These University notifications are rare and do not include the name of a reporter or victim. Sexual Exploitation: non-consensual or abusive sexual behavior which does not fit within one of the other sexual misconduct definitions. City of Madison Fire Department 314 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53703. . Every person who, for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification or abuse, causes the penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of another person, by any object, instrument or device, against the victims will by use of force or violence or by duress, or by threats of immediate and great bodily harm, accompanied by apparent power of execution, or where the victim is incapable, through any unsoundness of mind, whether temporary or permanent, of giving legal consent, or where the victim is prevented from resistance by any intoxicating, narcotic or anesthetic substance, shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than life. Turn on a radio or TV (if possible) and listen for further instructions. The Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity is collaborating with BroncoFit for awareness programming on consent. Aspen, Cedar, Hawthorne, Juniper, Spruce, and Tamarack Houses (that make up the Lincoln Townhomes) are 100% sprinkled and each apartment has smoke detectors connected to the fire alarm system. Have the University maintain such actions for as long as necessary and for Support Measures to remain private so long as this does not impair the Universitys ability to provide the Support Measures. The Boise State Department of Public Safety offers information and training sessions, upon request, about Rave Guardian, Boise States mobile safety application. Information provided to the media to elicit public assistance in the search for the missing student will be handled by local law enforcement. For more information, please contact ITAC team by phone at (208) 426-3227 or email at 2023 City of Boise. The Trauma Intervention Program is a volunteer based program that provides caring and compassionate aid to family members and witnesses after car crashes, fires and other traumatic events, including a sudden death. This is not an emergency reporting form. The Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity is collaborating with BroncoFit to create a series on healthy relationships with topics including consent, safe sex, and healthy relationship dynamics in late Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. The Boise State Department of Public Safety regularly publishes crime information on its Facebook, Twitter and Department webpage. Be free from pressure to mediate or otherwise informally resolve any reported misconduct involving violence, including sexual violence. Once the situation has been evaluated and communicated to the Department of Public Safety Communications Center, alerts may be made to the campus utilizing the procedures described above. Boise State always advocates for the prompt and accurate reporting of all crimes. Motor vehicle parking lots, pedestrian walkways, and building exteriors are well lit. March 01, 2023 - Wednesday 3 *C* Shift. Shrubbery, trees, and other vegetation on campus are trimmed on a regular basis. For complete policy, see Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (Boise State Policy #12050). If someone talks about planning to target another person at a party, confront them or get help from a friend, parent or other trusted person to intervene. Students living in on-campus housing review fire safety policies during community meetings with their Resident Assistant at the beginning of each semester. For over 20 years, the Criminal Justice Program at Boise State University has hosted workshops on campus to coincide with the observance of National Crime Victims Rights Week. Boise State students are assigned to classes in either the Shields Building or Hepworth Building. We have tax rates among the lowest in the metro Atlanta, an award-winning parks and recreation system, and nationally recognized schools and teachers. Department 2021 Annu al Report. Responds to reports regarding students, faculty, staff, and third parties who exhibit disturbing or disruptive behavior that may pose a threat to themselves or the University community. Violations for Criminal No Contact Orders and Civil Protection Orders may result in criminal charges, while violations of University-Based No Contact Orders may result in disciplinary action by the University. The willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. If notice is given, the Title IX Coordinator seeks to determine if the person impacted wishes to make a Formal Complaint, and will assist them to do so, if desired. If an appeal is not filed by the deadline, the results of the formal grievance process are considered final. The Boise State Office of the Dean of Students hosted a Dry Tailgate on October 16, 2021. Crimes and other emergencies at this location should be reported to the Nampa Police Department by dialing 9-1-1, and to Boise State Coordinator Amelia Keily, phone number (208) 426-3495. This document also includes written notification to students and employees about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services available to victims, both within the University and in the community. There are additional and more specific Housing and Residence Life expectations regarding alcohol use and definitions of violations in our residence halls, suites, townhomes and apartments. One of these programming opportunities is the First Community Meeting, hosted by a Resident Assistant fall and spring semesters, where residents learn about campus policies and procedures, resources, and expectations. In Idaho, there are two different types of Civil Protection Orders as well as tribal-specific Protection Orders that can be applied for at a local courthouse. Scenario training allows firefighters to train for specific types of events that they may respond to out in the field. 