It will be amended when new Hittite resources become available. If you need to use this translation for business, school, a tattoo, or any other official, professional, or permanent reasons, contact us first for a free quote. Hittite (natively niili / "the language of Nea", or neumnili / "the language of the people of Nea"), also known as Nesite (Neite / Neshite, Nessite), is an extinct Indo-European language that was spoken by the Hittites, a people of Bronze Age Anatolia who created an empire centred on Hattusa, as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia. Translation Services USA offers professional translation services for English to Hittite and Hittite to English language pairs. The material consists in the autograph (cuneiform writing), the transliteration, the transcription and at last the translation. You will find better resources for these languages on other sites such as The Sumerian Language Page or The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary. Theref. We also translate Hittite to and from any other world language. Cuneiform writing was originally developed to write ancient Sumerian, but it was. Cuneiform signs can be employed in three functions: syllabograms, Akkadograms or Sumerograms. Hittite verbs inflect according to two general conjugations (mi-conjugation and hi-conjugation), two voices (active and medio-passive), two moods (indicative mood and imperative), two aspects (perfective and imperfective), and two tenses (present, and preterite). . The Hittite texts are provided as exercises to put into practice your knowledge of Hittite gained by reading the grammar. with a translation of the treaty. Translation memory is like having the support of thousands of translators available in a fraction of a second. Hittite thus preserved archaisms that would be lost in the other Indo-European languages.[15]. In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Cuneiform Luwian coming from various sources. Both the preservation of the laryngeals and the lack of evidence that Hittite shared certain grammatical features in the other early Indo-European languages have led some philologists to believe that the Anatolian languages split from the rest of Proto-Indo-European much earlier than the other divisions of the proto-language. The cuneiform writing system was used for over 3000 years, and during at least 2000 years, the system underwent considerable changes. The syllabary distinguishes the following consonants (notably, the Akkadian s series is dropped). F Omniglot is how I make my living. . In Glosbe you can check not only English or Hittite translations. As one of the oldest attested Indo-European languages, Hittite is interesting largely because it lacks many of the complications exhibited by other "old" Indo-European languages such as Lithuanian, Sanskrit, and Greek. The examples of pina- ("man") for animate and pda- ("place") for inanimate are used here to show the Hittite noun declension's most basic form: The verbal morphology is less complicated than for other early-attested Indo-European languages like Ancient Greek and Vedic. Early Hittite texts have a vocative case for a few nouns with -u, but it ceased to be productive by the time of the earliest discovered sources and was subsumed by the nominative in most documents. [top] Extinct Bronze Age Indo-European language, "Old Hittite" redirects here. The Hittites had a cuneiform script of. Our translation team consists of many expert and experienced Hittite translators. It inspired the later Semitic Ugaritic alphabet and Old Persian cuneiform. Hittite is the oldest recorded Indo-European language, but it had remained completely unknown during the period in which Indo-European linguistics developed because its records are on clay tablets that were excavated only at the end of the 19th century. A Hittite is the oldest attested Indo-European language,[20] yet it lacks several grammatical features that are exhibited by other early-attested Indo-European languages such as Vedic, Classical Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Persian and Old Avestan. According to Craig Melchert, the current tendency (as of 2012) is to suppose that Proto-Indo-European evolved and that the "prehistoric speakers" of Anatolian became isolated "from the rest of the PIE speech community, so as not to share in some common innovations". The