We will give it to you: The answer is Individual Applicants. Reactivated? Firearm Serial Number. For Example: If you got your trust from the Trust Shop. They dont give the greatest instructions though. The term includes a commitment to a mental institution involuntarily. Not only is this nonsensical, but believe it or not, these 3 boxes cause nearly as many application rejections as the others. If you select the"Other Country/Countries" box, you areexpected to specify what your country/countries of citizenship is/are. You only need the first 2 pages, the rest is instructions and the CLEO part which wont be needed at this time. 3f. 9b. If you were born outside of the United States of America, you can leave this box blank. The only things that are different about this copy of the application are Box 13 (SSN) & Box 20 (payment info), which are both obscured. var x = document.getElementById("myTopnav2"); Absolutely nothing! Click finish to save the line item info. Any responsible person can add another responsible person to the license. If you want to know more about Destructive Devices you can check out the list of sources at the end of this article. Many people are so completely flustered & worn out by the time that they get to these boxes (from trying to figure out what went in Boxes 3 & 4), that they see the signature box, scrawl their name and move on; thinking "Wow, that was easy!" Even if the business has a different address, you must enter the address where you are going to keep the firearm. Seriously What does info about Photocopying have to do with the Description of Firearm? If you are building a Silencer, you will enter N/A in Box 4e. A passport-quality photograph of yourself will need to be provided with the form, as well. you would complete Boxes 7-9 like this example. It may take a bit to load while your trust pdf is uploaded. But we thought it sounded cool, which is pretty much the entire reason we wrote that last paragraph). Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. View Original ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire Walk-Through Guide Here, ATF Form 23 - Page 1 - Trust, Corporation or Other Legal Entity Applicant, ATF Form 23 - Page 2 - Trust, Corporation or Other Legal Entity Applicant. . I cant tell you what to answer on the second page, just that it must be truthful. But another acceptable answer is "Investment and all other lawful purposes.". (Whether that vagueness is intentional or unintentional, who knows?) State of Birth. The only time you would enter anything here is if you have a Federal Firearms License. So lets try to make things bit less confusing, by working our way through Box 4 one section at a time. Order fingerprint cards for free from here: ATF fingerprint card order form. Contains information on where you send the CLEO notification. Then 30 days later, they receive a letter from the ATF that says: "Your Form 1 Application has been rejected (or delayed) for the following reason(s):", The Name of Authorized Official does not match the name in Box 3b (or Form 23, depending on your applicant type). Box 4 causes more confusion that any other part of the Form 1 Application. ", Regardless of the unconstitutionality (and complete absurdity) of the question, you are required to provide an acceptable answer. 4i.Reason for making Apparently the 2nd Amendment actually says: "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed(but only if you have an acceptable reason). You can find our walk-through guides for these forms below. Fill out the following: If you need the last 4 of your zip use this, USPS Zip Code Lookup, just type in your address and it tells you your zip code. And, as part of their never ending quest to make the Form 1 Application as confusing as possible, they failed to update some of the directions. Type of Firearm. Its a good idea to set your email preferences so that messages including ".gov" never get sent to your spam folder. )[14] and Overall Length (4f. This box is not required to be filled out. Your telephone number goes here. asks you to Check/List more than one, if applicable. Last week, John and his buddy Jim Bob were 1/2 way through their 2nd case of beer, when Jim Bob offered to sell John his SBR. Businesses change all the time. Silencers dont have a Barrel Length, so John will enter N/A in Box 4e. But if they do, you never know, you might learn something interesting about yourself. You may see a warning page when you try to login. Form 7/ 7 CR - Application for Federal Firearms License (ATF Form 5310.12/5310.16) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Social Security Number(See instructions 3C). 3a. 4c. If John is building his SBR by modifying an existing firearm, he will enter the original manufacturers information (Colts Manufacturing LLC) in Box 4a, but he will still need to enter the El Paso address in Box 3b. Highlighted in orange below are the only sections of the fingerprint card that need to be filled, out along with the prints section. 4h. The ATF Copy 2 To Be Returned To Registrant is the copy of the Form 1 that will be returned to you with your Tax Stamp affixed in the upper right hand corner of Page 1. The codes that must be used for sex, race, eye, and hair color are listed below. If you dont already have an account, youll need to register with the ATF eForms, to use the eFile process. This is where you upload your notarized trust documents with the add item to trust page that you already have saved to your computer as a pdf. If you have a trust, you can add people to the trust, friends, family, whoever, and they will be able to use it without you needing to be there. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. For example, John could enter: El Paso Police Department*El Paso County Sheriffs OfficeEl Paso County District Attorneys OfficeTexas Department of Public SafetyUnited States Attorneys Office for the Western District of Texas, * John can only use the El Paso Police Department as the CLEO if his ranch is located within the city limits of El Paso, Boxes 11-17This is where individual applicants enter their background information. The ATF copy of the form, with fingerprints on Form FD-258 and photograph, will be submitted with the ATF Form 1, 4, or 5 (to the address shown on the specific form) and the other copy will be directed to the responsible person's chief law enforcement officer. The best way to protect yourself and your business is to be as educated as possible. He is an avid outdoorsman and frequently spends his weekends hunting at his ranch in El Paso, Texas. Download ATF Form 5320.23. 