926B (whether in uniform or off-duty/plain clothes with proper identification). The 301 S. Capitol facility is open to the public Monday through Friday between 8am and 4pm. The Boise Fire Department's Operations Division is staffed by approximately 250 firefighters living in 18 fire stations. Stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the persons safety, or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. In conjunction with at least one emergency exercise each year, the University will notify the community of the exercise and remind the community of the information included in the Universitys publicly available information regarding emergency response procedures found at Emergency Procedures. Copies of the report may also be obtained at the Department of Public Safety substation located at 2245 University Drive or by email at Department of Public Safety personnel also participate in the Extended Joint Terrorism Task Force and routinely work with the Idaho Criminal Intelligence Center. These officers also receive continual training throughout the year. Because the University seeks to encourage individuals to report potential violations of this policy and fully participate in the investigation of potential violations of Policy 1065, individuals will not, on the basis of evidence they provide in the course of an investigation, be charged with drug or alcohol violations under applicable University policies for offenses that occurred contemporaneously with the incident(s) under investigation. Students can elect to join the NIC emergency notification system, known as Cardinal Contact, to receive alerts through email, text message, and voicemail by signing up for alerts and can view emergency notifications on their website: Cardinal Contact Login Portal. Once an investigation is complete, the investigation outcome and any resolution by the University are maintained with Complainant and Respondent privacy in mind. The Boise State University office is located in Building #521, 3655 W Harvard Street, Boise, Idaho 83705. The goal of the tailgate is to provide students an opportunity to socialize, make connections, and build community in a sober setting. These BPD officers are stationed at the Department of Public Safety substation on campus and work in concert with Boise State Senior Security Officers. )In the last year, the GEC has partnered with the following departments or groups to offer workshops/training to their members: BroncoFit LLC, University Foundations, Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity, Department of Public Safety, Athletics, and the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. The Boise State University 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is provided to students, faculty, staff, and the public as part of Boise State Universitys commitment to safety and security on campus, and in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. To this end, the University: (1) has developed policies and procedures regarding a drug-free workplace; (2) promotes education and training programs, both internally and externally, regarding alcohol and other drug use/abuse, including training of incoming students with information on alcohol and drug use/abuse; (3) has implemented an employee assistance program; (4) provides wellness programs and activities for employees and students; and (5) participates in numerous community support and resource based programs. They should also be reported to the Boise State Coordinator Jordan Morales, who can be reached by phone at (208) 426-5759. The family track includes presenters from the following offices: Dean of Students, Gender Equity, Campus Safety, University Health Services (which includes Counseling services). All members of the Boise State community, regardless of the campus they attend, will receive a Timely Warning when one is issued. 2021 BDC Annual Report. The Office of Wildland Fire makes sure that nearly one billion dollars is strategically invested to reduce wildfire risk, rehabilitate burned landscapes, promote a better understanding of wildfire, and support firefighters by providing the tools and training they need to work safely and effectively. These reports are available daily most of the year, and weekly during the winter months. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a persons property. (3)Where the victim is incapable, through any unsoundness of mind, whether temporary or permanent, of giving consent. That means we take all 911 and non-emergency calls (and text messages) for the four law enforcement agencies, six fire . The annual budget is "just shy of $30 million . The Office of Communications and Marketing may send the Warning via official means to the general public and the media. Choosing an Advisor who is also a witness or other party involved in the investigation or adjudication process creates the potential for bias and conflicts of interests. Results of Informal Resolution or Alternate Resolution are not appealable. The University Emergency Policy Group members consist of the following: Boise State Policy 9220, Emergency Action and Building Evacuations Procedures, establishes Boise States responsibilities and procedures for handling emergencies at the lowest level, which is in each of the 150+ buildings on campus. All decisions apply the preponderance of the evidence standard. The University will designate a single Decision-maker to chair the hearing. To request an in-person training, contact Val Uranga at (208) 426-3227 or by email at 2012 Annual Report. Logistics technicians respond to all working fires and preplanned incidents to provide additional equipment and support. If you have questions, please contact Ben Wells in Emergency Management by phone at (208) 426-3638 or by email at NIC Campus Security and facilities personnel survey the grounds of the campus to ensure that shrubbery, trees and other vegetation have been properly trimmed to meet safety standards, within the guidelines of C.P.T.E.D. Unless imminent life-threatening conditions exist, relocation of these individuals shall be limited to the designated Areas for Evacuation Assistance. 3) Investigating fully and going through the Formal Grievance Process including an investigation and a hearing. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. The target audience was all students and was a one time event. Some requests went unanswered and some of the responses received were not in a usable format and are not included in these statistics. Fireworks of any type are prohibited and may not be kept anywhere in a residential facility. Residents who live in the immediate vicinity of the main campus are also invited to register for BroncoAlert, regardless of if they are affiliated with Boise State, so they can also receive information about crimes and other emergencies requiring an alert. The Department of Public Safety utilizes an emergency notification system known as BroncoAlert that sends alerts through email, phone calls, and text messaging, Twitter, Facebook and/or RSS feeds to ensure multiple methods of electronic and cellular communication in the event of an emergency. In 2014, the definition of rape in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Summary Reporting System was also revised to reflect the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) updated definition, which encompasses the categories of rape, sodomy, and sexual assault with an object that are used in the UCR National Incident-Based Reporting System. functions around reports of concern. Therefore, retaliation against those who submit C.A.R.E. Back Back BFD Annual Calendar. If an incident occurs and the building you are in is not damaged, stay inside the building in an interior room until you are told it is safe to come out.