Akkadian unvoiced/voiced series (k/g, p/b, t/d) do not express the voiced/unvoiced contrast in writing, but double spellings in intervocalic positions represent voiceless consonants in Indo-European (Sturtevant's law). In 1915, Friedrich Hrozny, a Czech linguist, caused a . Daily: 10.0017.00 (Fridays: 20.30) Each translator specializes in a different field such as legal, financial, medical, and more. Hittite, By making the form and content of cuneiform texts available online, the CDLI is opening pathways to the rich historical tradition of the ancient Middle East. Answer (1 of 5): It is important to understand that "cuneiform" defines a script, not a language. Fragment of a clay tablet with part of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Take a closer look. Source: The predominantly syllabic nature of the script makes it difficult to ascertain the precise phonetic qualities of some of the Hittite sound inventory. W Online Old Persian keyboard to type a text with the cuneiforms In spite of various arguments over the appropriateness of the term,[6] Hittite remains the most current term because of convention and the strength of association with the Biblical Hittites. It was first used in Sumer in the late 4th millennium BC (the 'Uruk IV' period). Our Hittite translation team has many experienced document translators who specialize in translating many different types of documents including birth and death certificates, marriage certificates and divorce decrees, diplomas and transcripts, and any other Hittite document you may need translated. It contains all the special characters conventionally used for the transliteration of Hittite (and Mesopotamian) cuneiform signs. In the modern world, paper (and various electronic devices) is the medium on which writing is made. August 2017; Belleten (Trk Tarih Kurumu) 81(291):305-328; . Mller S. Grke Ch. It was originally used for the Sumerian language, later also used for Semitic Akkadian (Assyrian/Babylonian), Eblaite, Amorite, Elamite, Hattic, Hurrian, Urartian, Hittite, Luwian. The surviving corpus of Hittite texts is preserved in cuneiform on clay tablets dating to the 2nd millennium BC (roughly spanning the 17th to 12th centuries BC). Welcome to the Hittite Grammar site. . Hittite has many loanwords, particularly religious vocabulary from the non-Indo-European Hurrian and Hattic languages. [9] His argument was not generally accepted, partly because the morphological similarities he observed between Hittite and Indo-European can be found outside of Indo-European and also because the interpretation of the letters was justifiably regarded as uncertain. [7], The first substantive claim as to the affiliation of Hittite was made by Jrgen Alexander Knudtzon[8] in 1902, in a book devoted to two letters between the king of Egypt and a Hittite ruler, found at El-Amarna, Egypt. The contrast of the Assyrian voiced/unvoiced series (k/g, p/b, t/d) is not used to express the voiced/unvoiced contrast in Hittite; they are used somewhat interchangeably in some words, while other words are spelled consistently. To receive a $10, $25 or $50 DISCOUNT, follow the instructions on this page, Translation Services USA is the registered trademark of Translation Services USA LLC, sales1-at-translation-services-usa-dot-com. The Hittite Law Code, dating from about the 14th century bc, reflects the Hittite's closed rural economy and feudal aristocracy. But it wasn't an easy road to get to today, where we have over 50 English Bible translations . The project, named "3D Scanning of Cuneiform Tablets in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations and Reading Boazky Tablets with AI," is also supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ankara University, and the Cultural Heritage . 