, capable woman being a church leader. Reading and discussing a Bible-centered devotional guide would be profitable. He had been "instructed in the way of the Lord" which he taught with great "enthusiasm". Whenever he entered a new city, he would stroll through the marketplace looking for opportunities to talk about Jesus, looking for indications of Gods direction for future ministry, and, of course, looking for work to sustain him as he ministered. Their partnership was in money-making, marriage and ministry. They probably had a booming tent making business in Rome but when they were chased out, God made it work for their good. When Paul left Corinth for Ephesus, they accompanied him, and he left them there when he embarked for his home church in Antioch (Acts 18:18-22). Claudius was dead now, so the move seemed safe, and Rome surely needed a gospel witness. Priscilla and Aquila- Acts 18:1-28 When Priscilla saw and heard Apollos, she realized that he was passionate and brilliant and a gifted speaker. Find more free articles at, a ministry of Christian Communicators Worldwide: Appolonius (Apollos), an Alexandrian Jew, preached in Epheseus. She and Aquila worked with Paul and carried on without him when he moved on in his journey. Who were Priscilla and Aquila? | These three heard the gospel, embraced the gospel, and propagated the gospel all apart from the author of the gospel. Their relationship with Paul went far beyond a casual greeting at worship services. Priscilla in the Bible - Her Significant Story - Priscilla and Aquila packed up their lives and went with him. Their home was an oasis. (3) Apollos was equipped by Priscilla and Aquila to help the Corinthian converts. Priscilla and Aquila took him aside in a private setting and shared vital insights. Who is that person who could use your knowledge and advice and nurturing to set them on the path that God has ordained for them to take? 5. Read the following verses from the ESV, NKJV, NASB: Romans 16:3, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Timothy 4:19. His sermon was just incomplete. going anywhere the Lord says to go, whenever He says to go. Even risking their lives for each other. supporting those who proclaim the gospel and plant churches. But because he didnt know about Jesus his sermon fell a short. They ended up in Corinth. The possibilities for using our homes to serve the Lord are unlimited. Paul found in Priscilla and Aquila compatibility in purpose and a true, life-long friendship. The greater your intimacy, the happier your marriage. Aquila and Priscilla returned to Rome by 57 CE where they became church leaders again. They were inseparable, and they were equals. Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned one more time in the New Testament, in the last chapter of the last book the Apostle Paul wrote. But when we consider Pauls experiences and culture and the original audiences experiences and culture, those six mentions like a trumpet proclaim Priscillas significance in the nurturing of home-churches throughout the Mediterranean and impact on Pauls life and ministry. Aquila and Priscilla were martyred with other Christians. Apollo is often depicted as playing a golden lyre, but he was also known as the Archer, shooting with a silver bow, and also the god of healing. Aquila and Priscilla: Helpers in Christ - Bible Helps, Inc Of those six references, Aquilas name is mentioned first only twice, Priscillas name is mentioned first on four occasions; this may indicate her equal status with her husband, or even possibly that Priscilla was thought of as the more prominent teacher and disciple. Priscillas story is told in the New Testament. If you want to share this resource with others, please share the link to the blog post. Did a Woman Write the Book of Hebrews? A Study of Priscilla He was an eloquent speaker and had a good knowledge of the Old Testament. She taught the gospel to people and had a church in her home. Paul could not do it alone. So they left their home in Corinth and followed Paul to Ephesus. Priscilla is mentioned only six times in the New Testament, and in each instance, she is named in a strikingly countercultural way. Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos: Paul left for Syria with Priscilla and Aquila. Saints Aquila and Priscilla were a Jewish couple from Rome who had been exiled to Corinth, and were friends of St. Paul in the first century. As you live your life, ask yourself this question: if the Bible were to be rewritten with your story in it, what would you like to be known for? For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." What Does the Bible Say About Priscilla? When Saint Paul the Apostle visited Corinth to preach the Holy Gospel, Saints Aquila and Priscilla offered him a place to stay as they were impressed with his preaching. In the year 52 A.D. the Roman emperor Claudius issued an edict expelling all Jews from the city of Rome. Question: Who Was Priscilla And Aquila In The Bible? They never met or listened to Jesus in person. Priscilla was also called Prisca. Paul founded the church in Corinth. Not every husband and wife can work together like this. Priscilla and Aquila explain the way of God to Apollos  Acts 20:31), during which he wrote the letter known to us as 1 Corinthians. Enjoy these fun facts about her. Seventh, they learned the Scriptures together. If they didnt believe before, they would certainly have received teachings from Paul. If either one of you has never placed your faith in the sacrifice which Christ made for your sins, your marriage cannot be complete. Youve heard their names, they show up occasionally in your Bible reading, and you might even remember something about this married couple. There was one short statement in the greeting in the Book of Romans that we cannot afford to pass over lightly, however: Who for my life risked their own necks, to whom not only do I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. We do not know what Paul was referring to, nor when it happened, but somewhere, somehow, Aquila and Priscilla together endangered their own lives to save Pauls. Around the year A.D. 49, the Emperor Claudius issued an edict exiling all the Jewish people from Rome, the seat of the Roman Empire.