Wanna go for a walk in the park?". You didn't ever think anything would happen between the two of you. He didnt say anything, no words coming from his mouth. You felt your glassy eyes freeze at them. After leaving Japan to complete your studies and training following the ultimate fight with All for One, you finally return at the age of 22 ready to be the hero you knew youd always be. Suddenly, the door slammed open and an angry Bakugou made his way to the stairs, only to halt due to your violent coughing. You heard a small snort like voice from Bakugou but you couldnt be sure. There was an accident. Hawks said, They couldnt make it. Your eyes widened as a deep pain erupted in your chest. You felt your soberness slipping in gradually. Were going! 'Just a few steps away. he thought, 'I could atleast say sorrymaybe she doesnt like him. Bakugou mentioned that he wanted to marry you. You were too drunk to care about what was happening, too hurt to care whether Bakugou cared anymore. Bakugou let out an annoyed tch and scoffed, walking away. That it meant nothing. You inhaled and exhaled deeply as you looked back at Todoroki and Yaoyorozu who were giving you sad looks. Waking up in a hospital bed with no memory of how you got here. Warmth enveloped her hand when his hand held hers, "S-Sure. It was a 4 person band. Of course DynaMight was to feel lonely. I dont want her to cry. he said, as tears fell down from his eyes. Maybe I suggested that because you are no one to get all nosy in someones life. You wanted to know because what was happening didnt seem right. You stared at the scene with soulless, wet eyes. 'THE FUCK! No one other than you,Todoroki and Momo,thepeople who helped you all this time knew about Shinsous girlfriend and moreover,you three had never even seen her. But after the festival, katsuki's dream of becoming the number one hero, quickly faded. Handling this stranger with such care, and not you. On a diplomatic trip far from home, Prince Bakugou must contend with his hatred for you. "That. Katsuki Bakugou was walking down the hallway on his way to the cafeteria, he'd finally gotten shitty hair and sparky to leave him alone for a bit. As if being reintroduced to society wasnt awkward enough, you get lumped into the hero course with the following three fuckheads: A stammering All Might fanboy with a penchant for punishment, an explosively vulgar perfectionist who was as unpleasant as he was talented, and last but not least, the resident misunderstood ice king slash edgelord supreme. Bakugou had just entered with Ochako, wearing the attire he wore to your first date with him while Ochako wore something which was almost similar to the dress you had worn. OhhhhDoes Mr.Failed hero want one too? you asked with faked sweetness. You patted his head and hopped off. You felt your chest crumble away, as your heart hurt like it had just been stabbed. Literature Text "So, guys," you said, "Uh, because of the new project for which they called me at the bio-engineering lab, I haven't been home since like a month. Everyone nodded. It felt so good, being in his embrace, its what you needed, what you craved. WARNINGS: cheating, angst Todoroki Shouto is a Dork. Then youll tell him! Momo shrieked. When you finally arrived inside, he slammed the door shut and looked at you with those fierce eyes. Its time for class. you said, turning around at the bell. Note: ummm woo this is my first post and writing isnt something I do all the time so enjoy? Silently now, you whispered out, unpacking the large cake you and Sato had baked and carrying it upto the stairs. Bakugous wide eyes turned to the papers, he read them and turned to you with wider eyes, a weird sort of fear and sadness all over his face. What have I done wrong? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Any ongoing conversations that have nothing to do with the book will be deleted. C'mon, were playing a game.. N-No. you said, as tears began falling down, Nononononononono., Uh..Hawks.. Mirko said, but Hawks just crouched down to where you were and said, Hey, relax, W-Were he-. . y-you believe medont you? He sounded so pathetic, so unlike his usual confident tone. Shinsou gave you a blushing nervous smile and turned away, to glance at the door, then at his watch. Its her quirk-. He stopped scrolling when he came across a recent interview of Ochako. 'Yesterday? he thought, checking the date of the interview. Katsuki held you close to him as you clung to his shirt, bunching up the fabric in your fist while you sobbed. As punishment for your sins, you, a young vampire, are banishednot just from your home, but to a different world entirely. Sorry for any errors (' ) honestly mei is my favorite name for a baby soyeah, Summary: bakugou and the squad help take care of your abusive ex, but who is also the father of your child. Kissing this woman, no, making out with her, and not you. you shouted, drawing his attention as well as his minions. Dragon King!bakugou katsuki x reader Taglist:@genderfluid-anime-goth@iam-thevillain-of-thisstory@nnubee@reddriot Rating: Mature Tags: violence, blood, dragons, its wartime babes so people might get booboos, romance, sexual tension, medieval politics, northern!reader, knight!midoriya Are you in a mood? Ochako asked. The