2, 2020, pp. Glosbe is a home for thousands of dictionaries. [11] They included the r/n alternation in some noun stems (the heteroclitics) and vocalic ablaut, which are both seen in the alternation in the word for water between the nominative singular, wadar, and the genitive singular, wedenas. X Looking for Cuneiform fonts? The Hittite lexicon can be considered complete. Hittite language has been one of the oldest members of the Indo-European language family. He presented his argument that the language is Indo-European in a paper published in 1915 (Hrozn 1915), which was soon followed by a grammar of the language (Hrozn 1917). K The language was used from approximately 1600 BC to 1100 BC. Now, the Hittites' texts, which were written in cuneiform, are being made fully accessible online. Y Submit the request for professional translation? Transliterating cuneiform means writing the signs in our alphabet. Knudtzon argued that Hittite was Indo-European, largely because of its morphology. Notably, Hittite did not have a masculine-feminine gender system. Hittite Online Hittite: English Meaning Index. The Hurrians of northern Mesopotamia adopted Akkadian cuneiform about 2000 bc and passed it to the Hittites, who had invaded Asia Minor about that time. In multilingual texts found in Hittite locations, passages written in Hittite are preceded by the adverb nesili (or nasili, nisili), "in the [speech] of Nea (Kane)", an important city during the early stages of the Hittite Old Kingdom. The Chicago Hittite Dictionary Project, Hittite Epigraphic Finds in the Ancient Near East, Glottotheque: Ancient Indo-european Grammar on-line. In Glosbe you will find not only translations from the English-Hittite dictionary, but also audio recordings and high-quality computer readers. You can use the image for sharing which will look the same regardless. Institutions, centers for study and research, Collections of texts and digital libraries, Oriental Institute. In fact, Translation Services USA is the only agency in the market which can fully translate Hittite to literally any language in the world! Tablets made durable and permanent by baking them after writing with some tools. Hittite is one of the Anatolian languages and is known from cuneiform tablets and inscriptions that were erected by the Hittite kings. Official languagein: 67 countries 27 non-sovereign entities Various organisations United Nations European Union Commonwealth of Nations Council of Europe ICC IMF IOC ISO NATO WTO NAFTA OAS OECD OIC OPEC GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development PIF UKUSA Agreement ASEAN ASEAN Economic Community SAARC CARICOM Turkic Council ECO. Glossaries . Hittite cuneiform is the implementation of cuneiform script used in writing the Hittite language. is a free online course for learning Hittite Cuneiform. After a brief initial delay because of disruption during the First World War, Hrozn's decipherment, tentative grammatical analysis and demonstration of the Indo-European affiliation of Hittite were rapidly accepted and more broadly substantiated by contemporary scholars such as Edgar H. Sturtevant, who authored the first scientifically acceptable Hittite grammar with a chrestomathy and a glossary. C Originating in what is now Iraq before 3,200 BC, cuneiform script is, as far as we know, the oldest form of writing in the world. CTH 657 Cultic Trip from attua to Ankuwa, CTH 659 Fragments of an enthronement festival, CTH 663 Offerings with deity names at the beginning of the line, CTH 664 Fragments of divine lists (festivals? We also need to hear what the phrase or sentence sounds like. J of Assyria to a Hittite King, CTH 176 Letter from Puduepa to Ramses II, CTH 177 Letter of Tutaliya IV to Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyria, CTH 178 Letter to Baba-a-iddina of Assyria, CTH 180 Letter from Puduepa to Tattamaru, CTH 181 Letter from a Hittite king to the king of Aiyawa (Tawagalawa Letter), CTH 183 Letter from a king of Aiyawa to a Hittite king, CTH 189 Letter from Puduepa to Niqmaddu III of Ugarit, CTH 191 Letter from Manapa-Tarunta to the Hittite king, CTH 192 Letter from Tutaliya to a Queen, CTH 193 Letter from Bentesina of Amurru to attuili III, CTH 194 Letter from a Muwatalli to the king, CTH 195 Letter from three augurs to the queen, CTH 196 Letter from Lupakki to the king of Karkami, CTH 198 Letter from a Tutaliya to the king, CTH 199 Letter from Taruntia to Palla, CTH 200 Letter from a prefect to the king, CTH 202 Letter from Mauiluwa of Mira-Kuwaliya to Murili II, CTH 204 Letter from the king to Alziyamuwa, CTH 205 Letter from Tagi-arruma to the king, CTH 208 Fragments of letters in Akkadian, CTH 212 Fragments of treaties or instructions, CTH 213 Fragments of divine lists (of witnesses) in treaties and instructions, CTH 215 Undifferentiated fragments of historical texts, CTH 216 Fragments of historical texts in Akkadian, CTH 224 Land donation of attuili III to Ura-Tarunta, CTH 225 Land donation of Tutaliya