2. All responsible persons are required to submit background information to the ATF and have their fingerprints processed. We dont know about you, but wed rather pay one software engineer for a week (to fix the forms), than pay the salary of 10 extra ATF employees (to deny, delay, reprocess, and approve resubmitted applications). If you dont have a middle name, enter NMN, which stands for No Middle Name. Except there isnt a definition for Types of NFA Firearms. They added some fields, revised some fields, and moved some other fields to new locations. 4c. You will have to be present anytime and everywhere that suppressor is used. 15% OFF Gun Trusts with DISCOUNT CODE "GUNTRUST" - Our Gun Trusts Are On Sale! If you wish to change the people listed as responsible persons on your FFL, you need to notify the ATF. How To eFile Form 1 Suppressor or Solvent Trap, eFile Form 1 Fingerprint Card Instructions, Why is My Glock Not Accurate: Common Reasons and How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Shoot Low and to the Left? The first 2 pages to to the ATF and the second copy without the picture and serial number are sent to the local CLEO. You will need to upload a photo of yourself less than 3mb during the eFile process. AR, USCIS, or I-9A Number. Video Walk-Through Guides Below: . Box 2 Select Trust if you have a gun trust, revocable trust, living trust, or any other type of trust. Box ?? FYI: The Trust Shop thinks your DOB is a special day and every bit worthy of having its own box #. Heres a video overview of the entire process with all the steps and links youll need below: Youll need to order at least two sets of fingerprint cards and fill them out. Commonlyreferred to ATFForm 23. 9c. The CLEO Copy is sent to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (we will go into more detail on this near the end of the article). John subscribes to the theory: "if one extra upper is good, five extra uppers is better." Box 16 If you are an alien, please share your knowledge of interplanetary worm-hole travel with the Trust Shop or enter your AR#, USCIS#, or I94#, whatever that means? Item 3- Responsible Person information. Thanks. Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number (SSN) and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). If the computer matches your name with the name of a prohibited person, you get denied or delayed. ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT FOR an ATF FORM 5 and an ATF FORM 20 MUST BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: Mailing Address NFA Branch P.O. It is very unlikely the ATF is going to take a day trip to Staten Island to dig through the immigration archives. The truth of the matter is that we are, (FYI: We are about 99% sure that theoryish isnt actually a word. Filled out ATF Form 5320.23. So why do the directions in Box 1 tell you to complete Box 17? Country of Birth. National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire - Fillable .PDF ATF Form 5320.23 Filling out the ATF Form 5320.23 with the Fillable .PDF version is the easiest way to create an accurate ATF Form 5320.23. Note: Multi-cal is not an acceptable caliber. 4d. I am applying via form 1 to turn my Century Arms AP5 into an SBR. You can enter your DOB in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or write the whole thing out. For a complete explanation of Responsible Persons, you can click on this link to our article titled: Who is a Responsible Person. 3c. Certification. 15b. This form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF 5320.1Application to Make and Register a FirearmForm,ATF 5320.4Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form, or the ATF 5320.5Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Formand is only to be used when registering a NFA firearm with a NFA Gun Trust or as a legal entity/corporation. For example, a corporate vice president whose duties include acquiring and approving contracts with explosives distributors would be considered a responsible . [24] But even then, you would most likely use a Form 2, rather than the Form 1. Additionally, you get access to all of our other ATF Forms, as well as all gun trust forms. The ATF Procedure for measuring the Barrel Length is to measure from the closed bolt (or breech-face) to the end of the barrel or permanently attached muzzle device. Social Security Number(See instructions 3C). You only enter a Trade Name if you are submitting your Form 1 as a Corporation (or Other Entity) and you conduct business under a DBA (instead of your official company name). Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. This is the type of firearm you are applying for: Short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, silencer, machine gun, AOW, destructive device. Fortunately that requirement was removed, so you are free to print your applications one-sided. Everything else is pretty self explanatory, your address or address of your trust. You only need to fill out the first two pages, sign it, and scan it back into your computer. The PDF will create two copies and should be printed double sided. That means John should enter the address for the ranch in El Paso (he will also need to enter the El Paso address in Box 3b.). 1st, send a letter to the ATF informing them that the letter "g" was, in fact, available. Model If you are modifying an existing firearm, you should enter the Model name that is engraved on the frame or lower receiver. These questions will be addressed on the ATF Form 1 5320.1, ATF Form 4 5320.4, or the ATF Form 5 5320.5 that you are filling out. In some respects, federal firearms licenses are fluid documents that can be changed depending on the growth of your business. You can find templates and write up your own trust. The state field should be automatically generated from the zip code. Please complete item 17.". Depending on which type of applicant you are, the way you enter your contact information can vary. The only time you would ever check Yes is if you are. Tax Paid., Next comes the section where you choose between an individual and the representative of a company or gun trust. This is your ethnicity. If you are applying as a Corporation or Other Legal Entity, you will complete Boxes 18 & 19 the same as a trust. 