other woman was long gone, hurrying out of the room before someone could notice. I haven't been doing my hero work for some time either. What could have caused him to do this? Warning: adultery/cheating, mild size kink, male masturbation, fellatio, cursing. thanks, sorry to bother you. I've done nothing, why the people closest to me hurt me so badly? Suicide. Kirishima and Kaminari followed you first with bottles of wine and Mina and Sero next with champagne. The rest of them carried their stuff slowly as they followed you all. He stopped loving her because of the pain she caused him and began loving me., Yeah. Ochako said brightly. Suddenly, his phone began vibrating, it was a call from Ochako. Till now, Ive done the following characters: Characters I will be adding in the next few chapters : Except Mineta. Watch. Why the hell did he always do that when he was about to see you? Spherical light bulbs hung from the high-rise ceiling, illuminating the black and red furniture. Bakugou ran over to you and the only thing he said was, fuck.. AFO chuckles letting go of her to look at those standing behind her. Ma'am, your assistants voice said from behind you, The papers. You let out a Hmmmm~ and grabbed them and signed them. They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. But then suddenly, your lips were covered by his. Warnings: blood mentions, cursing, some fluff, Word count: idk didnt count, kinda just went for it. WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME? YOUR HERO [Katsuki Bakugou x Reader] - Chapter 3 There was a muffled girly shriek making you jolt and turn around to face the girls. Bakugou turned his head down. So you decided you were going to surprise him today and show up at his work to come and bring him lunch , you walked into the building like usual looking for katsuki but you didn't find him, that was until you bumped into ur really good friend todoroki. Hawks turned to where she was standing. You: oh hey todo, Nice to see you again!, I was wondering if you've seen katsuki? Great. he groaned, getting up from the bed and walking towards his closet to see whether he already had something similar. You had always loved him and he too, had always loved you the same. Quirkless. She left for her so called work and didnt return for months. If you're against it THAT BAD then don't read the book. Your eyes opened slowly. Anger coursed through you, having had enough of his prejudice. What the fuck! The three of you get close, closer than friends until you arent friends anymore. Bakugou who cursed to himself before taking your note card, having read over your side of the project and spoke for you, You are trembling and staring into the awaiting faces of the other students, How just as he finished up and hands Aizawa the finished poster, his hand has to urged your stilling body out of the room, Hes sitting outside on the floor waiting while you just stare off and out the window, not having said a word since the beginning of class while he waits for you to come back to reality, The way he flinched when tears suddenly hit the ground and he looks up to see you crying, face bland but eyes red, He honestly doesnt know what to do, waiting with you outside the class room, he just stays quiet until you stop and leave for the restroom. You didnt hug him back, instead pounding his back with your fist and cursing him. 'Bitch? he thought, 'Cheating bitch, her? You were so proud of all of the members for finally getting to where they wanted. In the mean time, you looked after mei, and waited for katsuki to get home, luckily the office would let him out earlier and lessened his patrol time so he could come home and help you. All in all, your relationship with Bakugou was a successful one. Hope you like it! Ah what the hell?! Hopefully by then the hate has stopped. All you knew was that it was too late, you had given him a chance then, but if you didnt matter to him, it was okay, youd let him be happy the way hed like. A-and here I thou- thought I could- get back to heroism a-agian- you felt your knees give out from under you, you fell to the ground, holding little mei close so you didnt hurt her. (y/n)? 48. II dont think Id want to be a hurdle between them. you said, your voice cracking as your eyes got glassier, your saddness visible through your fake smile, Im happy that they both will be happy. You wanted to run into his arms and be held, tell him why you were so upset, let him comfort you, but you knew you couldnt. Sometimes you and Bakugo would facetime for hours talking about lyrics, or stupid shit Denki would do or say. You remembered everything. IVE LOVED HER/HIM SINCE WE WERE KIDS AND IF I HAD HER/HIM I WOULDN'T DARE EVEN BOTHERING CHEATING, YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH I WOULD LOVE JUST TO WAKE UP BESIDE HER/HIM EVERYDAY JUST LIKE YOU DO? Your breath hitched when Bakugou took a sip too, but you were too sad to even think about it. You walked into the bar, where your classmates were gathered. Plus, if you are going to accuse me, Id say I agree with Phantom Theif. Shinsou said, sarcastically. Anime/Manga Fanfiction BNHA MHA Bakugou x Reader Midoriya x Reader Manga Romance Isekai Vampire. SoI have no relationship experience. But, will you be the Alpha a certain