IV to aurunuwa, CTH 229 Sales contracts (.I Hittite, .II Akkadian), CTH 231 Lists of administrators (LAGRIG, CTH 240 Texts concerning sales, purchases, and exchange, CTH 241 Inventories of chests (.I inventories, .II transportation texts (A KASKAL)), CTH 242 Texts concerning the crafting of metal objects (.I gold and silver, .II copper), CTH 243 Texts concerning textile and leather production (.I wool and hide processing, .II textile manufacture), CTH 244 Inventories of domestic tribute (MADDATTU) (.I metals and durable goods, .II wool and garments), CTH 245 Texts concerning distributions and handouts (.I under supervision (DE), .II to named individuals, .III other), CTH 247 Inventories concerned with condition and maintenance, CTH 248 Inventories connected with the state cult (.I temple inventories with comment on provisioning, .II detailed descriptions of cult images, .III texts concerning votive objects, .IV inventory fragments of cult images and figurines), CTH 249 Inventories and inventory fragments (.I mixed inventories, .II textiles and garments, .III precious metal and stone objects and jewelry, .IV ivory and ebony objects, .V weapons and tools), CTH 250 Miscellaneous inventories and administrative fragments, CTH 251 Instructions for dignitaries (L.MEDUGUD), CTH 252 Instructions of Amunikkal for the caretakers of the mausoleum (.NA), CTH 254 Military instructions of attuili III, CTH 255 Instructions of Tutaliya IV to the princes, lords and courtiers (L.ME SAG), CTH 257 Instructions of Arnuwanda I for the mayor (hazannu), CTH 258 Instructions of a Tutaliya for stabilization of legal administration, CTH 259 Instructions of a Tutaliya for the military, CTH 260 Instructions of Arnuwanda I and Amunikkal for the dignitaries (L.MEDUGUD), CTH 261 Instructions of Arnuwanda I for the frontier post governors (bl madgalti), CTH 262 Instructions for the royal body guard (L.MEMEEDI), CTH 263 Instructions for the gatekeepers, CTH 264 Instructions for the priests and temple officials, CTH 265 Instructions for the palace servants, CTH 266 Instructions for the palace personnel, CTH 267 Instructions for the troops (L.MEUKU.U), CTH 268 Instructions for military commanders, CTH 269 Royal decree on social and economic reforms, CTH 271 Instructions on dynastic succession, CTH 275 Fragments of instructions and protocolls, CTH 279 Catalog type: mn/INIM, ohne DUB, CTH 281 Catalog type: DUB.xKAM in left column, CTH 284 Hippological instructions of Kikkuli, CTH 285 Hippological instructions with ritual introduction, CTH 286 Hippological instructions (Hittite), CTH 287 Fragments of Hippological instructions, CTH 292 Laws, second series: If a grapevine, CTH 297 Uncertain identification as depositions, CTH 310 Hittite fragments of ar tamri King of Battle, CTH 315 Message of L-dingir-ra to his mother, CTH 316 Akkadian-Hittite wisdom literature, CTH 322 Myth of Telepinu and the daughter of the sea, CTH 323 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Sun-god, CTH 325 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Storm-god, CTH 326 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Storm-god of Amunikkal, CTH 327 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Storm-god of arapili, CTH 328 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Storm-god of the scribe Pirwa, CTH 330 Ritual for the Storm-god of Kuliwisna, CTH 331 Myth of the Storm-god in Lizina, CTH 332 Myth of the disappearance and return of the Storm-god: mugawar fragments, CTH 333 Myth of the disappearance and return of Anzili and Zukki, CTH 334 Myth of the disappearance and return of annaanna (DINGIR.MA), CTH 335 Fragments of myths of disappearing and returning deities, CTH 337 Fragments of myths referring to Pirwa, CTH 338 Lord of the Tongue: myth and ritual, CTH 339 Myths of the Sun-god and the Ilaliyant-gods, CTH 341 Gilgame (.I Akkadian .II Hurrian III. Glosbe is a community based project created by people just like you. Hethitologie Portal Mainz, Silvin Koak, Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln, On-Line Datenbank, Massimiliano Marazzi, Natalia Bolatti Guzzo con la collaborazione di Rita Francia e Paola Dardano, Kritische Bibliographie der Lexikographie des hethitischen, Massimiliano Marazzi, con la collaborazione di Natalia Bolatti Guzzo e Andrea Intilia, Hethitische Bibliographie. But what actually was it? He also presented a set of