3b. As an individual filling out the form, you will need to attach an additional sheet of paper that provides any further details requested from Form 1. If you read the warning and accept, press Accept & Log In to continue. First, check the ATF Form 1 box at the top, fill out applicant name using the name and address of your trust. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated. You have all the stuff ready to go in a folder on the computer; the trust pdf, the responsible person pdf, the photo, you registered for eForms, and your 2 fingerprint cards are filled out and ready to go. Provide the information for the responsible person in items 3a through 3e. I worked as a 45B Small Arms Repairer in the Army and since then I've been enjoying the hobby. Federal explosives laws define a "responsible person" as an individual who has the power to direct the management and policies of the applicant pertaining to explosive materials. Companies are bought and sold. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Scroll down and click the Register button. 3e. Any other use, including any commercial purpose, is strictly prohibited without express prior written consent from the Trust Shop. You will now have an item under the Submitted/In Process section of your eForms dashboard. Its one page with the address to mail your fingerprints along with some info about you and your item. Pay close attention, as this is where many people screw up. For example, I ordered a few personal firearms records and the NFA Branch brochure while says that their goal is to process applications inside 90 days! Box 13 You are not required to enter your Social Security Number. That means he needs to enter the CLEO info for an agency with jurisdiction over his ranch. But in Box 20 he will sign his name as: "John Smith" (without adding the "as Trustee" part). In this article we discuss the process of filling out the Form 5320.23. Never enter "Multi" or "Multi-cal" If you enter anything other than one specific caliber, your application is 100% Guaranteed to be Rejected. If you used the fillable form from above your information that you filled out will propagate through the form. And, if you want to take your own prints,[35] we have all of the supplies you need. But, there is a Definition for Firearm, so that must be it: OMG! 9c. This site will have something for everybody! Thats because most of the info on the web is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. u/NationalGunTrusts I have a question on Question 11, should I check yes and list my social security number on the form or am I misunderstanding that? [18] If you are building a firearm from scratch, you need to create a Serial Number for your new firearm. You just need to write to the appropriate Federal Firearms Licensing Center (use this map to determine which is right for you). 3e. Filling out the ATF Form 5320.23 with the Fillable .PDF version is the easiest way to create an accurate ATF Form 5320.23. Regardless, if you are a citizen of the Red, White, & Blue, check the box next to "United States of America." Responsible Person's Questions. Note: Do not purchase a fuel filter kit before you receive your Approved Form 1 Application unless, of course, you have fuel that needs to be filtered , Boxes 5 & 6 Leave Boxes 5 & 6 empty. Note 3E is only for the ATF version and not the copy for the CLEO notification. Complete Guide. However, according to the ATF, your application may be delayed if you dont provide your SSN.[30]. Thats why I like to have the fingerprint cards filled out and ready ahead of time. You can download the original Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ATF Form 5320.23 and our example filled out form below. If you are filing as an entity, everyone who is considered a Responsible Person in your trust or LLC needs to fill out an ATF 5320.23 Responsible Person Questionnaire. A properly prepared fingerprint card (form FD-258) must be submitted for ALL . We accept Bitcoin. That way, I can mail this out same day or next day. If you live in one of these areas, you should enter the name of your city in Box 3d. [6], 3c. If the ATF calls you (this rarely occurs, as they typically send everything via snail mail or email), it will be during business hours. Options are: "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", or "White". Individuals: Enter your full legal Name and home address. These answers will very and similar to the ATF Form 4473 questions. When you apply for an ATF eForm 1 tax stamp application and using an .EFT File, you will still receive a cover letter. Note: Multi-cal is not an acceptable caliber. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. After clicking next, you will be brought to the last page of this line item where you can attach other files for this line item. If you dont have a Trust Shop Gun Trust, you still have 3 good options: 1. I like to save the application number from the successful submission pop-up just in case theres a problem. So when we say something that you dont believe, you can check whether or not we are completely full of crap by going straight to the source. As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store. You will then get a cover letter and CLEO doc in your email. Box 12 is where you will attach your photograph. 4d. This error occurs when you apply thesame date that your .EFTFile wascreated. Click Register and you will then be brought to a thank you for registering page. Therefore, we hereby declare the DOB box shall henceforth be referred to as Box 13b. } else { National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire -Fillable .PDF ATF Form 5320.23. And, for the most part it is. 3i. Use the User ID and Password you created in the registering step above. There are a couple of different ways you can make sure your application is approved: If you have a Gun Trust from the Trust Shop, you have nothing to worry about. Ive seen people go ahead and get their tube engraved with the serial number while they wait, but Im not sure how allowed that is. Do Not staple your picture to the application.