blond needs? Y-Yeah! You shook your head in denial and turned away. Im an idiot- I shouldnt have done that- I dont know what I was thinking- I have no excuse- Kirishima pushed his friend away, making Bakugou stumble back in disbelief. Don't leave me! But he looked you in the eyes and his heart shattered. You couldnt help it, you began crying out loud. (N-Name), y-you dont need to! Izuku mumbled, placing his hand on your shoulder. You were going to live on the mountain, you were going to survive and you were going to be the Warden in the North. I used to be busy with work. Ready? you called out, as Izuku held the knob, ready to throw open the door and you were maintaining a good and firm grip on the cake. Now, you find yourself in a foreign place where Quirks and heroes are the norm. Warnings: mentions of achacol, cursing (duh its bakubabe), angst? You always looked for the brighter things in life, which made everyone believe you were a little dunce. 'Who knew, he thought, remembering how he had never kept the attire safely and realizing it may have been you, 'Who knew she had valued it so much. He sighed and rubbed his temples. Youre the fucking one who cheated your best friend and Im the fucking one who cheated the love-..m-my wife. he thought, stammering inhis thoughts. Bakugou watching as you utterly freeze in front of everyone, poster in shaky hands and body stiff. Shes right, we cant control love, its alright if my husband and my best friend fell in love. His hands hovered over your form please-(y/n) I know, I know I fucked up- this wasnt your fault- its mine. Were in too! Mina said, referring to herself, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou and Momo. Uraraka began mumbling somthing to him as he turned his head towards her. I-I mean N-NO W-WERE'E great! you stammered out nervously as tears brimmed your eyes. Your assistant, who was watching the scene smiled and tore the divorce papers, sat into the car and drove off home. You: I'd love to but first I need to make a quick stop at my house to change, Todo: oh no it's okay I can wait out here thank you, 3rd person: y/n walked in setting her/his things down and taking off her/his jacket, it was then she/he noticed katsuki's shirt on the floor, You: oh he is here, maybe he really isn't feeling well, (you said, beginning to walk up stairs), You: hey honey u feeling okay? Shinsous eyes were fixed into Bakugous as he stared at him with a death glare. 9 Favourites. I sat on the bench close to me, I widened my legs and slouched down, my arms placed between my legs as my elbows rested against my knees. Of course I am. he replied with a large shark-toothed smile. Honestly didnt know where this was going buthope you enjoy! Your brain muffled out the noise which was accumulating in your room and you passed out. Requests will be happily accepted! You made your way to the table, not wanting to spoil their evening. You cried because you felt like you just wasted two years of your life with someone who was so quick to drop you. Since that day, he wanted to be apart of a band. How do I get in U.A. (Y/n) Kirishima looked at you, eyes kind this is not your fault-. You were thankful to how he had treated you like a sister all this time and had helped you through, but you were excited since he had promised to introduce you to his girlfriend who Todoroki had asked him to bring along. You began your homework. What was he doing? The calm crisp air circled around you as you quietly walked around, having no intentions to wind up anywhere in particular. You snuggled into him, as the rest of your cries were turned into sobs. Todo: oh I thought you knew? After miraculously entering snob facility U.A., you have more success creating some weird harem rather than any academic achievement. GiveGive me another chance. Bakugou mustered out, as tears streamed down his eyes. While you were watching his concert on the tv at home, something was shown you never wanted to see. Im here. he said, SShhhhh,Im here.. (Name) would never cheat on me., (Name). Shinsou called out to you, making you turn back. I got the perfect dress! she shouted grabbing Bakugous arm and pulling him to sit on the bed. You opened your eyes wide, to see Bakugou lying on top of you, sleeping the way you usually liked to, his arms were wrapped around you tightly, his head resting in you shoulder. Note: alright folks, here ya go, enjoy :) hope this was ok :) part 1, part2, part 3 final (your here), Note: hiiiiiiiiiiiii, Ive been trying to write lately but its been kinda shit. 'Damn., _____________________________________________________________. You smiled at him and walked back to your seat. You hoped there was some explanation, any sort of excuse, that would explain it. Eventually you found the motivation to get up off the couch and headed to bed. You were still sobbing. The kids back when you were younger picked on you a lot because of it. WHY FUCKEN YOU? Hey uh, boss man? Kei said, poking his head through the door. Your last semester at UA was really really difficult, if you were being honest. "Katsuki. you said, your voice now rising, Answer me! Uraraka gripped him tighter, Its simple. she said, He doesnt anymore., Im not asking you Ochako." It was Uraraka who grabbed them, and caught the pen too.