regular sound correspondences. In that respect, Hittite is unlike any other attested Indo-European language and so the discovery of laryngeals in Hittite was a remarkable confirmation of Saussure's hypothesis. R Cracking The Hittite Cuneiform Code. Click to find the best 13 free fonts in the Cuneiform style. Our Hittite translation team has many experienced document translators who specialize in translating many different types of documents including birth and death certificates, marriage certificates and divorce decrees, diplomas and transcripts, and any other Hittite document you may need translated. Their Indo-Hittite hypothesis is that the parent language (Indo-Hittite) lacked the features that are absent in Hittite as well, and that Proto-Indo-European later innovated them. We make every effort to ensure that each expression has definitions or information about the inflection. Here again, you will neither find on this site a catalogue of cuneiform signs nor grammars of Akkadian and Sumerian. Ashurbanipal might have been a fearsome warrior but he was also a gardener! The mi-conjugation is similar to the general verbal conjugation paradigm in Sanskrit and can also be compared to the class of mi-verbs in Ancient Greek. . ), CTH 665 Festival fragments referring to the aua(tal)la- men -, CTH 671 Offering and prayer to the Storm-god of Nerik, CTH 673 Tablet of forgiveness of the deities of Nerik, CTH 674 Fragments of the purulliya- festival of Nerik, CTH 675 Fragments of the festival in the eta- house, CTH 676 Fragments of a purifications ritual in Nerik, CTH 678 Festival fragments concerning the cult of Nerik, E. THE CULT OF THE PROTECTIVE DEITY (DKAL), CTH 682 Festival for the protective deities, CTH 683 Renewal of the hunting bag for the protective deities, CTH 684 Festival for the protective deities of the river, CTH 685 Fragments of festivals for the protective deities, CTH 690 List of festivals for uwaanna, CTH 692 Fragents of the wita(ij)a festival, CTH 694 Fragments of festivals for uwaanna, CTH 698 Cults of Teup and ebat of Aleppo, CTH 699 Festival for Teup and ebat of Lawazantiya, CTH 700 Enthronement ritual for Teup and ebat, CTH 701 Drink offering for the throne of ebat, CTH 702 Ritual after the renewal of a temple of ebat, CTH 703 Rituals of Muwalanni, priest of Kummanni, for Teup of Manuzziya, CTH 704 Lists of Hurrian Gods in festivals, CTH 705 Lists of Hurrian Gods in festivals, CTH 706 Fragments of festivals for Teup and ebat, CTH 711 Autumn festival for Itar of amua, CTH 715 Winter festival for Itar of Nineveh, CTH 718 Ritual for Itar-Pirinkir with recitations in Babylonian (pabilili), CTH 719 Festival for Itar, Hu(r)dumana, Aruna, CTH 720 Fragments of festivals for Itar, CTH 722 Festival for the Great Sea and the tarmana- Sea, CTH 725 Hattian-Hittite ritual for the consecration of a temple, CTH 726 Hattian-Hittite foundation ritual, CTH 727 Hattian-Hittite myth: The moon that fell from heaven, CTH 728 Hattian-Hittite bilingual incantation, CTH 729 Hattian-Hittite bilingual incantation, CTH 730 Hattian incantation of the moon and wind, CTH 733 nvocation of Hattian deities: language of gods, language of men, CTH 734 Fragments of Hattian rituals or incantations, CTH 736 Song of the zintui-women for the Sun-goddess, CTH 737 Festivals of Nerik (with Hattian recitations), CTH 738 Festival for the goddess Teteshapi, CTH 739 Festivals of the city of Tuhumiyara, CTH 741 Hattian songs of the women of Tissaruliya, CTH 744 Festival fragments with Hattian recitations, CTH 751 Festival for the Palaic pantheon bread-, meat- and drink-offerings in Palaic, CTH 752 Festival for the Palaic pantheon ritual for the disappearing and returning deity, CTH 756 mugawar for the Storm-god of Zippalanda, CTH 757 Ritual of Zarpiya from Kizzuwatna against pest, CTH 758 Ritual of Puriyanni against impurity of a house, CTH 760 MUNUSU.GI rituals (.I Ritual of Tunnawiya, .II Ritual of Kuwatalla), CTH 761 The great ritual (alli aniur), CTH 763 Fragments of Hittite rituals with Luwianisms, CTH 764 Magic and myth: the neglected deity, CTH 765 Luwian incantations against illness, CTH 767 Incantation fragments with Luwianisms, CTH 771 Tablet of Lallupiya (with Luwianisms), CTH 775 Historical-mythological Hurrian texts, CTH 777 Washing of the mouth ritual (idgai-, itkalzi-) -, CTH 778 Fragments of the washing of the mouth ritual referring to Tamiarri and Taduepa, CTH 781 Fragments of the ritual of Allaiturai, CTH 782 Ritual of the goddess Iara against perjury, CTH 784 Hurrian ritual for the royal couple, CTH 790 Fragments of Hittite-Hurrian rituals and incantations, CTH 794 Sumerian-Akkadian Hymn and Prayer. Remarks on the Hittite Cuneiform Script, in: ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis. Hittite Training Instructions for Chariot Horses in the Second Half of the 2nd Millennium B.C. 2020.05.06 | By H. Craig Melchert A consideration of the possible modalities by which a Mycenaean-Hittite diplomatic correspondence might have been carried out, beginning with a review of established facts, well-founded hypotheses, and speculations informed by a close look at the well-known text KUB 26.91, the "Ahhiyawa" letter. This language was written in a script known as cuneiform, which was later adapted by other languages that emerged in Mesopotamia and its neighboring regions, including Akkadian, Elamite, and Hittite. For example, Hittite has retained two of the three laryngeals (*h and *h word-initially). The first phase of the project, which was initiated to read, scan and digitize the Hittite cuneiform tablets in the inventory of the Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum, the Istanbul . Phonemically distinct long vowels occur infrequently. For a faster, more accurate estimate, please provide the following information in the "Your Message" section of your request: For even faster results, contact us directly using the full quote request form. In this video, Irving Finkel, curator in the Department of the Middle East, teaches us how to write cuneiform using just a lolly (popsicle) stick and some clay. 20 foil. H Hurrian), CTH 350 Fragments of myths referring to Itar, CTH 351 Fragments of myths referring to Ea, CTH 352 Fragments of myths referring to uranu, CTH 353 Fragments of myths referring to the daughter of the Pleiades (DIMIN.IMIN.BI), CTH 361 Tale of the hunter Kei and his beautiful wife (.I Hittite, .II Hurrian, .III Akkadian), CTH 363 Tale of the Sun-god, the cow and the fisherman, CTH 365 Ritual and myth concerning the Euphrates (Mla) River, CTH 370 Fragments of myths (.I Hittite, .II Hurrian), CTH 371 Prayer to the Sun-goddess of the earth, CTH 372 Hymn and prayer of a mortal to the Sun-god (ama), CTH 373 Prayer of Kantuzzili to the Sun-god, CTH 375 Prayer of Arnuwanda I and Amunikkal to the Sun-goddess of Arinna, CTH 376 Hymns and prayers to the Sun-goddess of Arinna, CTH 377 Hymn and prayer of Murili II to Telipinu, CTH 380 Prayer to Lelwani for the recovery of Gauliyawiya, CTH 381 Prayer of Muwattalli II to the assembly of gods, CTH 382 Prayer of Muwattalli II to the Storm-god of Kummanni, CTH 383 Prayer of attuili III and Puduepa to the Sun-goddess of Arinna, CTH 384 Prayer of Puduepa to the Sun-goddess of Arinna, CTH 385 Fragments of Prayers to the Sun-goddess of Arinna, CTH 386 Fragments of Prayers to the Storm-god of Nerik, CTH 390 Rituals and incantations of Ayatara, Wattiti and uumaniga, CTH 392 Ritual of Anna of Kaplawiya against an unproductive vineyard, CTH 393 Ritual of Anniwiyani for the DKAL-deities, CTH 394 Ritual of Aella of apalla against a plague in the army, CTH 396 Ritual of atiya of Kanzapida against the demonic Wiuriyant, CTH 397 Ritual of ebatarakki of Zuaruwa, CTH 399 Ritual of Yarri of Lallupiya against impurity, CTH 400 Ritual of Iriya for the purification of a town, CTH 403 Rituals of Mallidunna of Durmitta, CTH 406 Ritual of Pakuwatti of Arzawa against effeminacy, CTH 407 Ritual of Pulia against foreign plague, CTH 408 Ritual of Pupuwanni against witchcraft, CTH 410 Ritual of Uamuwa of Arzawa against plague, CTH 411 Ritual of Uruwanda against the results of slander, CTH 413 Foundation ritual for a temple or house, CTH 416 Four old Hittite rituals for the royal couple, CTH 417 Rituals against the enemies of the king, CTH 418 Ritual against a foreign enemy of the royal couple, CTH 419 Substitution ritual for the king, CTH 420 Fragments of substitution rituals, CTH 423 Evocation of gods of an enemy city, CTH 426 Ritual for an army defeated in battle, CTH 429 Ritual of Ambazzi against slander, CTH 433 Ritual for the protective deity of the hunting bag (DKAL KUkura), CTH 434 Ritual for the fate goddesses (DINGIR.MA, Gule), CTH 435 Ritual and invocation of the Sun-god, CTH 437 Ritual referring to the god Agni.